The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 672: Kick that grandson below! (Mon./Thu.)

When Su Rui saw Yang An at the airport, she felt very surprised. There were seven or eight people around Yang An, both men and women. They were all about forty years old. They basically dragged small suitcases and carried documents. Several Everyone wears glasses, and is gentle and gentle. He looks like a negotiating group, but he is here to fight for a long time. He thought Yang An was alone to do some private affairs.

Yang An ordered a few words to the people around him, came alone, and held Su Rui's hand and laughed: "Trouble General Su again, why are you so polite? I'll just take a taxi and go to you!"

Su Rui politely pulled Yang An out and asked casually, "Brother, what are you planning to do?"

Yang An didn't explain much, saying vaguely: "A business negotiation."

Surui drove a Lamborghini. The two left the airport first. Yang An's negotiating team was hosted by him. He didn't need to worry about it, and even took his luggage with him.

Rich people's hobbies are nothing more than luxury cars, beauties, fine wine, money and wealth, drunk and dreamy.

Su Rui has all these things, but he is still a man who is willing to engage in industry. His father is building a country and he has not participated at all. All his investments are in industry. This is also an important reason to win Yang An's favor. If Su Rui is still a wealthy second-generation real estate agent, Yang Anli will ignore him, whether he lives or not, has nothing to do with dime.

Su Ruidao: "The rating red line of China Beijing Satellite TV is 1. The average rating of the first broadcast of my program yesterday was 1.45, but the viewing pattern looks almost an irreversible avalanche. If this continues, maybe it will fall below 1 within a month, a quarter "If you don't get half of your shows, you might be cut off."

Yang An laughed: "It ’s common for the ratings to fluctuate. Maybe the situation is not as bad as you think. And you are also an introduction program of independent production. China Beijing Satellite TV will not cut it off so easily, at least you can insist. Next season, right? "

Su Rui sighed: "If it is lower than 1, do I still have a face to stay on? I said before that if the director can't do it, he can change to a better director. If the actor can't, he can change to a more well-known actor. A good program with a good reputation came out. I'm not bad at money, but I can't afford to lose this person. Do you understand my difficulty? "

"Understand, I can understand!"

Yang An chuckled in his heart. It seemed that Su Gongzi was riding a tiger. The e-sports and entertainment industry was his strong point. So many people stared at him. In order to ensure his own invincible victory myth, he had to cast more. A lot of money goes for excellence, and he spends huge sums of money to advertise and advertise, but his big action makes other people ’s expectations higher. This is the real "the greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment!"

But who can blame this?

Su Rui's starting point is good, but his strength is not good enough to start, but with a passion, it is equivalent to the younger brother who was first involved in the entertainment industry. The battle-hard mom Sang was stimulated by others' three strokes and two shots, and the gun was shot in less than ten seconds. Wouldn't it be a joke!

"The entertainment industry is very deep! My brother, I can feel it. I really haven't recruited it. I can only ask you for help. My brother must help!"

Su Rui glanced over Yang An, and found that Yang An was expressionless, his arms on his face seemed to be thinking, he gritted his teeth and said, "As long as you can help me save the show, it doesn't look so bad, I promise whatever you ask. "

Yang An lowered her arm and smiled: "It's not that serious. I haven't seen your studio. I have seen both the director and the actor. With them there, the ratings are guaranteed, and I won't fall where. Would you please send me to Zhongjing Film Academy first? I'll go to see my sister and have dinner together at night. "

Su Ruiqi said: "Do you still have a younger sister at the film school? Well, she will be my sister in the future, in Zhongjing, I cover her!"

It didn't take long for the car to go to the Zhongjing Film Academy.

It is circulating on the Internet. When the school is finished in the afternoon, there will be a lot of luxury cars parked at the gates of these art schools, and then one by one beautiful female students will get into the place and let the unknown heartbreak, and tears will flow to the belly .

Actually, the students are not stupid. It ’s not good to be seen by people who are so bright and fair. Very few girls get on the bus directly at the school gate, they usually change to another place, or simply drive away by themselves, like this time point, Yang An didn't see the crowds of luxury cars waiting at the door, but there were more good cars driving in and out, the Beatles, Audi TT, Volkswagen cc, BMW 1 Series, all saw a few, and several They are all beautiful young female drivers.

Lamborghini was slowly driving in the school's tree-lined road, attracting the envious eyes of many students who did not know, many people were muttering and cursing, driving such a swaggering car to school, the purpose is self-evident, must be to pick up girls.

"I've arrived at school. Where are you? Oh, International Hall, wait a few minutes for me and I'll be right there."

Yang An hung up the phone, and Su Rui had taken the initiative to open the window and asked all the way.

Driving an 8 million Lamborghini is his best business card. Surui asked the girls to ask. The girls are very enthusiastic, and there are even girls who want to take the initiative to sit in and give directions, but there is no place. Looking at each other expecting In the eyes, Su Rui had to reluctantly and reluctantly, "Classmate, I'm really here to find someone ... Next time, let's meet again next time, okay?"

Yang An lowered her hat and was amused by Su Rui.

The International Hall is a small teaching complex. It is usually a multi-purpose venue for entertaining foreign friends and performing small stage shows. It is also located at the main road of traffic, which is very conspicuous.

At this time Wang Xiaoyi and their three girls were standing by the road, looking around, they didn't know where Yang An came from, what car they drove, and they looked forward to it.


A bumblebee Comaro traveled in the opposite direction, stopped crunching in front of the three girls, almost hit them, scared several girls to step back and avoid, and thought it was a prank that Yang An had caused.

But the window fell down, and the initial excitement of the three disappeared instantly, because the driver was the senior director Zhu Wei of the director's department, the well-known **** in the school, the family had a little power in the entertainment circle, and the uncle was the school leader. Not a girl child, I heard that several girls inside and outside the school had an abortion for him, and changing a girlfriend as fast as taking off his pants was personal scum.

Zhu Wei put his arm on the window of the car and said with a laugh: "Wang Xiaoyi, I heard that you have written a script and intend to use it for the performance semester exam of this semester? I happen to be a director. Would you like my brother to help you check the quality? , Check? "

"No need!"

Wang Xiaoyi was not angry, so he didn't bother to care about him any more, and stood side by side, all the other girls were disgusted and didn't want to ignore the stubble.

Zhu Wei laughed, pushed the door and walked down: "Qiao Ye told me this. I feel obliged to help you. The seniors help the younger girls. Is it right?"

The co-pilot's door was also opened, and another tall and thin boy came out. It was the Qiao Yu mentioned by the senior Zhu Zhu. He was one of the girls' classmates and one of Wang Xiaoyi's suitors.

Qiao Yan also came over and said with concern: "Xiao Yi, aren't you looking for someone to modify the script? Zhu Wei is best at doing this. He is very experienced and can definitely help you!"

Zhu Wei said with a smile: "Let's go, get in my car, let's have a meal together, and then discuss the details of the script, everyone will come up!"

Wang Xiaoyi, where do they not understand what this routine is?

She said coldly, "You don't bother bothering!"

Zhu Wei beating Haha, trying to reach out to grab Wang Xiaoyi's hand, but she hid, knocked him out, and gave him a disgusted glance: "Senior, please take care of yourself!"

"Hey, what is your self-esteem? Which onion do you think of yourself? Good intentions are donkey liver and lungs, who is this!" Zhu Wei was a little impatient.

"Xiao Yi, Dean Zhu Wei really wants to help you, how can you do that?"

Qiao Yan also lost his face and walked in two steps, forcing Wang Xiaoyi to take a few steps back.

The two girls around them were scared at first, but now they return to their hearts, and they all stand in front of Wang Xiaoyi, accusing the two big men of making trouble and showing no manners.

There are people coming and going at the entrance of the International Hall. In addition to the students, there are school staff off work at this time. Several people are pulling here, making a loud noise, and a Carmero is parked in the opposite direction at the intersection ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ attracted many people's eyes.


A girl covered her forehead and waited angrily for Zhu Wei. She was slapped onto the forehead and almost hit her face.

"You hit someone!"

"Chaucer, what are you?"

"A big man, you hit a woman?"

"If you two don't get off, I'll call someone!"

A few girls were angry, and their voices became more and more sharp. They attracted a lot of people to look around and found out that it was Zhu Wei. Everyone guessed what might happen, but they were also bullying!

Zhu Wei hummed: "I just let her stand aside, she bumped herself, what matter to me!"

Wang Xiaoyi exclaimed angrily: "I warn you, get out of the way! Don't pee and look in the mirror to see what you are! Joey you get away and let go of your stinky hand!"


Qiao Cheng's hand to catch Wang Xiaoyi was also knocked off by her. He never thought that a girl who seemed to be quiet usually turned out to be like a female leopard. He clearly investigated that Wang Xiaoyi was from an ordinary family and his parents were not in the entertainment industry. Man, a three-year college student, has never heard of her deep background. He thought it would be easy to win her. How could it be?


A Lamborghini who didn't know when it was parked beside him honked his flute, just facing the crowd, lighting the headlights, and almost blinded Zhu Wei's eyes, forcing him to cover his eyes with his hands.

At this time, Wang Xiaoyi's cell phone rang, and she glanced at it. It was Yang An who called. She seemed to see the savior and quickly connected. She said in a crying voice, "Hey, you are ..."

"Do n’t talk, I saw everything, you kick the grandson now! Give it to one person! You should kick your friends at ~ ~, you can search for" Blue Book ", You can find this site as soon as possible.

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