The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 673: I finally know I'm scared (Tue / Four)

Two minutes ago, Su Rui saw the Hornet suddenly braked and stopped retrograde at the entrance of the International Hall after a long distance. He smiled: "It's good to be young. I want to be ten years younger, and I can throw beautifully. Tail. "

With sharp eyes, Yang An saw two men getting out of the car. It seemed that he was entangled with Wang Xiaoyi, and moved his feet manually. He frowned, "What?"

There were many students walking along the road. Lamborghini slowly approached the Hornet, and Su Rui became interested: "Oh, this is a hard girl? What's wrong with you?"

Yang An took out the phone and operated, and said coldly, "I'm not in a position to show up now. How can President Su help me solve this problem? Just the beating girl, her name is Wang Xiaoyi, my sister!"

Su Ruihuo: "Grass! These two silly beeps are soaking my sister! You wait, I have never been a bully, and today is no exception ..."

Su Rui stopped, honked, and turned on the headlights, deliberately shining on the opposite side.

At this time, Yang An answered the phone: "Don't talk, I saw it all, you kick the grandson now! Give it to one person! You should kick!

Hearing Yang An's voice, Wang Xiaoyi was brave, and gritted her teeth, raised her leg and kicked it between Qiao's legs, her calf was in the middle!


Qiao Yan was attacked, covering her crotch with a pain and screaming, and Zhu Wei turned around and was hit by the other foot. He also screamed and stooped to the ground!


Su Rui got out of the car and closed the door, striding towards several people, nodding towards the kicking girl, beckoning: "Xiaoyi, come here, let me clean up these two assholes!"

Although Wang Xiaoyi didn't know him, but guessed that it should be Yang An, the women were hiding behind Suri, and quietly whispered a small report in his ear: "They have to pull us into the car!"

"This person is very bad. I lied to a lot of girls.

"They must be trying to lie to Xiaoyi ..."

Su Ruihuo is that there are too many such mixed balls, making it difficult for them to find pure girls when they go out for fun. Nima, an unethical competitor, must be killed.

Zhu Wei stood upright, raised his head, inhaled and inhaled painfully, cursing openly: "Smelly character, dare to kick Laozi ..."


A big foot came over, right in the middle of Zhu Wei's thigh, kicked him directly to the ground, rolled twice, and screamed in pain.

There is another Chaucer, how dare he scold someone to fight back? He saw with his own eyes that Su Rui stepped down from Lamborghini, or was he especially in the name of Wang Xiaoyi, even Zhu Wei dare to slap, what kind of onion is he? Seeing that Su Rui was about to kick him, he was scared and staggered and hurried back, taking the initiative to hide, he didn't want to take another shot.

"Look at Grandpa's car! Jing p88888, go back and find out who's car, and then come to find grandpa to get revenge, grandpa wait! Did you dare to fight even my sister's idea, is he tired and crooked! Oh ... Pooh!"

Su Rui spit, and in the middle of Zhu Wei's head, he couldn't look at this kind of goods, and opened a Comaro to make a girl? Did he scourge many girls? Doesn't this look like he's so shameless?

Zhu Wei isn't stupid, he figured it out after being beaten. Beijing p88888 is a car that no one else can have. I heard that it is a few people in Zhongjing. He is a student who has not fully set foot in society and cannot afford to offend Rich people in the society, his uncle can't control it, and his dad can't do anything about it. No coal boss, big real estate developer, can be caused by their family.

Many people around the world have seen this scene, secretly screaming good, really feel relieved!

Students who know this car know that this is Zhu Wei, relying on his uncle as the school leader, his own son is a well-known director, under the guise of introducing his girlfriend to the film crew, I do n’t know how many women have played, playing in society The third-tier and fourth-tier little stars are just fine. The key is that he especially likes the girls who harm the school. There are a few abortions for him. No one cares!

This kind of people are arrogant and arrogant, and should have been cleaned up long ago.

Today there is really a fierce fierce man. This car plus the license plate goes up at least 10 million. It is estimated that this time Zhu Wei was beaten in vain. The fight was good, the fight was relieved, and the crowds were full of heart. Watch the play happily and secretly record it with your mobile phone!

Wang Xiaoyi's phone rang again, and she heard Yang An command: "A few of you leave the school at this time, take a taxi, find a quiet place to eat, send me the address, and I'll come later."

"You go first, and give it to me here."

Su Rui whispered, motioned the three women to go first, then he slowly walked to Zhu Wei, squatted down: "Hey boy, do you recognize who I am?"

Zhu Wei was a little panicked, dragging his legs on the floor, and shook his head in fear.

Surui beckoned again and signaled Qiao Xun to come over, Qiao Xun did not dare not listen, but could only obediently come over for training.

"I warn you both, stay away from my sister in the future, you know? Boy, you can't bother anyone! Can you understand me?"

Su Rui stared at the two, Qiao Xi regretted countless times, nodded with enthusiasm, and even if he was killed in the future, he did not dare to have any dislike for Wang Xiaoyi.

It was Zhu Wei. The resentment flashed in his eyes. Although he nodded in the end, it was obvious that he succumbed to the fear of the unknown.

How many years has Su Rui mixed with society, how can it ignore this detail? He murmured in his heart, knowing that this guy must be a cruel master, with a bad stomach and no loss, he must be calculating how to get revenge afterwards.

At this time, the school security came, and the teacher also gathered up. This was a big trouble, and dozens of people were watching.

Surui stood up and clapped her hands: "Let the two little brothers say."

Zhu Wei and Qiao Yan both stood up, frowning sadly: "It's okay, my stomach hurts, I want to go to the bathroom."

"The road is too slippery, and I accidentally fell down. It's fine."

The security guard and the teacher are helpless. In their school, this kind of jealousy often happens. Zhu Wei is also a celebrity on the campus. This middle-aged man who opened the Lamborghini does not seem to be an ordinary person. Since neither party is willing The school is out of control, and the school itself is not willing to mess with it.

"Well, sir, can you please move your car ..." The security word was poor, so I could only use this excuse.

Su Rui laughed harmlessly, with a very good attitude: "Sorry, I'll drive away. I'm a driver, haha, driver."

Zhu Wei's head almost exploded, and his eyes were dark, so did a driver from Nima? Drivers dare to talk to me?

He was just about to slam into the back of the opponent, and as a result, Su Rui looked like he had eyes behind him, and looked back at him, just to see that he was struggling to get revenge.

Zhu Wei retracted his feet in fright, and Surui was more certain. This boy is not a good bird. He has such a strong revenge. He can't bear the revenge overnight. If he is not convinced today, it will be a scourge of black gun in the future!

Both sides returned to the car, and Su Rui raised the window and took out the phone: "Hey, are any of you near the China-Beijing Film Academy? A few people come and stare at a yellow Comaro, Jing f00544, hey kid, still moving Let me try, you guys think of a way to try it out today. "

Hang up the phone, Su Rui put in gear, drove away from here, and drove outside the school: "Brother Yang, how about it?"

Yang An laughed: "I've seen how the four sons of Beijing and Beijing bullied people, but it's pretty defiant."

Suriha laughed: "Which is the fourth son of Zhongjing, Wang Sicong is more arrogant than me, he is! I am already polite."

The two follow Wang Xiaoyi to meet them according to the text message prompt, needless to say.

After half an hour, Zhu Wei and Qiao Yan, who had suffered a big loss, came out of the hospital and scolded him. Fortunately, Wang Xiaoyi's kick was not strong. The doctor asked them to take anti-inflammatory drugs and rested for one night.

The two cursed at Wang Xiaoyi, walked out of the hospital door, and found that a large group of people were surrounded by the roadside to watch the crowd. They had an unknown premonition, squeezed into the crowd, and almost passed out.

The hood of a good-looking wasp was violently pried open, and the engine compartment was poured into it. I do n’t know what liquid it was. According to the speculation of the crowd, there was no dry concrete, or it might be mortar. It was smashed, the lights shattered, several broken latex paint and paint buckets fell on the seat, and the liquid was cooing out, the whole car was completely destroyed!

"This car is funny! License plate f00544, these people sprayed a row of paint ~ ~ 京 f44944, too personal!"

Zhu Wei was bleeding in his heart, and he heard people laughing at him. Sure enough, he saw that the car was sprayed with paint. This was mocking him at Chiguo!

"What about security! Are you blind? How could my car be like this!"

Zhu Wei growled and growled at the hospital security personnel.

A person in charge came out of the hospital security side: "This is your car? Sorry, you haven't parked in our hospital parking lot. This is the roadside and it doesn't belong to us. But for the humanitarian spirit, I can serve the police Provide surveillance video, if you can capture who committed the crime, then I don't know. But little brother, you still have to think about what you are doing. "

The guy who was not too busy watching the incident was also laughing at him: "It's ruined like this, it must be something that is angry and humiliating and bullying the male and female!"

"Rest assured that there is Skynet monitoring, the killer can't run!"

"Four or five people are riding broken electric cars, wearing helmets, smashing the car and splashing paint. After they are destroyed, just go and drill in any alley. You can find it before hell!"

"Maybe it is a few blind streams, or it may be migrant workers. At this time, maybe they are out of town!"

"I'm sure it's revenge. I don't see this guy as a good guy, I'm afraid he won't be 20 years old? His eyes are deep and his kidneys with hollowed-out bodies are definitely not good birds!"

"Well, little brother, let's call the police! Did you buy a car damage insurance?

Where does Zhu Wei dare to call the police? He knew who the other party was, but he didn't dare!

He stood in front of the crowd, watching the unrecognizable car, with a sad heart and a sore nose. He choked up, crouched beside the car, and wept, he finally knew that he was afraid! To be continued ~ ~ friends, you can search "blue book", you can find this site as soon as possible.

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