The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 945: Cruel medical examination results!

Marriage is really a very joyful thing. The happiest moment for a woman should be the day of marriage.

The 26-year-old girl, Li Junlan, is about to be a bride right now. She is smiling more and more recently. Faced with the approaching wedding period, she feels like everything is dreaming. The eight-year war of resistance finally came to fruition. Easy.

Li Junlan is from Henan Province and works at a large foreign trade company in Xingcheng. Her 2 year old boyfriend Hu Dongpeng is a native of Hunan Province and works at Xingcheng branch of a Fortune 500 IT company.

The two plan to receive a marriage certificate on October 10 and a banquet on November 20. There are still about 40 days to prepare.

The 11th holiday was just over. On the 8th, the two went to the pre-marital inspection center designated by the Xingcheng Civil Affairs Bureau for a medical examination, which was free of charge. The medical examination center did not produce results on the spot. The staff asked them to go home and wait.

Getting a notification that he could go back, Hu Dongpeng asked curiously: "Isn't the marriage test supposed to come out immediately?"

Li Junlan did not understand the reason, and the staff explained very politely: "Three months ago, the Star City Health and Family Planning Commission did a pilot project with us. The number of marriage check items has increased, and the inspection time has been extended to two working days. When the result comes out, we will send a SMS notification to your mobile phone number left, and you can come to collect it. "

Near the end of work on the afternoon of October 9th, both received a text message from the Marriage Examination Center, prompting that the report can be obtained by virtue of their ID cards.

On the morning of the 10th, the two wore handsome clothes and a touch of beautiful makeup. They happily went to the Civil Affairs Bureau. They planned to go to the next marriage inspection center to get a report, and then return to get a marriage certificate. The small fresh theme in the wedding photo package is a perfect day!

At 8:30, the hospital went to work, and the two came first. After getting the marriage report, they stayed in the doctor's office and couldn't say a word.

There is no problem with the man, everything is normal.

However, in the woman's marriage check report, there was a report that the fallopian tube was sticky and blocked. Not all fools who studied medicine could see it. This is abnormal!

Looking at a well-dressed little couple, the boy was stunned, and the girl held her mouth and wept and wept. The doctor sighed in her heart and said, "I suggest you go to the big hospital for a more accurate result and listen to the doctor's advice. Treat as soon as possible, you are not young anymore ... "

The 26-year-old girl is indeed not too young, and the disease can not be cured a day or two. The time is almost 30 years old, and it has become a younger girl who is more difficult to have children.

After the fallopian tube is stuck, there are many results. If the woman can still generate follicles, but only the fallopian tube is blocked, it is very easy for lean eggs to enter the uterus, resulting in ectopic pregnancy or infertility, so it must be treated. After scientific treatment, Be a mother.

But if you have problems with the fallopian tubes because of problems with ovarian development, you may not even be able to take care of your mother!

This conclusion is too cruel, knowing that the little couple is about to receive a certificate, the doctor does not want to tell the truth, at least she is unwilling to be the villain.

Hu Dongpeng asked hard: "If this is blocked ... Will it be easy to clear?"

Do you think this is dredging the sewer?

The doctor is not easy to explain too deeply, and can only vaguely say: "This must be judged according to the actual situation, there must be a way ... you go to the Xingcheng People's Hospital or the province's women and children before checking."

When they left the office with tears in their eyes, they burst into tears and didn't know how to get out of the marriage examination center.

When I went out, I saw the Civil Affairs Bureau next to me, thinking about the marriage certificate that was close at hand, and thinking about the difficult life in the past like the eight years of the Anti-Japanese War. Li Junlan couldn't help but cry, wow!

Can we still get married?

To her, the world seemed to collapse!

Turning around!

Hu Dongpeng hugged his girlfriend's petite body vigorously, feeling that she was shaking, her body was soft, so helpless and desperate, distressed!

He choked in her ear: "Don't be afraid, there is me, don't be afraid ... the doctor said that there is a way, there must be a way ... this is just a small inspection center, the equipment is sparse, and the technology is weird ... it must be wrong It's ... "

In addition to heartache, Li Junlan also has deep fear and fear!

Her relationship with Hu Dongpeng was not smooth sailing. They were alumni of a university in Zhongjing. Li Junlan was two juniors. When she was a freshman, she met the dean Hu Dongpeng. Among the group of hungry and hungry siblings, she chose Hu Dongpeng, who smiled most sincerely, helped pick up his luggage and invited him to dinner after he adapted to school life. The two people became familiar after one or two visits.

When Li Junlan was a sophomore, the two formally contacted each other, but the sweet love lasted only one year. Hu Dongpeng graduated. In order to stay with his girlfriend for a longer period of time, he insisted on staying in Zhongjing to work, which angered the two elders of the Hu family.

The Hu family has a certain strength in Xingcheng. It is the kind of strong business family. It also has a certain influence in the officialdom. When Hu Dongpeng is going to university outside of Beijing, he wants to get out of the control of his parents, especially his mother.

However, the strength of young people is too weak. In the face of the high housing prices and prices in China, Hu Dongpeng has difficulty supporting himself, not to mention buying a house and selling a car. His parents deliberately did not support him in order to force him to come back and completely broke the grain ~ ~ He can barely maintain his own life in Zhongjing. In the long run, he can't make a foothold. He can only return to his hometown slumped. Under the arrangement of his parents, he chooses a Fortune 500 company to work and becomes a highly paid white-collar worker.

After going to work, strong parents continued to take care of their sons in all aspects, including looking for daughters-in-law, and arranged no less than 50 blind dates in a year, but Hu Dongpeng denied it for various reasons. In fact, he couldn't hold Li Junlan in his heart, but he didn't dare to tell his parents clearly .

After waiting for two years, Li Junlan graduated, and her hometown in southern Henan asked her to go back. She came to Xingcheng to join her boyfriend for love.

But her boyfriend lives at home, her parents are monitoring her every move, and she is not free to move. If she wants to date, she can only use overtime or friends as excuses. She is quite lame. How can she hide the savvy Hu family?

Soon the relationship between the two was discovered, and then all kinds of dog blood tore, what son ran away from home, the father shouted and broke off the relationship, went to the Li Junlan unit to issue an ultimatum, the prospective mother-in-law hit, scolded, cried, made trouble, hanged Suicide, whatever means are used, I have been dragging for years.

After Hu Dongpeng was kicked out of Hu's house midway, he also tried his best and said to his girlfriend: "Be pregnant first, if you come to the door with a big belly, wouldn't my parents still kill my grandson?"

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