The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 946: Can we still suffer?

At that time, Li Junlan was a bit scared. She was worried that she would be hurt by such a stalemate. She saw that prospective mother-in-law looked down on herself, that was a bitter look, she looked down, she was afraid of Hu's influence in the Star City, and knew that she really wanted to pinch her. It's easy.

She loved Hu Dongpeng deeply. She had wanted to leave several times in the past few years. She would rather be injured than see her boyfriend and the family really break completely.

But she was really reluctant to leave. Both were unforgettable first love, and her boyfriend stood by her, always holding her hand to encourage her. She always told her to hold on, and hold on again. I never thought that one would be six. Seven years.

Life is too difficult. The contradiction between each other makes her face a dilemma. When young girls face this kind of problem, she is completely ignorant. No strong person tells her what to do, and her own family is even worse. Dare to say.

So Li Junlan was a bit afraid of the proposal of getting pregnant before getting married.

Hu Dongpeng did not wear a condom during that time, but she was secretly taking contraceptive pills, and refused to be affectionate for various reasons such as colds, uncomfortable health, and too tired to work overtime.

In the end, two months later, her stomach was still quiet. At that time, the attitude of the Hu family had eased a little, so that the two saw hope. So the idea of ​​having an unmarried child was gradually eliminated, and Li Junlan also Always thought that she was not pregnant because of taking medicine.

The days of the War of Resistance Against Japan were very hard, but the two of them were miraculously together for eight years without leaving, and they were able to endure the tiredness of the two Hu family members. By default, they let go and allowed them to get married.

Friends who know them are all lamenting that this is a miracle, and only the power of love can do it all!

Love, what a sacred word!

They are also proud and proud of them. Compared to so many couples who broke up after graduation, they are really lucky!

Eight years of long-distance love run, finally guarding the day of Yunkai sunrise, it is really very rare, they are extremely cherished!

But now?

Reality has given them a big joke again, can they still face difficulties together?

Can we still suffer?


On the 11th, the two continued to take leave to go to Xingcheng People's Hospital for a gynecological examination and got an authoritative conclusion. The two took a diagnosis and listened to the doctor's explanation of the professional words. In summary, the sentence can be treated. 100% will definitely be pregnant after the operation.

The hospital never bears responsibility. Even if it is performed surgery, patients or their family members are required to make a disclaimer signature. How can this commitment be made?

Hu Dongpeng carefully asked about the probability of success, and the doctor would not say very clearly, and said vaguely: "This is not good, it depends on the treatment plan, and it is related to the patient's physical fitness ..."

Inexperienced couples dare not tell or ask, they can only bear the result silently.

Looking at Li Junlan, who was crying into tears, Hu Dongpeng felt quite uncomfortable. He could only hold his girlfriend's hand tightly, and after leaving the hospital, he cried with a headache in a few corners.

This is a sad ending. Unmarried couples are not allowed to have IVFs. No regular hospital dares to do so in violation of regulations. Identity cards and marriage certificates are required credentials.

But if you are married, it is of course the best to be cured. In case you can't get pregnant after the operation and the IVF can't succeed, the two will not have their own offspring!

If this is known by Hu Dongpeng's parents, it will definitely lead to tragedy. They would have opposed the marriage at first, forcing the two to divorce, and forcing life to death. In the matter of death, they will definitely do it. Definitely not a joke, this is a tragedy for several families!

Love, affection, humanity, all kinds of complicated feelings are intertwined!

The distressed couple held their heads and cried all afternoon. At night, nothing was eaten. Hu Dongpeng sat on the bed in the rental house and did not speak all night. Li Junlan hugged his pillow in the corner, like a homeless person. The kitten, distracted and frightened, didn't close his eyes all night.

The next day, the alarm clock on the mobile phone at work awakened them.

It's time to make a decision!

Hu Dongpeng turned his head and looked at his beloved woman. His eyes were bloodshot, and he said firmly, "You listen to me, this marriage, we will continue to marry, and the sky will not fall, everything will be my responsibility! No matter what the marriage check report is Let ’s get the card today! Do n’t say no, no one can separate us, no one! ”

Li Junlan's body was soft, and her tears were streaming down.


On the evening of October 13th, Red Maple TV broadcast the first episode of "Wedding Ceremony of Extreme Challenge". The audience who could not wait can wait in front of the TV on time. They were notified by the wedding body of the official website that the place of control could not be restrained ~ www ~ I'm looking forward to seeing what's going on.

In a community in Xingcheng, Hu Shaohua sat on the sofa in his living room and laughed while watching TV with his wife while operating the tablet in his hand.

The tablet brush is the ultimate challenge official website forum. Hu Shaohua saw Yang An in the picture, they were dismantling each other and making fun of each other. They were also amused. By the way, they chatted with his wife about He Jiong ’s gossip.

"Oh, that's what the wedding toast meant!"

"Let the extreme challenge members sing at their wedding? That's a good idea! Isn't your cousin about to get married soon? Just in time!"

"Yes, yes, my cousin and the two of them are really hard work. If the wedding can really invite the ultimate challenge to sing a song, it would be perfect!"

The couple became more and more excited, especially when they saw Sha Yi invited Mo Wen, Sha Bei invited Liu Feng, and Huang Bo invited Yao Beina, all of them are super big stars!

Hu Shaohua said, "If only Huang Bo and Yao Beina could sing at the cousin's wedding, you can see Yao Beina herself with your wife!"

His wife was also excited, and he urged him to write an application: "I'm a **** fan of Yao Beina! If she can come, I must find a way to take a photo with her! You must apply!"

Hu Shaohua opened the official website of Extreme Challenge and smiled bitterly: "This is guaranteed? You see, you see! There have been more than 150,000 applications! Fuck, the winning ratio of 150,000: 6? You think you bought a lottery ticket ?!"

Wife cross-legged, lying on her husband's shoulder and pouting and smiling: "I am afraid that after the broadcast today, there are more than 150,000 applications, you see, it will definitely double!"

Hu Shaohua can only sigh, and then look at the official website forums. Netizens are all so upset, the number of new posts is so scary, refreshing in five minutes will generate hundreds of new posts!

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