The King of Variety Entertainment

Chapter 947: Social response is a sensation!

"Marry and marry! Get married! Pippi shrimp, let's go, the bachelor dog party is about to begin!"

"Ask for power analysis, how to fill out the application form, and the chance of winning can be higher?"

"Haha, I'm so happy ~~~ My wedding happens to be next month, will I be selected by the extreme challenge? I'm really looking forward ~~"

"I hope to see Yang An and Rong Feifei sing for me at the wedding ~~~ I will be happy to die!"

"The one who was selected must be the happiest newcomer of the day! That song" Sugar "is so popular all over the world, the past is really vivid!"

"Mom, my wedding is scheduled for January 1st, it's probably a little overdue. I'll discuss it with my wife later to see if I can come to November in advance!"

"Big brother, you ca n’t get married lightly, move your whole body when you get caught, and no one can guarantee that you will be selected? In case of no choice, you hurriedly change the wedding date. Not a big loss? "

"Ah ~~~ Can anyone tell me how to win? Really depends on luck?"

"Two years after receiving the certificate, the child is one and a half years old, but is not enough to apply for a wedding?"

"Same question. Can I apply for a re-wedding ceremony next month if I get a certificate for five years?"

"Fall ~~~ My eldest eleven just got married! It's a big loss!"

"The newlyweds upstairs are embarrassed and left quickly. Will they end up next month?"

"Come here and tell your story!"

There are endless happy posts. Hu Shaohua laughed after watching several posts and took his wife to share. He also posted posts when he had interesting topics. Yang An was on the TV and they were constantly funny. This evening was so happy. Passed.

After the show was over, Hu Shaohua didn't think too much, picked up his mobile phone and dialed his cousin Hu Dongpeng.

When the call was connected, he had just finished reading a funny post, and his voice was still laughing: "Hey, brother, what are you doing?"

Hu Dongpeng's voice was weak: "Is there anything to rest at home?"

Hu Shaohua didn't hear the emotion of the other party at all, and said quickly: "Have you seen the extreme challenge just now? 唉 Did you fill out the application form?"

"What application form? I don't know!"

Hu Dongpeng is completely ignorant. Although he is also a fan of extreme challenge, where is the mood to watch this in the past few days?

Hu Shaohua is still very enthusiastic: "Forget it, tomorrow morning we will go to the four aunts to eat beef noodles. Let's talk about how to write the application form! Brother, I think you are in a difficult situation. Only extreme challenges can help you solve it!"

This call seems to give Hu Dongpeng a bit of hope. Is this perhaps the best news these days?


After the release of the first episode of the "Wedding Congratulations", it really aroused great response in the society.

Netizens have liked it!

In particular, those who are about to get married and meet the requirements of the qualified audience have applauded. The application form is sent to the official website mailbox like snowflakes, and people across the country are actively participating.

In addition, people from wedding companies across the country are carefully studying the Extreme Challenge official website, and by the way, have launched a wave of "Extreme Challenge Wedding Packages" wedding planning solutions. For example, the application form has been added for writing and the cost is hundreds of dollars more. The first merchant to eat this feast!

Secondly, there is also the Cat Shopping Mall. "Writing an application form for the extreme challenge wedding" has become a hot search keyword. If you open a few hundreds of sales, the description is awesomely written "985, 211 graduate master of arts in writing", "12 A professional marriage analyst analyzes the road to love "," Give you ten minutes, tell your story, give me two hours, and write wonderful application content. "

Interested buyers carefully observed, at the bottom of the page, written in ultra-small font: "No refund if not selected."

And instead of opening the page and pressing ctrla, I still can't see this white font statement, pit father's dead!

Netizens have said that the writing of the wedding congratulations application form is the hottest writing product after "writing primary school summer vacation assignments"!

The most striking thing is that the headlines of the major entertainment media on the second day turned out to be a quote from the official Ministry of Civil Affairs official blog: "Singing blessings to new people at the wedding of ordinary people, this interesting topic is of course interesting to the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Looking forward to cooperating with the Extreme Challenge program group, the Ministry of Civil Affairs will be entitled to broadcast the "Wedding Songs of Extreme Challenge" series, Extreme Men Help, you are great ~~~ "

Perhaps because of the general trend, the official blogs of many domestic public institutions are more and more fond of selling cuteness. On the one hand, they are more grounded, and on the other hand they can be close to hot spots to attract attention and get attention.

Sure enough, after seeing this official blog post from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, netizens across the country laughed and commented behind the news.

"Mengmengda's Ministry of Civil Affairs can score 73 points this time ~ ~ I will give you the remaining 27 points with 999, all of which are 6 times!"

"It was once again conquered by a National Men ’s Ministry of the National Ministries and Commissions. Who will be next? It seems that in a few years, Extreme Challenge will become a national image program!”

"The Ministry of Arms is coming up! The title title will broadcast a" Full Fire of Extreme Challenge ", get some tanks, cannons, aircraft, submarines, etc., and ensure that the ratings are over 30%!"

"Yang Geer will not take care of himself! He must only do meaningful topics, and the Ministry of Civil Affairs must have happened this time!"

"Anyway, it's a good thing. Marriage is a great event, I wish the song is a joy! Congratulations to the extreme challenge, this wedding toast series is absolutely beautiful ~~"

Netizens are very happy. Basically, those who have friends who are about to get married are basically started. They started to study the application form rules, discuss how to write them, and look forward to their luck. In the event of being selected, it must be The best memories of my life, the wedding day must be the happiest anniversary!

The record of 150,000 applications broke that night. After 24 hours of broadcasting, the number of applications reached 350,000!

Of course, there are many invalid application forms that do not meet the rules. For example, the applicant's important information is incomplete, the wedding schedule is too far away, and it is not suitable for public photoshoots. There are many very fake stories. If you carefully screen, there are about 25 valid application forms. More than 10,000 copies, this data is already terrifying.

Such a large magnitude is impossible to rely on manual inspection.

After automatic selection by a computer program, according to the schedule of the Extreme Challenge program schedule, 10 candidate lists were finally listed. Among them, about 10,000 applications were ranked at the top. In the end, Enron arranged more than 50 staff to review. .

This is Yang An's style of doing things. Either don't do it, do it the best and do it the most seriously!

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