“However, as a ‘civil servant’ who trained a fighting king, do you dare to say that he can’t fight?”

At this time, many people in the universe changed their minds.

“Even if he trained the Fighting King Leo, it only means that he is good at teaching people. After all, with his terrifying training method, as long as you can endure it, even if you can’t become Leo, you can’t be weak!”

“That’s right, just because he knows how to train doesn’t mean he can do it.

Of course, more people still doubt it.

At this time, the video continued to play.

【The scene changes】

【In a cyberpunk world】

【This world has been secretly controlled by aliens. Once, they carried out a scientific research plan in Lake Nengzhu to obtain a large amount of energy through chemical reactions on water, but accidentally discovered a space channel that could lead to another world. So they wanted to invade another world through this space channel and named this plan the Water God Project.】

【After the male protagonist Jin found out about this, he told his girlfriend Alia who was involved in the plan, but the aliens noticed it and sent a large number of agents to hunt them down. After being chased all the way and having no way to escape, the two were forced to jump into the Nengzhu Lake.】

【At this moment, a miracle happened. A huge red ball of light appeared from the space channel of Nengzhu Lake like a savior.】

【There is no doubt that the figure in the huge ball of light is Ultraman Seven who accidentally came to this world!】

【Alia begged Ultraman Seven to save her boyfriend Jin, so after asking for her consent, Seven merged with her boyfriend Jin and transformed into Seven X in this different world!】

【Jin gained the powerful power of a savior, but as a price, he also lost all his memories. 】

Seeing this, everyone in the universe basically understood it.

This is a story about Seven coming to another world and becoming a savior. What also attracted the attention of countless people was that the aliens from this other world actually wanted to invade the Kingdom of Light where Seven was. How bold!

You know, a giant like Seven, the Kingdom of Light has an entire planet.…

【The scene changes, and Jin, who has merged with Seven, officially begins his savior mission under the guidance of his girlfriend Alia.】

【The first opponent he faced was a secret organization that had been hiding in this world for a long time and used the whole world as a chessboard. Now, they thought they had reached the checkmate.】

【So they sent out the giant alien life form Garuchimes】

【Obviously, their true identity is also aliens】

【Garruchimes began to fire blue light bullets continuously in the city to cause destruction!】

“Damn it, look at you protecting…” Seeing this scene, the hot-tempered and impulsive Aihara Ryu couldn’t help but roared

【But before he finished shouting, Jin had already put on the Ultra Glasses.】

【With a dazzling red light falling from the sky】

【A red giant showed his figure in this alien world for the first time!】

【With the name Seven X. 】

As the camera zoomed in, countless people in the universe also saw the appearance of Seven X, the incarnation of Ultraman Seven in this other world.

【I saw that he had chest muscles and arms that were much stronger than his original appearance, as well as sculpted abdominal muscles, a more slender figure, and a pair of eyes that looked extremely fierce and kind!】


“Is this what Seven looks like in this different world?”

“He just looks like he’s super powerful!”

“Is this what a civil servant from the Kingdom of Light should be like?”

“I think this is what Seven, the strongest civil servant in the Kingdom of Light, should look like!”

Seeing this extremely stunning and handsome appearance, countless people in the universe couldn’t help but gasp and marvel in amazement.

“With those muscles and those eyes, you call him a civil servant?”

“How can he be a civil servant?”

The countless evil monsters and aliens in the main universe of the Kingdom of Light couldn’t help but twitch their lips, and almost couldn’t help cursing.

As for Desrem, Grozam, Mefilas, Diablo and others who had doubted Seven’s ranking, they almost subconsciously shut their mouths. Because

Seven’s incarnation of Seven in this other world, Seven X, really looks like a super fighter.…

“Is this what my father looked like before he gave birth to me? This is too handsome!”

In the universe of the Kingdom of Light in the Super Galactic Period, Zero stared at Seven X in the light screen in front of him, and couldn’t help but show admiration in his eyes.

“He looks even stronger than the original Ultraman. This is what the red form of Tiga should look like.”In the Tiga world, Nori, Horii, Shinjo and others also said with amazement.

“So how powerful is Seven X, who looks very capable?”For a moment, everyone in the universe couldn’t help but look forward to it.

In such anticipation, the battle finally began!

【As soon as Seven X appeared, he threw a dart at random, knocking Garruchimes to the ground】

【Garuchimes got up from the ground and immediately let out an angry roar!】

【It rushed towards Seven X, did a backflip and tried to kick Seven X, but Seven X retreated and easily dodged it.】

【It immediately launched a series of fist attacks on Seven X, but they were all easily blocked by Seven X.】


【Then, Seven X clenched his left fist and punched Garruchimes with full force, causing it to retreat hundreds of meters.】

【Seeing that Garruchimes was completely suppressed by Seven X, the aircraft driven by the alien controlling it immediately attacked Seven X, and a beam of emerald green light bombarded him!】

【But Seven X raised his arms and easily blocked it.】

【The alien spacecraft refused to give in and fired another emerald green beam, but Seven X raised his arm and easily blocked it.】

【Seeing this, Seven X also launched an attack. He threw the head dart violently and smashed it towards the alien spaceship.】

【Yes, smash!】

【Seven X uses the head dart a little differently from Seven. He doesn’t like to use it to cut the enemy, but prefers to smash it more simply and roughly!】

【Fortunately, the alien spacecraft raised its altitude in time and narrowly avoided Seven X’s dart.】


【But Garruchimes was not so lucky. It just stood up from the ground, and before it could react, Seven X’s head dart had already hit its body.】

【It was smashed so hard that its body dissipated like water!】

“Damn it!”

“Look at you, you are protecting…”

Seeing this shocking scene, Aihara Ryu immediately held back the words he hadn’t had time to shout out before, and said

“It’s pretty good…”

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