The King's Mandate: Anomalous System

Chapter 112: Distant Memory

There is one story about my grandfather's father's brother. My grandfather's father's name was Isadore. Let me tell a story about his life. I don't know why or how I know this story, it's more like I just remembered it.

His parents were killed by a serial killer when he was just 8 years old. I don't know if they were really killed by a serial killer. I am sure it was done by those men.

He had no other relatives aside from his 15 year old brother, Isartor.

Isartor was the only 15, and he became the king. He had no one to support him, only an 8 year old brother. He had many dreams of his own, but he sacrificed them all to take care of his brother, and to be a better king.

This is a story from the past, over 80 years ago. At the time too, we Edens didn't get any favors from the citizens of the city or this country.

The country was ruled by the government at that time too. We kings didn't and still don't have any powers to run the country.

Isartor was young. He was a king, but he wasn't a legal king because of his age. When he turned 18 he became the legal king. Isartor had no one to guide him. Yet, he somehow managed to make this country a better place. The citizens started favoring him against the government.

3 years passed. Everything was going well. My grandfather's father, Isadore too. He loved Isartor and wanted to be like him. 

A day before Isartor's official ceremony, he was arrested by police. He had done nothing wrong, he had committed no crimes. 

They arrested him, telling him that they just want to ask something to him and do some legal procedures so that he can become a king.

Isartor knew something was wrong, but he went with them nonetheless. Because he had someone he needed to protect, someone more important than his own life.

Isartor told Isadore that he will be back before morning, but Isartor knew he will never see Isadore again.

Isartor was the only king that the citizens favoured and supported. If he were to become a king, he would have ruled the country and thrown the government out, making this country a monarchy.

The government feared that.

It was the day of the official ceremony of Isartor, but there was no news of him. Isadore was 10 years old at that time, so there was no one he could rely on.

When the citizens heard the news that Isartor was missing, they made a huge riot. Isadore told them that the government came and took him somewhere.

The situation was out of the government's control. They didn't know that the news of Isartor missing would spread so fast.

When the citizens asked the government about Isartor, they initially denied saying they didn't know anything about him.

After continuous riots for months, they finally revealed the truth. They blamed Isartor for all the crimes that had happened in those years. They even blamed the death of his parents on him.

They said that when they were taking Isartor to the police station, he tried to attack one of the officers and ran out from the car. When they tried to stop him he attacked the officers and he died in a cross shooting. 

That's what they said and ended the topic. All the citizens believed them and once again Edens name was corrupted by them.

Isadore knew the truth about Isartor. He knew because...he followed that car that night.

Even though he was 10 years old, he knew that something was wrong, so he followed the car. He ran as fast as he could. As expected, he lost the car, but he kept running, hoping to see the car once again.

After running for a while, when he reached where the car was, the car was flipped, and he saw the officers shooting Isartor.

Isartor was already unconscious. They shot him and made it look like an accident and blamed it all on Isartor.

Isadore saw everything with his own eyes. But he never said that to anyone. He knew that no one would have believed him even if he had told them.

Isadore now knew the truth behind the government. He grew up keeping that in mind. He never let his guard down. He was tried to be assassinated many times, but they never succeeded.

After Isadore became the king, he tried to take revenge on the government, but he failed. He failed miserably. The citizens loathed the Edens to the point that they wanted them dead. 

This story is not in that book or anywhere in history. The story about Isartor was altered and written in history. Hence, all those who read about Edens will come to hate them.

This is a story no one knows, and no one will ever know.

I don't know how or why I know it. It's like I remembered it or it's like a distant memory of the story someone told me or I heard somewhere.

Isadore must have told my grandpa about this and that is the reason he is always paranoid.

The government 80 years ago was different from it is now, but that guy...that static voice still gives me chills. I am sure he is the leader and the mastermind behind the deaths of Edens.

They have been killing Edens for hundreds of years. I have no obligation to the dead. Even if they are my ancestors, I don't care.

All I need to worry about is my family and my loved ones.

"Hey Das, look!" Elena said, pointing out one of my ancestor's autobiography.

"What's interesting?"

"He had 9 wives and 21 kids"


Why are you mentioning something like that now? And why in front of Selena!

"Disgusting" Selena said, making a disgusted face.

"What's so disgusting about this?" Elena asked.

"He had 9 wives! Nine wives!"


"Don't you find it disgusting? How can someone love more than one person?"


Was Elena trying to hear Selena's thoughts on the harem?

She clearly despises it!

Looks like Selena is against it. There is no way our family would agree.

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