"Hey Das, look!" Elena said, pointing out one of my ancestor's autobiography.

"What's interesting?"

"He had 9 wives and 21 kids"


Why are you mentioning something like that now? And why in front of Selena!

"Disgusting" Selena said, making a disgusted face.

"What's so disgusting about this?" Elena asked.

"He had 9 wives! Nine wives!"


"Don't you find it disgusting? How can someone love more than one person?"


Was Elena trying to hear Selena's thoughts on the harem?

She clearly despises it!

Looks like Selena is against it. There is no way our family would agree.

"It is possible to love more than one person" Elena said, closing her distance with Selena.

"You are playing too many games. Get real, El"

"Sely idiot"

"What, why?"

"You don't understand"

"Okay, okay, I get it. It is possible to be in love with more than one person, okay? Now please don't ignore me"

Elena has tamed her perfectly!

Elena looked at Selena with the corner of her eyes, smiled, and said, "I was kidding" and cuddled her.

Were you really kidding?

"Argh! I am tired" Elena said, getting up from the chair.

She crouched down and came to my side from under the table.

That is not allowed, you know?!

There was an empty chair next to me, so she sat there.

"I am tired" She said, resting her head on my shoulder.

I glanced at Selena. She was gritting her teeth while staring at me intensely.

"Even though I was right next to her, she had to go and rest on his shoulder. Idiot El" Selena muttered.

It was really in a low voice. I don't know how I was able to hear it. 

Maybe because it's so quiet here? Or did my hearing ability also increase like my seeing ability?

I glanced at Elena, she was fast asleep. 

Well, I can't blame her. She read many pages of that book.

I tried to move her head from my shoulder to put it on the table. She woke up and put her head on my lap--


Selena stood up is a surprise. 

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"I am not doing anything. She did that by herself"

"I saw you moving her head"

"I was trying to put her head on the table"

"Wake her up"

"You must know how she acts when she is sleepy"

"I...know" Selena said, sitting back in her chair.

This is bad. I can feel her breath on my thighs.

Her hair was hanging off from my lap. I grabbed all of them at once and--

"Here, use this" Selena said, talking out a hairpin from her bag.

After pinning Elena's hand, I was glancing behind Selena.

I have nothing to do!

"When did you guys start going out?" She asked, evading her eyes from me.

"Around 7 months ago"

"I remember Elena mentioning you before that"


"I mean...when you were tutoring her"

"Oh! Yeah"

"If I knew you would end up going out, I would I have..."


Would have what? Actually, nevermind, I don't want to know it.

"Stop staring at me"

"I am not trying to stare at you"

"But you are!"

"I am just looking at you"

"Don't do that"

"How am I supposed to talk with you then?"

"Then don't talk with me"

"You really hate males, huh?"


"Elena mentioned before that you hate males"

"I don't particularly hate males, but yeah. I despise those who try to get near Elena"


"And you are one of them"

"So...you are into girls?"


"I mean...you hate males so..."


"You must be into girls"

"Say that again and I will snap your neck"



She just threatened me!

Elena! Elena! Wake up!

"You know, you are not like I imagined"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. El said you are like this and that, so I thought she must be exaggerating, but I was wrong"


"It wasn't a compliment"


"Hey, tell me"

"Tell you what?"

"Earlier, when I and El switched places. How did you figure it out?"

"Well...honestly, I don't know"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It just felt weird. Like something was wrong, so I just..."

"You didn't confirm it by looking at our breasts?"

"I didn't"

"You know, I and El have messed with our parents and relatives many times by switching places. They were never able to figure us out"

"Is that so?"

"Yeah. What do you think?"

"About what?"

"Is there any difference between me and El?"

"It's true that you both look exactly the same. Even your voice and body parts..."

What did I just say?!

"So you did compare us"


"Go ahead, tell me what else"

"So as I was saying, when you switched places earlier, you sounded and acted exactly like Elena, you could have fooled anyone. Everything is the same, but you are like a perfect version of Elena, A better Elena"


"But. I am fine with this defective Elena. I love her the way she is. Even if I compare you two, you will never be able to be Elena"

"No one has ever said that before"

"I am just saying my thoughts"

"Yeah, I got it. Let me ask you one more thing"


"As you said just now, that I am a better version of Elena"


"So, dump El and go out with me"


"I am better than her in everything"

"What are you saying?!"

"I am smarter than her, I am already in university"


"I can live by myself. I am more mature than her. Even my breasts are bigger than hers"


"I have never been in a relationship before, so I have no experience, but I am sure I will be better than El, I always was and always will be better than El in everything"


"I can even support you both emotionally and physically" 


"What do you say?"


"We are the same. In fact, I am better than her. How about you dump her and go out with me instead?"

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