The King's Queen

20 Introductions

♔ Eustacia (P.O.V)

Flynn continues to lead me down the corridor, in a pace that almost makes me run. Every few steps, he forcefully yanks my chain, making it jingle its loud metallic noise. The loud jingle mixes with the howls of the damned, the other souls contained here.

Every soul other than Flynn's lackeys resides in cells. Cells, just like mine, litter the sidelines of the corridor. Most of them are empty, but at least four or more contain a wolf. All of them include a welcome mat of blood.

Even rabid, and with no control over their actions or humanity, they deserve better than this.

We quickly near the end of the corridor, as a familiar face comes into view. It's a tall man about my age with sleek black hair and sharp greenish-brown eyes. If I didn't know any better, I would assume he was one of us. The problem with that is his smell. Any werewolf could smell that he's different.

"Ruston, get her ready." Flynn hands the chain over to Ruston and sprints off.

"Yes, sir." Quickly Ruston shoves me into an even smaller silver rectangular cell. With his bare hands, he removes the silver chain from my collar and places it on the dirt ground. Shock ran through my body for a second as I watched him handle the silver without being in pain.

Oh, right.

Humans don't get phased by silver. How could I forget that? After all, they're the ones who found out it harmed us. Once they found out we existed, everything went downhill. Simply because werewolf hunters started coming around. Killing, butchering and burning every werebeast they could.

I blame them for the chaos our hidden world is in. Sure one of our kings put an end to it, but it doesn't mean it's followed. That's even more clear today since Flynn has invited them onto our pack grounds for whatever purpose.

"Hey, you're the one who can understand me!" Ruston shouts. Almost as soon as the shout leaves his lips, he slaps his hand across them. As he removed the barrier from his face, he slowly mouths the word oops.

I gently nod my head at him and sit in my small space. A gate sits closed on both ends, effectively locking me inside.

"This is your first match, right?"

I nod my head once more, signaling that it was indeed my first match in the pits.

"Well, since you understand me, you gotta know how these things work. Right?"

Casually I shake my head 'no' being cautious not to jab the collar's points deeper into my neck.

"I kinda assumed you'd know how everything works. Pa says those of you in here have plenty of experience in the fighting area," he looks my wolf up and down and frowns slightly, "although, I suppose your wolf does look extremely skinny."

Ruston approaches the side of the silver bars lining my cage; they reach up to his chest. Carefully he slips his hand through the small gap between bars.

He's a chief's son? I think that's close to what our alpha is like, the leader of the group.

I don't have a lot of experience with werewolf hunters. All the knowledge I have comes from books that are scattered around.

Most information that the books had labeled them as monsters to the werewolf race. This hunter seems different somehow, almost like a sheltered kid curious about the outside world.

Honestly, it makes me pity him.

Sticking my muzzle in his palm, I tilt my head forward, gently pushing back my ears as his hand glides over them. A very soft startled gasp fills the air as he begins to softly pet my head and run his fingers through my fur.

A smile slowly creeps across his face. "Almost like a dog, but softer. This is amazing. I can't believe you let me touch you."

I don't know why I let him touch me. I haven't had any contact with another person for a very long time. Although, I'd be deceiving myself if I said it didn't feel pleasant.

The soft rubs and interaction he provided were relaxing, almost like a mind leveling experience. Minus the part where he's a hunter and lives to hate my kind.

That part I could live without.

He pauses for a moment, removing his hand from my fur. I stare at him with a tilted head and softly beat my tail on the dirt ground. Maybe he's not so bad and can help me.

"I wish I could help you, beastie. I honestly do. If I let you loose my father and the alpha of this pack, both will probably have my head on a stick," he spits in hatred at the mention of them.

Gritting his teeth as he sits down on the ground, still beside my cell. Almost close enough that I could touch him. "They both agree on everything, and everything they agree on is horrible and wrong. I don't agree with the things they do or want to do, but I have to follow along because I'm his son," he vents.

Grabbing his right fist with his left, he repetitively slams his closed fist into his open hand. He stares mindlessly at his feet, almost as if he's bothered by the thoughts that must be running through his head.

I know those thoughts all too well. Continually catching yourself in thoughts and having to do something to break your mind away from it. Until you get to a place so corrupt in your life, you give up, and I was headed that way and fast.

I don't want anyone else to suffer. I have never wanted that.

I wish I could help, but everything I can do is limited to nothing more than an animal.

That's it! Right now, I am no more than a big glorified dog. Carefully I stick my muzzle out of the silver bars, not caring that my skin burns as the metal comes in contact with it. I softly lick the side of his hand, trying to soothe whatever it was that bothered him.

"It's okay," I whisper. To him, I'm sure it's nothing but a small whimper.

Ruston looks up at me, sadness clear in his hazel eyes. "I knew Pa was wrong about you guys. Not all of you are bad."

He softly boops my muzzles back into the cell, and stands back on his feet. Sniffling, I wiggle my nose from the impact as I watch him.

Patting the dirt off of his ass, he sighs as he begins to speak in a hushed voice. "I can't physically help you out of here, but I can give you the rundown of how this works. Once the announcer says to release you, I'll pull that gate open," he points to the one entering the pit.

"They'll introduce you and your opponent to the crowd. Plus a few other formalities," rubbing the back of his head, he continues, "I think the wolf you're going against is a female too. However, she's... not like you. She's a savage beast, who has been in the pits before. She's smaller than your wolf, but she's also healthy."

Ruston noticeably pauses mid-sentence, almost as if he's thinking how to continue. "Um... The thing is... Anything goes, there's no rules or interference from the crowd and they're always to the death. The hunters out there see it as a way to seamlessly eradicate werewolves, while the beasts think it's entertaining."

Fear engulfs my body almost instantly. Moments ago, I begged for death. I still don't feel the best about my decision to fight. I'm continually questioning myself in the decision. Maybe wanting to try and better my life with this chance is selfish.

The thing is, I want to live. Even if my mate rejected me.

I want to get out there and have something better. Be it a wolf or human.

I mentally laugh at the thought of having an option between wolf and human. The harsh reality is, I don't expect Flynn to give me the serum. I would be okay with that if I can get away from this shit alive, and figure out what the hell is going on. Something is brewing, and Flynn is going to be the ringleader. Whatever it is, he shouldn't be able to take my father's pack down with him.

Ruston breaks me out of my thoughts as he pats the top of my head gently. Connecting the silver chain back to my collar, he hooks it to a hook on the other side of my cell. "Goodluck," he smiles softly, not showing any teeth.


Almost immediately, an unfamiliar voice chimes through the area, echoing around my confined space beneath the pits. "Ladies and Gentlemen! It's great to see you all gathered here for this momentous event! We have a very extraordinary show planned for you tonight!"

" Tonight we have a special guest from the north! The brand new King himself, Tristen Clark!" A loud orchestra of cheers interrupts her as she's speaking, causing her to be cut off. As it dies down moments later, she continues, " Let's hear a few words from our new ruler!"

A popping noise echoes through the air as she hands, what I'm assuming is a microphone, over to someone else. A husky gentle man's voice brushes through the air like a thin paintbrush. "Most of you, if not all of you, are under the protection of the Royal Lycan pack. As the king and one of the stronger species, I must protect every one of you. I intended to do just that, and at the same time uphold the peace. Thank you for inviting me here tonight! Let the party begin!"

Another popping noise breaks through the air as it's handed over to someone once again. "You all heard the man! Let's get to the next step of our evening! My lovely handymen behind the scenes," she pauses for a moment, and within seconds the entire crowd began to shout in unison, " release the beasts!"


Ruston quickly pulls the chain connected to the gate in front of me. Bang! Immediately in response, a loud noise springs through the air as both my gate and my opponents open.

Rattling noises ring through the air as my opponent's chain begins to shake. I can only assume that she's tugging fiercely at the chain to try and get out to the center. They bark loudly and aggressively, trying to get free.

That must be why Ruston reattached the chain to my collar.

"Alright now, you all know it isn't that easy! We have to introduce our lovely contestants first! How else will you know who your choices are tonight?

First off, I would like to mention that both of our contestants have gone feral, so don't fear for their safety! They are a danger to our race and humans. Which is why the hunters are allowed to be here!

Our first player is the lovely solid red she-wolf we've named Cocoa! She's a seasoned warrior here and has won three matches! She weighs roughly 90 pounds and stands at a solid 2′8″!

Our second player is a beautiful, but underfed, solid black she-wolf we've named Storm! She's a brand new warrior with no current wins! She weighs roughly 60 pounds and stands at a solid 3 feet!"

She pauses from her long announcer spill, taking a breath she quickly continues, "Betting will take place for the next five minutes, so pick your choice now! As usual, your bet wins, and every winner gets a cut of the winnings. Your wolf loses, and you receive nothing!"

Murmurs begin to soar through the crowd, as she gives them a moment to debate. "Alright, are we ready?" The woman questions the crowd.

Cheers erupt from the audience. "Then let's, say it with me," she cheers, "Release the beasts!"

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