The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1004: Give it to me, bragging! 2

However, viral marketing is terrible.

There are people everywhere scolding stupid people, and people everywhere talking about it.

It is undeniable that this matter has gained popularity.

Whether it is good heat or bad heat.

In short, he was on fire.

The fire is on the hot search, and the fire is the first in the hot search.

Netizens at this time are still watching this news like a joke, and the following is all "hahahaha".

There are also many fans @锦梨, starting to play the stalk:

[@锦梨是锦黎吖, Jinli Jinli, come and see this]

[Little fairy, do you know that you live in such a luxurious manor every day? 】

[Jin Li Jin Li, do you lack a servant? I can be a nanny, a gardener, or a sweeper! I don’t want a salary, I just go to your fountain and pick a stone! 】

[Laut fat and white jade covered the entire manor hahahahahaha, don't you dare to write like this in Marisu's novels? Do these marketing accounts really have no brains? 】

[Actually, you have all misunderstood these marketing accounts. In fact, what they said is true. The manor is the golden house built by Father Lu for the little fairy. Inside, we hide the most beautiful little fairy in the world. We don’t understand (dog head)]

[Wow, these yxhs don’t even need IQ to win eyeballs? 】


Netizens laughed and teased everywhere, no one took it seriously.

However, no one can talk about the fact that there will be a reversal in this matter.

It was the Lord himself who admitted it.

Jin Li replied to a remark made by Aite later.

Jinli is a koi acridine: I see, there is no shortage of servants in my family. In addition, what this news says is indeed true.

What this news says is true.

The netizens were dumbfounded.

They looked at Jin Li's reply and felt very at a loss.

Is Jinli drunk?

Otherwise can it be so swollen?

Many fans left messages below Jinli's reply asking if she was drunk and said something wrong, and quickly deleted this reply.

They really care about Jinli.

After all, saying this is likely to be laughed at by the entire network.

Unfortunately, the Lord does not understand their worries.

Jin Li replied very soberly: "Not drunk."

Fans: "..."

I can't take you, my little fairy.

Ten minutes later.

#锦梨responsiveSuperluxe manor# has started to be searched.

Twenty minutes later, Hotsou advanced to the top five.

Blockbuster abuse and ridicule began to appear in the message area:

[Jinli, are you really swollen? If you are called a little fairy by fans, you really think you are a little fairy? 】

[I laughed so hard. Looking at the screenshots, the fans still thought that Jin Li would delete the reply from the comment, but she did not expect that she would directly stamp and recognize it. Is this a marriage that made her mind stupid? 】

[One is really dare to blow, and the other is really dare to recognize, it's a perfect match! 】

[I won’t say anything else, just that mutton white jade covered the entire manor, the real possibility is almost zero. Even if you are true, I assume what you are saying is true, then I think @陆峥涯陆先生 is going to panic right now? Can you explain the source? 】

[How can my Tianjinli be so stupid? Is it really stupid not to enter the entertainment circle for three years and be held by fans again? 】

[Jinli, you are drunk and talk nonsense, remember to delete the comment! 】

[Jinli, you are drunk and talk nonsense, remember to delete the comment! 】

[Jin Li you...]

[Tsk, are the fans still making excuses for the Lord? It's a pity that people don't appreciate it. 】


4 more.

see you later.

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