The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 1005: Just wait for a hammer

This turmoil was entirely within the expectations of the stars.

Most of the attacks on the Internet are directed at Jinli, but the pressure on the stars is not small.

Because netizens picked up this news who first sent it out.

Even if only a small number of people point to them, the pressure is huge.

"Now, just waiting for a hammer." Aken's boss said.

Aken licked his lips nervously: "Yes."

He didn't say much, but he began to pray secretly in his heart, hoping that Jin Li could produce evidence and that Mr. Lu could bear it.

So what are Jinli and Lu Zhengya doing right now?

Brushing Weibo.

Swipe comments.

The more you brush, the more unhappy.

Jin Li: "What's the matter with these netizens? I have said it is true. If I don't believe it, I will still scold me!"

Lu Zhengya was also very dissatisfied: "Hey, these human beings are really ignorant, so it's impossible to say such a thing, how much is this?"

Jinli and Lu Zhengya looked at each other.

Lu Zhengya said, "I also make a statement."

Those netizens are scolding Jinli, he can't stand it.

Better to let yourself divert your attention.

So he logged into Weibo.

As a result, netizens following Lu Zhengya found that Lu Zhengya, who hadn't posted any news for N years, was updated.

The content is as concise as always.

He cut a picture of Jinli stamped and commented:

Lu Zhengyav: It is indeed true.

Eat melon netizens: "?????!!!"

[No, the two are really crazy together? 】

[My God, does marriage really reduce IQ? What Pinpin said, if it is normal, can you say it? 】

[Although, I have always thought that Dad Lu is a special man, I envy Jinli, and my boyfriend is very fond of him. But, but today’s release is too much, right? Petting a wife is not such a way of petting! 】

[I wonder if the two couples were poisoned? Too abnormal? 】

[Upstairs said I was also scared. I heard that there are many such stigmatizing methods in the entertainment industry, such as raising kids. The more you think about it, the more scared you are. Isn't it true? 】


Jinli finished reviewing the comments on her Weibo, and then started reviewing Lu Zhengya.

The more you brush, the more air you get.


She switched to her Weibo homepage and was about to post a statement, but found that she could not post it.

Jin Li: "???"

Weibo broke again!

Jin Li: "..."

She was so excited that she had nowhere to vent, and angrily smashed her phone on the bed, while scolding Weibo: "I have only been back for a few days, and this spicy chicken thing has collapsed three times. It's really impossible!"

Weibo technology brother: "???"

We haven't complained yet, what are you complaining about?

When you didn't come back, we might not be able to make trouble once this year.

You return to the entertainment industry, this time it's good, you crashed three times in a row!

Is this to blame us?

Why can't you reflect on how many you sent!

The technicians have no human rights, so they can only work overtime with iced coffee and finally fix all the bugs.

Several technical brothers looked at each other, their eyes fell on each other's worrying hairline, and they sighed deeply.

Brother A: "I was really wrong. I will never set up flags casually anymore, and there will be no silky backstage."

Brother B: "Me too... I found that Jinli is really poisonous! She exists to slap us in the face! I now believe that no technical update can catch up with Jinli and do things. Rhythm."

Brother C was silent, seeing everything through.


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