The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 813: She can't

Jin Li loves to hear these words.

She was successfully smoothed and felt relieved.

Lu Zhengya smiled when looking at such a jinli: He always knew how to coax this little koi.

For a long time to come, Jinli's dreams became more and more frequent.

Sometimes she dreamed that she was still a small silver koi, knowing nothing, and vomiting bubbles in the Tianchi every day carefree.

I also dreamed that I was just a cute little girl who was just transformed into a baby girl. I was taken out to play by the same cute but serious little brave, and then almost eaten by a fierce giant bird. Drop.

I also dreamt that the two have grown up, and they are logically together.


However, those pictures are fragmentary fragments.

She has no way to connect them together.

The most important thing is that these beautiful images really make her wonder why she loses her memory?

But every time she asked Lu Zhengya, the other party just worriedly asked her if her headache hurts.

If you want to ask Dad Tiandao, Dad Tiandao pretends that he does not exist.

Don't tell her.

Jin Li: "..."

After she struggled with herself for a few days, another thing finally took her attention.

It is the script.

It was a notice from the crew of "Spine".

She has set a shooting time for her documentary film.

During this time, she will make the final preparations and enter the shooting in the best state.

Jin Li doesn't like acting, she is pretty sure.

Acting this kind of thing requires your wholehearted devotion, to forget yourself, to interpret another person's life.

Some people like this kind of work. For example, Su Hexiang and Jinli went to see her filming a few times. When this girl was acting, there was light in her eyes.

But Jinli can't.

She took "Mrs. Qin" from the beginning, not because she liked it, but because Sister Qing persuaded her that playing a popular role can get a high return.

She needed golden energy, so she took it. And indeed got a lot of golden energy in return.

But she never liked to let herself be another person, even a virtual character.

Jin Li is Jin Li, even if she acts, she will bring her own personal style.

I don't want to act anymore. Jin Li thought.

But the next script has to be completed well, she is a very contractual little Koi.

She began to read the script.

The script is very exciting.

No, to be precise, it should be the life of this woman whose alias is Fengyue, which is wonderful enough.

Li Youan, later alias Fengyue.

Born gracious, and glorious when he was young, the boy suffered great changes, his relatives died, and he went away incognito. The young man lost his beloved and lost his son, but he was not depressed.

Her truly wonderful life began after she was young.

Because from then on, her life path changed from a small family to everyone.

From an ordinary woman, she became the leader of the largest dark night intelligence network in the thirteen northwestern cities of Wolfy Land.

This information network, in that era, did not know how many times it had anticipated the enemy's opportunities, or how many lives it had saved.

The beauty is terrible.

This is Jin Li's only feeling after reading the script.

But she also felt helpless.

Jin Li knows very well that she can't perform the Fengyue that everyone wants.

It doesn't matter if she was incomprehensible and innocent and carefree when she was a teenager, but she couldn't do her painful growth and transformation later.

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