The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 814: She is my goddess

Because of Jinli's identity, her immortal life experience, and her personality, she is destined to not be able to act in a scene of bitter and enmity, even if it is only temporary.

But this, perhaps his last movie in this world, Jin Li wants to treat it well.

She told Lu Zhengya about her worries.

When Lu Zhengya heard what she said and read the script again, his first reaction was: "Otherwise you pushed the script."

Jin Li: "?"

Lu Zhengya's tone was very serious: "I don't see such a miserable experience, even acting."

Jin Li: "..."

Look, just get used to it, how can she understand what is called suffering and enmity?

But now it's not for this man to make trouble, she glared at Lu Zhengya: "Don't talk nonsense, I'm definitely going to act, and I want to act well."

After she finished speaking, she let out a sigh of relief: "After this performance, I will tell Sister Qing that I will never act again."

She is now able to collect a fixed amount of golden energy every day, and work harder, post more Weibo, occasionally broadcast live, and interact with Lu Zhengya.

Not much worse.

Thinking about it carefully, she has been in this world for so long and has been patronizing the collection of golden energy, and she has never seen the world relaxed.

Otherwise, when you finish shooting this, you can go to see all parts of the world.

How could Lu Zhengya disagree with her decision?

Of course it is good.

Then the question is coming.

Jin Li looked at the script in her hand seriously and asked, "How can I quickly grow into a powerful actor within this week?"

This is a problem.

Lu Zhengya looked at Jinli's frowning brows, and said to his heart that you can see through your thoughts at a glance. I'm afraid I won't be a good actor in this life.

Of course he would not say this.

He is very serious about giving Jinli an idea:

"Otherwise, when the time comes, all the audience in our world will perform illusions and make them think you are doing well?"

Jin Li: "..."

She looked at Lu Zhengya disgustingly: "What a bad idea. I still think about it."

She sat cross-legged on the sofa in mourning.

Lan Ting came down from the stairs, saw her bored look, and said rarely: "Why is Jinli bothering about things?"

Jin Li raised the script in Yang's hand: "This, it's about to start shooting."

Lan Ting walked over and took a look.

Her look became a little subtle.

She is not only a CP fan of Dad Lu and Jinli, but also a fan of Jinli.


"Mr. Li Youan is my goddess." Lan Ting sighed with emotion, "I first learned about her from the junior high school history book. The photo I saw was when my husband was in his 40s, and the rough black and white photos couldn't cover up. The grace of living."

Jin Li continued to listen to her curiously.

Lan Ting also continued: "In fact, at the beginning, I was interested in her only because she was good-looking, but later, because of Shangxin, I went to the library to find her related biography and various records, even wild history."

Lan Ting's eyes sparkled: "I just knew that she was so amazing."

She began with Barabala, the life of Ms. Lee, her glorious resume, and her rich (subject to no evidence for future generations) love history.

At the end, Lan Ting said with emotion: "You don’t know. Later when I was in college, an elective modern history teacher was also an admirer of Mr. Youan. For half a semester! I have been giving Amway to our class, many people He was brainwashed!"


2 more, this plot is a headache.

In fact, the initial idea was that this script was completely different, and the role setting was not like this.

But for reasons everyone knows, many things cannot be written.

Ah bald.


I let my mature hands with my own ideas make up a story by myself.

Let's give a monthly ticket to encourage Gao Lengzhi's hand.

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