The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 821: Fenghua Peerless

Since the release of the filming news, "Spine of the Country" has gained tremendous popularity.

Just the production of its own lineup and the meaning behind it has naturally distanced itself from other themes of the same type.

Everyone in the circle knows that whoever can enter this crew, even if it is a minor supporting role, proves that you are an actor who is favored and recognized by the film and television bureau dad.

In a sense, this is much better than starring in a so-called hit drama.

As for the audience and fans outside the circle, they would not think so much.

But they are paying attention to this documentary film, and they can see news from time to time: the XX movie emperor is sure to star in "Spine" and "Junzi Lu", and XX film will star in "Spine" and "Women Record"...

At first, the fans just discussed this with great interest.

Later, everyone became spontaneously paying attention to this crew.

As long as the crew announces a new character story, some people forward it in various ways, and sigh, "Sure enough, the crew's father is still a big deal."

It is precisely because these fans have such a high degree of attention, coupled with the comparison of the various big brothers in front. When Jin Li will star in "Feng Hua Lu" as Mr. Feng Yue Niang Zi Youan, many people will not accept it.

After these days, both the crew and Jinli's Weibo are filled with various boycotts and even abuses.

Even Lu Zhengya's Weibo was not spared, even Su Hexiang, who has a close relationship with Jinli, was ironic on her Weibo.

Say how much money did the crew charge Lu's father before letting the Jinli crew.

Said Jinli would ruin this big production.

Said that he could not accept a vase to appear as his beloved Mr. Youan.

To say that the Film and Television Bureau is really disappointing.


But the film and television bureau father is your father after all.

No matter how you fans clamor, once it’s settled, it will never be changed, and it won’t even be explained.

Such an attitude naturally makes fans who are dissatisfied even more dissatisfied.

It was at this time that the crew released the stills of "Feng Hua Lu" on the official website.

Three photos with one sentence:

[There are women who are like wind and moon, shining brightly]

The first time fans saw the dynamic, they clicked in with an absolute critical mind.

What most people think in their hearts is: Hum Jinli also has a good-looking face. No matter how good-looking she is, I will not allow her to destroy Mr. Youan in my mind. What's more, their temperament is too bad. How could she interpret the charming and elegant feeling of Lady Fengyue?

After thinking about it, they couldn't wait to get in, and even when they looked over, they had already figured out how to mock Jin Li and the crew later.

Until the next second... they saw the stills.

There was no sound.

The people sitting in front of the computer seemed to have lost their voices collectively.

Everything around it seemed to fade. The woman on the screen, with her black, bright and soft eyes, led them into the era when people were drunk and dreamed a hundred years ago, and people's thoughts were awakened.

There was a woman, wearing an elegant cheongsam, holding a small fragrant fan, sitting in front of the carved diamond glass window, looking at the world outside with curiosity and melancholy.

The light fell on half of her cheek through the window, bright and dark, drawing a stunning and stunning outline.

Fenghua peerless.


5 more.

See you on it.

An author who wants to deceive a monthly pass said: The big baby who voted for Jinli monthly pass will have good luck.

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