The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 822: Can't speak

How many people put their hands on the keyboard, and even mocking words in the input box have been typed out, looking at the woman on the screen, but they can't bear to press send anyway.

Finally, I deleted the words that had been written, and edited a paragraph again:

[Hmph, this still is barely qualified, but the stills are all polished and refined, it still depends on the lens]

[I only know that Jinli looks really good-looking, but I don't know that she can be amazing in cheongsam. 】

[A Jinli fan is passing by, I, I can't believe this is our little fairy, how do I feel that she looks very different from usual? 】

[A practitioner in the sculpture industry will answer the previous question. Our industry is very familiar with various body movements, including some daily behavior habits.

I deliberately found many daily photos and stills of Jinli on the Internet. After comparison, I found that the reason why Jinli's picture makes people feel strange is because her posture and body details are completely different from usual. It's even another person completely.

In fact, I am surprised that one person can achieve this level. Because of a person, she might not even know how many inadvertent little habits she has.

She can restore a person to such an extent, I don't quite understand why someone said she is a vase. 】

[First call the hard-core analysis of the big guy in front. After reading these words, I really started to understand, and finally understood where I felt the violation was. Indeed, in this still, if it weren't for that face, I would never believe that she would be Jinli. 】

[Isn't it just a still picture, what can't be done with intensive refinement? I still said that Jin Li is not worthy of Jin Li and Jin Li is not worthy of our Mr. You An! 】

[Actually, I was resolutely resisting before, but after I watched this still, do I say, suddenly there is a kind of expectation. Always feel that there may be surprises? 】

[Surprise +1, when did my little fairy not surprise fans? Just wait for more stills to come out]


The director looked at the comments on the official website with a smile.

His prediction was correct.

A really good actor, with just one still, is enough to silence most people.

Later, when the trailer is released...

The director's vision is longing: by then, those audiences will know that this young actor named Jinli will not be a vase.

She is clearly a rare treasure.

Thinking of the scene during the daytime shooting, the director shook his head rather helplessly.

It is the first time he has encountered such a situation for so many years.

The entire crew, whether it was the staff, the crew, or the other people on the sidelines, couldn't help standing up when Jin Li stood up.

The photographer was careful throughout the shooting, and the photographer did not dare to show the atmosphere.

At the end of the shooting, the photographer still quietly talked to him: "You don’t know the director, I have never been so careful. Really, I think that standing in front of me is not an actor, but Mr. Youan himself. ."

The old dramas who wanted to play with Jinli looked serious, but with a hint of excitement.

Playing with such a person who is completely involved in the drama is a great challenge and opportunity for myself.


6 is over.

The salted fish author continues to cheat monthly tickets online: I heard that the readers who voted for monthly tickets, the big treasure of the readers, and Pai Xiu's father who is in charge of wealth, like it the most!

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