The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 854: They are all different

Jin Li looked at this scene with some surprise.

The lower demon spirits have always respected the gods.

It can also be said, in awe.

In her memory, they saw that they bowed their heads and bowed their heads in a respectful manner, but they rarely looked so close.

There were more than just gifts from this little rabbit along the way. When the man in black walked to the top of the mountain holding Jinli, he had already received many gifts.

At the moment when the two reached the top of the mountain, a moonlight fell in the distant sky.

It was the goddess Wangshu passing by in her carriage.

"Master God." The woman in white clothes Pingfei was very different from Jin Li's memory.

She didn't seem to be as indifferent as she knew it, looking at the appearance of Father Tiandao, she looked more like a young girl with spring.

Yes, anyone who sees Wang Shu like this will know that she must really like the black **** in front of him.

If it were the current Jinli, she would definitely find an excuse to slip away with wintry.

But at this moment, what the black **** is holding in his arms is still a small, meaty koi.

When the little Koi sees Wangshu, he will only ask happily: "Sister Wangshu, can I go to the moon to play?"

Wang Shu looked at her, a little helpless and a little cowardly smile: "Yes."


Jin Li woke up from her dream.

The sky was already bright, and the scent of flowers was faintly smelled at the tip of the nose, and it was the flowers of Xiaolou that were blooming.

Su Hexiang just lifted the curtain to enter, saw her sitting up, and said: "I was going to call you to get up, but you just woke up."

Jin Li was still immersed in her dream, looking at her in a daze without speaking.

Su Hexiang: "You haven't woken up yet? Go wash and get ready for breakfast."

"..." Jin Li blinked slowly, and all her perceptions seemed to finally return to her at this moment. "Oh."

She got up slowly, finished washing, and finished the meal absent-mindedly, then said to the Su family and left.

She has to find Lu Zhengya.

If it were said that the things she had dreamed of before, the relationship between herself and Lu Zhengya just made her strange.

But the dream last night completely subverted her cognition.

She felt that she seemed to have lost more than a little memory.

Why, in the dream, whether it is Father Tiandao or Goddess Wangshu, are they different from what they know?

She drove directly to Lu's.

President Lu Dao had spent a long time with his girlfriend in filming before, and when Jin Li finally finished filming, he was called to the company by his subordinates who had almost blackened overtime and began to experience the joy of working overtime together.

Everyone in the Lu family knew who Jinli was, and Lu Zhengya also greeted her. When she saw Jinli, he brought her to see him directly, so Jinli was taken directly outside Lu Zhengya's office.

She pushed the door in: "..."

At a glance, there were many Lu Zhengya exactly the same.

They sat at their desks, on the sofa, the poorest place to sit, holding documents against the wall and looking.

Jinli silently looked at her boyfriend's true body.

President Ba didn't change his face: "The accumulated work is too much, and I can't handle it alone."

Therefore, cheating with a clone is grandiose.

Jin Li snorted: "Lu's didn't go bankrupt, just because you are Pai Yaozhen."

Lu Zhengya coughed lightly and changed the subject: "How did you think of coming here."

It was boring to abandon the company last time.

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