Speaking of serious matters, Jin Li doesn't care about such trivial matters.

She asked Lu Zhengya to take back the clone and said, "I had a dream again last night."

Hearing her words, Lu Zhengya's expression also straightened up.

Jin Li now dreams more and more frequently.

This also shows that her divine power is rapidly recovering, and the memories that were forgotten back then are being restored bit by bit.

"What did you dream of?"

Jin Li looked confused: "I dreamed of Father Heaven."

Lu Zhengya's expression changed.

Jin Li went on and said: "I dreamed that he was wearing a black suit and hugging me. He was very gentle and kind to the lower demons and spirits. Those people called him the gods. I also saw the goddess Wangshu, She seems to like my heavenly father."

She looked at Lu Zhengya: "They are all different from now, right? Lu Zhengya, what I forgot is not just the memory between the two of us. What did I forget?"

Lu Zhengya wanted to say something, Jin Li remembered something, and said: "Wait first, you tell me first, are my dreams real or fake?"

Although she said that, Jin Li knew that it could not be fake.

Let others not mention it, as a father of heaven, she can never be easily dreamed of.

Especially with such a totally different way of heaven.

She asked, just to make a final confirmation.

Sure enough, Lu Zhengya nodded: "It's true."

Jin Li asked, "What happened?"

Lu Zhengya sighed.

"I can't tell you what happened, I can only remember it by yourself. However, I can tell you about the black-clothed **** in your dreams."

Jin Li asked, "Is he my Heavenly Dad?"

Lu Zhengya hesitated for a moment, and forgot to glance at the sky, as if he had received some hint, nodded gently.

Jin Li muttered, "So, Father Tiandao, didn't he mean Tiandao from the beginning?"

She looked at Lu Zhengya.

Lu Zhengya nodded, "It's true. The gods used to..."

Speaking of this black-clothed god, even the awkward Pai Yao couldn't help but put on a look of admiration.

The **** is one of the first gods born in the beginning of chaos.

Chaos first opened, heaven and earth, sun, moon and stars, mountains and rivers appeared one by one. Similarly, gods in charge of various laws were born.

The **** Xu born with the night and darkness is one of the most powerful gods in this world.

As long as the night and darkness exist, everything will turn into his divine power, and no **** is his opponent.

At that time, the ancient gods and gods were born, and the plunder and aggression in the bones of the ancient gods and devil made this world in battle all the time.

However, the dark night **** who controls the mighty power is a strange temperament (evaluated by other gods). He has a gentle personality, likes to be quiet, and lives alone in a remote mountain of Xujiahe, completely not participating in these struggles.

Just like this, I don't know how many chaotic epochs. Those ancient gods and demons won and became the masters of the chaotic world, and those who lost either reincarnation or disappeared.

Order is slowly being established.

Some weak creatures were born.

For the old gods, most of the newly born gods are weak.

Needless to say, those transformed spirit bodies and monsters are completely ant-like existences in this continent.

Those ancient gods regarded them as ants, because certain monsters were so delicious that they would kill them all. Such things often happened.


6 more.

Today, a cute boss came to the book review area to remind me, and I was shivering, but this author is a moral author, she never bows to the power of money, she...she will add a change in the evening!

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