The Koi Fairy Wife Is Sweet as Honey

Chapter 856: Everything will be revealed slowly [add more]

This situation is nothing in the eyes of the gods. After all, in their eyes, only gods who are as powerful as themselves can be regarded as beings in this chaotic world. The others... are just ants, plants and stones. It's no different.

How can you expect them to care about the feeling of a stone?

Ye Shenxu is different.

He might not even notice it by day.

But as long as it gets dark, his perception can spread all over the world, and he always hears the cry of various weak creatures in the middle of the night.

The dark night in the chaotic world is a more dangerous place than the day, and many fierce beasts that come out at night will come out for food.

If you change to another god, you won't care about this kind of thing at all.

But Ye Shenxu, he is extremely rare, an ancient **** with a compassionate heart.

He blessed those weak creatures and issued an oracle: When night comes, all conquests and killings must stop. Until the next round of Golden Crow rises.

He lives in seclusion all the year round, and many gods do not even know his name, so they sneer at this, and naturally they will not follow his oracle.

But soon, the creatures of the Chaos World will find that all those who dare to defy the night **** oracle and hunt prey in the dark, no matter the gods or the beasts, have never reappeared after dawn.

The night is like a huge mouth of blood, swallowing everything that doesn't obey it.

There are powerful ancient gods to provoke the night gods, and they also go down in despair.

Since then no one dares to touch his brow.

The oracle of the night **** was also recognized by this world and protected by the law.

His reputation among the ancient gods is not good, but in the eyes of other gods, he is the benefactor of the salvation, regardless of whether the gods and demon respect him as a god-senior adult.


Lu Zhengya said: "From then on, under the blessing of the gods, the night has become the safest place in the chaotic world."

He remembered something and smiled: "I have actually been blessed by the gods many times. When I was a child, I was chased and killed by other beasts. Many times I stayed up until night fell before I finally got a rest."

Jin Li's eyes lit up and listened to Lu Zhengya's narration: "My Heavenly Dao Dad is great!"

Although Lu Zhengya was occasionally angry by the current Tiandao (for example, he felt that he had abducted her baby girl), but she still respected him from the bottom of her heart.

He nodded: "Yes, he is great."

Jin Li frowned again: "But why, Ye God will become Heavenly Father? Moreover, his current appearance is not the same as you described."

Lu Zhengya sighed: "Heaven needs to abandon the seven emotions and six desires. He must be the most just and unselfish existence in the sky and the earth. How can the gods be so cruel and unhappy?"

Naturally, it is necessary to extract all desires and see everything with the eyes of "Tao".

He did not answer Jin Li's last question.

Jin Li's mouth moved, and she understood Lu Zhengya's subtext: This is probably not something that can only be thought of by herself.

She took a deep breath and said slowly, "I really want to remember all this soon."

Thinking of why she had forgotten so many things, thinking of why Dao Tian Dao became Dad Tian Dao, thinking of why those gods are not the same as those in the dream.

Lu Zhengya: "It's coming soon."

It starts when you come into this world.

Since you met me.

Start dreaming from you.

It's the beginning of everything.


The seventh more, this chapter adds more to the big guy [feeling cute].

I am really a moralist author. I was scared today, and I won’t be more annoyed in the future!

Thanks to all the big treasures who voted for Gao Lengzhi. No. 3 Jinli will be exempted, and No. 4 has 60 chapters.

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