The last building on earth

Chapter 101 Tragic (additional update with 670 monthly votes)

In just an instant, his bronze fist, which was transformed enough to be as big as three ordinary people's fists, rushed out like a cannonball.

With a "boom", the lizard biting towards his neck was hit by a punch and exploded immediately. The clown who controlled the lizard groaned, as if he had been hit hard.

Another clown's metal ax struck the air. Lu Ge was much faster than it. He bypassed the metal ax and hit the clown who was controlling the lizard head-on with his bronze fist.

With a bang, the clown's head exploded. The green light rope above his head lost its target and immediately broke and flew back.

The Clown King sitting on the merry-go-round in the distance made a hoarse sound, as if he was saying something.

But no one understands its language.

After killing the clown controlling the lizard with one blow, Lu Ge continued to rush towards the Clown King without stopping. Ma Dongcheng rushed forward a step later than him, thrusting out the metal spear in his right hand.

The clown holding the metal ax was busy raising the ax to block it. Just as he blocked the metal spear, a slender python wrapped around the spear suddenly came to life and sprang out along the metal spear, immediately entangling this person. The clown was on his body and his neck was tied tightly.

The clown made a cooing sound in his throat, and soon his neck was broken by the python, and his head rolled down.

The second clown died. The green light rope connected to its head broke and flew back.

There were a total of twelve clowns, and in the blink of an eye, Brother Lu and Ma Dongcheng each committed suicide.

But in front of them, more clowns gathered around them. Seven or eight clowns crowded in together. They were all real humans. Although they were controlled by the Clown King, their hatchlings still existed and changed. Even the weaker Ya-ti were no match for them. Now seven or eight of them joined forces to attack, and the four of them, Brother Lu and Ma Dongcheng, were immediately blocked.

Later, Wang Xuan never expected that the situation would turn out like this. He had just wrapped Yu Shanshan with his metal tentacles. Unexpectedly, Yu Shanshan raised her eyes, with a green light above her head, her eyes were empty, and she grabbed them with her right hand, revealing two... The foot-long light sword rushed towards him.

In addition to her, Bai Yan also rushed up from the other side.

Faced with these two people, Wang Xuan should not take action at the moment. Although they turned into clowns, according to the information of observing the Clown King, although they were lifted off the Tianling Cap, they were not really dead. They were just killed by the Clown King. It took control and became a puppet and puppet for it to manipulate.

"The only way is to cut off the green light rope, maybe it can wake them up."

Wang Xuan's mind was spinning as he looked at the light rope held by the Clown King. He kicked off and retracted the metal tentacles, trying to get around them and find a way to cut off the green light rope connected to them.

Although he is fast, the strength of Yu Shanshan and Bai Yan controlled by the Clown King have been greatly improved, and are by no means weaker than ordinary sub-bodies.

Their bodies followed and turned, Bai Yan activated the witch blood and spread it out. As long as Wang Xuan was contaminated with the witch blood, he could control the witch blood to invade Wang Xuan's body and affect his balance and thinking.

Yu Shanshan raised her right hand and opened the octagonal light mirror, blocking Wang Xuan so that he could not dodge Bai Yan's witch blood.

On the other side, Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei, and Tie Jun began to rush towards Wang Xuan. Although they knew that Yu Shanshan and Bai Yan who had turned into clowns were scary, they still took action without hesitation when they saw Wang Xuan being attacked.

"It's dangerous, just stay there!" Wang Xuan shouted at them. They were not as strong as Yati. If they rushed here, not only could they not help him, but they would distract him from taking care of him.

Hearing Wang Xuan's fierce shouting, Gu Manyao and Zhao Lei stopped for a moment, with anxious faces on their faces. They didn't know whether to move on or listen to Wang Xuan's words and stay here.

"You stay here, I'll help him!" Suddenly, Cheng Aiguo spoke, and then he swayed and ran out.

Cheng Aiguo was the only sub-body in their group. Although he had just broken through to the sub-body, he saw Wang Xuan being attacked by two clowns at the same time. The situation was not good, so he took the initiative to help.

The four of them, Brother Lu and Ma Dongcheng, were attacked by seven or eight clowns. At this time, their terrifying power was revealed. The strongest among them was Brother Lu. His bronze fists were almost as powerful as destroying them. Each punch killed them instantly. There were two clowns blocking him.

Ma Dongcheng, Chen Chao and Han Bingbing were not weak either. They killed one and seven or eight clowns in front of them in the blink of an eye. In addition to the two clowns they killed before, these twelve clowns were killed. Seven people died in an instant, and only five clowns were left on the field.

The Clown King sitting on the top of the merry-go-round seemed to be completely irritated. He suddenly let out a hoarse roar and stood up from the top of the merry-go-round.

There was a crisp "crack" sound. The top of the Trojan horse could not withstand its power and burst into pieces. The Clown King grabbed the remaining five green light ropes and jumped into the air.

Everyone looked at its huge head and doubted whether its slender neck could support such a heavy head.

With a "boom", although it had thin hands and feet, it made two small holes in the ground after landing. Then it jumped up and arrived in front of Brother Lu.

It let go of the five green light ropes it was holding, and stretched out a pair of hands like black ghost claws, grabbing at Brother Lu's neck.

Brother Lu's bronze fist came forward like lightning. Both sides took action in the blink of an eye. Brother Lu's bronze fist hit one of the black ghost claws.

The sound of bones breaking sounded. The clown king's two rows of fangs opened wide, its blood-red tongue hung down, and it let out a shrill scream. The black ghost claw it was hit was no match for Lu Ge's bronze fist, and its bones shattered. The meat was rotten and exploded.

But Brother Lu couldn't avoid its other jet-black ghost claw. This claw cracked the second-level high-quality black rhinoceros armor with double defense worn by Brother Lu. It penetrated deep into the skin and flesh, hooking He grabbed the bones of his shoulders and pulled them outward.

Blood spattered out, and Brother Lu groaned and fell back. A blood hole immediately appeared on his left shoulder, and blood spurted out.

The metal spear held in Ma Dongcheng's right hand stabbed him from the side with a faint roar.

At this moment, the black ghost claw on the Clown King's right hand had just been shattered by the bronze fist, and he howled in pain. He was falling back. He had no time to dodge, and was pierced through the waist and abdomen by the metal spear in Ma Dongcheng's hand.

Ma Dongcheng succeeded, let out a low roar from his mouth, and began to spin the spear. Flesh and blood flew out. The python wrapped around the metal spear jumped out and went straight to the Clown King's slender neck. As long as it is entangled by the python, it will immediately You can break the clown king's neck.

With a "Porphy" sound, the blood-red tongue spit out by the Clown King suddenly shot out, like a toad's tongue, hitting the python that rushed towards him.

The python exploded immediately.

This python was part of Ma Dongcheng's hatched beast. It was suddenly broken. As if he was hit hard, his right hand shook, and the metal spear in his hand almost flew out.

The Clown King kicked off his feet, and his huge body bumped upwards.

Ma Dongcheng had no time to dodge and flew backwards like a kite with its string cut off. Blood spurted out from his open mouth.

Chen Chao, who was following closely behind, saw this and was secretly frightened, but still did not show any special expression on his face. He opened his right hand, and the chains were intertwined to form a giant network. Then they shrank towards the center, and the Pegasus that had just been hit was The Clown King of East City is locked.

Brother Lu was injured on his left shoulder, but he reacted the fastest and launched his bronze fist again, hitting the clown king in the back of the head who had just been chained.

The bronze fist was too fast for the Clown King to dodge. With a bang, Brother Lu's bronze fist hit the Clown King's huge green head and immediately sunk deep into it.

This punch failed to blow out his head, but it sunk deeply in. Brother Lu felt something bad in his heart. The Clown King swung his body, and the chain wrapped around him began to break, leaving only one black ghost claw. Stretching and probing, he grabbed into Brother Lu's chest, and then pulled violently. A large piece of flesh and blood was pulled up together with the Black Rhino armor, and the internal organs in Brother Lu's chest were exposed.

The pain caused Brother Lu to open his mouth wide and suck in air. The pain was so painful that he couldn't even scream.

Han Bingbing said nothing, and hit the Clown King on the right side of the head with his ice-covered arm.

Pieces of ice began to extend from the Clown King's forehead, and even more ice cubes appeared from the inside, squeezing through its green head and emerging from it.

Han Bingbing activated her hatchling beast with all her strength to destroy and tear the Clown King apart from the inside.

But she didn't have time to be happy. The Clown King's body had broken free from the chains and hit him.

In terms of speed, she was not as good as the Clown King and could not dodge. There was only a crisp sound of bones breaking as she and the Clown King collided.

Blood came out of her open mouth, and the heart-protecting armor on her chest immediately collapsed. The Clown King fell out with her, pressing her heavily under him.

At this moment, Ma Dongcheng, who was hit and injured, had just gotten up from the ground. Brother Lu was seriously injured in the chest and retreated. He had no time to take action. Only Chen Chao reacted, rushed forward at full speed, activated the chain, and wanted to tie the Clown King from behind again.

Han Bingbing was pressed down by the Clown King like a mountain. Knowing that something was wrong, she roared and tried her best to push the Clown King away.

With a "Porphy" sound, the Clown King's left claw fell down and hit her on the forehead. Her head immediately shattered and exploded.

Han Bingbing died, Chen Chao saw it, his eyes suddenly turned blood red, he roared, and chains immediately locked the Clown King.

"Bingbing——" Chen Chao's voice was filled with sadness, and he lost his mind in an instant.

Both he and Han Bingbing were born with cold and unsociable personalities, with few emotional fluctuations and no expressions on their faces. When two indifferent and unsociable people met together, they developed feelings for each other. Although they didn't tell each other, they felt both in their hearts. They have a crush on each other, but because of their personalities, they are not together.

But at this moment, seeing Han Bingbing's head being crushed by the Clown King, Chen Chao immediately collapsed and went crazy, shrinking the chains crazily, trying to strangle the Clown King, and he rushed forward desperately.

As Han Bingbing died, her hatchling beast lost its power, and the ice cubes that kept popping out of the Clown King's body disappeared. As soon as it turned its head, Chen Chao's right hand hit it hard on the forehead.

The number of additional votes for the next monthly pass is 770 votes

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