The last building on earth

Chapter 102 Breakthrough and Promotion (Today’s guaranteed update)

Green blood splashed out, and the Clown King was tangled in chains, making rattling sounds. He kept twisting and deforming, and was about to be crushed by the chains.

Suddenly, Chen Chao, who was in a frenzy, felt his eyes blur, and he felt a stream of heat flowing down his forehead and brows. He didn't know what happened, he only felt his eyes blur, and then the world spun, and his eyes became pitch black, and he didn't know anything. .

The Clown King stuck out his blood-red tongue and shot it out like an arrow, hitting Chen Chao on the forehead and knocking off half of his head.

Chen Chao fell to the ground and died immediately.

If the vitals such as the head and heart are destroyed, no matter how powerful the hatchling beast is, it will still die.

Brother Lu roared from his throat and ran towards this direction. He was still a step too late and could only watch Han Bingbing and Chen Chao being killed by the Clown King.

His eyes widened with a terrifying light. Ma Dongcheng, who had fallen out on the other side, quickly got up.

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, rushed towards the Clown King desperately.

The original calmness on Brother Lu's face disappeared, and he began to realize that the terror of the Clown King in front of him was far from as simple as he imagined.

As soon as Chen Chao died, the chains that locked the Clown King began to disappear.

It stood up again, with two rows of snow-white fangs spread out, and it let out a terrifying roar. Green juice was still flowing out of the bloody hole in its head punched by Brother Lu's bronze fist, and it faced the rushing Brother Lu and the horse. In Dongcheng, only one black ghost claw was stretched out, avoiding Brother Lu while rushing towards Ma Dongcheng.

Lu Ge's bronze fist was so terrifying that even it was filled with fear.

Wang Xuan on the other side was attacked by Yu Shanshan and Bai Yan who turned into clowns. Cheng Aiguo rushed up and wanted to help him.

Yu Shanshan and Bai Yan, who had become clowns, had improved in strength and both had sub-body combat capabilities. Wang Xuan did not dare to underestimate them, and controlled the metal tentacles to split into two, like two four-meter-long pythons, and was about to take action. Attacking, Bai Yan and Yu Shanshan turned around and rushed in the direction of Brother Lu and Ma Dongcheng.

In addition to them, the other three clowns also gathered towards Brother Lu and Ma Dongcheng.

They sensed the clown king's call, their eyes glowed with a strange green light, and a low roar came from their throats. As soon as Lu Ge took action towards the clown king, he was attacked by two clowns from behind.

"Seeking death!" Brother Lu shouted, twisted his body violently, avoided one of the clowns, and hit him with his bronze fist in the air.

With a "boom", a clown was hit in the chest, and his flesh and blood exploded. The clown's body was torn apart by his punch. The power of this bronze fist was simply appalling.

Five clowns, one was instantly killed by Brother Lu.

Ma Dongcheng on the other side was seriously injured. His chest collapsed and several ribs were broken. At this moment, when he saw the Clown King rushing up, he could only stand up with a metal spear in his right hand and stabbed him in the air.

The metal spear had just been thrust out and was caught by the Clown King's ghost claws. At the same moment, it was attacked from behind by Yu Shanshan and Bai Yan.

Knowing something was wrong, Ma Dongcheng kicked off his feet, dodged the attacks from Bai Yan and the two men behind him, and rushed towards the Clown King at full speed.

Wang Xuan and Cheng Aiguo rushed forward just one step behind Yu Shanshan and Bai Yan.

Shi Lei, who was originally waiting at the gate of the amusement park, and a woman with two ponytails on her head also started to rush towards this side.

Among the remaining people, they were the only two sub-bodies. At this moment, everyone could see that the situation was not good. Chen Chao and Han Bingbing were killed by the Clown King. Lu Ge and Ma Dongcheng were injured. Now they are attacked by the Clown King. Besieged by five clowns, once Lu Ge and Ma Dongcheng are really killed, it will be their turn next.

I'm afraid that no one will be able to come out alive today.

"Everyone, come together!" Zhao Lei suddenly shouted: "If we don't kill the clown leader, we will all die today!"

Seeing Shi Lei and the ponytailed woman rushing out, Zhao Lei shouted and rushed forward too.

Under his leadership, everyone rushed out one after another. Although they were all just starting out, a group of people working together could cause trouble for these clowns.

At this moment, Brother Lu roared wildly, and punched out his bronze fist again, hitting the other clown's head, causing his head to explode.

He killed two of the five clowns who surrounded him in the blink of an eye.

Ma Dongcheng did not have such strength as him. He was attacked from behind by Bai Yan and Yu Shanshan. The metal spear was caught by the Clown King. He jumped forward and a python emerged from the metal spear. Suddenly, there was a flash of blood in front of his eyes. He was already on guard, knowing that the Clown King's tongue was like a crossbow, and he was busy turning his head to dodge. At the same time, the python rising from the metal spear burst out and pounced on the Clown King.

Unexpectedly, the Clown King was faster than him, and his tongue missed the target. The black ghost claw on his left hand grabbed the metal spear and swung it violently.

Its power was much greater than that of Ma Dongcheng. Ma Dongcheng felt an irresistible force coming from the metal spear. He couldn't help but rise into the air and hit the ground on one side.

Knowing something was wrong, he immediately put away his limbs and curled up.

There was a "bang" and the ground was hit hard. Ma Dongcheng groaned and spat out a mouthful of blood. Suddenly, his back felt cold, but Bai Yan caught up and stabbed the blood sword in his back from the front. Breasts popped out.

"Damn it..." More blood came out of Ma Dongcheng's mouth and he roared: "Brother Lu, save me!"

He roared, turned over, activated his special ability, and the metal spear in his right hand spun at high speed.

With a "chi" sound, the retracted spear shot out again, immediately piercing Bai Yan's chest. The high-speed rotating spear brought up a lot of flesh and blood.

Bai Yan didn't know the pain and stared with dull and empty eyes. The witch blood on his right arm surged and sprayed onto Ma Dongcheng's head and face, immediately seeping inside.

At this moment, Brother Lu had just killed two clowns and wanted to continue killing the third clown who rushed towards him. Hearing Ma Dongcheng's scream, he turned around hurriedly, jumped up, and fought with the clown king who wanted to kill Ma Dongcheng. Crash together.

The Clown King was knocked away and rolled over by him, and his bronze fist hit the Clown King's head again. Just like before, the Clown King's head could not be exploded by his bronze fist, but only made a deep blood hole. A lot of green juice is flowing out.

Yu Shanshan held the light knife in her right hand and followed Bai Yan. With a wave of the light knife, Ma Dongcheng suddenly roared and his left arm that he had just raised flew out.

Just as Yu Shanshan cut off his left arm, Wang Xuan appeared silently, grabbed the back of her neck, and slammed her down hard.

Yu Shanshan instinctively used her hands to push down to the ground, only to hear a crunching sound. Her arms were fractured, and the white and bloody bones pierced the flesh and popped out.

Wang Xuan followed up with his feet, and with two crisp sounds, he stepped on the bones in Yu Shanshan's legs and broke them.

Although the method seems cruel, Wang Xuan understands that the best way to deal with Yu Shanshan now is to break her limbs and make her temporarily incapacitated. If he can kill the Clown King later, see if she can return to normal.

After all, Yu Shanshan now has the combat power of a sub-body and has strong self-healing ability. Wang Xuan does not dare to be careless towards her and can only be cruel to her.

Her hands and feet were broken, and Yu Shanshan couldn't feel the pain. She fell to the ground, her whole body twisting and twisting as if she wanted to get up, but her hands and feet couldn't support her body, making her look like a writhing flesh worm. It came out weird.

Wang Xuan ignored her and took action towards Bai Yan.

Bai Yan's chest was pierced by Ma Dongcheng's metal spear. He was stronger than Yu Shanshan and was not afraid of pain. He took the initiative to rush towards Ma Dongcheng against the high-speed rotating metal spear.

Ma Dongcheng's left arm had just been chopped off, and he never expected that the clown in front of him would be so crazy. In shock, Bai Yan jumped on him, and the blood sword transformed from his right arm fell and cut into his neck.

Ma Dongcheng made a gurgling sound in his throat, and every time his mouth shook, blood foam kept coming out.

His neck was almost completely severed, and even a strong man with a hatchling beast would be close to death.

Wang Xuan then took action, two metal tentacles stretched out and wrapped around Bai Yan's arms. The sound of bone breaking sounded, and the bones in Bai Yan's arms were broken.

Cheng Aiguo, who rushed up with him, saw Wang Xuan's method of dealing with Yu Shanshan. When he understood, he also took action against the last remaining clown. A white light shot out from his palm, forming a shock wave.

It's just that the clown's strength is not inferior to him. He opened his hands and drew out a white light whip, which hit the shock wave struck by Cheng Aiguo with a snap.

The white light whip faced off against the shock wave, causing a violent sound. Both of them staggered and fell back. Behind the clown, Shi Lei and the woman with a ponytail appeared, each taking action.

Shi Lei punched the clown with his right hand on the back of the retreating clown, and there was a crisp sound of the spine breaking.

The woman with the ponytail grabbed the clown's shoulder with her right hand. Starting from the clown's shoulders, along with the clothes on his body, green leaves sprouted and began to turn into trees.

At the same moment, Brother Lu suddenly let out an earth-shattering roar, the sound was very shrill.

Wang Xuan had just broken the bones of Bai Yan's arms. Hearing the sound, he turned around and saw that the Clown King and Brother Lu were entangled together. Several bloody holes were punched out in the Clown King's head, and the remaining parts of it were A black ghost claw clawed into Brother Lu's face.

The sharp ghost claws pierced in, and one of Brother Lu's eyes was pulled out alive. He screamed in agony and was immediately blinded.

The Clown King stretched out his blood-red tongue and hit Brother Lu in the face, making a transparent bloody hole in his face. Even the white python helmet on his head was punctured and damaged.

This second-level fine white python helmet was seriously damaged and could not be restored. This piece of armor was considered destroyed.

After Brother Lu screamed, his whole body twitched, and he saw that he could not survive. The clown king's black ghost claws grabbed Brother Lu's mangled head, used it as a weapon, and suddenly smashed it towards Shi Lei and the ponytail woman.

Shi Lei knew something was wrong and had no time to dodge. He let out a loud roar and rock-iron material immediately appeared on his right arm, forming a rock-iron shield.

With a "boom", the rock-iron shield had just taken shape when he was hit by Brother Lu who was swinging by the Clown King. Shi Lei felt as if he had been hit by a heavy hammer. His right arm shook as if it was broken, and his whole body rolled and flew instantly. When he went out, the rock-iron shield he had just formed immediately shattered from it.

It can be imagined how powerful the Clown King is who has suffered heavy losses.

Brother Lu's body was twisted and deformed in the impact, and there was a continuous sound of bones and flesh being broken in his body. The armor he was wearing was destroyed in the impact.

The Clown King stood up and swung Brother Lu. He first knocked Shi Lei away and then swung it sideways. The ponytailed woman was so shocked that she didn't care about turning the clown into a tree again. Instead, she stepped back and pushed Shi Lei hard with her hand. The clown pushed towards Brother Lu who was coming over.

With a "bang", the clown and Brother Lu collided. Brother Lu's body was twisted like a twist, and his internal organs were torn apart. A large amount of blood came out from Brother Lu's mouth, nose, eyes and ears, and the clown was like The big stone on the stone machine flew out, and then landed heavily on the ground. The body folded sideways, like a rag doll that was torn apart at will.

This Clown King had fought against Brother Lu and Ma Dongcheng before. Everyone saw that he seemed to be just that strong, only slightly stronger than Brother Lu and others. But at this moment, they understood that this Clown King was stronger than the average sub-body. It is too powerful, even if it is seriously injured, it will still be crushed.

The Clown King used Brother Lu as a weapon and smashed him wildly. The armor on Brother Lu kept twisting, deforming and cracking. Wang Xuan saw it and felt heartbroken. Brother Lu had a set of second-level sophisticated armor.

The Clown King used Lu Ge to smash the clown away. Lu Ge was already dead. The ponytailed woman retreated and just retreated to Wang Xuan. The Clown King carried Lu Ge and hit her like a high-speed car.

Wang Xuan couldn't care less about breaking Bai Yan's legs anymore. He threw Bai Yan out with his metal tentacles and quickly ran away.

The ponytailed woman was not as fast as him and the Clown King. Although she had just relied on the clown to block a blow, the Clown King rushed forward again and threw the tattered body of Brother Lu in the air.

This time, the ponytailed woman had no time to dodge, and could only turn her right arm into a tree to resist.

Brother Lu's body collided with her tree-turned right arm, and Brother Lu's body, which was about to fall apart, finally completely shattered into pieces. The woman with the ponytail groaned, and her body flew out like a kite with a broken string. Blood spurted out from his mouth.

There are three bloody holes on the clown king's huge head, which are larger than the fists. These are the injuries caused by Brother Lu's bronze fists. They cannot be healed. There is green juice flowing out from inside. It is like the brain has been injured, and it has become... Got to be very manic.

Throwing Brother Lu's body and hitting the ponytailed woman, it turned around suddenly, with two rows of fangs spread out and a blood-red tongue sticking out.

Zhao Lei rushed up with Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei, Tie Jun, Meng Lian, Lu Weichao and a group of Chuqi. They originally wanted to stop and trap the clowns for Wang Xuan and the others, but they didn't expect that the situation would change rapidly. Suddenly, Brother Lu and Ma Dongcheng died, and the Clown King broke out, looking crazy and unstoppable.

Even the sub-body was vulnerable, let alone the group of Chuqi. They rushed forward one after another, and then retreated hurriedly. Everyone looked at the crazy Clown King and felt their scalp numb.

The Clown King's blood-red tongue was like a sharp arrow, instantly hitting Cheng Aiguo on the other side.

Cheng Aiguo's shoulder was punched through, he let out a low roar, turned his right hand, and sent out a shock wave.

The Clown King twisted his body to avoid the shock wave, and stretched out his black claws to grab Cheng Aiguo's head.

Suddenly there was a faint whistling of wind from its back, followed by a "porphy" sound, and it suffered a heavy blow on the back of its head.

Wang Xuan appeared, with a metal tentacle wrapped around his right arm, turning into the most powerful monster arm. He understood that if he didn't kill the Clown King, all of them would die here today.

With all his strength, the power of Warcraft's giant arm exploded, with a hint of blue crystal scale power inside. The power of this punch was already close to that of Brother Lu's bronze fist. It hit the side of the Clown King's forehead and was immediately deeply trapped. Got in.

Wang Xuan felt that the green head of the Clown King was like a very tough muscle. When he punched in the giant arm of the monster, it was caught by the muscle and pulled with a huge sucking force. He was unable to pull the giant arm of the monster for a moment. Pull it out and attack again.

Knowing something was wrong, he saw the Clown King turning his head, his eyes glowing with a terrifying green light, two rows of teeth, and his blood-red tongue licking him.

Fortunately, Wang Xuan has seen the Clown King attack before and knows that there are three main methods of attack, one is the black ghost claw, the other is the tongue, and the third is impact.

When the giant arm of the monster could not be pulled out, he predicted that the clown king might use his tongue or black ghost claws to attack. His thoughts were so fast that he reacted and immediately put away the giant arm of the monster before the clown king stuck out his tongue to attack.

The originally huge monster arm was clamped, and suddenly shrank and became smaller. He successfully pulled his right arm out of the Clown King's head. With a flash of his body, he narrowly dodged the Clown King's blood-red tongue as if he had anticipated the enemy's opportunity. attack.

Two metal tentacles appeared, one wrapped around the Clown King's head, and the other wrapped around its body and the black ghost claw, launching "entanglement and strangulation".

With the Clown King's original strength, it would be difficult for Wang Xuan to entangle it, but now the Clown King's head has been hit repeatedly, and both its movement and reaction speed have slowed down. Its strength is declining, and it cannot avoid the entanglement of the metal tentacles. .

The metal tentacles contracted and made a squeaking sound. The Clown King's entangled body immediately twisted and deformed, but his head was as hard as iron. Even the "entanglement and strangulation" of the metal tentacles could not easily destroy it.

The Clown King began to struggle, roaring horribly in his throat, and all his power burst out. In the huge head, green liquid suddenly spurted out from the four blood holes left on the surface. Wang Xuan only felt the two bodies he controlled. A metal tentacle was pulled by a terrifying force and was about to break apart.

He took a breath of air. This four-star dangerous clown king was so terrifying. This was the first time he encountered such a situation. The entangled enemy was able to break off the metal tentacles.

Once the metal tentacles are broken by it, he will be the next to die. In this kind of terror, Wang Xuan has no choice but to immediately destroy the energy of the blue crystal scales in his right hand.

The blue crystal scales that had been quietly lurking in the depths of the white light in his right hand were finally triggered again. A ball of blue light suddenly emerged from his right hand, and the two metal tentacles seemed to be lit up.

One after another, blue rings of light lit up from the metal tentacles, starting from the base of the tentacles and extending to the tips. In the blink of an eye, the two metal tentacles were like bright blue neon strips.

Wang Xuan only felt an indescribable huge force surging out of his body. This force was so full that it seemed to be stretching his body open. He couldn't help but open his mouth wide and let out a loud shout. This feeling was so unpleasant that he couldn't help but pull it out with his right hand. He moved the metal tentacles, tied up the Clown King, and slammed it out in the air.

With a "por" sound, there was a faint vibration on the ground. The Clown King's originally slender body immediately exploded into a ball of blood mist and exploded. Two tentacles with blue light tied up the clown with only a huge head. The king is like two giant blue pythons wrapped around each other.

As it shrank towards the center, the originally tough green head could no longer withstand it and began to twist and deform, shrinking and squeezing toward the center. It suddenly exploded, and a large amount of green juice seeped out along the gaps between the tentacles.

After completely mincing the Clown King, Wang Xuan took a deep breath and was busy shrinking the metal tentacles, falling back as if he was exhausted, and busy concentrating the energy of the blue crystal scales in his body.

If this energy cannot be controlled, it will go berserk. Wang Xuan's last near-death encounter is still fresh in Wang Xuan's memory. Unless it is absolutely necessary, he would not dare to destroy the energy of the blue crystal scales casually.

A white scale suddenly appeared from the large pool of flesh and blood of the minced Clown King.

This scale was different, shining brightly, like a ball of white light, and instantly disappeared into Wang Xuan's right hand as he fell back.

At the same moment, Wang Xuan felt the white light in his right hand fluctuate violently, swallowing up the white scale, and there was a feeling of being torn apart, followed by a vague sound of "click", and his The monster actually grew again and broke through the sub-body form.

All this happened in an instant. Zhao Lei, Gu Manyao and others all opened their eyes wide and stared blankly at Wang Xuan who was falling. No one could have imagined that the metal tentacles he controlled suddenly lit up with blue light, and then changed into... It was so terrifying and powerful that it killed the Clown King instantly.

They immediately thought of the scene when Wang Xuan was still Chuqi, fighting one against three and killing three Chuqi in a row.

What is the ability of the blue light in this metal tentacle? How could it be so terrifying.

Wang Xuan, who was retreating, felt that his body was being torn apart by the energy of the blue crystal scales, and was about to burst. Unexpectedly, at this moment, he absorbed the energy of the Clown King's white scales, allowing the monster to successfully break through and grow again, entering a more powerful realm. The fourth form.

This caused his body to be immediately enveloped in white light. This white light energy nourished his whole body, causing every inch of muscle, blood and bone in his body to further strengthen and grow.

As the body continued to strengthen, the tearing feeling that could not withstand the energy of the blue crystal scales gradually disappeared, and the energy of the blue crystal scales slowly subsided. At this moment, Wang Xuan seemed to have come back from the gate of hell. .

Just now, in order to deal with the Clown King, he burst out the blue crystal scale energy with all his strength in an instant, but failed to accurately control the intensity of the energy burst. This energy burst exceeded the limit that his body could bear, and almost caused his body to be torn from the inside. Broken.

If he hadn't succeeded in breaking through, the Warcraft had grown to a higher form, and now he would have split into pieces and died, dying together with the Clown King.

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