The last building on earth

Chapter 123 Patrol Team (Please subscribe today)

Wang Xuan took the black bracelet. The workmanship of this black bracelet was pretty good. It was at least much better than Rakshasa's red belt. He put it on his left wrist and looked at the card. There was information about them, including information about the hatchling beasts. Yes, there are thirty spaces on it, and the first space contains the words June 5th.

With his heart moving, Wang Xuandao said: "Today is June 5th?"

Starting from being trapped in the underground parking lot of Longmao Plaza, it is difficult to even have a concept of time, let alone the date. At this moment, seeing June 5th, I feel a little confused. Is today June 5th?

Yuan Xiao said with a smile: "This is calculated based on the time here. As for what day it is outside, no one knows." When he said this, the smile on his face faded slightly, as if he was thinking of the past, and his emotions Suddenly became depressed.

The man who gave Wang Xuan a black bracelet and card said: "This bracelet must be worn on the left wrist. The card is equivalent to your identity certificate. It must be kept and cannot be lost. You need to register every time you come in and out. Today is On June 5th, it will expire on the 5th of next month, and you must claim it again."

"Of course, if you can be promoted to core members through meritorious service, you won't need this card to prove yourself."

"Another point is that no one will care about you when you leave the Insect Town. But when you enter the Insect Town, don't start fighting with others. Otherwise, you will be severely punished, and it is not uncommon to even lose your life. Remember this. You have to abide by the rules here.”

Zhang Haofei couldn't help but said: "Then if someone tries to kill us, we can only endure it and not fight back?"

Yuan Xiao glanced at him and said: "If someone else strikes first, try your best to escape and avoid conflicts. Of course, if your life is really threatened and you are forced to fight back, you can fight back. In this case, Under such circumstances, you will not be punished if you fight back, but there is a prerequisite, and that is that there must be witnesses who can prove it."

Zhao Lei nodded and said: "That's it, we understand."

As the eight people registered one after another, Yuan Xiao and others gradually showed a hint of surprise. They did not expect that all the eight newcomers in front of them had reached adulthood.

"Awesome, Wang Xuan." Yuan Xiao remembered Wang Xuan's name, looked at them, and said: "Are you really the newcomers who just came yesterday? It's only been half a day, and you've all grown up. It's not easy. .”

He raised his thumbs as he spoke.

He saw that Wang Xuan's equipment was the best among the eight, and he had a belt around his waist. He should be the leader of the eight.

Wang Xuan just smiled at Yuan Xiao and said nothing more.

After the registration was completed, Wang Xuan paid 480 crystal scales. The 1,487 crystal scales he originally owned immediately turned into 1,007. This made him feel secretly sad, but fortunately, he was now considered a member of the Xuan Gang and no longer a member of the Xuan Gang. They were talking about newcomers. Since private fighting was strictly prohibited in the town, they didn't have to be afraid of Duan Chen, Yao Tiande and others, but they didn't know why Wu Yi needed to sneak into Chong Town in the middle of the night.

Because according to this rule, he can go back to town to buy nutrient solution openly during the day, or are there any rules that they don't understand?

While the eight people were going through the formalities, five new people arrived, similar to them. They had entered the snake realm because they didn't have enough crystal scales, but now they finally gathered the crystal scales and returned to the town.

The people of these five major forces still relied on notes to decide their affiliation. This time, people from Phoenix got it, and these five newcomers belonged to Phoenix.

While these five people were handing over the crystal scales and preparing to go through the formalities, Wang Xuan and the other eight people had already received their black bracelets and cards, said goodbye to Yuan Xiao, and entered Chong Town.

After returning to the town, everyone was in a good mood. They wore black bracelets on their left wrists. They were no longer newcomers and their waists were straighter.

Entering along the east gate, you will see a cluster of buildings not far away. There are rows of single-family buildings of varying sizes.

In the square in the distance, people were coming and going, but most of them were in a hurry. Wang Xuan was looking at these people. They were basically wearing the symbols of the five major forces. There were almost no newcomers without symbols on their bodies. .

Wang Xuan understood that new entrants must either pay enough crystal scales to obtain the symbol of a certain force. If they do not have enough crystal scales, they will be immediately driven to the Snake Domain outside the east gate and will not be allowed to stay in Insect Town at all. .

Therefore, those who can stay in Insect Town are basically people who have obtained the symbols of the five major forces.

Zhao Lei approached Wang Xuan and said, "Wang Xuan, should you go to Centipede Island immediately to do the mission, or should you go to the trading area first? I was forced to leave before I finished watching last night. I still want to see the tavern."

Wang Xuandao: "Then go to the trading area and have a look."

The eight people walked along the square and saw people from the five major forces guarding the giant glass pillar in the center of the square.

Usually there are people here during the day, but they leave at night.

Wang Xuan looked at the people around him. Most of the equipment they wore were second-level fine quality armor, plus one or two pieces of third-level ordinary quality armor purchased. Basically, only the leader of each team had a storage belt on his waist. Belt.

After all, a storage belt costs up to 500 crystal scales, and one is enough for a team. Without a complete set of third-level equipment, few teams would have the luxury to purchase several storage belts.

Of course, you can occasionally see people wearing a full set of third-level armor. Such people will attract envious eyes wherever they go.

Wang Xuan and the others, with curiosity, looked at the people around them and walked along the square in the direction of the trading house. Before they got close, they saw many people gathering at the entrance of the trading house, and then they heard Screams and roars.

"Something happened?" Wang Xuan's heart moved, but he saw the group of people gathered at the entrance of the trading house dispersed one after another, followed by a huge explosion sound, the flames and the light of the sword lit up together, but he saw eleven people They actually revealed their hatched beasts and attacked each other, instantly fighting each other in a melee.

Of these eleven people, six wore red belts around their waists, representing the people of the "Rakshasa", and the other five wore metal plates on their chests, representing the people of the "Justice Alliance".

The eight men from Wang Xuan had just approached. They didn't know what happened before. They could only see that people from both sides suddenly mixed together and started fighting. Those who were watching had to give way to avoid being involved.

Wang Xuan saw that these eleven people were all in shape, and each one of them was very powerful. One of them, a man from the "Justice Alliance", controlled the flames to form huge fireballs, and smashed them crazily. The fireball hit The target exploded immediately with astonishing power.

There is another man who belongs to the "Rakshasa". His right hand controls a giant sword. The giant sword rotates in his hand at high speed, forming a huge sword wheel. This sword wheel carries the wind roar, blows to the ground, and explodes. The sparks left white marks on this hard ground.

The melee broke out too suddenly, and a scream rang out. Wang Xuan saw a man wearing a metal plate around his neck who belonged to the "Justice Alliance". A sword and a knife were inserted into his chest and back, followed closely. A ball of fire hit his head, exploded, and blood and flesh flew everywhere. The man from the "Justice League" had his head exploded and was swallowed up by the flames. He saw that he would not survive.

These six "Rakshasa" men were very ruthless. They suddenly joined forces to attack and instantly killed this "Justice League" man. The remaining four "Justice League" men were even more overwhelmed with four against six.

Among the people watching around, there are people from all forces. Since there are people from the "Rakshasa" wearing red belts, there are also people from the "Justice Alliance" wearing metal plates. However, these people are only watching from a distance, or even They were still retreating to avoid being involved, and no one came to help those in their own power.

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly from the top of the armor shop on one side: "Hurry up, the patrol team is coming!"

Only then did Wang Xuan notice that there was someone standing far away on the top of the armor shop, as if he had been looking at something in the distance.

Following this sound, the remaining ten people from the "Rakshasa" and "Justice Alliance", except for the dead man, immediately collected the hatchlings, turned around and fled, running in different directions. He quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Immediately following the direction of the distant square, the sound of horse hoofs was heard. Wang Xuan turned around and saw a woman wearing five pieces of third-level alloy equipment, riding a silver-white mechanical unicorn, and was riding with extreme strength. Rushing towards here at a fast speed.

The mechanical unicorn is very fast, faster than an ordinary adult running at full speed.

When people in the square saw the woman galloping towards her on a mechanical unicorn, they all ducked out of the way. No one dared to stand in front of her.

Wang Xuan noticed her slightly bulging left breast and wore a Phoenix badge, and understood that she belonged to the "Phoenix" among the five major forces.

Behind her, there are five people following. These five people are quite strange. Judging from the marks on their bodies, they are all different. They belong to the five major forces. The only thing in common is that they are the same as the woman riding the mechanical horse. The one on the left Wearing a white epaulette on his arm, the white epaulette is painted with crossed swords and the word patrol is written in the middle.

The speed of the unicorn horse that the woman was riding was so fast that she quickly got away from the five people and rushed to the entrance of the trading house first.

However, she was still a step late. The ten people who had been fighting had already blended into the crowd and fled. There was only one corpse on the ground with a burnt head.

She stopped riding her horse, with a stern look on her face.

Wang Xuan looked at the mechanical unicorn under her crotch and understood that it was a mechanical beast just like his little boy. However, the unicorn was covered with a shell and armor, making it appear larger and rideable.

This woman was riding a mechanical beast, looking down at the people around her with such majesty that Wang Xuan had a look of envy in his eyes.

"It seems that this mechanical beast can really be used for riding." Wang Xuan thought about it and thought of his little boy.

However, Xiaoguai's limbs looked a bit slender and short, and compared to the body wearing Goblin mechanical armor, they looked nondescript. It was a bit embarrassing to let him ride now.

But the woman's mechanical beast in front of me does not have this situation. The whole thing is very balanced, and it should be equipped with a mechanical shell all over its body.

Everyone around didn't dare to get close, but just watched from a distance. Wang Xuan and other eight people also mixed in with the crowd and watched the fun. Everyone around was looking at the woman with envy, awe, and curiosity in their eyes.

"Damn it, didn't Yuan Xiao say that private fighting is strictly prohibited here and you can't take action? Why did you just come here and see that guy being killed? This so-called rule is bullshit." Zhang Haofei muttered in a very low voice.

Wang Xuan looked at the scene in front of him and somewhat understood why Wu Yi sneaked in in the middle of the night. It seems that although this insect town is ruled by five major forces and it is stipulated that no action can be taken in the town, private fights and killings cannot be completely prohibited. .

The five people behind the woman also rushed over quickly. Wang Xuan saw that the six of them were wearing white epaulettes with the word "patrol" on their left shoulders. He guessed that their mission should be to patrol here, and no private fights were allowed. But just now, those people had been prepared and arranged for people to stand on the roof of the store. When they saw a "patrol team" coming from a distance, they immediately informed them and let them escape in advance.

And the man who was just standing on top of the shop had already left long ago.

"Captain, he's from the Justice League." The five people who followed looked at the bodies on the ground and reported to the woman riding the mechanical horse.

Wang Xuan saw that this woman was not old, no more than twenty-five years old. She was pretty, but her face was full of arrogance, which made it difficult for people to like her. Her face was slightly raised, as if she was disdainful to observe the corpse on the ground. , but waiting for the people below to report.

She just nodded slightly and didn't answer.

Suddenly one of the five people reached out to a man in the crowd and said, "Come here and tell me what happened."

The man who was targeted had a look of fear on his face, but he still walked up and said, "I just came here. I wasn't very clear. I only saw two groups of people fighting."

"Which two parties are there and how many people are there on each side?"

"On one side are people from the Justice League, five, and on the other side are Rakshasa people, six. I don't know about the others."

After the man finished answering, the woman on the mechanical horse stretched out her left hand and gestured for him to retreat.

Then she looked at the two men wearing metal plates and red belts among the five "patrol team" who came with her and said: "Xiao Nan, Wei Zixuan, since they are from the Justice League and Rakshasa, There has been a conflict, and now someone from the Justice League has been killed, so you two will be solely responsible for this matter."

Xiao Nan and Wei Zixuan responded together. Xiao Nan, who belonged to the "Justice League", stretched out his hand to lift the corpse on the ground and said: "Captain, those who died are not core members of the Justice League, but two gangs." There was a conflict in private and they started to take action. Since everyone has escaped, there is no way to trace the matter."

Wei Zixuan said with a smile: "These guys are really brave. They started to attack at the entrance of this trading house in broad daylight. It makes them smart and escape quickly, otherwise they will be caught. They will look good."

Obviously, as long as the core members are not involved, they don't care. The death of an individual is too common for them.

The woman riding the mechanical horse nodded slightly and said: "The body has been disposed of. You can patrol here for a while to prevent a similar situation from happening again."

"Got it." The five people responded, and the woman rode the mechanical horse and turned around to leave.

Watching the woman leave, the five people just yelled at everyone around them: "Be honest and don't make trouble." Then they left with the body.

Seeing that there was nothing to watch, everyone around them dispersed laughing.

Wang Xuan and the others watched the whole process silently, and then they realized that there were strategies from above and countermeasures from below. It seemed that although the five major forces had stipulated that killing was strictly prohibited in Insect Town, they had also jointly formed a patrol team to maintain the environment here. Public security, but the actual situation is that the management is not strict. As long as the core members of the five parties are not involved, the life and death of ordinary people will not be investigated at all as long as the murderer is not caught on the spot.

After all, the matter has nothing to do with them, and no one wants to spend a lot of energy to really track down the real culprit.

After watching this scene, everyone lost interest in entering the Trading House Tavern. Originally, they thought that even if Duan Chen and others found them in broad daylight, they would definitely not dare to take action, but now they realized that it was not the case at all. That's what happened.

This insect town is not absolutely safe during the day. If Duan Chen and others find them and find stronger helpers to deal with them, they can attack them in the insect town, as long as they are not spotted by the "patrol team" Caught, no worries at all.

The most frightening thing is that looking at the current situation, if Duan Chen and others are really the core members of "Rakshasa", even if they are caught, they will be protected by the patrol team, but the eight of them are just ordinary members and cannot do anything. If you do well, you will be punished.

Wang Xuan understood that there was no fairness at all in a place like this.

"Let's go do the mission first. It doesn't look safe here." Zhao Lei approached Wang Xuan and whispered: "The two people in that period are most likely to be the core members of 'Rakshasa'. It seems that these core members have great power." It’s very big, we don’t want to cause trouble by staying here too long.”

Wang Xuan snorted and looked at the clock on the glass column in the distance. It was already 11:30 in the morning. However, he had taken the intermediate nutrient solution before, but he did not feel hungry or thirsty at all.

"Let's go to the south gate." Wang Xuan's face was a little solemn. The woman riding a mechanical horse that just appeared put a lot of pressure on his instinct.

Although he couldn't see clearly how strong this woman was, his instinct after assimilating a magical beast told him that this woman was very scary and should never be messed with.

There was a vague suspicion in his heart, whether this woman could be a strong person in the fifth form that had transcended the adult form.

There is a huge gap between the adult in the fourth form and the sub-body in the third form. So, how big is the gap between the strong person in the fifth form and the adult?

Now it seems that only by breaking through to adulthood can one be truly safe in this insect town. This makes Wang Xuan eager to go out and hunt monsters in order to seek a breakthrough.

Everyone left the trading house and walked towards the south gate of Insect Town.

Arriving at the south gate, the situation at the south gate is similar to that at the east gate. There are also people from the five major forces guarding here, checking everyone who comes in and out.

Wang Xuan's eight people arrived, and immediately three people from the "Xuan Gang" came up.

"It's so cool. Are you the new guy who just joined?"

Wang Xuan nodded in agreement, and then took out the card.

After checking the cards, I found that they had just joined today. Afterwards, the three of them took their cards and matched them one by one. After confirming that the information was correct, they were released.

Perhaps because they were new recruits, the inspection was particularly careful this time, and they were even asked to show hatching beasts to correspond one by one.

"Don't mind. After all, this is the first time. We are not familiar with each other. We won't have to do this next time when we get acquainted." The leading man seemed to be afraid that Wang Xuan and the others would be dissatisfied, so he explained with a smile.

Wang Xuan and others could only nod to express their understanding.

Compared with the security in the town, the four entrances and exits of Insect Town are strictly managed. This is related to the collection of crystal scales, which has huge benefits and cannot be careless.

This made Wang Xuan understand that it would be difficult to steal other people's signs and cards and pretend to sneak into Insect Town.

After the inspection, the eight people walked out of the south gate, looked at the ten-meter-wide avenue in front of them, and then let out a long breath.

"I feel depressed in Insect Town, but I feel much more comfortable after leaving the town." Zhao Lei smiled, and everyone walked along the avenue towards Centipede Island.

On both sides of the avenue was the sparkling river, and Wang Xuan was in a good mood.

This avenue was about one or two hundred meters long. Everyone passed through the avenue and just set foot on the island. Suddenly, they saw seven people emerging from behind a pile of huge rocks and quickly surrounded them.

These seven people are all wearing red belts. The first two, a slightly fat man with a round face and a man with a dark face, are none other than Duan Chen and Yao Tiande from "Rakshasa".

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