The last building on earth

Chapter 124 The Book of Giant Gods (the third update today, an additional update for the Martial God

Suddenly seeing Duan Chen and Yao Tiande with five people surrounding them, Wang Xuan took a breath and revealed a wry smile.

They were afraid of being encountered by Duan Chen and others in Chong Town and causing trouble, so they decided to leave Chong Town and come to Centipede Island to have a look. Unexpectedly, the other party seemed to have predicted that they would come here and guarded here in advance.

Yao Tiande's face was gloomy, and he stared at Wang Xuan, holding the metal rod with blue-white electric light on the surface in his right hand. Among the eight people, the one he feared the most was Wang Xuan.

"Boy, I knew you would come to Centipede Island. We chose to sit back and wait here, and our efforts were indeed in vain." Yao Tiande showed a sneer on his face, but his eyes looked at the left wrist of Wang Xuan and others.

In the shop selling supplies last night, the eight Wang Xuan people did not have the signs of the five major forces on their bodies. They were obviously eight newcomers. It had only been half a day. They all wore black bracelets on their left wrists, which meant that they had joined. Xuan Gang.

Duan Chen held the earth shield formed by the accumulation of earth in his right hand and shouted: "Where is Wu Yi who killed tens of millions of people? You killed Lan Lan with him. This is a big feud. None of you can escape today." .”

As he spoke, he stepped forward suddenly, and the earth shield he held in his right hand volleyed over.

Wang Xuan was not afraid at all. The metal tentacles suddenly rose up and hit the earth shield with a loud bang. The earth shield shattered and exploded into countless earth fragments.

Several people who came with Duan Chen showed their hatching beasts one after another and surrounded him with murderous intent.

Zhao Lei, Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei, Tie Jun, Li Haotian and others did not show weakness, and immediately displayed their respective hatched beasts, ready to prepare.

There is a huge difference between the sub-body and the adult body. Everyone showed their respective hatched beasts. The aura of the adult body was completely different from that of the sub-body. Yao Tiande and Duan Chen were not fools, and they immediately felt something was wrong.

Yao Tiande suddenly shouted: "Stop!" He raised the metal rod in his hand and stopped the other five people who were about to take action. He stared at Wang Xuan, then looked at Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others. Suddenly Said: "Have you all reached adulthood?"

With the eight adults in front of them, they were now seven against eight, but they could not gain any advantage at all. Although Yao Tiande was not afraid, he also understood that if there was a real melee, even if the seven of them could really kill the eight people in front of them, their own side would have to pay a heavy price. price.

Not to mention that he was unwilling, the other five people who came with them were even less willing.

Sure enough, when the five people discovered that Wang Xuan and others were all adults, they all immediately retreated without Yao Tiande saying anything.

Just kidding, who wants to fight in this situation? Who doesn't cherish their own life?

"Yao Tiande, didn't you say there were only one or two adults? Why are they all in this group?" Among the five people, a man looked at Yao Tiande with a dissatisfied look on his face.

Yao Tiande's face was very ugly, and Duan Chen also stepped back, most of his arrogance immediately disappeared.

They are here today mainly for Wu Yi, not deliberately targeting the eight Wang Xuan people.

The four places outside the Insect Town have different levels of danger. The Snake Domain outside the east gate is the safest and is suitable for newcomers like Yati. As for the Scorpion City in the west and the Insect Kingdom in the north, even adults dare not enter. Unless Wu Yi You don't dare to go in if you want to die.

Wu Yi is an adult, and the most suitable place for him is Centipede Island outside the south gate.

They searched the area of ​​Centipede Island all morning and failed to see Wu Yi, so they guessed that Wu Yi had probably hid in the Snake Territory, so they decided to take a rest and go to the Snake Territory later.

While resting, he suddenly noticed that on the road leading to the south gate, eight people from Wang Xuan were walking towards Centipede Island.

Since they couldn't catch Wu Yi, they were ready to vent their anger on the eight Wang Xuan people, but they didn't want to prepare to take action until they suddenly discovered that the eight Wang Xuan people were not the newcomers they imagined, but were all adults.

Looking at the performance of the seven people in front of him, Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief and understood that he had guessed correctly before. As long as the eight of them reached adulthood, Duan Chen and Yao Tiande would not dare to manipulate them casually. In this Chong Town, the strength Decide everything.

Not far away, several teams of people were resting. These people had the symbols of the five major forces on their bodies, and they were all looking towards this place with excitement and expectancy.

Seeing the conflict between the eight Xuan gang members and the seven Rakshasa people, many people immediately opened their eyes and wanted to watch the show.

"The Lan Lan you are talking about was killed by Wu Yi. I can understand your desire to seek revenge from Wu Yi, but we are also the victims who were involved. It seems unreasonable for you to seek revenge from us, right?"

Wang Xuan calmed down and looked at Duan Chen and Yao Tiande in front of him. The metal tentacle on his right hand swayed slightly. If the other party was really unreasonable, even if he was a core member of Rakshasa, he would not hesitate to fight back.

Duan Chen took a deep breath, stared at Wang Xuan fiercely, and said: "What about Wu Yi? If you hand Wu Yi over, we will naturally go to him to settle the score!"

Wang Xuan nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll give Wu Yi to you."

After speaking, he opened the pocket on his left hand, took out a package wrapped in clothes from the Xumi Mustard Seed space, and threw it in front of Duan Chen and Yao Tiande.

Seeing Wang Xuan suddenly throwing the package over, Duan Chen and the others were startled, thinking that Wang Xuan was trying to plot against them. They immediately protected the hatchling beast in front of them and retreated violently. Some of them retreated the farthest and walked directly towards them. Arrived ten meters away.

Seeing that the package fell to the ground quietly, without any explosion or other dangerous situation, Yao Tiande looked confused and said, "What does this mean?"

Wang Xuan said nothing, stretched out his metal tentacles, and untied the clothes wrapped on the ground from a few meters away. A bloody human head was immediately revealed inside.

"Wu Yi?" Duan Chen suddenly cried out.

Yao Tiande opened his mouth wide with a shocked look on his face, then slowly looked at Wang Xuan and said with a smile: " killed...Wu Yi?"

They wanted to capture Wu Yi and seek revenge on him, but they never expected that Wu Yi's head would appear in the hands of this group of newcomers.

Wang Xuan said slowly: "What conflicts and grudges you have with Wu Yi have nothing to do with us originally, but Wu Yi should not drag us into the water and use us as a backstop, so he deserves to die."

Zhao Lei said: "Now that Wu Yi is dead and your great revenge has been avenged, we should be evenly matched."

Zhang Haofei said: "No, it was us who killed Wu Yi, your big enemy, for you. You should be grateful to us."

Duan Chen and Yao Tiande looked at Wu Yi's head on the ground, and then looked at each other. The expressions on their faces were a little ugly, and they also felt unspeakably aggrieved. They just felt a sigh of relief in their hearts, but they couldn't express it.

Especially Zhang Haofei said that they should be grateful, which made them feel depressed and uncomfortable.

Seeing that Duan Chen and Yao Tiande were silent and the atmosphere became dull, Zhao Lei couldn't help but said: "Wu Yi is dead. They all say that the debt will be wiped out. Your friend's revenge can be regarded as avenged. I believe that Lan Lan The girl can rest in peace."

I thought that no matter how deep the relationship between these two people was with Lan Lan, now that Wu Yi was dead, the matter should be over. Do they really want to fight to the death with the eight of them? If this is the case, then these two people are really stunned.

Yao Tiande suddenly sighed, stepped forward, wrapped Wu Yi's head in clothes again, and then lifted it up.

"Now that Wu Yi is dead, if it was just us, we naturally hope to end it here. If Wu Yi is alive and we capture him alive, it will be easier to handle, but now that he is dead, this matter will be difficult to handle."

Wang Xuan was slightly startled and said, "What do you mean by this?"

Yao Tiande waved his hand and said: "Forget it, strictly speaking, you were indeed involved in this matter and suffered a terrible disaster, but... alas..."

When he said this, he hesitated and paused before saying: "We are not unreasonable people. The experiences of those who have actually come here are probably similar. We are all trapped in this damn world and cannot return. Poor guy goes."

Wang Xuan and others looked at each other in shock. They didn't expect Yao Tiande to suddenly become emotional.

Yao Tiande felt a little depressed when he said this, and continued: "Obviously everyone is the same poor trapped person, but they can't unite and find a way to escape together. Instead, they are divided into three, six or nine levels, with various factions and each other. There was constant strife.”

"Cough!" Duan Chen couldn't help coughing slightly when he heard that Yao Tiande was talking more and more wrong. Then he pushed him gently and said, "Let's go back."

Wang Xuan listened quietly, looking at Yao Tiande's appearance, he seemed to have some realization in his heart. He thought that this Chong Town was occupied by five major forces, and they were afraid of constant private fights and disputes between them. Even though Yao Tiande was a core member of Rakshasa, he could not help himself.

After that, Duan Chen and Yao Tiande said goodbye and headed to the south gate. Although they got Wu Yi's head, they seemed to be in a low mood. They didn't seem to have the feeling of revenge for their friends, which Wang Xuan noticed. , I always feel weird in my heart.

Those people in the distance originally wanted to watch the show, but they all felt disappointed when the two sides failed to fight, and then dispersed one after another.

Watching Duan Chen and Yao Tiande leave, Wang Xuan frowned slightly, and Zhao Lei suddenly said: "I think this matter is very strange."

Zhang Haofei said: "What's weird? Wu Yi died, they took revenge, and the matter has been resolved. How weird is that?"

Zhao Lei shook his head and said, "No, there must be something wrong." He squinted his eyes as he spoke. Every time he thought, he would squint out of habit.

"It's indeed a bit strange. Yao Tiande said that if Wu Yi is alive, it would be better to capture him alive, but it would be bad if he died. Is there any secret about Wu Yi? What secrets do they want to gain by capturing him alive?"

Tie Jun used his imagination and thought of a possibility.

As soon as he said this, Wang Xuan and Zhao Lei all looked at him.

Zhao Lei opened his eyes with narrowed eyes, but lowered his voice. He looked into the distance to make sure no one was paying attention to them, and then said: "Brother Tie, your guess is really possible, but it's a pity that Wu Yi is already dead. Even if He really has a secret, and we don’t know it anymore.”

Wang Xuanzai pondered slightly, then stretched out his hand and pointed at a pile of huge rocks in front of him and said: "Let's go there and rest for a while."

The eight people came to the pile of huge rocks, made sure that the surroundings were safe, and then sat down to rest.

"Wang Xuan, why do you think of taking a rest?" Zhao Lei didn't understand.

Wang Xuan muttered: "As you just said, Yao Tiande's reaction is a bit strange. He seems to want to say something, but he hesitates. If it is like Brother Tie said, what secret is hidden in Wu Yi? Now Wu Yi is dead, will they suspect that we know this secret?"

Zhao Lei was shocked and said: "If this is the case, I'm afraid they will come to us again?"

Gu Manyao said: "If that's the case, then we really can't explain it clearly. We really didn't get any secrets from Wu Yi. Of course, these are just our guesses here, and they may not be true."

Wang Xuan hummed, and after thinking for a while, he opened his left pocket and took out two belts.

These two belts are both primary storage belts, from Lan Lan and Wu Yi. They look exactly the same, and Wang Xuan can't tell which one belongs to Lan Lan and which one to Wu Yi.

He took one of them, turned it over and looked over it carefully, but didn't see anything. Then he took another one and checked it carefully.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at Wang Xuan silently, understanding that he was checking Wu Yi's relics to see if they could find any clues.

Wang Xuan carefully inspected the two belts and found nothing. As for the inner space, everyone had already explored it before. Except for crystal scales, nutrient solution, armor and some daily necessities, there was nothing special.

Suddenly, as if he thought of something, he put away the two belts again, opened the Xumi Mustard Seed space, and took out a second-level ordinary quality heart-protecting iron armor and a second-level ordinary quality iron-locked knee pad.

I got Wu Yi's storage belt before. In addition to daily necessities, hooks and ropes, nutrient solution, crystal scales and maps, there is also this heart-protecting iron armor and iron-locked knee pads.

Wu Yi has a full set of second-level sophisticated equipment plus a third-level alloy armor. This second-level ordinary quality heart-protecting armor and knee pads cannot be used, so it is not unusual to keep them in his storage belt for spare use.

After Wang Xuan saw it at that time, he put it in the Xumi Mustard Seed space without looking too much. Only now did he get up to take a closer look.

This careful inspection revealed a problem. There was actually a thin layer of gold paper stuck to the inside of the heart-protecting armor, close to the back.

If he hadn't been suspicious and checked carefully, Wang Xuan would not have noticed it at all.

With the discovery, Wang Xuan's heart beat slightly. He first put away the iron-locked knee pads, and then made sure that no one was paying attention to them. He leaned against the huge rock and asked everyone to sit in front of him to protect him. Then he slowly put this layer of The thin gold paper was quietly torn off.

I don't know what kind of material this gold paper is made of. It is only about the size of a palm. It is very soft when held in the hand. It looks like paper, but it is much tougher than paper. Wang Xuan looked at the gold paper and saw four large golden characters.

"Book of Titans"

Wang Xuan frowned slightly when he saw these four golden characters.

Look below and there is a line of small words.

"Complete the ritual of the Book of Titans, awaken the power from ancient times, open the door to immortality, and stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods."

Looking at this line of small characters, Wang Xuan frowned even deeper, because this line of writing was so mysterious that he strongly doubted its authenticity.

"Awaken the ancient power, open the door to immortality, and stand side by side with the gods. What a great statement."

Wang Xuan was speechless. Could it be that the real purpose of Duan Chen, Yao Tiande and others in chasing Wu Yi was not to avenge Lan Lan, but for the Book of the Giant?

In addition to these two lines of words on this side, there are very exquisite patterns drawn around it. When you touch it with your hand, it is slightly embossed. Looking at the other side, there are also exquisite patterns around it, and a map is drawn with gold lines in the center. This map is very Strangely, if you shake the golden thread slightly, the map will have a three-dimensional embossed effect.

Wang Xuan squinted his eyes slightly and took a closer look. This three-dimensional map had an island in the center and was surrounded by sparkling water. Isn't this environment exactly Centipede Island?

My heart beat slightly. Since there is a map of Centipede Island in the Book of Giants, could it be said that what is written on it is true?

Look carefully at this map with a three-dimensional embossed effect. The more you pay attention to it, the stronger the three-dimensional effect of this map. Gradually, Wang Xuan felt that the Centipede Island was completely floating in front of his eyes, like a three-dimensional image. He saw Arriving at the center of the three-dimensional Centipede Island, at the highest point, there is a downward vortex channel. Going down this vortex channel, there is a palace suspended in the deepest part of the island.

In this palace, there was a stone door, which was carved with the same pattern as the gold paper. He immediately understood that this stone door was the door of immortality written on the gold paper.

"If this book of giant gods is true, it does not mean that as long as you enter the deepest part of Centipede Island, find the palace hidden below, and open the door of immortality, you can awaken the ancient power and be able to stand side by side with the gods."

Wang Xuan took a deep breath and barely suppressed his beating heart. Although he didn't completely believe the words written on it, this book of giant gods was indeed magical. Just the three-dimensional map made it feel incredible.

In short, this thing is amazing.

He is now certain that Duan Chen, Yao Tiande and others are looking for Wu Yi because of this golden paper.

"But it's also strange. If they were after this gold paper, why didn't they mention it just now? They should at least find an excuse to ask for Wu Yi's relics. Or maybe they didn't know about the existence of this gold paper? Or should they? You think you are no match for us, so you show weakness and leave first, and then go back to bring in reinforcements to deal with us?"

Although it was not yet completely clear whether the Book of Titans mentioned on the gold paper was true, Wang Xuan knew that this thing must be extremely important. After reading it, he remembered the map in his heart and immediately put it away.

"How's it going? I feel like this thing is too mysterious. You won't believe it." Zhao Lei asked softly.

He had just seen the Book of Titans and a line of small words below it, but he looked at the map from a different angle than Wang Xuan. This map was very weird, and the different viewing angles had different effects.

The map did not show a three-dimensional effect in his eyes. From his perspective, the map was a bit blurry, and he could not tell that it was Centipede Island.

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