The last building on earth

Chapter 184 Insect Tide (Today, please vote for me)

"Now that we are all strong men, in the coming days, if the nine of you join forces, there will basically be no danger in Scorpion City, unless you encounter a six-star dangerous monster like the Sand Scorpion Lord."

Wang Xuan saw that the last Yu Shanshan had also been promoted to the ultimate state, and he let out a long breath. He had been in Scorpion City for three days. During these three days, he was always thinking about the "life and death test" that he needed to go through to break through. thing, now it’s time to try the challenge.

Everyone nodded one after another after listening to Wang Xuan's words.

"Let's go back to Insect Town and rest for a day."

Everyone had no objection to Wang Xuan's suggestion. They had been staying in Scorpion City for several days and everyone was a little tired.

Returning to Chong Town, everything was as usual. Wang Xuan and everyone had just returned to the three-story building where he lived. Before opening the door, he saw six people walking over not far away.

Wang Xuan looked over and saw that it was Cheng Aiguo and Meng Lian.

"Wang Xuan." Cheng Aiguo seemed to be in a good mood and hurried over at a faster pace.

Wang Xuan opened the door and invited them in.

Cheng Aiguo said: "I remember that day you said that we would come to you when we are all adults. We all arrived yesterday, but you were not here, and we didn't dare to go to Scorpion City to find you casually, so we have been here Waiting for you here."

Lu Weichao, who was following him, said: "By the way, He Mingli and Shi Lei are coming up too."

Wang Xuan made a sound and said: "They have come up too, where are they now?"

Cheng Aiguo smiled and said: "They came up yesterday and happened to meet us. We all gathered the crystal scales and asked them to join the Xuan Gang. It's because of your face that those who said they would draw lots to randomly decide which gang to join. , and then when you were mentioned, they didn’t dare to say anything more.”

Wang Xuan hummed. He remembered that He Mingli and Shi Lei were also people he had met on the first floor before. At that time, he formed a simple alliance with Cheng Aiguo, He Mingli, and Shi Lei to take care of each other, but afterwards he was very He soon left the first floor and entered Insect Town.

Cheng Aiguo continued: "We told them what you told us that day, let them go to the Snake Domain first, grow to adulthood, and then go to Centipede Island. They should all be in the Snake Domain now. If you want to see them, Then I’ll go get them back now?”

Wang Xuan waved his hands and said, "That's not necessary. You all can sit down."

Then he took out a palm-sized piece of hatched corpse mushroom, divided it into five parts, and gave one to each of them except Meng Lian.

I explained to them that the hatching beast needs to be awakened to break through to the ultimate state, and then the role of hatching corpse mushrooms. As for Meng Lian's elf, it is very special. It is in an awakened state from the beginning and does not need to hatch corpse mushrooms at all. It can be said that her elf If you want to break through the adult body and advance to the ultimate state, you just need energy.

"Don't spread this matter. Only us people can know about it. I don't want too many people to know about the corpse mushroom." Wang Xuan looked at the people in front of him and warned.

After the six Cheng Aiguo people understood, they all nodded hurriedly. After that, except for Meng Lian, the other five people took the hatching corpse mushroom and quickly fell asleep one after another.

Wang Xuan knew that they needed to sleep for a night before they could wake up, so he released Xiaoguai and let him guard here to protect the safety of the five people.

Meng Lian was worried about them and stayed with them.

He went to Qiu Yuanfeng to find out more and found out that after the leader Xu Jian went up, he never came down again, and there was no news from the Rakshasa side. No new Rakshasa leader was appointed, and "Rakshasa City" did not send a new envoy down. .

It's been eerily quiet these days.

"But this is a good thing. I guess the superiors are still negotiating, or negotiating something. After all, this matter is not small. It is probably normal to have to talk several times." Qiu Yuanfeng comforted.

Wang Xuan is not worried about himself, he is worried about Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei and others. If Rakshasa City wants to carry out bloody revenge, they may not be spared.

Since there is no news now, for him, that is the best news.

When he returned to his residence, Wang Xuan felt a little restless. He thought that early tomorrow morning, he would decide to go to the Insect Kingdom to find powerful monsters and challenge the "life and death barrier" to break through the state. He was not 100% sure whether he could succeed.

In the middle of the night, he was suddenly awakened by a sound that sounded like countless insects and beasts roaring together, coming from a distance.

In Insect Town, many people were awakened from their sleep, got up one after another, and looked outside.

Wang Xuan also got out of bed and came to the window, and quickly heard that the sound came from the north.

"What's going on? Isn't the north the insect country I plan to go to tomorrow? What is this sound?"

Wang Xuan was slightly surprised. This sound came from the end of the north, overwhelming the sky and the earth. When he heard it, it seemed indescribably weird and terrifying. It was stronger than Wang Xuan. At this moment, when he heard it in his ears, he felt slightly awe-inspiring.

Fortunately, the sound only lasted for about five minutes and then slowly disappeared. The entire insect town had become bustling with people. Almost everyone was woken up. Many people were talking about it and didn't know what happened. .

Soon, figures appeared in the five-story building like a small castle where the leaders of the "Justice League", "Phoenix" and "Dynasty" lived, running towards the square and towards the glass column in the center. These three figures , two men and one woman, the woman among them was wearing a full set of ghost equipment and a mask, and she was the leader of the Phoenix.

The other two men, one wearing a full silver scale suit, about thirty-seven or eighteen years old, with a pale complexion, a somewhat honest face, full of solemnity at the moment, are the leaders of the dynasty.

A few days ago, he had been up there because of Wang Xuan's affairs, and now he had apparently returned to Chong Town.

The other man was wearing a full ghost suit. He was about 25 or 26 years old, relatively short and fat, and had a metal plate hanging around his neck, indicating that he was from the "Justice League".

In the "Justice League", there is only one person who can have a full set of ghost suits, and that is the leader of the "Justice League".

At this moment, the three leaders appeared together, and soon arrived in front of the glass column, opened the No. 8 elevator, and walked in together.

Soon the elevator door closed and they left here overnight.

Some people noticed the scene of the three leaders leaving, which made people understand that something was wrong.

Wang Xuan stood in his room and saw these three people from a distance through the window. Seeing the signs on their bodies and a full set of third-level high-quality equipment, he vaguely guessed their identities.

Except for Xu Jian, the leader of the Xuan Gang who has not returned, and the dead Rakshasa leader, the remaining three leaders all left Chong Town and were suspected to have gone up there. The only reason was that Chong Town was afraid that something big would happen.

At this moment, someone suddenly called his name.

"Qiu Yuanfeng?"

Wang Xuan pushed open the window, jumped out of the third floor window.

Qiu Yuanfeng was calling his name outside when he suddenly saw Wang Xuan falling in front of him and hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Wang Xuan, it just so happens that you are all back today. I came here to tell you that it is best not to leave tomorrow. No, let’s stay in Insect Town.”

Wang Xuandao: "Did something big happen in Chong Town? And is it related to the Chong Kingdom in the north?"

Qiu Yuanfeng nodded and said: "The leader told me before that before the insect tide, all the insects in the northern insect country must sing together."

Wang Xuan had vaguely guessed it. Hearing what Qiu Yuanfeng said, he was not surprised. He just nodded slightly and said: "Will the insect tide appear tonight? I just saw that the three leaders of Phoenix and Dynasty seemed to have left. They are going up." Moving reinforcements?”

Qiu Yuanfeng said: "It should be, but I don't know if the superiors will send people to support this time. The leader said that before the insect tide, the chirping of all the insects can be regarded as an early warning. I have just sent people with the sound transmission crystal, We went to Snake Domain, Centipede Island and Scorpion City respectively, and tried to gather everyone back to Insect Town as much as possible, but I don’t know when the insect tide will appear."

"By the way, I have to inform others, so I'll leave first."

Qiu Yuanfeng looked very anxious and hurriedly left after speaking.

Wang Xuan saw several figures reappearing in the square, running towards the east gate, south gate and west gate respectively.

He understood that these people were going to Snake Domain, Centipede Island and Scorpion City to inform everyone that the insect tide would appear.

"Unexpectedly...the insect tide suddenly came." Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief. He had heard many people say about the insect tide. Even the last insect wave, the higher-ups paid a huge price to help, and this allowed him to The insect tide supported the past, more than two thousand people died, and only a few hundred people died in the end. This shows how terrifying the insect tide is.

But after hearing it, Wang Xuan still had no idea what this insect wave looked like and how terrifying it was.

It was destined to be a sleepless night. The news that the insect tide was coming soon spread throughout the entire insect town, and many people began to flock to the trading area.

Some supplies that I was reluctant to buy now can only be bought even if I spend all my savings.

Everyone asked each other about the horror of the insect tide, and basically everyone understood it.

The most important thing now is to survive the insect wave. All kinds of potentially life-saving items, such as healing water, have suddenly become in demand.

Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others couldn't sleep either, so they all gathered towards Wang Xuan's small building.

Cheng Aiguo and the other five were still sleeping, with Xiaoguai standing by like a loyal guard. Wang Xuan repeated what Qiu Yuanfeng had just told him.

Hearing that this was a sign that the insect tide was about to appear, everyone's expressions changed.

Especially Yao Tiande.

He had personally heard people in the past talk about insect tides, so he naturally understood the terror of insect tides.

"Is the insect wave coming now? Grandma's..." Zhang Haofei murmured, with a hint of excitement in his eyes: "We are all strong men, are we afraid of eggs?"

He thought that even if he died, the only ones he feared to die would be adults and sub-bodies. As a powerful person, he was basically safe. After all, I heard from Yao Tiande that the last insect wave was so terrible that more than two thousand people died. Most of them, but a few hundred people survived, and the number of perfect experts in Insect Town was estimated to be no more than 200.

Zhao Lei was not as optimistic as Zhang Haofei, and said: "This insect wave must be terrifying and can threaten the most powerful people. Otherwise, there would be no way so many people would die."

Wang Xuan looked at Yao Tiande and said, "Did your former friend named Huang Tao tell you in detail about the insect tide?"

Yao Tiande said: "It is said that once the insect tide breaks out, countless insects will appear from the Insect Kingdom, and they will soon surround the Insect Town. If they cannot resist it, everyone will die."

Li Haotian said: "Since the insect tide emerged from the Insect Kingdom, what if we abandon Insect Town and hide in a place like Snake Domain or Centipede Island? Isn't it possible to avoid the insect tide?"

Yao Tiande shook his head and said: "It's impossible. Once an insect tide occurs, it is said that insects are everywhere, and it is useless to hide anywhere."

Zhao Lei pondered: "I just thought of a question. Since we know that the insect wave is about to appear, can't we avoid it if we take the elevator down to the first floor?"

Yao Tiande said: "I have had similar questions before. Since the insect tide knows the early warning, we can hide and avoid the insect tide, and then come back when the insect tide is over."

"Later, after listening to Huang Tao's explanation, I realized that these bugs have certain intelligence. Once they occupy Bug Town, they can go to different floors through the elevator in the central square. In short, even if we hide on the first floor, they will also enter through the elevator. The first floor will cause a greater disaster. When we reach the first floor, our strength will be restricted, but these bugs are said to not be restricted. It can be said that if we want to escape to the first floor, it is no different from dying."

Everyone was slightly surprised when they heard this. They never expected that this bug could take the elevator to other floors.

"There is such a thing. It seems that we can only stay in Insect Town and fight these insects to the death." Zhao Lei narrowed his eyes slightly.

Wang Xuandao: "It's useless to think too much now. The most important thing now is to take advantage of the fact that the insect tide has not really come yet, keep up the spirit and be prepared. I think the leaders of the insect town should be experienced. They may know how to Handle."

"Yes, I have to buy some explosive crystals just in case."

"Buying explosive crystals is not as good as defensive crystals."

After everyone chatted for a while, they left one after another and went back to rest.

Fortunately, there was no insect tide that night, and the people who stayed in Snake Domain, Centipede Island and Scorpion City were notified of the impending insect tide and poured back into Insect Town like a tide.

Early the next morning, as soon as Wang Xuan woke up, he received a notice from Qiu Yuanfeng that Xu Jian, the leader of the Xuan Gang, had returned and wanted to see him.

Wang Xuan simply washed up, accepted Xiao Guai, and then followed Qiu Yuanfeng to the five-story building where Xu Jian lived.

As for the five people, Cheng Aiguo and Lu Weichao, who ate the hatching zombie mushrooms last night, they had already awakened their hatching beasts and seemed very excited. They slept too hard last night and had no idea about the insect tide. Until Meng Lian and When they talked about the insect tide, everyone was dumbfounded and felt nervous.

Wang Xuan left the small building and found that the square was full of people. He understood that after the signs of all the insects appearing in the north late last night, almost everyone returned to Insect Town. According to the pattern of insect tides, the current There are at least two thousand people in Chong Town.

In addition, for the first time, he discovered that there were people standing on the ten-meter-high wall in the distance, patrolling back and forth. Especially on the northern wall, many people gathered to look at it.

He followed Qiu Yuanfeng and soon arrived at the place where Xu Jian lived.

Where Xu Jian lives, there are members wearing Xuanbang bracelets everywhere, and everyone has a solemn or nervous look on their face.

Including the powerful people he was familiar with such as Mou Gang, Gongsun Xiaoyan, You Ao, Xiang Jingnan, Jiang He, Liu Weijie and Yan Shouzheng, they were all there.

Not only the strong men from the Xuan Gang were gathering, but also the strong men from Phoenix, Dynasty, Justice League and Rakshasa.

The entire Bug Town was shrouded in a tense atmosphere.

In the hall, Xu Jian was wearing a full silver scale suit with a solemn expression. When he saw Wang Xuan and Qiu Yuanfeng coming in, he looked at Wang Xuan and came forward.

"Wang Xuan, you are here."

Wang Xuan nodded towards him, Qiu Yuanfeng said nervously: "Chief, is the insect wave coming?"

Xu Jian hummed and said: "I got news last night that in the depths of the Northern Insect Kingdom, thousands of insects are chirping together. This is a sign that the King Insect is born. Once the King Insect is born, it means that the insect tide will begin within twelve hours. Appear."

"Twelve hours?" Wang Xuan was surprised.

Xu Jian nodded and said: "Yes, the time when all the insects chirped last night was probably around 12 o'clock in the night, which means that at 12 o'clock today, the insect tide should come."

"So fast?" Wang Xuan was slightly surprised.

"Yes, by the way, Rakshasa City has also sent a new Rakshasa leader. Let's go out first."

After Xu Jian finished speaking, he took Wang Xuan and Qiu Yuanfeng and walked outside.

Qiu Yuanfeng glanced at Wang Xuan and then whispered: "Chief, has the matter in Rakshasa City been settled?"

He was asking for the king.

Xu Jiandao: "Xuancheng sent people to talk twice, but Rakshasa City's attitude is a bit ambiguous, but this matter can be discussed later. At present, everyone needs to unite as one to deal with the insect tide."

He paused slightly here and continued: "I believe you have heard that during the last insect wave, Chong Town was almost wiped out by the group. Later, the higher authorities paid a heavy price to save Chong Town. After that insect wave, , there are regulations above that they will not interfere with this insect wave, and will let the insect town fend for itself, which means that once the insect town cannot be defended, more than 2,000 people here will die."

Qiu Yuanfeng took a deep breath, then smiled bitterly and said: "Then the new leader of Rakshasa is unlucky. He knows the danger of the insect tide and still comes down to be the leader?"

Xu Jian glanced at him and said, "What do you know? If things get too bad, all five of our leaders can leave at any time. The real misfortune is for the residents of Insect Town."

This sentence made Qiu Yuanfeng stunned and speechless for a moment.

Xu Jian smiled slightly and said, "But don't worry, we won't leave unless absolutely necessary. We hope to work with everyone to defend Chong Town and tide over this difficulty together."

As he spoke, he walked out. Outside, hundreds of Xuan Gang members had gathered, all of them real core members.

"Mou Gang, Gongsun Xiaoyan, you are responsible for asking all members of the Xuan Gang to gather in the square."

"Yes." Mou Gang and Gongsun Xiaoyan nodded to express their understanding, while Xu Jian, with Wang Xuan and Qiu Yuanfeng, rushed towards the other side.

Wang Xuan noticed more and more people emerging in the square. These people were gathering according to the different signs they were wearing, and slowly formed five teams. Each team had four to five hundred people, which represented the Insect Town. Five major forces.

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