The last building on earth

Chapter 185 The Insect Tide Is Coming (Arrived today, please vote and subscribe)

Soon they arrived at another small castle with a height of five floors. Wang Xuan looked at a phoenix flag on it and understood that this was where the Phoenix leader lived.

Although this is where the Phoenix leader lives, a large number of Phoenix members are gathering towards the square at this moment, making the place become deserted.

Wang Xuan saw a woman standing there wearing a ghost suit and mask, and immediately understood that she should be the Phoenix leader.

Behind her, there were two men, one wearing two pieces of ghost equipment, and the other wearing two pieces of silver scale equipment. They were obviously not simple characters.

"That's Wan Qianying, the current leader of Phoenix." Xu Jian introduced Wang Xuan in a low voice.

In his mind, Wang Xuan is not his subordinate now, but someone who can be equal to him.

In addition to the three of them, Wang Xuan noticed two people approaching quickly from the other side.

Both of them had yellow ribbons on their heads. The one in the front was wearing a silver scale suit and was the leader of the dynasty. The person in the back was Wang Xuan, who knew Chu Boyu who they had fought against in Scorpion City.

Chu Boyu also saw Wang Xuan from a distance. He was obviously startled and slowed down. After a slight hesitation, he followed the leader of the dynasty in front and ran this way.

Then the leader of the "Justice League" wearing a ghost suit also appeared, but he appeared alone.

Several leaders appeared one after another and came to meet the Phoenix leader Wan Qianying.

"Chief Wan!" Xu Jian greeted from a distance, and Wan Qianying nodded slightly towards him.

Several major leaders appeared one after another, and most of these people focused on Wang Xuan.

A few days ago, they all saw the scene where Wang Xuan killed three emissaries from "Rakshasa City" in the dark. Now that they were in close contact, their expressions were a little strange.

"We still need the new leader of Rakshasa." Wan Qianying looked towards the direction of Rakshasa's residence.

The leader of the dynasty smiled and said: "He came here because of the insect wave. He is unfamiliar with everything. It is normal, but Chen Daolin should be able to teach him."

Wang Xuan saw that the leader of the dynasty was very relaxed. Xu Jian's words just now made him understand that these leaders can actually leave. They are all strong men who have surpassed the Zhen state. When the time comes when the insect town is no longer safe. , they can completely escape from Insect Town and enter the world above.

And those of them who have not broken through to the perfection state cannot enter the upper world. Even if they escape to the lower world, they will only attract insects to the lower world, causing even greater disasters.

While several leaders were talking, two figures appeared in the distance. The one in front was wearing a full set of Biying suits, and the second figure in "Rakshasa" followed closely behind was Chen Daolin.

Chen Daolin saw Wang Xuanzai from a distance. His scalp was numb and he looked timid. He was really scared of Wang Xuan.

It's just that the new Rakshasa leader followed him. Now it was about the insect tide and the safety of the entire insect town. If the insect tide failed, everyone would die, so he had to bite the bullet and follow him.

"Hello, everyone." The new Rakshasa leader is a young man who looks to be only 23 or 24 years old. He is neither handsome nor ugly, with fair skin. When he speaks, he is slightly shy.

The other four leaders all nodded towards him as a greeting. Phoenix leader Wan Qianying said: "Everyone is here, let's get started. It's still the same old rules."

As she spoke, she took out five pieces of paper that had been folded long ago, placed them in her hands, and said, "You take them first, and the rest are mine."

"Okay." The leader of the dynasty took a step forward and took one without even choosing. Later, the leader of the Justice League, Xu Jian, took one.

Wan Qianying looked at the Rakshasa leader.

The newly appointed Rakshasa leader said with a humble face: "You take it first, and the rest is mine."

Wan Qianying's eyes flashed slightly, and she was not polite. She threw one to him and kept one for herself.

Wang Xuan watched silently, thinking that these five leaders also relied on drawing lots to do their work. No wonder the people below followed suit.

Xu Jian opened the folded piece of paper and said, "I am from the north." He showed the paper and wrote the word "北" on it.

"I am also Bei, Lao Xu. It seems that we have to cooperate well this time." The leader of the dynasty smiled and showed a piece of paper with the word "Bei" also written on it.

"The Justice League will guard the west gate." The leader of the Justice League showed a piece of paper in his hand with the word "West" written on it.

Wan Qianying showed her piece of paper, which had the word "Nan" written on it, while the Rakshasa leader's had the word "东" written on it.

Wang Xuan saw their distribution and understood that once the insect tide came out, the north would be under the greatest pressure, so the two major forces needed to join forces to guard it.

"Then act according to the previous regulations. By the way, Chen Daolin, remember that in the third round, bring your leader to the north. You have experienced the last insect wave, so you should know what to do, right?" Wan Qianying looked at Chen Daolin. and the Rakshasa leader.

She saw that the Rakshasa leader was shy and young, so she was afraid that he would be worthless. He probably didn't understand anything now and could only count on Chen Daolin.

Chen Daolin nodded and said, "I understand."

"Okay, then everyone should act according to the agreement. This time, we can be sure that the superiors will not assist us again. If we fail, there will be no Insect Town."

Xu Jian said: "Not only Chong Town, but also the ten novice villages under Chong Town are gone."

He sighed after saying this.

Wang Xuan understood that once the insect town fell, these insects knew how to take the elevator to the world below, which meant that those in the newcomer village would also be killed by the insects.

"Let's go." Xu Jian crumpled the note in his hand into a ball and threw it out. He dodged and ran towards the square.

Wang Xuan and Qiu Yuanfeng followed closely behind.

Now almost the entire population of Chong Town had gathered in the square. Wang Xuan looked at these people. The number should be more than two thousand, but it felt like there were three or four thousand.

"Chief, how many people are there in Insect Town currently? I feel like there are more than two thousand of these people, right?"

Wang Xuan asked, and Xu Jian said: "It's hard to say the total number of people, but the number of people registered in the Xuan Gang is 641. I think the other four families should be similar, at least there should be more than 600 people."

Wang Xuan calculated in his mind and said: "That's more than three thousand people, and there are still new people who have not registered."

"Yes, the number of people this time is much larger than last time."

Qiu Yuanfeng perked up and said, "With more people, our chances of holding on to Chong Town will be greater."

Xu Jian said: "On the contrary, the more people there are, the larger the scale of the insect tide is likely to be. Forget it, there is no point in talking about it now. In short, no matter what the cost, we must hold on to the insect town and we must not lose it. "

Soon, they arrived at the place where all the members of the "Xuan Gang" gathered, and almost all of the 641 registered people arrived.

Gathered in the front row are the powerful men in the "Xuan Gang".

Including Mou Gang, Gongsun Xiaoyan, You Ao, Xiang Jingnan, Jiang He and Liu Weijie, as well as Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei, Zhao Lei, Bai Yan and Yao Tiande.

All nine of them have now been promoted to the state of perfection, which shocked everyone within the Xuan Gang. These people are not stupid. They have vaguely guessed that they should have obtained some kind of treasure that helps break through to the state of perfection, otherwise it would be impossible. There is such a situation.

Wang Xuan stood next to Xu Jian. Xu Jian was speaking to the more than 600 people in front of him, boosting morale and talking about the importance of Insect Town. It can be said that there is no retreat in this battle. They are fighting against the odds. As long as everyone unites Get up, we can definitely beat back the insect tide.

Wang Xuan looked at these people and saw some familiar people among them, such as Fang Yixuan and others who had been in contact with the Snake Domain, and Yuan Xiao and others who guarded the city gate and registered themselves before joining the Xuan Gang.

These people naturally remembered Wang Xuan. They recalled that a few days ago, they had not taken Wang Xuan seriously. Wang Xuan was just a newcomer. In just a few days, he was already so high that he could stand side by side with the leader Xu Jian. His status within the Xuan Gang is actually no less than that of Xu Jian.

Many people even feared him and even more feared Xu Jian.

"Okay, our mission this time is to work with the Dynasty to guard the northern wall. No matter what, we don't let these bugs set foot in Bug Town."

As Xu Jian raised his voice, everyone responded in unison, with great momentum.

Soon, more than 600 people began to surge towards the north.

In the square, those belonging to Rakshasa rushed to the east, Fenghuang's people headed to the south, those of the Justice League guarded the west, and the people of the Xuan Gang and the Dynasty combined, more than a thousand people, headed to the north.

In addition to the five major forces, there are also some newcomers who do not belong to any force. Among these people, there are both sub-bodies and adults. Under the arrangements of the five leaders, they are mainly concentrated around the glass columns in the square to guard the elevator.

In the event that a fish slips through the insect tide and rushes in, their purpose is to kill these bugs, and they must not let the bugs take the elevator into the newcomer area on the first floor below.

Soon, thousands of people arrived at the ten-meter-high wall. The city gate was tightly closed and insects could not destroy it. Their only way was to climb over the wall.

The Xuan Gang and the Dynasty take the city gate as the central boundary. The Xuan Gang is responsible for the left side and the Dynasty is responsible for the right side.

Then Xu Jian took out a booklet with names all on it.

According to the names he reported, more than 600 people were soon divided into three teams.

Wang Xuan thought to himself that Xu Jian had assigned people according to the roster last night.

Qiu Yuanfeng introduced in a low voice: "These people are not assigned randomly, but are assigned according to the characteristics and strength of the hatching beasts. It is necessary to ensure that each team has attack, defense, auxiliary healing, etc., to ensure that every Each team can exert its maximum strength.”

Wang Xuan nodded secretly. Xu Guo was indeed experienced. No wonder the new recruits would ask for the name and ability of the hatching beast in detail when registering. It was originally prepared for the insect tide.

"The insect wave lasts for a long time. The first team goes first, and when tired, the second team takes over, and then the third team. In this way, the three teams take turns to replace. No matter what, we must defend this place."

After Xu Jian finished speaking, more than two hundred people from the first team climbed onto the wall, while people from the second and third teams sat on the ground to rest.

Wang Xuan followed Xu Jian and Qiu Yuanfeng and climbed onto the wall.

The wall was about two meters wide. Everyone stood on it and could barely move. Wang Xuan stood on it and looked far into the distance. He could see a world of barren mountains and ridges.

This so-called insect country looks like a desolate world. In the far distance, a tower can be vaguely seen, which should be the "Hell Tower" marked on the map.

Wang Xuan thought that the tasks for several of his parchments were related to the insect tide, and this time he could complete all of them at once.

"Judging from the time, the insect wave should appear in about an hour or two."

Xu Jian looked from a distance and walked to the center of the north wall. The leader of the dynasty on the other side came over with Chu Boyu and another tall man.

The two leaders gathered at the wall above the city gate in the center.

"Everyone, please sit down and rest. It should be a while."

Xu Jian raised his voice and spread it far away.

Hundreds of people climbed onto the wall and sat on the spot.

Wang Xuan looked at the other three directions. People were gathered in all of them. The arrangements were basically the same as Xu Jian's. They divided the people into three teams and took turns to hold on.

After everyone rested for about half an hour, a terrible roar suddenly came from the end of the north.

With this roar, Xu Jian and the dynasty leaders who were resting on the spot immediately jumped up as if their buttocks were burned by fire.

"The king insect has begun to cry. The insect tide is about to begin. Everyone, be alert!" Xu Jian shouted loudly.

Around the wall, everyone who had been resting stood up one after another, and everyone looked more or less nervous.

For most people, this is their first time experiencing an insect infestation.

The strange whistling sound in the distance continued, and the sound gradually became louder. Wang Xuan saw the barren mountains and ridges in the distance, and khaki shadows suddenly began to appear.

These earth-yellow shadows appeared like a surging tide. With sharp eyes, Wang Xuan immediately saw that these were giant earth-yellow beetles, about one meter long from head to tail. The khaki tide flooded over and soon covered the barren mountains.

"Attention, everyone! These are armored bugs, with a three-star danger level, and their strength is equivalent to that of a sub-body——"

Xu Jian took out a sound transmission crystal and spread what he said far away.

Everyone on the wall suddenly saw so many armored bugs surging forward, and they were inevitably frightened. They calmed down after hearing that they were only three-star dangerous and their strength was equivalent to that of a sub-body.

Thousands of armored insects quickly rushed to the wall. Standing on the wall were more than 200 people from the Xuan Gang and more than 200 people from the dynasty. Many of them had hatching beasts that could carry out long-range attacks. , the farthest one can even reach a hundred meters. When the armored bugs enter within a hundred meters, they immediately start to launch attacks.

Wang Xuan saw light arrows and white light bullets flying over from a distance and falling into the surging armored insects.

Although these armored bugs are protected by hard shells, their strength is only equivalent to that of sub-bodies. Many of these people who attack are adults, and even those in the ultimate state. They cannot resist at all and are immediately pierced by light arrows.

White light bombs also fell and exploded, with great power. Wang Xuan saw that with each explosion, several armored bugs were blown to pieces and died immediately.

White scales flew out one by one and disappeared into the hands of those who took action like lightning.

Of course, these sporadic attacks could not stop the armored bugs at all. Soon they were approaching within fifty meters, and they suffered more and more attacks.

Wang Xuan looked at the east, south and west walls. Those people were standing on them and did not attack. He understood that these three sides had not been attacked by insects.

Half a minute later, armored bugs finally rushed under the wall. It was difficult for them to climb the ten-meter-high wall, but they were more numerous. The ones in front were padded underneath, and the ones behind were surging upwards, like a tide, gathering together. The number is increasing and the height is increasing.

Gu Manyao and Zhao Lei have been following Wang Xuan closely. Seeing this, Zhao Lei couldn't help but shout: "Is this okay?"

He really didn't expect that these armored bugs would have such a way to rise above the wall.

As the armored bugs approached, the people on the wall, some who were proficient in close combat, showed their hatches and began to take action, launching crazy attacks.

However, most of the powerful masters basically did not take action.

The Armored Bugs are only better in numbers, and their strength is very fragile. For now, there is no need for them to take action. The most important thing now is to maintain their physical strength.

Wang Xuan saw that Cheng Aiguo and Meng Lian were also assigned to the first team, not far from him. Cheng Aiguo continued to send shock waves downwards, and the armored bugs that were hit instantly shattered and exploded.

Meng Lian summoned an elf, which evolved into an adult. It not only has powerful healing capabilities, but can also attack.

There were more and more armored bugs all over the mountains and plains. Wang Xuan could no longer estimate the number. Countless armored bugs piled up and surrounded the high wall, forming a huge slope. The height soon reached ten meters, causing a surge behind. The armored insects that come can go up the slope and reach the wall, where they can launch crazy attacks on everyone.

Fortunately, these armored bugs are very weak. Most of the people guarding the wall are strong adults. They use all kinds of abilities and are amazingly powerful. The continuous explosions and roars are endless. It is not difficult to deal with this kind of armored bugs.

Wang Xuan watched as someone swung his sword and slashed, and sword energy flew out vertically and horizontally. He immediately killed the armored insects that rushed up one after another. He also saw someone's hands emitting strips of light, and these lights entangled an armored insect. A single armored bug easily cut these armored bugs into pieces.

There were even strong men with fierce personalities who jumped out and swept up a strong wind all over their bodies, sucking these armored bugs into it. The powerful strangulation force crushed the drawn armored bugs into pieces.

Wang Xuan originally wanted to take action, but when he saw this, he understood that although the number of these armored bugs looked terrifying, they were nothing to be afraid of, and everyone could completely defend them.

Ten minutes later, killing cries also came from the east and west. The insect tide finally extended to the east and west and began to attack.

Five minutes later, the south side was also attacked.

On the northern horizon, the strange roar of the King Insect kept ringing. It sounded like there was no change, but Wang Xuan vaguely felt that the strange roar was getting closer.

"The King Insect is approaching here. Only the King Insect actually appears. That is the most critical time for the insect tide. These armored bugs that appear now are nothing to be afraid of. They are not even appetizers. The only trouble is that there are too many and it takes time. .”

Xu Jian understood that Wang Xuan was participating for the first time and kept explaining to him.

"The king insect should be the leader of these insects, right? Is it the one that caused this insect tide?" Wang Xuan looked at Xu Jian.

"Yes, the King Insect has been sleeping deep in the Insect Kingdom, but it will be awakened periodically. Once it wakes up, it means that the insect tide is about to appear. The King Insect was restless last night, which actually called out to all the insects."

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