The last building on earth

Chapter 186 King Insect (Second update today, additional update for 200 monthly votes)

Qiu Yuanfeng said: "Then if we can kill this king insect, can we end the insect tide?"

Xu Jian turned his head and glanced at him before saying, "Kill the King Insect? It's impossible. The King Insect cannot be killed. Otherwise, how could there be an insect tide every once in a while?"

Qiu Yuanfeng was startled and said: "Can't the king insect be killed?"

Xu Jian said: "Yes."

When he said this, he suddenly raised his voice and said: "The second team is ready to take over from the first team."

The second group of people who were resting under the wall immediately stood up with a roar and began to climb up.

After they climbed onto the high wall, they immediately attacked to resist the endless stream of armored bugs, while the first team began to retreat and jump down, entering the town to rest.

Wang Xuan noticed that sporadic giant armored bugs began to appear among the armored bugs that appeared all over the mountains and plains.

The body length of ordinary armored bugs is more than one meter, and the body length of this giant armored bug can reach two meters, with stronger strength and defense. Wang Xuan noticed that the danger level of this giant armored bug is three and a half stars, which means Their strength is between that of sub-bodies and adults.

At first, only giant armored bugs appeared sporadically, and soon, the number of these giant armored bugs increased.

A large number of armored bugs died, and their corpses piled up like a mountain, forming a slope outside the wall. The height advantage of the ten-meter wall was gone.

Beside him, Xu Jian and Qiu Yuanfeng were still chatting about the King Insect.

Qiu Yuanfeng was very curious as to why this king insect could not be killed.

"That is not an existence that can be killed by our abilities. You will understand when you see it." When Xu Jian said this, he showed a hint of fear and smiled bitterly: "I was lucky enough to see the last insect wave. once."

Around the insect town, more and more bugs appeared. Three to four thousand people guarded the high wall, and they just didn't let a single armored bug rush into the town. Most of the people who attacked were adults, and almost all the powerful ones were there. Watching the fight, not taking any action.

Half an hour later, it was the third team's turn to stand on the wall. The number of killed armored bugs and stronger giant armored bugs was already incalculable.

The howling of the King Insects in the distance had stopped unconsciously, and Wang Xuan noticed that the number of Armored Insects that had once filled the mountains and plains was decreasing.

Then there was a scream, which was the scream of countless insects vibrating their mouthparts.

Following the scream, he saw a large number of fiery red giant ants with a body length of one meter appearing in the distance. Among these giant ants, there were also a large number of black spiders. Each black spider was very large in size. It is the size of a round table, with four white spots on its back. From a distance, it looks very ferocious and strange.

Their speed was obviously faster than the armored bugs, and they soon surpassed them, crawling on the corpses of these armored bugs, and rushed towards everyone.

Wang Xuan opened the eye of the illustrated book and immediately caught the fiery red giant ant named "Fire Red Bullet Ant", with a four-star danger level, and the black spider named "Four-Star Spider", with the same four-star danger level.

"This is the second wave of insect waves. The strength of these flaming red bullet ants and four-star spiders is comparable to that of ordinary adults." Xu Jian showed a solemn look on his face and said: "There are three waves of insect waves, and each wave is more terrifying than the last. , the most terrifying one is the third wave. As long as we can survive it, the insect tide will end. If we can’t survive it, the insect town will be destroyed.”

Swarms of fire-red bullet ants and four-star spiders appeared. They climbed up the corpses of countless armored bugs and launched a crazy attack.

The fire red bullet ants' defense is not as good as that of the armored bugs, and their bodies are relatively fragile, but they are extremely fast and have saw-like mouthparts that are extremely sharp. The four-star spiders are equivalent to long-range attacks and can spit out spider silk. Once stuck by the spider web, it is very difficult to It is easy to be dragged down by them and fall into the insect tide, which is dangerous.

Wang Xuan saw an adult. He was a little careless and was stuck by the silk spun by two four-star spiders. He was dragged down. The man was caught off guard and rolled and fell out. He was immediately attacked by several flaming red bullet ants. Surround and devour.

Fortunately, Gongsun Xiaoyan was standing not far away. When she saw it, she immediately jumped into the air. With a wave of her right hand, golden threads were released. They immediately entangled the flaming red bullet ants, pulling them and throwing them around. , rescued the man who was in danger.

As long as she was a little delayed, the man would be eaten into a pile of bones by a swarm of flaming red bullet ants.

Facing the four-star dangerous Fire Red Bullet Ants and Four-Star Spiders, everyone felt the pressure increase greatly. In terms of strength, everyone on the high wall was basically an adult, and the Fire Red Bullet Ants and Four-Star Spiders were also four-star dangerous. Stars, but in terms of quantity, the total number of Fire Red Bullet Ants and Four-Star Spiders exceeds them by an unknown number of times. If this continues, they will become somewhat difficult to resist.

Seeing that the situation was not good, some powerful people began to come to help one after another. Only then did they help everyone stabilize the formation and resist the crazy attacks of these bullet ants and four-star spiders on the high wall.

"Chief, this second wave is already four-star dangerous, so is the third wave of bugs comparable to the five-star dangerous ones?" Wang Xuan asked.

Seeing Xu Jian nodding, Wang Xuan was stunned.

If there are five-star dangerous bugs all over the mountains and plains, then why should they stop them?

Qiu Yuanfeng and Chu Boyu, who was standing on the other side, had never experienced an insect tide. After hearing these words, their expressions changed.

"Chief, how many are there? They won't be all over the mountains and plains like now, right?" Qiu Yuanfeng immediately lowered his voice, fearing that everyone around him would hear it and shake the morale of the army. If this is the case, then there is no need to resist the insect tide at all. With their current strength, they simply cannot resist it.

Xu Jian also lowered his voice and said slowly: "That's not a big deal. After all, they are five-star dangerous bugs. There can't be so many of them. You will know when the third wave appears."

Ten minutes passed quickly. Although there were constant attacks by the most powerful people, casualties still occurred occasionally. There were even a few fast fire red bullet ants that rushed through the wall and fell into the wall. However, they were quickly caught below. Everyone who was resting took action to kill him.

After a while, among the swarms of flaming red bullet ants, a larger type of bullet ant appeared. Their body length was nearly twice as long as that of ordinary flaming red bullet ants, nearly two meters, and their speed was faster.

Wang Xuan took a look from a distance and immediately caught their name: "Bullet Giant Ants", with a danger level of four and a half stars.

"Finally, the wait has come." Wang Xuan took out a piece of parchment and looked at it. The name of the task on it was "Insect Tide Hunter". The difficulty was five-star. The task was very simple. When the insect tide broke out, hunt down a hundred them. Bullet Ant.

In addition to the appearance of more powerful bullet giant ants, more powerful five-star spiders also appeared among the four-star spiders, which are also four-and-a-half-star dangerous. Compared with the four-star spiders, they are much larger in size. There are more white spots.

"It seems that the third wave of four and a half dangerous monsters is about to appear." The leader of the dynasty standing on the other side said: "Old Xu, do you want to inform them to come over quickly?"

He said suddenly: "They are coming."

Wang Xuan turned around and saw the Phoenix leader Wan Qianying, the Justice League leader, and the Rakshasa leader, each with five people, rushing towards them. Chu Boyu, Chen Daolin, and Gao Tian who he knew were all there. in.

These people climbed up the high wall one after another, and the five leaders gathered together again and began to discuss in a low voice.

"These five people are currently the strongest in our Justice League. We have brought them all here."

The leader of the Justice Alliance introduced the five people following him as he spoke. Wang Xuan saw that one of the men had a calm and unusual demeanor, and he looked familiar. Then he remembered that they had met once in the pub that day, but he didn't know his name. .

Xu Jian said: "The five people on our side are Wang Xuan, Qiu Yuanfeng, Mou Gang, Gongsun Xiaoyan and Jiang He."

As he spoke, he called Mou Gang, Gongsun Xiaoyan and Jiang He over on the other side.

Wang Xuan saw that Xu Jian had selected basically the strongest group of people in the Xuan Gang, and when he saw that all these leaders had gathered here, he knew that something big was going to happen.

The five leaders introduced the people they brought to each other, and after getting to know each other for a while, Wan Qianying said: "The most powerful people in Insect Town should be here now. Whether they can resist the insect tide this time depends mainly on it." It’s up to you.”

When she said this, her eyes slowly glanced at the faces of everyone on both sides, and said: "The third wave of insect waves will have five-star dangerous insects. It is almost impossible for us to passively defend the insect town. , the only hope is to kill the leader of these bugs, as long as the leader is killed, these bugs will be defeated."

"As soon as the third wave of bugs appears, we must rush out immediately, find a way to find the leaders of these bugs, and kill them. The faster we kill them, the less losses we will suffer. Do you understand? "

Everyone listened, with awe-inspiring expressions on their faces, and nodded one after another.

"Okay, let's all rest on the spot and recuperate. There should still be some time before the third pullout."

After Wan Qianying finished speaking, everyone began to rest. Wang Xuan watched more and more giant bullet ants appear, and they soon approached the high wall. He stretched out his right hand, and two metal tentacles extended out, pulling out the two approaching ones. Killed by a bullet giant ant.

Hunting and killing a hundred giant bullet ants is not difficult for Wang Xuan now. How can the number of giant bullet ants that appear appear only in the thousands?

This kind of bullet giant ant and five-star spider are both four and a half stars in danger. Their strength is between the adult and the perfect state, which brings huge pressure to everyone. Soon someone screamed, and a man was killed by the five-star spider. After dragging it down, it was immediately torn into pieces by a swarm of giant bullet ants.

The powerful people kept taking action, and then the situation was slowly stabilized again. Wang Xuan took the initiative to rush into a group of giant bullet ants, controlled two metal tentacles, and launched "Spiral Strangulation". This "Spiral Strangulation" was waved wherever it went. , where the giant bullet ants were dragged in, instantly shattered and killed.

When the five leaders saw Wang Xuan suddenly rushing out to hunt these giant bullet ants, they guessed that he was completing some kind of mission.

In fact, there are many powerful people who take the initiative to complete the task.

Many parchment tasks sold in the task shop are related to the insect tide, and everyone is waiting for this moment.

Five minutes later, Wang Xuan successfully killed a hundred giant bullet ants. He took out the parchment and found that the "Insect Tide Hunter" task prompt on it was completed. With this parchment, he could go to the task row to receive the reward.

As for another mission related to the insect swarm, which is to hunt down the Seven-Star Spider King, the difficulty is six stars. The five-star spiders that appear now are only four and a half stars dangerous, and the seven-star Spider King has not appeared.

After the mission was completed, Wang Xuan retreated again. Xu Jian was busy and concerned: "Hurry up and sit down and rest. Be sure to maintain your strength. There will be a hard battle later."

Wang Xuan nodded and sat down by the wall.

Swarms of giant bullet ants and five-star spiders surged in like crazy. Except for the thirty of them who were resting, almost all the remaining masters began to join the battle, sticking to the high wall and refusing to give in an inch.

Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei, Zhao Lei, Tie Jun and others also took action. Zhang Haofei looked very excited. While hunting those giant bullet ants and five-star spiders crazily, he let out a low roar from his throat, like a wild beast.

Suddenly, a strange roar sounded again in the distance.

This is the roar of the king insect.

This time the roar had become very close, and the five leaders who were resting immediately stood up and looked into the distance.

"The King Insect is here, it's about to start!" Xu Jian shouted in a deep voice: "Everyone, please be vigilant."

The first two rounds of insect waves can be said to be just a warm-up and do not pose much of a threat to the insect town. What is truly terrifying is the third round of insect waves.

Wang Xuan saw a commotion among the swarms of bullet ants in the distance. At the end of these bullet ants, a huge black shadow rose at the northern end.

The black shadow was very blurry, and it was difficult to see its true appearance. It just kept rising, like a rising hill. It soon exceeded ten meters, and the continuous strange roar was far away from the blurry black shadow. From afar.

Wang Xuan immediately understood that the rising vague black shadow was the king insect.

As this blurry black shadow appeared in the distance, a huge scream followed, and a fiery red monster suddenly rushed out from the swarms of giant bullet ants.

This monster is also an ant, but this ant is astonishingly large, with a body length of more than three meters, and its whole body is as red as flames. It continuously emits terrifying screams from its huge open mouth.

"Everyone, get ready!" Wan Qianying shouted: "The third wave of insect waves has begun."

Following her order, the other four leaders gathered around her, followed closely by twenty-five people including Wang Xuan and Qiu Yuanfeng. It can be said that they are the most powerful group of people in Insect Town now.

Wang Xuan saw the fiery red giant ant appearing in the distance, surpassing the other giant bullet ants at an extremely fast speed, and rushing towards them crazily.

His illustrated eye captured its information.

The Bullet Giant King Ant evolved from the Bullet Giant Ant that gained the power of the King Insect. Its danger level is five stars, which is comparable to that of an average powerful person.

The five-star dangerous bug finally appeared.

As this giant bullet king ant appeared, screams came one after another, and one after another, giant bullet king ants with a body length of more than three meters appeared. They gained the power of the king insect and were the king's most loyal ants. Each of the guardians had a power comparable to that of an average powerful person. They screamed together, and the sound was so sharp and harsh that everyone on the wall heard it and felt chills running down their spines.

Especially these are not perfect adults, and they instinctively feel fear and fear.

"Everyone is on the wall. No matter what the price is, we cannot retreat and let these insects rush into the insect town!" Xu Jian shouted, and the leader of the dynasty followed closely with the same scream.

The other two teams that were resting immediately climbed up the wall. Soon, there were more than a thousand people on the north wall.

As for the other three walls, there are no Giant Bullet Ants yet.

Each time, these bugs first appeared from the north, then slowly extended to the east and west, and finally converged to the south, completely surrounding Bug Town.

Bullet King Ants appeared one after another. Their speed was much faster than ordinary Bullet King Ants, and they soon surpassed them and rushed towards the wall.

Wan Qianying let out a low cry and released her mechanical beast, which turned out to be a giant mechanical bear. She jumped up and stepped forward. The giant mechanical bear carried her, trampling on a large number of insect corpses, and headed towards these giant bullet king ants. rushed in the direction.

She rushed out first, followed closely by the leader of the Justice League and the new leader of Rakshasa.

"All of you, stay at the wall and stay here before we kill the insect leader!" Xu Jian and the leaders of the dynasty issued orders to their subordinates respectively. After that, they also summoned mechanical beasts one after another, riding on Rushed out.

In order to preserve their physical strength as much as possible and be in peak condition, they all rode on mechanical beasts to sprint.

When Wang Xuan saw this, he also summoned Xiaoguai and rode up. Among all the mechanical beasts, his Xiaoguai was the largest.

Soon, the thirty most elite people rushed out on thirty mechanical beasts.

Suddenly, another person appeared, also riding a mechanical beast, and followed closely.

Wang Xuan noticed it, and when he looked back, it was Tang Ruoyu.

She did not belong to any force, and had never appeared before. No one could have imagined that when thirty of them rushed out of the insect town, trying to find and kill the insect leader, she would appear.

Tang Ruoyu already had four pieces of third-level fine-quality Biying equipment on her body. Only her helmet was a third-level alloy helmet. She was riding a giant mechanical tiger and was very fast, catching up with everyone in an instant.

The five leaders also noticed her appearance. Wan Qianying glanced at her and stopped talking.

Soon, they encountered the first batch of bullet king ants, which were the fastest.

"Avoid them as much as possible, don't attack if you can, and try to conserve your energy!" Wan Qianying shouted, reminding everyone that the mechanical bear she stepped on suddenly jumped up to avoid the one that rushed up first. The Bullet Giant King Ant led her through the other two Bullet Giant King Ants.

Wang Xuan has already seen that among the five leaders, Wan Qianying is the leader, and the other leaders, including Xu Jian, are more obedient to her orders.

"Got it!" Qiu Yuanfeng shouted, and also controlled his mechanical beast, trying his best to avoid the giant bullet king ant until he could no longer dodge, then he activated the hatching beast "Snake Relic" to kill the snake-headed fish-body Alien beasts are summoned.

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