The last building on earth

Chapter 187 The leader of the insect tide (please ask for monthly tickets and subscriptions today)

Snake Yi pounced in the air, hitting a giant bullet king ant that was rushing towards him, and both parties rolled and flew out together.

Qiu Yuanfeng seized the opportunity and rushed out on the mechanical beast.

The little boy was extremely powerful. With Wang Xuan in tow, he quickly caught up with the five fastest charging leaders. He let out a faint low roar from his throat and felt frightened when he faced a Bullet King Ant that was charging towards him. , with a slight hesitation, it immediately stretched out its flame claws, grabbed it out, and smashed the head of the giant bullet king ant into pieces.

Its current strength can be said to be truly reborn, even more terrifying than a peak-level strongman. This kind of five-star dangerous Bullet Giant King Ant cannot withstand a single blow from it.

Wan Qianying, Xu Jian and others looked at it with a look of surprise and couldn't help but glance at it.

It doesn't matter that Wang Xuan is strong, but he didn't expect that even the mechanical beast he rides is so powerful.

Although they all knew that Wang Xuancai had only been in Chong Town for about ten days, and judging from the time, he was still a newcomer, this newcomer gave them an unfathomable feeling.

There were screams one after another, and more and more Bullet King Ants appeared in front of them. Wan Qianying, who was rushing the fastest, was blocked by two Bullet King Ants. The mechanical bear she was riding was almost human-like. He stood up, waved his huge bear paw, and slapped him in the face.

A cold air rose up from the bear's paw, and the cold air rose up, forming pieces of ice.

With a "bang", the bear's paw slapped a giant bullet king ant in front of him. The giant king ant was immediately covered by the cold air and frost formed on the surface.

Wan Qianying flicked her right hand, and a ball of white light the size of a fist flew out and landed on another bullet king ant. The white light spread and burned violently, swallowing the bullet king ant in an instant.

The giant mechanical bear jumped up and rushed forward, knocking away the ice-formed Bullet Giant King Ant. It carried Wan Qianying and swept ten meters away, but soon more Bullet Giant King Ants appeared in front of it. Pounced from all directions.

The giant mechanical bear couldn't resist it, Wan Qianying hummed slightly, and his right hand popped out fist-sized white lights one after another.

Wherever this white light touches, raging flames immediately rise. In the blink of an eye, the bullet giant ants in front of them are swallowed up by the white flames. They are burned until they scream and roll out in all directions, causing the bullet giant king ants to explode. confusion.

Behind Xu Jian who was following her, four beast arms appeared. Matching his mutated arms, all six arms were mutated. Each arm was more than one meter long and covered with scales. He was riding on a mechanical beast and had bullets. As the giant king ant approaches, it only needs to stretch out its claws to catch the bullet giant king ant, use it as a weapon, and smash it against other giant king ants rushing up.

Although these giant king ants possess strength that is comparable to that of ordinary strong men, when they fall into his hands, they are like chicks falling into the talons of an eagle, with no room for resistance and struggle.

The five leaders took action one after another, each of them possessing strength beyond the peak state. These giant bullet king ants seemed vulnerable, and they were quickly beaten to a bloody path.

Xiaoguai took Wang Xuan with him and kept grabbing him with a pair of flaming claws. Wang Xuan was riding on it and there was no need to take action.

He always remembered Xu Jian telling him to conserve his physical strength as much as possible, and he knew in his heart that this battle would be extremely difficult and would not even end in a short time, so they mentioned the need to conserve their physical strength several times.

Fortunately, he currently has 36 bottles of physical water in the Sumeru Mustard Seed Space. This is his biggest reliance. He believes that even the five leaders may not be able to accumulate so many bottles of physical water.

A large number of Bullet King Ants surged in. These Bullet King Ants seemed to know their purpose and surrounded them crazily. In a short period of time, the number of Bullet King Ants surrounding them had reached thousands. .

Thousands of Bullet King Ants surrounded them, and only a small number of Bullet King Ants on the edge rushed towards the Insect Town.

On the high wall of Insect Town, everyone stood ready. Except for the thirty-one of them, the remaining masters took action to fight against the small number of Bullet Giant King Ants that rushed over.

Wang Xuan turned around and saw this scene, feeling slightly relieved.

Precisely because the thirty-one of them attracted the vast majority of the Bullet Giant King Ants, the number of Bullet Giant King Ants attacking Bug Town was not large, which gave the people who stayed behind in Bug Town a glimmer of hope.

Otherwise, if these thousands of giant bullet king ants abandon them and attack the insect town instead, they will be in big trouble. I'm afraid it won't be long before the two or three thousand people in the entire insect town will be wiped out.

Thirty-one people plus thirty-one mechanical beasts all took action. Wang Xuan also released two six-meter-long metal tentacles and began to attack.

One by one, the Bullet Giant King Ants were killed. They continued to advance into the distance. More Bullet King Ants poured out from the distance, crowding up crazily, eager to drown them.

The bullet king ants that were on the edge began to move towards the insect town one after another.

The powerful masters who stayed behind in the insect town started fighting with these giant bullet king ants that rushed up, and the battle gradually became fierce.

There was a scream. This was the last scream in the life of an adult giant king ant that could not withstand the bullet and was killed by it.

In the previous two waves of insect waves, there were not many casualties in the insect town, and there were very few injuries, let alone deaths.

But as the number of Bullet King Ants gradually increased, even though every perfect expert was taking action, they could not block all the Bullet Giant King Ants. These Bullet King Ants were not blocked by the perfect experts. The ants began to rush into the adults and massacre them.

Continuous screams rang out, and it wasn't until another powerful man with free hands took action that he blocked the giant bullet king ant.

The five leaders, with Wang Xuan and others, followed the crazy Bullet King Ants that surrounded them and went two to three hundred meters deep. The number of Bullet King Ants they killed was at least more than three hundred meters. Hundreds.

However, the number of Bullet King Ants appearing around them not only did not decrease, but actually increased. The number increased from thousands to more than two thousand.

Seemingly realizing that they could not resist them, many of the bullet king ants on the edge began to disperse one after another, no longer thinking of attacking them, but instead swarming towards Insect Town.

Wang Xuan saw this and felt a little anxious in his heart. He understood that if this continued, the two thousand or so Bullet Giant King Ants would most likely disperse and head towards Insect Town.

At this moment, a huge scream was heard. Following the scream, these giant bullet king ants seemed to be in a commotion and became more and more crazy. They screamed and resonated together and rushed forward even more crazily.

There was a muffled groan. Gao Tian, ​​who was following Chen Daolin, had just killed a giant bullet king ant. Unexpectedly, another giant bullet king ant rushed up from behind. Together with the giant bullet king ant he killed, the collision in his body.

He was knocked out.

Among everyone, he was the first to be injured.

However, he reacted quickly. The sword he held in his right hand suddenly vibrated, and the sword souls turned into white light and shot out quickly, like a rain of arrows, piercing another bullet king ant.

"Over there -" Wan Qianying let out a scream, immediately locked onto the place where the huge scream had just sounded, rode a giant mechanical bear, and immediately rushed out.

White lights popped up in her right hand. Wherever the white lights landed, they exploded, rising into blazing flames and igniting the giant bullet king ants one by one.

Another huge scream sounded, and everyone followed Wan Qianying, bypassing a small hill in front of them, and immediately discovered that a large number of Bullet King Ants were gathering behind the hill.

But they are somewhat different from the two or three thousand giant bullet king ants around them.

They have larger bodies, reaching four meters in length, and are fiery red. Wang Xuan opened the eye of the illustrated book and saw that these were called elite giant king ants, and their danger level reached five and a half stars.

The five-and-a-half-star danger level means that these elite giant king ants are more powerful, stronger than ordinary masters, and equivalent to mid-level masters.

At least one or two hundred elite giant king ants gathered there. Among their support, there was also an even bigger giant king ant. This giant king ant was as red as blood. From a distance, it looked like a giant king ant. The group is burning with fiery red flames.

Its body length reached an astonishing five meters. Lying there, its body was as huge as a car. At this moment, it opened its mouth and let out a huge scream.

Surrounded by its elite giant king ants, they screamed and screamed in unison, and their power was astonishing.

"That's it, the giant king ant queen. As long as we kill it, these giant king ants will collapse!"

Wan Qianying shouted, riding a giant mechanical bear, rushing towards the one or two hundred elite giant king ants in front.

Wang Xuan also captured the information of this "giant king ant queen" at the same moment. It is the leader of all the bullet ant clan. It contains the powerful power of the king ant in its body, and its danger level has reached six stars.

The six-star danger level means that it has the strength to surpass the peak powerhouse, and is comparable to the Sand Scorpion Lord and Green Poison Lord he met in Scorpion City before.

Wan Qianying was the first to rush out. With screams, the elite giant king ants began to attack her, trying to stop her.

Compared with the Bullet Giant King Ant, they have greater strength. The Mechanical Giant Bear can no longer harm them. They are extremely fast and can dodge the Mechanical Giant Bear's attack and then counterattack to prevent it from rushing past.

Wan Qianying had no choice but to jump up from the back of the mechanical bear. In the next moment, the mechanical bear turned into a rainbow light and attached to the surface of her body, forming a mechanical shell outside the ghost suit and entering Combined state.

With a sway of her body, Wan Qianying avoided an elite giant king ant that rushed in front of her and killed it.

Followed closely by Xu Jian, he also jumped off the mechanical beast and entered the state of integration with the mechanical beast. The six beast arms behind him opened up together, pounced in the air, and grabbed an elite giant king ant. Six arms were divided, and a large number of The juice splashed out and tore the elite giant king ant into several pieces.

Then the leader of the Justice League and the leader of the dynasty got off the mechanical beast one after another, entered the combined state, and killed them.

Wang Xuan was still riding on Xiaoguai's back. Xiaoguai's combat power was very strong, and these elite giant king ants couldn't resist it. From time to time, he would pull out his metal tentacles and attack the elite giant king ants who wanted to pounce on him in the air. .

Taking the lead, they quickly rushed into this group of elite giant king ants, approaching the giant king ant queen in the center.

As they rushed in, the bullet giant king ants that had originally besieged them, numbering more than two thousand, began to disperse, turned around, and surged towards the direction of Insect Town.

If they can't kill the giant king ant queen in a short time, these more than two thousand bullet giant king ants can completely break through the insect town and kill everyone who stays in the insect town.

Now is the time to race against time. Wan Qianying, Xu Jian and the major leaders have all used their most powerful ultimate strength. This is the strongest combat power they can exert in this world.

Wang Xuan originally wanted to take action with all his strength, but suddenly found that these five leaders were invincible when they joined forces, and it was not his turn to take action with all his strength.

He followed Xiaoguai behind and rushed in easily.

"He is worthy of being a strong man who has surpassed the ultimate state. With the five of them joining forces, whether it is the Bullet Giant Ant King or the Elite Giant Ant King, they cannot resist it."

If the insect tide is only of this level and not enough to threaten them, is this giant king ant queen far more terrifying than he imagined?

After all, even if they are both six-star dangerous, there is still a certain gap in their strength.

While Wang Xuan was thinking, he saw that the circle formed by one to two hundred elite giant king ants was quickly torn open by the five people Wan Qianying and Xu Jian working together.

The giant king ant queen guarded in the center finally stopped screaming, and a stream of flames suddenly shot out from its open mouthparts.

The flames swept across, like a fire dragon, coming towards Wan Qianying.

Wan Qianying did not expect that the giant queen ant could spray flames, and was slightly surprised. The new leader of Rakshasa, who had always been shy and shy, suddenly opened his right hand, and pieces of glass mirrors appeared. These The glass mirrors overlapped to form a defensive shield, blocking Wan Qianying.

The flames sprayed by the giant king ant queen were completely blocked by the glass mirror. Wan Qianying swayed around the glass mirror in front of her, flicked her right hand, and shot out several balls of white light.

The giant king ant queen's body, which was as big as a car, moved at a terrifyingly fast speed. She immediately avoided the white lights that Wan Qianying shot towards her. She stretched out one of her forelimbs, which grew several meters long, and then grabbed Wan Qianying. surplus.

Wan Qianying dodged quickly but could not completely avoid it. The claws on her forelimbs were as sharp as knives and slid down against her body, cutting a huge crack in the mechanical shell on her body.

The strength of this giant king ant queen was beyond everyone's expectations.

Xu Jian silently approached from the side, jumped into the air, spread out his six arms, and landed on the back of the giant king ant like a jumping giant spider, knocking down all six fists at the same time.

"Porphy porphyr" followed by six crisp sounds, and six punch holes appeared on the back of the giant king ant queen.

Xu Jian himself was surprised.

His six punches could punch six transparent holes even in a reinforced concrete wall, but the blow on the back of the giant king ant queen only made six fist-sized punch holes. Is this guy's body made of steel? Cast?

The giant king ant queen opened its mouth and let out a scream. Its huge body swung violently, and Xu Jian, who landed on its back, was thrown out of the air.

Wang Xuan took action, two metal tentacles extended out, entangled its pair of forelimbs, and pulled it back with force.

Gongsun Xiaoyan seized the opportunity and launched with all his strength. Countless golden threads were entangled from the other side, entangled with the remaining legs of the giant king ant queen, trying to trap it in place and prevent it from moving.

The leader of the dynasty walked around behind it, stretched out his right hand, and a talisman pattern appeared on his palm. The pattern floated and rotated, turning into a strong wind, and swept the giant king ant queen into it.

The three of them took action at the same time and immediately trapped the giant king ant queen in place, making it difficult to move.

Others spread out one after another, protecting the surroundings to resist the attacks of those elite giant king ants.

In the distance, swarms of Bullet King Ants were rushing towards Bug Town like crazy.

There were constant screams. From the time the Bullet King Ant appeared until now, at least more than twenty people had died in a short period of time. And with the appearance of swarms of Bullet King Ants, the situation became more and more dangerous.

Wang Xuan jumped off Xiaoguai's back. Xiaoguai let out a low roar and suddenly jumped up in the air. He grabbed out a pair of flaming claws and pounced on the back of the giant king ant queen. Xu Jian immediately grabbed into the punch hole created by him.

The giant king ant queen was injured continuously, screaming and struggling desperately.

Gongsun Xiaoyan couldn't resist it, and the golden threads wrapped around it broke one by one. She groaned, staggered and fell back, and blood flowed from her mouth.

The leader of the dynasty followed Xiaoguai with a strong wind, jumped on the back of the giant king ant queen, waved his right hand, and a wind blade formed in his right hand, following the punch of the giant king ant queen by Xu Jian After the hole was inserted, the wind blade invaded the giant king ant queen's body and began to destroy it.

The giant king ant queen went crazy, spraying flames from her open mouthparts.

Everyone dodged one after another. A man from the dynasty narrowly avoided the incoming flames, but was hit by an elite giant king ant in front of him, and its sharp front claws clawed into his belly.

He let out a scream. Fortunately, Chu Boyu was beside him. Green vines appeared one after another and immediately entangled the elite giant king ant. With a strong pull, the forelimbs of the elite giant king ant were torn off. Come down.

The leader of the dynasty had just inserted the wind blade in, and Wan Qianying appeared again, opening her right hand, and a white flame as big as a basketball rose up, and hit the giant queen ant along the mouthparts that sprayed red flames. Go in.

Strangely enough, this white flame merged into the fiery red flame, and with a loud roar, the original fiery red flame seemed to be ignited again, and instantly turned into white flame.

This white flame was very strange and terrifying. It flowed back from the open mouthparts of the giant queen ant, rushed into its mouthparts, and burned from the inside.

"Get out of the way quickly, it's about to be swallowed up by the cold fire!" Wan Qianying shouted, reminding the dynasty leader and little boy on the back of the giant king ant to dodge.

The leader of the dynasty seemed to know the power of the cold fire and immediately jumped out.

In just an instant, the giant king ant queen sprayed white flames from her mouth, and then the white flames engulfed it completely from the inside out, turning it into a huge white fireball.

Xiaoguai jumped away at the moment when the giant king ant queen was about to be swallowed, and then turned around to look at the giant king ant queen who was completely swallowed by the cold fire.

The elite giant king ants all around suddenly rushed forward like crazy, desperately trying to save their queen.

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