The last building on earth

Chapter 248 The Book and Rules of the Titan (please vote for me)


A voice that seemed to have traveled through eternity sounded directly in Wang Xuan's mind. The boundless darkness overwhelmed everything. In this darkness, in the entire insect town, there were two to three thousand people. No one understood what happened. They could only feel that they were suddenly caught. Devoured by darkness, the senses of the five senses were deprived, and he could not hear, see, or move, as if he was trapped in a never-ending nightmare.

"Protect Bug Town and everyone here, and prevent the ship above from falling..."

When Wang Xuan said this, his heart suddenly moved, and he quickly added: "I want to leave this building. I need the certificate of king. Can I do this?"

He thought that there was a price to pay for summoning the Book of Titans. The last time was gluttony, which made him drink a lot of nutrient solution in one breath, and he didn't know what it would be this time. Now that he has summoned the Book of Titans, no matter what Whether the request can be realized or not, let’s try it first and then say.

As he finished speaking, the five-pointed star outside Wang Xuan's body was spinning, and the Book of Titans he held in his left hand was glowing. Darkness was surging, and there seemed to be some vague black shadow rising up inside. The falling rotten ship was held up, causing violent vibrations throughout the insect town.

With a loud "boom", the anchor on the rotting ship flew out of the air and hooked heavily into the central square. The ground shattered and the anchor sank in, almost invisible.

Following the iron anchor was the broken stone pillar that was twenty to thirty meters high. This stone pillar was originally fought over by three parties, but now it suddenly fell down in the darkness. With a crisp "click", it penetrated into the ground of the central square and sank into the ground. Nearly half.

The strange roar of the king insect became faint, and Wang Xuan heard it in his ears, as if it was very close, but also as if it was very far away. The crack that appeared a hundred meters above was recovering incredibly.

The two to three thousand people in Chong Town were all isolated by the darkness, as if they were in chaos, and knew nothing. Only Wang Xuan could barely see in the darkness that the originally falling ship was held up by the rising darkness.

There are vague figures in the darkness, seemingly there or not, and they seem to fill the entire void. For Wang Xuan and the two or three thousand people in Chong Town, the rotten ship above suddenly fell and destroyed Chong Town. This was a big deal for them. It is a disaster, but for the existence represented by the Book of Titans, it seems to be easily settled.

As the broken stone pillar fell from the sky and inserted into the central square of the insect town, the entire insect town was shaking, as if it had caused an earthquake, and the darkness was expanding more and more violently, as if it was about to open up the void.

A terrible scene appeared.

As soon as Wang Xuan had this idea in his mind, the void in front of him was really stretched open.

A crack appeared, and it was like a pair of big fuzzy hands stretched out from the darkness, inserted into the crack, and began to tear apart the void on both sides.

Wang Xuan suddenly understood. He spoke his request to the Book of Titans. First, he wanted to protect Insect Town and everyone here and prevent the rotten ship from falling. In addition, he also wanted to leave the building. , want to obtain the certificate of king.

But now the existence represented by the Book of Titans actually wants to tear apart this building and send itself out.

This thought passed away in a flash, and Wang Xuan suddenly became nervous all over.

The Book of Titans tore open the building, and he was about to be sent out of here. What would the earth outside this building look like?

Seeing that new people are entering one after another, the surface of the earth should not be affected. Will he return to his original life? Will I see my parents and relatives?

Wang Xuan's heart was beating violently. Based on his current experience and encounters, his character was so strong. Before this, no matter how powerful the monster was, or whether he was in danger of life or death, his heart would never beat so fast.

As the crack in the void gradually grew larger, the vague existence in the darkness squeezed in along the crack, trying to tear the crack open and tear the building apart from the inside.

Even for the existence represented by the Book of Titans, it is obviously not easy to accomplish this. Wang Xuan felt that the cracks were being torn open very slowly, and the entire second-level Insect Town world was affected and was shaking. .

The torn crack was filled with chaos, and it was gradually separating from it. Wang Xuan suddenly felt that his body was wrapped by an invisible force, like soaring clouds and mist, suddenly heading towards the crack.

Amidst the chaotic chaos, a vague white light appeared. At this moment, Wang Xuan seemed to see Longmao Square again, saw the busy traffic, and saw the bustling city he was once familiar with.

Suddenly everything seemed to burst like a bubble, everything was flowing backwards, and a raw mechanical sound like metal friction suddenly sounded.

"The rules... cannot be... broken..."

As the sound suddenly appeared, the crack torn by the darkness collapsed, forming a huge vortex of chaos. The next moment, the crack expanded outward, and the fuzzy black shadow that stretched in was about to be swallowed by the chaotic vortex of the crack.

At the same moment, the Book of Titans in Wang Xuanchou's hand burst out with thousands of rays of blood, and a dazzling five-pointed star array lit up on it, boundless darkness surged, and a blurry big hand appeared. Emerge from the darkness and be caught in the chaotic vortex of the crack.

There were constant crackling sounds in the vortex, and the cracks in the space began to shake violently, and a large amount of mechanical metal suddenly appeared inside.

As soon as these mechanical metals appeared, they were grabbed by the big fuzzy hands and continued to break. However, new mechanical metals would continuously appear from the chaotic vortex and continue to erupt outwards, trying to completely fill the cracks. .

Wang Xuan understands that this is a struggle between two supreme beings. At present, it seems that the being represented by the Book of Titans has the upper hand. An endless stream of power is surging out from the darkness, overwhelming everything. , but Wang Xuan felt that the Book of Titans in his left hand became as heavy as a mountain, and he might lose his grip at any time and fly out.

He couldn't hold it anymore.

The Book of Titans is like a medium and a contract. Through the Book of Titans, the existence hidden at the end of endless darkness can exert its power in this world and operate according to certain rules that are followed.

Although this power is extremely powerful, Wang Xuan has a feeling that the Book of Titans in his hand cannot withstand such high-intensity continuous output.

In the space crack above, countless mechanical metals were densely packed. Although they were constantly being twisted and swallowed by the darkness, they were layered on top of each other, becoming more and more numerous. Suddenly, Wang Xuan felt the Book of Titans in his left hand shake violently. A terrifying power spread to his body along the Book of Titans.

Although this power was only a little bit residual, he still couldn't bear it. With a muffled groan, he opened his mouth and spurted out blood. His internal organs were immediately severely damaged, and only a little bit was shattered into pieces.

There was a sound like shattering glass in the Book of Titans. Wang Xuan's eyes widened as he saw cracks appearing on the surface of the golden paper.

"The Book of Titans is going to shatter?"

He fell to the sky, feeling horrified. The Book of Titans had always been his strongest trump card. He had just been tempted, hoping that the Book of Titans would help him leave the building and obtain the King's Certificate, but he didn't expect that it would. lead to such terrible consequences.

Wang Xuan fell to the ground, watching the darkness that originally filled all directions fade away, and reluctantly took out a bottle of primary healing water and drank it.

A healing light appeared on the surface of his body, and the reconstruction he had just received was recovering at an alarming speed. Wang Xuan was busy looking at the Book of Titans in his hand. Fortunately, it was not completely broken, but there were a lot of cracks on the surface of the gold paper. , looks like it could break into pieces at any moment.

Compared with before it was shattered, Wang Xuan had a feeling that the contract or some kind of power represented by the medium in this book of giant gods seemed to have become incomplete. This book of giant gods was afraid that it would no longer be able to summon the power hidden at the end of darkness. some kind of existence.

This thought made him become lazy and unable to exert any energy. He reluctantly put away the damaged Book of Titans and didn't bother to sit up. He just lay in the central square and looked up to see the penis being inserted next to him. Half of the broken stone pillars were on the ground, and not far away was a rotten iron anchor that was mostly sunk into the ground. A hundred meters above, the rotten bow of the ship had dropped dozens of meters. The closest point to the bow of the ship was less than 40 meters away from the ground of Insect Town. rice.

This strange and oppressive feeling makes people feel great pressure.

The darkness that originally shrouded the entire insect town disappeared, and two to three thousand people regained their vision, hearing, and senses that they had been deprived of.

They didn't know what had just happened. In their minds, everything just seemed like a fault. They didn't know what happened. In the central square of Insect Town, there was an additional stone pillar inserted into the ground, and an iron pillar. The anchor, as well as the rotting ship that appeared forty meters above, the bow of the ship was too close to the insect town, and everyone could clearly see the vague humanoid black shadow sealed inside the ship.

These black shadows were struggling, seemingly trying desperately to escape.

The tree roots and king insects that originally stretched out in the sky disappeared.

Everyone looked at each other with confusion on their faces. They didn't know what happened at that moment, and why everything suddenly turned out like this.

At this moment, a strange roar of the King Insect sounded, and the army of insects that had rushed into Insect Town began to move towards the north of Insect Town.

The crowd, who had just woken up from a dream, did not attack or block the departure of these insect armies, and allowed them to recede like a tide.

Tie Jun, who was originally standing on the city wall, came back to his senses and suddenly discovered that the hundred-meter-long dark giant insect had risen into the air and pounced on the stone pillar above the insect town. It bit on it and the entire huge insect body hung upside down in the void. Up there, but now for some unknown reason, it appears in the wilderness one or two kilometers north of Insect Town.

It kept making strange screams, its huge body turned, and began to crawl towards the depths of the northern insect country.

The endless army of insects followed it away, and everyone in the insect town was stunned. No one understood what had just happened.

Soon, a large number of people gathered around Wang Xuan who was lying on the ground. When everyone couldn't figure out the reason, they naturally felt that this incident might be related to Wang Xuan.

After all, in the entire Chong Town, only Wang Xuan dared to rush out and face the king Chong directly.

Wang Xuan was lying on the ground. The heavy injuries he suffered from the healing water healed quickly. He obviously had strength all over his body, but he just couldn't get up and didn't want to get up. He lay on the ground in the square and didn't want to move at all. .

The people gathered around thought Wang Xuan had been seriously injured and did not dare to move him, but judging from his appearance, it did not look like he was seriously injured.

Soon Qiu Yuanfeng, You Ao, Xiang Jingnan, Gongsun Xiaoyan and Liu Weijie from the "Xuan Gang" appeared.

"Leader!" They remembered that Wang Xuan was now the new leader of the "Xuan Gang". When they saw Wang Xuan lying motionless on the ground, they were very anxious and hurriedly gathered around him.

Qiu Yuanfeng even squatted down, wanting to check Wang Xuan's injury.

Wang Xuan said lazily: "I'm fine..."

Qiu Yuanfeng was stunned and said: "Chief, are you okay?"

He was a little confused. Wang Xuan was fine. Why was he lying here without moving?

Wang Xuan didn't know what was going on at first. Although he had fully recovered from his injuries, why could he not exert any energy? Until he sensed that in the white light in his right hand, a vague black substance was taking shape. , he finally understood.

This is the sequelae of summoning the Book of Titans by yourself.

He had just made several requests in succession, to protect Insect Town and the people here, and to prevent the rotten ship from falling. The Book of Titans had fulfilled it for him, but it was obvious that he wanted to leave the building and obtain the King's Certificate afterwards. All failed.

And because the power erupted by this being in the darkness exceeded the limit of the Book of Titans, the Book of Titans was damaged and cracks appeared on the surface. Before it is repaired, the Book of Titans may become unusable.

But at this moment, Wang Xuan's mind was a little confused. He really didn't want to use his brain to think too much, he just wanted to lie down all the time.

In addition to the people from the "Xuan Gang" who were surrounding and asking about Wang Xuan's situation, there were two to three thousand people in the entire Chong Town, and more of them were paying attention to the situation above their heads.

There were countless human-shaped shadows struggling in this rotting ship. Suddenly, a human-shaped shadow struggled out of it. There was a pair of wings behind this human-shaped shadow. Maybe it was using too much force. These two wings It was actually torn apart, its wings remained in the seal, and without its two wings, it struggled out.

After struggling out, it immediately went down the rotten iron chain hanging from the sky.

In the central square, people from the five major forces gathered in all directions. Although except for Wang Xuan, the four major leaders such as Wan Qianying and Huang Qingzhi were not present, the core members of the major forces were all here.

This humanoid black shadow suddenly appeared, and everyone was shocked. It all happened too fast, and it was Agatha who lost a pair of wings.

It just lost a pair of wings, its back was dripping with blood, and it seemed that its strength had weakened a lot. Even so, it was still terrifying. It followed the iron chain and instantly fell to the central square and appeared among the crowd.

Wang Xuan noticed this Agatha without wings and understood how terrifying it was. The only thing he didn't know was whether its strength was bound by the power of this world. If not, with the super state of the winged Agatha Top strength, one person can dominate the entire insect town.

Of course, the source of Winged Agatha's power is also the hatchling beast, and there is a high probability that it is also bound by the power of this world.

These thoughts passed through Wang Xuan's mind, and he also knew that Agatha was terrifying. Even if she was suppressed, she still had the ultimate power, which was not something that ordinary powerful people could resist.

But he was too lazy to move, and could only vaguely feel that the black substance in the white light on his right hand was constantly taking shape.

With a "chi" sound, a powerful man from "Phoenix" felt his eyes blurred and knew something was wrong.

Agatha suddenly rushed toward him. He felt bad and wanted to dodge, but it was too late. His throat hurt, and a black sharp blade passed by, and his head flew out with blood.

Instantly killing a powerful man, the rest were in an uproar. "Rakshasa" Chen Daolin let out a roar, and a flame beast appeared on the surface of his body, with blue lightning flashing on the flame beast.

As Chen Daolin took action, powerful men from other major forces took action one after another.

As Wang Xuan guessed, Winged Agatha's strength was also suppressed by the power of the world here, and she could only exert her ultimate power at best. However, among the people around, the strongest ones were people like Chen Daolin. At the pinnacle of perfection, no one can reach the ultimate level.

Two screams rang out, and Agatha swayed, rushed into the crowd, and swung the black sharp blades in both hands. Two people screamed to death and were cut in half.

There was an angry shout, and a metal shield appeared in the air, intercepting Agatha with a bang, and blocking a black sharp blade for Qiu Yuanfeng who was just about to take action.

Tie Jun appeared. He was a super strong man. He was suppressed in this second level world and could only exert his ultimate power. In terms of strength, he was at the same level as Agatha now.

Tie Jun held a huge diamond shield and smashed it with the shield.

This Agatha lost two wings, and her vitality was severely damaged. Now she encountered an opponent of the same level and blocked her. In addition, there were groups of powerful people from all directions joining forces to attack. It soon became unable to withstand it.

First, he was hit by the Iron Army Shield, and his sternum was shattered and he fell out of the air. Chen Daolin seized the opportunity, took a step forward, stretched out his hands, and the hatching beast with the power of fire and lightning grabbed the falling Agatha, and pulled it away. The power of fire and lightning was poured in endlessly.

Agatha was so devoured that her whole body was swallowed up by flames in an instant.

Chen Daolin finally took a breath and staggered back, only to see Agatha falling to the ground, struggling continuously, and her whole body was burned with crackling sounds.

Tie Jun saw that Agatha's struggle was getting weaker and weaker, and understood that it was dead, so he raised his head and looked upward. Fortunately, only one winged Agatha was struggling to escape from the rotting ship. If it rushed If there is a group, it will be troublesome.

After confirming that there was no other danger, Tie Jun swayed and immediately reached Wang Xuan, who was lying on the ground, and stood ready.

He had the same idea as everyone before, thinking that Wang Xuan had suffered a serious injury and was lying on the ground recovering from his injuries.

Wang Xuan originally felt that the black energy in the white light in his right hand was gathering very slowly, and he didn't know when it would be completed. He didn't want to suddenly feel that on the ground where he was lying, there was a vague energy coming from the stone pillar inserted into the ground. Release slowly, extending in all directions along the ground.

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