The last building on earth

Chapter 249 The power of stone pillars (please vote and subscribe)

He was lying on the ground. After the energy entered his body along the ground, the gathering speed of the black energy in the white light suddenly accelerated. Soon the black energy gathered to form a black seed.

Within his white light, a second black seed appeared.

At the same moment, a vague voice sounded in his mind.


Although Wang Xuan had already vaguely guessed it, he was still slightly shocked when he sensed the voice.

The sequelae of summoning the Book of Titans for the first time was gluttony, and the sequelae of summoning the Book of Titans for the second time was laziness.

Gluttony and sloth are two of the seven deadly sins.

Now he can finally confirm that the price to pay for summoning the Book of Titans is related to the legendary seven deadly sins. After summoning it seven times, and after collecting the black seeds representing the seven deadly sins, something terrible will inevitably happen.

The winged Agatha who was swallowed by the flames on the ground was burned into a ball of charcoal, and a ball of white light appeared in her body.

There was a life consciousness in the white light that was struggling, seemingly full of unwillingness. Unfortunately, as some invisible force came from somewhere, it instantly wiped out the life consciousness in the white light and turned it into a pure energy, which sank into Chen Daolin's right hand. Inside.

After absorbing this energy, Chen Daolin's eyes widened, an incredible expression suddenly appeared on his face, and he looked towards the soles of his feet.

Just now, he felt that there seemed to be a vague force under his feet that was entering his body along the ground. He didn't know what this force was and where it came from. He wanted to sense it specifically, but he couldn't sense anything.

Suddenly, the white light ball that killed Winged Agatha entered the body and was absorbed by his right hand. At the same moment, the seemingly invisible power in the body suddenly became clear. His mind was shocked. The white light ball in his right hand It suddenly shattered.

Chen Daolin has already been at the pinnacle of the Zhen state, and has accumulated enough in the Zhen state. However, he has never been able to break through the life and death barrier and become a true super state. He has even suspected many times that he may not be able to achieve the super state in this life.

He never imagined that at this moment, he killed this winged Agatha, and the ground suddenly poured into his body with a vague energy. He didn't need to go through the life and death test, and suddenly he had a realization, and he had an epiphany. breakthrough.

At this moment, he understood that breaking through from the ultimate state to the super state does not necessarily require experiencing life and death. What is really important is an epiphany.

It's just that almost everyone can only trigger this kind of epiphany when they experience life and death, so it is believed that Zhen State must go through life and death in order to break through.

And at this moment, although he had not experienced life and death, he suddenly had an epiphany and successfully broke through. The hatching beast grew and was promoted to the sixth form of a super-powerful person.

A super strong aura was released from his body. Many people felt it and looked at him with a look of surprise and envy.

Tie Jun was also surprised. He did not expect that Chen Daolin would break through the super state under such circumstances.

Wang Xuan slowly sat up from the ground. After collecting the seeds of laziness, his original feeling of laziness was disappearing, and his mental and physical strength was restored again.

Although Chen Daolin broke through the super state, he didn't care. What he really cared about was the vague energy that suddenly seeped into his body from the ground just now. This energy accelerated the formation of the dark seeds in the white light in his right hand.

Stretching out his hand and touching the ground lightly, his monster instinct was very sensitive and he immediately sensed it.

"Sure enough, it's not an illusion...there is really some kind of energy being released in all directions along the ground..."

Wang Xuan whispered softly and immediately raised his head and looked forward.

Compared with before, there are cracks in the ground in the central square now, and the rotten anchor is almost completely submerged in it. The broken stone pillar is also inserted into the ground, and the exposed part is only about ten meters high.

Thinking that this stone pillar had been robbed by rotten iron anchors, king insects and tree roots that appeared above, it must have a special purpose. Is the energy appearing on the ground related to this stone pillar?

With this conjecture, Wang Xuan walked over and instead of touching the stone pillar directly with his hands, he released his metal tentacles and wrapped them around the stone pillar to sense it.

With his instinctive sense of monsters, he immediately sensed this energy on the stone pillar.

The energy on the ground is vague, and the energy on the stone pillar is also vague, but relatively speaking, it is slightly stronger.

Obviously, this energy comes from this broken stone pillar of unknown origin.

Wang Xuan's thoughts moved slightly, and he looked to one side at Chen Daolin, who had just broken through to the super state, and then looked at the ground around him, thoughtfully.

First, the dark seeds in his right hand accelerated to take shape, and then Chen Daolin broke through and became a super-powerful man without going through life and death. He suspected that it was also related to this mysterious energy.

"Could it be said that this stone pillar can help people break through faster? It can even break through without even the life and death barrier. If it is true, the effect of this stone pillar is amazing."

Wang Xuan turned his head and looked at the iron anchor sunk into the ground on the other side. This iron anchor was connected to a chain and led directly to the rotting ship forty meters in the air. The ground in the central square was extremely hard, and it was difficult to destroy it with their current strength.

He looked at the ground around the rotten iron anchor. Fortunately, there were no signs of decay for the time being, otherwise he would have been in big trouble.

At this moment, many people around suddenly made soft squeaking sounds from their mouths, followed closely by Qiu Yuanfeng, Gongsun Xiaoyan, Liu Weijie and others who bent down and reached out to touch the ground, with surprised looks on their faces.

As the stone pillar slowly released a faint trace of energy, which continued to spread around, everyone standing in this area, especially the powerful Zhen state experts, felt it.

Many people followed and surrounded the stone pillar.

They are not stupid either. Their first reaction is that this energy must be related to the stone pillar.

Wang Xuan put away the metal tentacles and reached out to touch the stone pillar. He frowned slightly. This faint energy entered his body. The white light in his right hand fluctuated slightly. Although it was not strong, for some reason, something appeared in his heart. I felt an inexplicable realization and felt something in my heart. Unknowingly, I sat down cross-legged along the stone pillar, and then slowly closed my eyes.

The approaching Tie Jun, Qiu Yuanfeng, Gongsun Xiaoyan, Liu Weijie, You Ao, Xiang Jingnan, and others, including Chen Daolin who had just broken through to the super state, gathered over one after another. These people could not help but reach out and touch the stone pillar, and then like Wang Xuan , feeling the sensation, they all sat down cross-legged.

Soon a large group of people gathered around the stone pillar, all sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, and seemed to be in meditation.

There were more people approaching from a distance, including Cheng Aiguo, Meng Lian, Lu Weichao, Feng Yuan and others who were familiar to Wang Xuan. They saw a dark group of people in front of them, all sitting cross-legged, gathered around. There were too many people standing there, and none of them could touch the stone pillars, but after standing on the ground for a long time, they felt vaguely and had a strong urge to sit on the ground and meditate.

Soon, they all sat down, closed their eyes, and meditated.

More and more people were attracted, and the central square of the insect town was soon filled with people. They all sat cross-legged. Of course, the further outside, the weaker the energy and the less obvious the effect. , although many people sat down cross-legged, their eyes were open and their brows were furrowed, as if they felt something, but they seemed not to.

This strange scene attracted everyone, and two to three thousand people gathered around. Because they did not enter the central square and did not know why, they could only look at each other, dumbfounded.

To them, these hundreds of people seemed possessed.

It was completely dark, but no one was sleeping in the entire insect town. Almost everyone was concentrated in the central square area.

The strange roar of the king insect in the distance has stopped, and it disappeared with the army of insects.

Although the King Insect had never forgotten this stone pillar before, but now that the stone pillar was inserted in the center of Insect Town, it gave up for some reason and returned to the depths of the Insect Kingdom, with no intention of attacking this stone pillar again.

Wang Xuan was the last one away from the stone pillar, almost leaning his back against the stone pillar, feeling that the ray of energy from the stone pillar was entering his body continuously.

This energy is very strange. It is different from all the energy he has mastered or sensed before. The feeling this energy gives him is closer to the spiritual level.

This energy seemed to be nourishing his spirit and soul, making his thinking very active. Even the monster in his right hand became active. Many things that he didn't understand and problems that he couldn't figure out were suddenly solved.

"I see. No wonder the elders of Xuancheng said that only when your strength reaches the peak of the super state, can you hope to grow again. If you can reach the limit of the super state, the hope of breaking through the super state will be greatly enhanced."

Although Wang Xuan had heard the elders say it before, he only knew what it was, but he didn't know why. Until now, under the energy of this stone pillar, he didn't know why, but he suddenly realized something and understood it all of a sudden.

The hatchling beast has grown to the super state, and its growth stage is already close to perfection. It is increasingly difficult to break through and grow again. It can only break and then stand up. This process is very dangerous. It can be said that you must at least reach the peak of the super state before you can try it. And there is at least a high probability of failure, and if you can have super-limit power, the probability of success is much greater.

"So that's it. If you want to break through again, you need to go through many hardships both physically and mentally. This process is very dangerous and terrifying. If you don't have enough strength, you won't be able to persevere."

With enlightenment, Wang Xuan's thoughts were clear, his mind was clear, he had a deep understanding of breaking through the super state, and he also knew what he should do next.

He must first go to the Hell Tower, obtain enough crystal scales, and then enter the advanced skill stone gate to understand and master the advanced skills of hatching beasts, and then try to break through the super state and evolve the monster into a higher seventh form.

"Huh? No."

When Wang Xuan thought of this, he suddenly thought about something wrong.

He thought that in the third layer of the world, the elder of "Xuancheng" had told him not to enter the high-level skill stone gate rashly for the time being, but to wait until his strength reached the super state limit before entering the high-level skill stone gate. This advanced skill Shimen is trying to break through the super state again.

He had been grateful to the elder when he heard it before, but now that he had gained some insights, he suddenly found that the breakthrough state he had comprehended seemed to be exactly the opposite of what the elders were concerned about.

"Is there something wrong with my perception, or is there something wrong with the elder's prompting?"

Wang Xuan thought about the two times he faced the elders, and he always felt an indescribable uneasiness in his heart, but he couldn't explain the reason. Now that his feelings were exactly opposite to the elders' prompts, what did it mean?

"If what the elder said is wrong, then what is his purpose? Want to harm me? He just told me not to enter the advanced skill stone gate for the time being, and then go in after my strength reaches the super limit. This can't be said to harm me. It's strange. …”

Although Wang Xuan was not stupid, he couldn't figure it out at the moment. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was surrounded by people sitting cross-legged. He looked up and saw that the sky was getting brighter in the distance. He actually spent the whole night here cross-legged and meditating.

Over a night, with the broken stone pillar as the center, the surrounding ground changed slightly, and an extremely thin layer of white mist rose faintly from the surface. There was a hint of coolness in this white mist.

At this moment, in this thin layer of white mist, I don’t know how many people are sitting cross-legged. Some of them realized something and woke up, and immediately left in a hurry, wanting to confirm what they had just realized, and they left with empty space. The position was immediately occupied by a new person, who sat down cross-legged and began to comprehend the induction.

The entire Chong Town fell into a strange state. Wang Xuan saw many familiar people among the people meditating cross-legged around him, but there were no Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others he was looking for.

Thinking of what he had just realized, he understood that everyone must have realized something. This stone pillar of unknown origin is indeed a rare treasure. No one knows what its true appearance is. With this special ability, I am afraid that it will make Chong Zhen The strength of these people was completely transformed and they cultivated a group of strong men.

Looking up, he saw the rotting ship forty meters above. In the ship, he could clearly see some humanoid shadows struggling inside. Now he knew that these struggling humanoid shadows should be Wing Aga. Shah, Ala Troll and Green Aden.

From the looks of it, they appear to be coming from outside the building.

With a sway of his body, Wang Xuan quickly left here, and soon climbed up the northern city wall, looking towards the depths of the Insect Kingdom in the distance.

"Zhao Lei and the others are indeed not in Chong Town..."

Wang Xuan sighed secretly, hesitated slightly, jumped off the city wall, and ran towards the north.

On the one hand, he wanted to find Zhao Lei and the others to determine their life and death. On the other hand, the Hell Tower he needed to go to was also deep in the Insect Kingdom.

Summoning Xiaoguai, Wang Xuan turned over and rode up, running towards the direction of the Hell Tower.

There was no insect monster attack along the way. Perhaps it was because of the drastic changes that had just occurred, so it became extremely quiet here.

As he continued to go deeper, Wang Xuan also understood that there was little hope of finding Zhao Lei and Zhang Haofei. After all, this insect country seemed vast and boundless. Zhao Lei and seven people went deep here. No one knew what they encountered. Whether they were alive or dead now, although he He has three primary tracking crystals, but Zhao Lei and others have been away for a few days. These primary tracking crystals can only track within 24 hours. Now they can no longer trace the whereabouts of Zhao Lei and the others.

Looking at the Hell Tower appearing in front of him, Wang Xuan took a breath. If his perception at the stone pillar was correct, he only needs to get enough crystal scales in the Hell Tower to enter the high-level skill stone door and understand the hatching beast. With advanced skills, there should be hope to break through the super state and become the strongest in the seventh form.

Wang Xuan rode Xiaoguai and slowly arrived in front of the Hell Tower. Just as he was about to turn over and land, his body suddenly stiffened slightly and he rode on Xiaoguai's back without moving.

Behind the majestic nine-story Hell Tower in front of us, a huge dark shadow appeared, like a hill twenty or thirty meters high. Looking at the open mouthparts as big as a house, looking at the lost Wang Xuan's heart was slightly awe-inspiring with a compound eye.

He did not expect that the King Insect would suddenly appear behind the Hell Tower at this time.

It stuck out its head from behind the Hell Tower, and its remaining single eye seemed to be staring at him from a distance of hundreds of meters.

Wang Xuan felt an invisible force slowly oppressing him, and his scalp was numb.

Before the change, he had no fear when facing the King Insect, because he had the trump card of the Book of Titans.

But the situation is completely different now. There are cracks in the Book of Giants, and there is a high probability that it will be temporarily unusable.

If you encounter a king insect in this situation, if it attacks you, you will die no matter how many lives you have.

Wang Xuan slowly retracted his hands, not daring to move rashly. He just quietly opened the Xumi Mustard Seed space and immediately took out a handful of crystals.

These crystals are defense crystals and smoke crystals.

As for the explosive crystal and flame crystal, he did not take them. Facing the king insect, no matter whether it was the explosive crystal or the flame crystal, it was impossible to hurt it.

From a distance of hundreds of meters, the King Insect's one eye has been watching him. The mouthparts are opening and closing slightly. Different from the previous strange whistle, this time the mouthparts make a faint sound.

There was a rustling sound, and the King Insect was moving, and soon moved out from behind the Hell Tower.

Xiaoguai seemed to be aware of the terror of the giant insect in front of him, so he took Wang Xuan and retreated.

Wang Xuan originally wanted to seize the opportunity and rush into the Hell Tower, maybe to avoid it, but he found that he had been locked by it, and the invisible pressure from all directions kept squeezing him, making him a little breathless.

The King Insect is so powerful that even if it does not release its power deliberately, the power contained in its body can suffocate Wang Xuan.

Forced to have no choice, he took out the Book of Titans again.

This piece of gold paper appeared, with a large number of cracks on the surface, and it seemed that it might break at any time, but at the moment, Wang Xuan had no other choice but to borrow it.

Sure enough, the Book of Titans appeared, and the moving king insect suddenly stopped, seeming to be staring at the Book of Titans held by Wang Xuan.

Even if the current Book of Titans is damaged, it still has a strong deterrent effect. The king insect seemed to be frightened, and its mouthparts that were originally open and closed closed. After that, it lowered its head slightly and continued to swing to the left, making it appear that Something weird.

Wang Xuan frowned slightly, looking at Wang Chong's appearance, what did he seem to want to tell himself?

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