The last building on earth

Chapter 268 Lord of Justice (please vote and subscribe)

Following this sound, everyone in the hall suddenly felt a dark wind blowing in front of them. Almost no one looked at how the other party appeared. Suddenly, a figure appeared among the elders.

This figure was wearing a white robe. He looked thin and tall, like a bamboo pole. His face was as pale as paper, with no trace of blood, but the dark circles under his eyes were extremely heavy. It seemed that he had not slept for a long time.

Everyone was surprised when they suddenly saw this man in white robes. Only Elder Justice was busy bowing and saluting.

"City Lord, I didn't expect to alarm you."

Hearing the title of Elder Zhengyi, Elder Xuancheng and Elder Rakshasa understood that the white-robed man in front of them, who looked like the legendary Bai Wuchang, was one of the five leaders of the five major cities, together with King Rakshasa and Lord Xuan. The righteous city lord who sits on equal footing.

He didn't even show up when he killed the white rhinoceros. He didn't show up when he opened the passage to the world above. Everyone almost thought that he had ceased to exist, or that he had entered a higher floor before the passage was destroyed. , and never came down.

No one could have imagined that he would appear here.

Elder Xuancheng and Elder Rakshasa had never seen the true face of the Lord of Justice. Suddenly they learned that the person in front of them was the Lord of Justice, and they were all busy bowing and saluting.

The seven men in black robes following them also saluted closely. This was a strong man in the seventh form. In their hearts, they were above him and they did not dare to be disrespectful.

The Lord of Justice City waved his hand slightly, indicating that they didn't need to be polite. He looked at Elder Xuancheng with dark circles under his eyes and said, "Are you sure that Master Xuan is dead?"

Elder Xuancheng said respectfully: "Yes, I sensed the remaining aura of Master Xuan. It is already a ball of death aura. It cannot be wrong."

The Lord of Justice murmured: "His true identity is the Immortal Worm. Unless he is shattered to pieces, he will not die. Unexpectedly, the Immortal Worm could not live forever after all..."

With a slight sigh, the Lord of Justice City looked at Elder Xuancheng again and said, "Let's go, take me to have a look."

"Yes." Elder Xuancheng was overjoyed, knowing that if the righteous city lord came forward, Wang Xuan and the other eight people would definitely die.

Elder Xuancheng left a man in black robe to guard Xuancheng, and then he took the lead and left Justice City and headed into the distance.

The Lord of Justice City followed leisurely, followed by three men in black robes from Xuancheng, and another man in black robes returned to Xuancheng to stay behind.

Behind them were the Rakshasa elders and two black-robed men from Rakshasa City. One of the original three black-robed men was also left behind.

Behind them were two men in black robes from Justice City led by Elder Justice.

It can be said that half of the top forces in the five major cities have gone out to hunt down the eight Wang Xuan people.

At this moment, eight people, Wang Xuan, Mei Xiaosen and Bai Qianxue, left the abandoned ancient town and ran all the way into the distance. They ran for more than ten kilometers in one breath before stopping and storing the bodies of Song Lichen and Bian Jinli. The materials in the material belt were divided, a pit was dug, and the two bodies were buried on the spot.

Wang Xuan was given several crystals and bottles of healing water.

"Xuan Master is dead. Now we are not sure whether Elder Xuancheng and the others have received any message from him and know that he is dead, but we must prepare for the worst."

Mei Xiaosen looked at everyone and said with a serious face: "We don't know if there will be some special connection between these people who were swallowed by the hatching beast, but we assume that the elders of Xuancheng got the message and rushed to the place just now. We must be prepared to deal with abandoned ancient towns.”

Li Tianjiao said: "If it's just Elder Xuancheng and those men in black robes, even if we rely on tracking crystals and catch up with them based on their scent, we won't be afraid of them."

Bai Qianxue said: "If it's just them, there is no need to be afraid. But once they know that the Xuan Master has been killed, they are not completely sure and will definitely not take the risk to catch up. Instead, they will go back to invite the Rakshasa King. Once the Rakshasa King is invited, King, if we add them, it will be troublesome."

Mei Xiaosen said with a serious face: "Yes, the trouble now is the tracking crystal. We can't completely hide our aura. As long as they use the tracking crystal, they can find us no matter where we hide."

Bai Qianxue said: "I have an idea about tracking crystals."

"What can I do?" Wu Tian asked while looking at Bai Qianxue.

Wang Xuan also looked at her.

Wang Xuan is no stranger to tracking crystals. He also has three elementary tracking crystals in his Xumi belt, which can track scent within 24 hours. With the abilities of Xuancheng elders and others, they have some elementary or even intermediate tracking crystals. Not difficult.

Bai Qianxue said: "The principle of tracking crystals is not complicated. It mainly relies on the smell of blood in our human bodies for tracking. We only need to capture some monsters and sprinkle our blood on them, and they will be gone in a short time. Contaminated with our scent, these monsters will carry our scent and disperse to different places. As long as there are enough monsters, they will find these monsters one by one by following the scent, and then they will find us after eliminating them. They don’t know what they are. What happened at that time, Komori should have broken through by then, so there is no need to be afraid of them. What I am afraid of now is that besides tracking crystals, they have other tracking methods, so it will be impossible to guard against them."

Mei Xiaosen's eyes lit up and he said: "This is a way to deal with tracking crystals. As for whether there are other tracking methods, no one knows. As the saying goes, it's up to people to plan things, but it's up to God..."

When he said this, he looked up at the sky and said: "We will do what Qianxue said. As long as it takes twenty-four hours, I am 90% sure that we can successfully break through the super state."

Wang Xuan said: "If it's just Elder Xuancheng and the others, we should be able to handle it."

He possesses the mechanical god arm, plus the third ghost wing evolved from the ghost car, which further increases his strength. Although the elders and others are powerful, they have not broken through the super state. Wang Xuan has even killed the mysterious master, so he is really not afraid of the elders and others.

"But what I'm afraid of is that the Rakshasa King will appear, especially the leaders of the other three cities. If they come together, how should we deal with it."

Mei Xiaosen said: "Wang Xuan, you don't have to worry. For such a long time, I have only known that there is a Xuan Lord in Xuan City and a Rakshasa King in Rakshasa City. As for the leaders of Phoenix City, King City and Justice City, they have never appeared. I guess there is no surprise. It should be that when the passage to the two worlds was destroyed, the leaders of the three cities entered the upper world. Only Xuanzhu and Rakshasa King were in the third world, so there is a high probability that these three The city’s leaders will not appear.”

Wu Tian said in a deep voice: "Even if the leaders of the other three cities don't show up, it's troublesome enough to have only King Rakshasa."

Li Tianjiao said: "I once accidentally talked to the Rakshasa Elder about the Rakshasa King and the Mysterious Master. Of course, I don't know whether it is true or not. I heard the Rakshasa Elder said that it seems that the Rakshasa King is stronger than the Mysterious Master."

Everyone's expressions changed slightly. After killing a Xuan Master, two of the ten people had died. If the Rakshasa King was really stronger than the Xuan Master, it would be terrible.

"We have to prepare for the worst. If King Rakshasa leads Elder Xuancheng, or even Elder Rakshasa and the others catch up with him, how should we deal with it?"

Hearing Bai Qianxue's words, everyone was speechless for a moment, and no one could think of a way to deal with it.

Wang Xuan suddenly said: "Why don't we go to Safe Zone No. 10?"

"Safety Zone No. 10?" Mei Xiaosen looked at him slightly startled.

Wang Xuan nodded slightly and said: "Yes, it is the place where the giant ship crashed in the distance. We will go there and you will make a breakthrough there. If they do not appear and everything is safe, then it is naturally best. If they If it really appears, we are unable to defeat it. I have an idea. At the critical moment, we will head towards the giant ship."

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed slightly.

As for the giant ship that fell from a height of thousands of meters, everyone knows that the giant ship even penetrated the third and second levels of the world, and the bow of the ship was revealed from hundreds of towns below. It was strange and unpredictable. Due to its name, everyone instinctively stayed away from this giant ship.

Seeing everyone's reaction, Wang Xuan looked at them and said in a deep voice: "The so-called risking one's life to survive is just in case. If we approach the giant ship or even enter the giant ship, we will bet on whether these people dare to enter together. Of course, this is just in case.”

Mei Xiaosen looked at Wang Xuan, paused for a moment, then let out a long breath and said: "Wang Xuan, you are still brave. Yes, when the time comes, and since you are going to die, you might as well give it a try and fight by a thread." You are right, Vitality. When the time comes, there will be nothing serious except death. We dare to fight, but these guys may not dare to fight."

Wu Tian, ​​Li Tianjiao, Fang Taozhong and Bao Chong all nodded one after another and agreed that if there was a terrible enemy that they could not defeat, rushing towards this mysterious and terrifying giant ship might be a way to get a chance of survival.

After making the decision, everyone immediately hurried towards the direction of the distant giant ship, and soon encountered a group of giant forest wolves on the way.

According to the method Bai Qianxue said, everyone did not kill these giant forest wolves. Instead, they cut their hands one after another, sprinkled the blood on the bodies of some of the giant forest wolves, and then drove them away.

These giant forest wolves are stained with their blood and have their scent. If the other party relies on tracking crystals to track them, they will find their scent everywhere, and it will be very difficult to find them accurately. .

Running like this, as long as they encountered monsters, everyone would sprinkle some blood on these monsters to leave a smell. Especially when they encountered a group of iron-winged demon lords volleying and attacking on the way, everyone was even more overjoyed. They immediately caught seven or eight of them and killed them. Sprinkle blood on them and let them go.

"These iron-winged demon lords will fly to nowhere with our scent. If they want to rely on tracking crystals to find us, it will be almost impossible."

Bai Qianxue showed a smile on her face and let out a sigh of relief.

Wang Xuandao: "I'm afraid there are other means."

Mei Xiaosen said: "If we really have other means, there is no other way. We can only say that it depends on people. Of course, maybe we are just a false alarm. Maybe these people don't even know that Xuan Master is dead, let alone follow us."

Everyone continued on their way, running at full speed. With their terrifying speed, it only took them half a day to reach Safety Zone No. 10 before dark.

When he saw the giant ship falling from the sky not far away, even a super-powerful man still felt his mind tremble, and an indescribable shock arose in his heart.

There are many white bones on the ground around the giant ship, all of which belong to different monsters.

Wang Xuan thought that the last time he came here, there were a large number of corpses of green fox beasts, four-armed demon apes and other monsters around the giant ship. Now that the flesh and blood on the surface of these corpses had melted away, the remaining bones were not assimilated by the forest, but were left behind. Come down.

The eight people slowed down and looked at the giant ship that appeared one or two kilometers away, with a solemn look on their faces.

"I feel like I can't get any closer..." Bai Qianxue stopped and murmured.

Wang Xuan watched as the prow of the giant ship stuck on the ground completely turned into a mass of darkness. A large number of corroded rust spots could be clearly seen on the surface. In the dark prow, a large number of vague black shadows could be seen squirming and struggling inside. , it seems that he is always thinking about breaking through this dark seal and struggling out.

Wang Xuan looked around and found that as he got closer to the giant ship, a large number of plants on the ground withered and died. This meant that there must be some terrible force around the giant ship that caused these plants to die.

You must know that the vitality of plants in this forest is very tenacious. Even if the plants on the surface of the buildings in the five major cities have been cleared temporarily, they will grow back soon. Everyone can only clean them every once in a while. .

Although everyone does not feel uncomfortable now, there is an inexplicable uneasiness in their hearts, especially since Wang Xuan has assimilated with the World of Warcraft, this uneasiness is even stronger.

"What should I say now, continue to approach, or stay here?" Mei Xiaosen was also a little uneasy, but he couldn't tell where he was uneasy. He turned to look at Wang Xuan, wanting to hear his opinion.

The previous battle with Xuanzhu completely changed his view of Wang Xuan. Compared with them, although Wang Xuan was a newcomer, his knowledge and strength were completely beyond their expectations. At least the thought of approaching the giant ship, thinking Relying on the power of giant ships to deal with possible threats is something they could never imagine.

Wang Xuan thought of the strange baby with the power of decay. It had appeared in the insect town on the second level. Later, because of its power being suppressed, the strange baby was defeated by the people in the insect town and crawled back into the rotting bow. Now he didn't know that it was still hidden in the insect town. In the bow of the ship above the town, we returned to the third world.

From the fact that the strange baby will appear in Insect Town, Wang Xuan has guessed that there should be a passage connecting the third world to the second world in the giant ship, which means that it is entirely possible that the strange baby will appear here.

"Let's go to Safety Zone No. 10." Wang Xuan turned around and ran towards Safety Zone No. 10 not far from the giant ship.

The teleportation channel in Safe Zone No. 10 can enter the central city. If the strange baby really appears, they can enter the central city through the teleportation channel, but the strange baby should not be able to use the teleportation channel.

When they arrived at the teleportation channel of Safe Zone No. 10, it was completely dark. Mei Xiaosen took out the iron dragon flag, inserted it into the ground, and sat down cross-legged.

He began to prepare for a breakthrough. As long as no one disturbed him, he was sure to successfully break through and be promoted to the seventh form of power within one day.

Seven people including Wang Xuan, Bai Qianxue and Wu Tian guarded the four sides, and they all sat down cross-legged.

Wang Xuan raised his head and stared at the giant ship not far away. In the night, the blurry black shadow in the rotting bow of the giant ship became more and more strange. This area was very quiet, and there was almost no monster in sight, which seemed very abnormal. .

"If it's just Elder Xuancheng and the others who are chasing us, there's nothing to be afraid of. What's scary is that King Rakshasa appears with them, or even other city lords are coming too. That would be troublesome. We alone are simply not enough to fight against them. "

Wang Xuan pondered, if this most dangerous situation really happened, they would rush to the giant ship. As for what consequences would happen if they rushed to the giant ship, he didn't know, but this was the only way he could think of at the moment. After all, if they If they really have other tracking methods besides tracking crystals, they will be found no matter where they hide.

The power of the world around him gradually became stronger. With Mei Xiaosen as the center, a kind of fluctuation occurred in the space. Wang Xuan was also in this fluctuation. He also sensed the power of the world and tried to control it again. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he continued to learn and accumulate experience. , the more experience you have, the greater the possibility of a successful breakthrough in the future.

As night falls in this primeval forest, above the lush crowns of towering trees, there is a group of black figures trampling on the crowns at an alarming speed.

Except for one of the people in white robes, the rest were all people wrapped in black robes, including Elder Xuancheng, Elder Rakshasa and Elder Justice, all came.

Except for one black-robed man left behind in each of the three cities, all the black-robed men from the remaining three cities came with them, including three black-robed men from Xuancheng, two black-robed men each from Rakshasa City and Justice City. There are eleven people in total, including the three elders and the Lord of Justice.

Elder Xuancheng has special means to lock their breath, and there is no need to use tracking crystals. Wang Xuan and the other eight used the method of sprinkling blood on the monster's body to leave a smell, hoping to dispel suspicions, but it was not possible for Elder Xuancheng. to the slightest effect.

Under the leadership of Elder Xuancheng, a group of eleven of them followed the auras of the people all the way here and gradually approached the giant ship in the distance. Of course, they also encountered many monster attacks on the way, which delayed them for some time. There were no casualties.

In the night, the roar of giant beasts could be heard in the distance, and iron-winged demon owls appeared in the night sky from time to time.

Traveling through this forest at night is not safe even for super-powerful people, but no one is afraid, especially when there is a super-powerful person like the Lord of Justice in the team.

"It's close. It seems that they are here." Under Elder Xuancheng's black robe, octopus tentacles extended out, sensing and capturing the surrounding auras, and soon sensed the auras of Wang Xuan, Mei Xiaosen and others. It's very close here.

"These guys are really good at running. They actually ran so far." There was no expression on the bloodless face of the Lord of Justice, but as he stared at the approaching giant ship, his expressionless face still twitched slightly. one time.

"Did they come here on purpose?" Elder Rakshasa's tone became a little uncertain. He was sure that Wang Xuan and the other eight people were here. Looking at the giant ship falling from a thousand meters in the sky, he felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. perturbed.

"You should have come here intentionally, but what's the point?" Elder Justice's voice contained a hint of doubt.

"Perhaps they think that we will be afraid of giant ships. Even if we find them, we will be afraid and dare not take action." Elder Xuancheng pondered, and suddenly jumped from the tree crown.

He jumped off the tree crown forty to fifty meters high, and others followed suit.

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