The last building on earth

Chapter 269 Giant Ship (please vote for me, happy National Day)

With their strength, although they are not yet at the level of flying in the air, it is not difficult to jump from a height of forty to fifty meters.

When they landed on the ground, they were only three or four kilometers away from the giant ship and Safe Zone No. 10. They saw a large number of bones left by animals on the ground in front of them.

"In that direction." Elder Xuancheng stretched out his hand and pointed in the direction of Safe Zone No. 10, and said, "Those eight people... escaped all the way to here, right there."

The Lord of Justice City raised his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said: "What a strong fluctuation in the power of the world. Sure enough, someone wants to break through the super state..."

"It's Mei Xiaosen. He wants to break through." Under Elder Xuancheng's black robe, there were two terrifying rays of light in his eyes.

Mei Xiaosen is a very famous figure in the five major cities. Elder Rakshasa and Elder Zhengyi both know his name and said, "So it's him."

However, the Lord of Justice didn't know Mei Xiaosen, so he just said lightly: "Let's go and have a look."

A few kilometers away, he was able to capture and sense the presence of the eight Mei Xiaosen people from a distance. Their figures were erratic and passed Elder Xuancheng. Soon, from a distance of one or two kilometers, he could already see Mei Xiaosen and others sitting cross-legged from a distance. People feel the violent fluctuations of the power of the world, which are gathering with him as the center.

"It just started not long ago..." The Lord of Justice stopped and did not get closer. The other three elders and seven men in black robes also stopped in a hurry.

At this moment, the bloodless face of the Lord of Justice suddenly split open from the center of his eyebrows downwards, and his face flipped to both sides, revealing strips of blood-red muscles. These muscles twisted and squeezed to both sides, and suddenly a huge one eye emerged from it. came out.

This one-eye was about the size of a fist, and cast a strange cold light in the night. The cold light passed by, and he suddenly grinned.

"Sure enough, all eight are super states, not perfect."

Following these words, the huge one-eyed eye converged and retracted into the blood-red muscles. The face that had been turned to both sides came back together, returning to its normal, dead-like face.

"Let's go, the eight super states are nothing to be afraid of." The Lord of Justice City swayed and began to move towards the safe area where Mei Xiaosen and the eight people were.

Elder Xuancheng understood after hearing this. The Lord of Justice was very cautious and did not approach rashly just now. Instead, he used some special ability to observe the true strength levels of the eight Mei Xiaosen people from a distance and determined that the eight people were all super states. This Only then was I completely relieved.

Ten of them followed closely behind, and for them, the distance of one or two kilometers could be reached in a few breaths.

At this moment, among the eight Mei Xiaosen, except for Mei Xiaosen who was seeking a breakthrough, seven others, Wang Xuan, Bai Qianxue, Wu Tian and Li Tianjiao, were all sitting cross-legged in meditation, sensing the fluctuations in the power of the world around them.

During meditation, everyone's senses were very sensitive, especially Wang Xuan. Before the Lord of Justice and the other eleven people jumped down from the tree crown, he suddenly felt uneasy and opened his eyes from meditation.

"Something's wrong, there's some danger approaching." Wang Xuan looked into the distance and frowned immediately.

Except for Mei Xiaosen, the other six people also opened their eyes and looked towards him.

"Are you sure?" Wu Tian asked.

Wang Xuan nodded and said: "My senses are not wrong. Now I just don't know where the danger comes from? It's possible that Elder Xuancheng and the others have really caught up."

As he was talking, a few kilometers away, he vaguely captured a figure on the treetops in the distance, which seemed to be jumping down.

A few kilometers apart, both sides observed the other's presence in an instant.

"Eleven people..."

Wu Tian, ​​Bai Qianxue and others also saw it and stood up one after another. Only Mei Xiaosen leaned against the iron dragon flag and was still in meditation.

"What should we do? Head to the giant ship immediately?" Li Tianjiao said, with a nervous look on his face.

"There is no Rakshasa King, there should be a few elders and men in black robes." Bai Qianxue observed from a distance the eleven people including the Lord of Zhengyi City and the elders of Xuancheng who appeared a few kilometers away. He did not find the Rakshasa King among them, so he relaxed first. tone.

Now in the entire third level world, the only powerful people in the seventh form that they know are Xuanzhu and Rakshasa King. Xuanzhu was killed by them, Rakshasa King did not appear, and the rest are all super-states. At the same level, they are It's not that I'm afraid.

"No, one of them is wearing a white robe. Who is that?" Li Tianjiao nervously noticed that among the eleven people appearing in the distance, ten of them were all in black robes, and only one was wearing a white robe, which was very conspicuous in the night.

"White robe..." Bai Qianxue frowned. At this moment, Mei Xiaosen, who was meditating, suddenly opened his eyes, woke up from his meditation, and said, "Let's go, let's go to the giant ship."

He stretched out his right hand and pulled up the iron dragon flag that had just been planted on the ground.

Seeing that he had interrupted his breakthrough again, Wang Xuan said, "Do you know who the man in white robe is?"

Mei Xiaosen shook his head and said: "I don't know, it should be one of the remaining three city lords, otherwise they would not dare to pursue us with such a big fanfare. After all, in their view, we are capable of killing Xuan Lord. Now that we dare to come , there must be a strong person in the seventh form among them, let’s go.”

Having said this, they saw the eleven figures in the distance starting to accelerate and rush towards them.

Although they can use the teleportation channel to enter the central city, these people are humans and can also use the teleportation channel, so escaping to the central city is not an option. The only hope now is to get close to the giant ship. Let’s bet on whether these people dare to catch up. .

Mei Xiaosen held the iron dragon flag, stopped talking, swayed, and headed straight towards the giant ship.

Wang Xuan didn't speak anymore, knowing in his heart that if the man in white robe was really one of the city lords, a strong man in the seventh form, plus ten elders and men in black robes, with such strength combined, they would not be able to fight back at all. , once surrounded, there is only one way to die.

Bai Qianxue, Wu Tian, ​​Li Tianjiao, Fang Taozhong, Bao Chong and others no longer hesitated and followed Mei Xiaosen towards the giant ship.

At this moment, the Lord of Justice City was leading the way, rushing towards everyone. Suddenly he saw eight people from Wang Xuan getting up and heading towards the giant ship. He was slightly startled and slowed down.

Elder Xuancheng, Elder Rakshasa and Elder Zhengyi chased after him.

"These guys are really theirs." Elder Rakshasa's voice was filled with anger. They were not stupid. Seeing the actions of Wang Xuan and Mei Xiaosen, I didn't know what they were thinking.

"This giant ship is weird and unpredictable. It seems to be shrouded in an indescribable terrifying force. Once it gets close, it will be dangerous and unpredictable. What should we do now?" There was a trace of hesitation in Elder Xuancheng's tone. The octopus tentacles he held were sensitive. , compared to others, he felt it more deeply. This giant ship was like an unfathomable pool in his octopus tentacles. It seemed that as long as they came close, it could swallow them up, and even their souls and consciousness would be dragged in. In this Wangtan, you will never be reincarnated.

Strong as the Lord of Justice City, he also slowly stopped, with a dead face and a slight frown on his face.

Mei Xiaosen noticed that the other party had stopped, and he stopped immediately. At this moment, he, who was running the fastest, was already close to the rotting bow of the giant ship, less than a kilometer away, and the eleven people of the Lord of Justice were far away from them. The distance is also about one kilometer.

The situation became a little strange.

If it is not absolutely necessary, Mei Xiaosen and Wang Xuan are naturally unwilling to approach the giant ship again, but now we can only see how the eleven people, the Lord of Justice, choose. If they approach further, they can only continue to approach the giant ship. .

Wang Xuan, Mei Xiaosen, Bai Qianxue and other eight people all summoned their own mechanical beasts and entered the combined state. The equipment on everyone's body was damaged to some extent. Even Wang Xuan's ghost armor was destroyed, and ghost stealth could no longer be used. .

They were one kilometer apart and were observing each other's movements.

"What if they really rush forward desperately?" Wu Tian held a bronze war spear in his right hand and spoke in a low voice, with a nervous look on his face.

"If that man in white robe is really a strong man in the seventh form, the only one among us who can hope to stop him is Wang Xuan." Mei Xiaosen looked at Wang Xuan, thinking of Wang Xuan's mechanical giant arm that killed Xuan Master, and also After that, a third steel feather appeared, and his strength seemed to have improved again, but he didn't know if it could temporarily hold back the man in white robe.

"Qianxue must still use the Rune Pattern Formation to suppress the strength of these people as much as possible. As long as Wang Xuan you can temporarily hold back the white-robed man, with their strength being suppressed, the few of us need to be at the last possible moment. Kill a few men in black robes as quickly as possible. If you can do this, you may have a chance."

After Mei Xiaosen finished speaking, everyone except Wang Xuan showed embarrassment on their faces. Even if Wang Xuan could really block the white-robed man temporarily, Bai Qianxue suppressed the combat power of all the opponents. With only six of them, they could fight against ten of the opponent, especially Since there are people like elders among them, it is almost impossible to kill several men in black robes quickly.

Mei Xiaosen himself knew that this was difficult, so he could only sigh and said: "It depends on people. Of course, I hope they don't dare to catch up."

Just as he said this, he noticed that the man in white robes and ten other men in black robes took action again and quickly approached them.

"What should I do? Are you still approaching the giant ship?" Wu Tian looked at the giant ship that was only one kilometer away, and then looked at the eleven people who were approaching quickly. Each of them had a hesitant look on their face, full of complexity.

Wang Xuan said: "When they get closer, we will continue to approach the giant ship. Since we have no chance of winning in a head-on confrontation, we can only place our hopes on some emergencies or accidents."

Among the eight people, Wang Xuan seemed calmer than the other seven. Mei Xiaosen secretly admired Wang Xuan's calmness when he saw it.

Wang Xuan understood that his ability to be so calm was also related to the fact that he had the Eye of Fear and merged with the soul consciousness of the monster, blue crystal scales and ghost car.

His Eyes of Fear could sense the strong fear of Mei Xiaosen and others, and as the Lord of Justice and the other ten people continued to approach, he began to gradually feel the faint fear in the hearts of these eleven people.

They are not afraid of the eight of them, but because of their instinctive fear of the giant ship.

"That's right... By accident, I actually used the giant ship to arouse their instinctive fear."

Wang Xuan sensed a ray of fear in their hearts, and suddenly his confidence increased greatly.

What he is afraid of is that these people are not afraid. Since they have developed fear, with his now grown eyes of fear, he has the hope of strengthening and amplifying their inner fears.

These days, the Eye of Fear is constantly absorbing the inner fear of a large number of strong men, and it is growing very fast. It can be said that his Eye of Fear has now grown to its third form, but he has not used it in battle for a while. Its true power is because the power of fear wants to have the strongest effect, especially in the face of these super strong people. If you want to influence them, a prerequisite is needed, that is, fear needs to be generated in the hearts of these strong people.

"I've thought of a way... Everyone, please calm down." Wang Xuan suddenly spoke, then began to walk slowly, slowly approaching the giant ship.

He believed that the closer they got to the giant ship, the deeper the fear in these people's hearts would be, and the more susceptible they would be to the influence of his Eye of Fear.

"Have you thought of a way?" Mei Xiaosen and the other seven all looked surprised. Even if it was Wang Xuan's words, they still felt dubious.

Faced with a strong man in the seventh form and a group of super-state extreme beings, what else can Wang Xuan do to deal with them?

"Yes, if they attack us later, everyone should prepare more defensive crystals. Don't think about killing people. Try your best to protect yourself from being hurt by the man in white robes. Leave the rest to me."

After hearing Wang Xuan's words, Mei Xiaosen understood and said: "What do you mean, are you going to let us find a way to trap the white-robed men, and then you will find a way to kill the elders and those black-robed men?"

He thought of the blow from Wang Xuan's mechanical giant arm. Its power had exceeded the limit of the super state. It should be a blow comparable to that of a strong man in the seventh form. The elder and the man in black robe were in a suppressed state, and it was really possible that they could not resist it. Live and be killed in person.

"Yes, if this man in white robe is a strong man in the seventh form, it will not be easy to kill him, but if everyone can hold him back for a while, I am confident that I will kill the others first. As long as these people are killed, only one The man in white robe, just treat him as having the same strength as Master Xuan, if we could kill Master Xuan together before, we will definitely be able to kill him."

After hearing Wang Xuan's analysis, everyone looked excited.

"It's difficult to stop him, but if you find a way to protect yourself in a short period of time, you should give it a try. But Wang Xuan, are you really sure that you can kill the elders and the others quickly?" Wu Tian said, thinking that if he wanted to kill himself, Guaranteed, with my own strength and defense crystal, I should be able to give it a try.

"Everyone can use smoke crystals, flame crystals, and explosion crystals at once. It shouldn't be a big problem to delay them." Fang Taozhong nodded slightly and said in a deep voice.

During their low-pitched discussions, the Lord of Justice, along with three elders and seven men in black robes, approached within 500 meters of them. They also slowly approached the giant ship, and the distance between them shortened to Seven hundred meters.

The closer they got to the giant ship, the more uneasy everyone felt. Whether it was Mei Xiaosen, Bai Qianxue and others, or the Lord of Justice, the three elders and the seven men in black robes, everyone felt a sense of uneasiness and fear. Wang Xuan's The Eye of Terror senses these growing fears and appears to come alive.

This is the fear of a super-state strongman, and even a seventh-form strongman. This fear energy is so powerful that the eyes of fear greedily absorb the power of fear. The skin on Wang Xuan's brows is undulating slightly. , the eyes of fear almost opened impatiently.

The Lord of Justice and the other eleven people were not very fast either. They were observing as they approached. Everyone felt uneasy about the huge ship in front of them.

The closer I get, the more insignificant I feel. This giant ship appears from a space crack a thousand meters above the ground and plunges straight into the ground. Not even half of the hull is exposed. It can be imagined that the total length of this giant ship is at least more than Two thousand meters.

This is such a huge steel behemoth. Even if the Lord of Justice is a strong man in the seventh form, facing this giant ship, he feels a little uneasy.

And as he got closer, his instinct as a beast became stronger, and he seemed to be heading towards death step by step. The giant ship in front of him might swallow him at any time.

At this moment, Wang Xuan and others were less than 500 meters close to the giant ship, and the distance between them and Wang Xuan's eight people was shortened to 100 meters.

The Lord of Justice's speed became slower and slower, and he stopped again.

From a distance of 100 meters, they could approach with just a few flying robots, but as a beast, his instinct made him stop again, and he actually didn't dare to get any closer.

The three elders and seven men in black robes behind him were also trembling slightly, dripping with cold sweat, and the fear in their hearts was getting stronger and stronger. On the contrary, among the eight Mei Xiaosen, except Wang Xuan who had a strong sense of it, the remaining seven Although they also felt fear, it was not as strong as the Justice City Lord and the eleven others.

This is because humans and hatchlings have different instincts.

"Do you really want to die?" Suddenly, the Lord of Justice spoke, and his voice was heard far away.

"Who are you?" Mei Xiaosen took a deep breath and spoke from his heart. He was now increasingly frightened. This giant ship faintly exuded a kind of fear that came from the depths of his soul.

"I am the city lord of Justice City." The voice of the lord of Justice City seemed very normal, even with some gentleness. If you are carrying something unsafe, you will be in danger if you get close."

Mei Xiaosen laughed and said: "If you step back, we will naturally not get close."

Elder Xuancheng opened his mouth and raised his voice and shouted: "Mei Xiaosen, what on earth do you want to do? You want to break through the super state, but it's too late for us to rejoice. Why are you sneaking here?"

Mei Xiaosen shook his head and said: "Elder, stop pretending. We all know your true colors. Although you wear a human skin and call yourself a human being, you have become a hatchling beast in your bones."

"Absurd." Elder Xuancheng's voice changed slightly, becoming a little sinister, and said: "We are all human beings, but we have evolved from ordinary humans to new humans. We are here to help you. Help you." Evolve together to become a new human being, don’t be ignorant of what is good and what is evil.”

"Yes, everything is easy to discuss. Come out and don't approach the giant ship again." The voice of the Lord of Justice became gentler and said: "Did you misunderstand something? Our real goal is to hope that mankind will embark on the correct path of evolution." road."

I want to add more, but I’m really busy during the National Day. My relatives are getting married and I’m going to help. Even this chapter was squeezed in with time coding. I’ve been very busy these days, so I guess I can only do it during the National Day. After the holiday, the update speed is gradually accelerated. Sorry, I wish you all a happy National Day! !

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