The last building on earth

Chapter 270 The Eye of Fear (please vote and subscribe)

Mei Xiaosen listened to the words of the Lord of Justice and the Elder of Xuancheng with a slight sneer on his face, understanding that they wanted to trick the eight of them into going out. To them who had seen the true face of Lord Xuan, these words sounded quite childish and ridiculous.

Wang Xuanze was silently sensing the ray of fear emanating from the depths of the souls of the Lord of Justice and the other eleven people a hundred meters away. The eyes of fear hidden in his forehead were continuously absorbing the fear energy around him. The eyes of fear are always ready to open.

He heard Bai Qianxue beside him suddenly raise his voice: "You hope that the path for human beings to move towards the correct evolution is to devour our human souls and consciousness? Occupy our bodies and replace our true consciousness. If this is the so-called evolution, I'm sorry. , we reject this evolution!”

Wu Tian slammed the bronze war spear in his hand to the ground and said in a deep voice: "No need to talk nonsense with them. If they dare to catch up, we will rush to the giant ship. At worst, everyone will die together."

He deliberately raised his voice so that people like the Lord of Justice could hear him far away and let them understand the consequences of approaching. He didn't believe that these people would rather risk their lives and want to kill them.

The face of the Lord of Justice, which had always been expressionless, suddenly twitched slightly, and no one could see how he acted. He suddenly jumped into the air, and the ground he was standing on suddenly sank into two deep holes. This was caused by the overwhelming force of the explosion. Footwells.

Following this sudden explosion, the Lord of Justice jumped tens of meters into the air, and then hit the ground like a cannonball, leaving cracks in the ground like extending spider webs. Then he rose into the air again, The white robe on the surface of the body seemed to be bound to the surface of the body by invisible force, without any fluctuation.

The Lord of Justice suddenly made such a move. From a distance of 100 meters, he managed to get within tens of meters of everyone in almost a blink of an eye. Only then did Elder Xuancheng, Elder Rakshasa and Elder Justice react, and they all ran with all their strength towards them. Wang Xuan and eight others rushed over.

Among the eight people, Wang Xuan and Mei Xiaosen, Wang Xuan was the first to react. His instinct for monsters was very sensitive. The moment the Lord of Justice took the unusual initiative, his heart tightened and he immediately took a step back and shouted. A loud shout: "Back off!"

The others were reminded by him and immediately rushed back and ran towards the giant ship.

The speed of the Lord of Justice was so terrifying. The strong man in the seventh form burst out at his fastest speed. The distance between the two sides immediately narrowed to within 20 meters. At this moment, everyone was already within 400 meters of the giant ship. As they approached, an indescribable feeling of terror surged. Entering everyone's heart, everyone's body seemed to be energized by an electric current. Their whole bodies were cold, and their scalps were numb and twitching. Fortunately, the weakest of them were all super-state extreme experts. Everyone's willpower was very strong, and they could barely survive. Can support.

If it were an ordinary super-powerful person, let alone running wildly or taking action at this moment, rushing so close to the giant ship, he would probably lose his strength immediately, fall down with weakness all over, and eventually be killed like the bones on the ground all around. Life was taken away silently.

Mei Xiaosen shot an iron dragon flag while running wildly.

Within a certain area of ​​the Dragon Flag, the targets he targets will be suppressed by the power of the Dragon Flag, and their speed, strength, and reaction capabilities will slowly decrease.

Wang Xuan fell to the back of the team and saw the Justice City Lord rushing up. The distance between the two sides was less than twenty meters. He saw the Justice City Lord's feet landing on the ground. The ground immediately shattered and collapsed. A large amount of sand and stone rolled out at a geometric speed. It split and soon turned into rolling fine sand.

Wherever he rushed, the ground was decomposing into yellow sand, and he seemed to be stepping on the turbulent yellow sand. From a distance, it looked like he was stepping on a yellow dragon, and his momentum was very amazing.

Wang Xuan understood that this should be the ability of the Lord of Justice.

The three elders and seven men in black robes fell behind fifty or sixty meters away. They were also running at full speed, rushing towards here.

A pair of ghost wings appeared behind Wang Xuan, decomposed into dozens of steel feathers, roared away, and shot densely towards the Lord of Justice City, trying to stop him, while he himself followed the others and quickly approached the giant ship.

The closer they get to the giant ship, the greater the fear in everyone's hearts, which is more beneficial to Wang Xuan.

The Lord of Justice stamped his foot, and the yellow sand that followed his footsteps suddenly lifted up, like a yellow sand waterfall that suddenly flowed backwards.

Dozens of steel feathers hit the yellow sand waterfall, unable to penetrate the rolling yellow sand. Suddenly, a crack opened in the yellow sand. The Lord of Justice rose into the sky again, breaking away a large amount of yellow sand, stretching tens of meters in length.

With a "boom", this time he fell less than five meters away from Wang Xuan, which was already within the range he could attack.

Without hesitation, Wang Xuan waved his right hand, and four metal tentacles appeared. Each tentacle lit up with a blue light, and streaks of blue light appeared, running from the base of the tentacles to the top.

With a "whoosh" sound, four afterimages appeared in the air, and when they fell, they landed on the Lord of Justice.

The metal tentacles hit the white robe. The Lord of Justice shook his right hand, and the white robes rolled up around his body, wrapping the four metal tentacles containing blue crystal scales. He stamped his feet, leaned slightly, and suddenly sprinted forward to update. Quickly appeared in front of Wang Xuan.

Under his feet, yellow sand appeared, following him like a shadow. These yellow sands were like living creatures.

Wang Xuan's heart sank. At this moment, only Mei Xiaosen's iron-cast dragon flag was suppressing his strength. Bai Qianxue followed the others in fleeing and approached the giant ship, but failed to use the rune formation. This made the Lord of Justice's current performance worse than before. Xuanzhu is even more amazing.

The people who were rushing towards the giant ship in front stopped one after another. Just now, they suddenly felt an indescribable terrifying force surging from the direction of the giant ship. This force was bone-chilling and pervasive. As soon as they came into contact. Then he shivered cleverly, and the fear in his heart reached the extreme. He instinctively stopped and did not dare to get closer.

They stopped, and the Lord of Justice approached Wang Xuan with Huang Sha. Thirty or forty meters further back, three elders and seven men in black robes began to fan out and surround them.

Like everyone else, as they continued to approach the giant ship, the fear in their hearts became more and more intense. However, under the leadership of the Lord of Justice, they still suppressed the constant fear in their hearts and surrounded it at full speed.

Bai Qianxue turned around and put her hands together in seals. They were constantly changing. Snow-white runes appeared one after another. She started to activate the rune array, hoping to suppress the Lord of Justice, the elders of Xuancheng and others.

Wu Tian held the bronze war spear in his right hand. With a wave of his right arm, the bronze war spear flew out of his hand, like a cyan rainbow light, and shot towards the Lord of Justice.

He thought of Wang Xuan's previous agreement with them. If they were really forced to confront these eleven people, they would try their best to hold back the Lord of Justice while ensuring their own safety.

He holds several defense crystals tightly in his left hand. As long as the situation is slightly wrong, he will crush the defense crystals immediately.

Fang Taozhong's face was filled with solemnity. He raised the scepter in his right hand, and the rocks scattered on the ground began to sway and levitate, concentrating in the direction of the Lord of Justice.

Li Tianjiao released the water beast. The water beast walked close to the ground, turning into liquefied tentacles and wrapping around the Lord of Justice.

The Lord of Justice City ignored their attacks at all, and just targeted Wang Xuan alone. He wanted to defeat him one by one. Unlike Master Xuan, he did not underestimate or despise the eight super-state extreme experts in front of him. Since they could join forces to kill Master Xuan , are definitely not simple characters.

According to the guess of Elder Xuancheng, Wang Xuan should have used the identity of a similar person to deceive Master Xuan, so that they could succeed.

The Lord of Justice City sensed Wang Xuan and understood that Elder Xuancheng's guess must be true. Wang Xuan was indeed different from Mei Xiaosen and others. If Elder Xuancheng hadn't reminded him, he would have thought that Wang Xuan was the same kind as him.

Such people are the most dangerous, so the Lord of Justice plans to kill Wang Xuan first.

The white robe wrapped around the four metal tentacles. Pulling on the tentacles, he dived slightly and charged forward, like a rhinoceros running at high speed.

On Wang Xuan's left and right backs and on the outside of his right arm, one ghost wing grew out. The three ghost wings appeared together, which meant that he had exerted the power of the ghost car in his body to the limit.

Four metal tentacles suddenly broke, and a curtain of light appeared, but it was Wang Xuan who crushed the defensive crystal he secretly held in his hand.

With a "boom", the Lord of Justice hit the light curtain. Even with his strength, he could not shatter the light curtain. He had to wait until the light curtain disappeared automatically.

Wang Xuan relied on the light curtain of the defense crystal to block the attack of the Lord of Justice who suddenly rushed up. The ghost wings behind him flapped, and with a roar, a huge thrust was generated. With the help of the power of the ghost car that was exerted to the extreme, he kicked off with both feet. , rushed out diagonally, and the speed at which he rushed out at this moment was almost no slower than the attack just made by the Lord of Justice.

The three elders and seven men in black robes who surrounded them in a fan shape had barely understood what was happening. No one could have imagined that Wang Xuan's speed would be so terrifying.

The target of Wang Xuan's attack was the righteous elder who was closest to him among the three elders and the seven men in black robes.

Although Elder Justice failed to break through the super state, his body has been tempered by the power of the world, and he is even stronger than the super state extreme experts like Wu Tian or Bao Chong. It can be said that his strength is infinitely close to the first level. Seven forms, otherwise he would not be able to become the elder of Justice City, and his status in Justice City is only below that of the Lord of Justice City.

Although the speed of Wang Xuan's sudden attack was beyond his expectation, he was still shocked and managed to react. With a thought, the black robe covering his body was lifted up, like a black cloud, and it was revealed. His true appearance.

When he failed to break through the super state, the hatchling beast took over his body and backfired, finally condensing into a half-man, half-ghost appearance. Half of his body was human, and the other half had dark skin and was as skinny as a skeleton, just like half a skeleton. Wrapped in a layer of black skin.

He swayed and moved sideways quickly, trying to avoid Wang Xuan's attack while swinging out his right arm. The skeleton-like right arm automatically extended and violently expanded to counterattack.

This half of his skeletal body is harder than steel and invulnerable. Even a strong man in the seventh form cannot easily destroy it.

He had just moved half a foot when he suddenly felt a tremor all over his body, and the fear in his heart suddenly increased infinitely. At this moment, he seemed to have suffered a disaster and fell into endless fear. In this extreme fear, he When he opened his one human eye, he was stunned and stood there.

On Wang Xuan's forehead, the Eye of Fear finally opened, and the power of fear that had been accumulated for so long exploded, locking Elder Justice here. At this moment, due to extreme fear, he lost the ability to move.

All this happened so fast, as powerful as the Lord of Justice. Seeing the light curtain in front of him disappear, he turned slightly and wanted to continue attacking Wang Xuan, but he saw Wang Xuan passing by the side of Elder Justice, and the giant arm of the monster appeared, He hit Elder Justice hard on the head.

No one knows what happened to Elder Zhengyi and why he suddenly stood there motionless and allowed Wang Xuan to attack.

The power of the monster's giant arm was so powerful that half of Elder Justice's human face immediately exploded, while the remaining half of the black skull head was not damaged at all.

Wang Xuan felt that this half black skull head was harder than steel, and when the monster's giant arm hit it, there was a sound of gold and iron hitting it.

Feeling slightly startled, he hurriedly turned around, only to find that Elder Justice staggered forward and fell forward. A white light appeared and headed towards him.

He originally thought that this blow could only shatter half of Elder Justice's face and would definitely not kill him, so he had a backup plan, but he didn't want the white light to appear in Elder Justice's body, which meant that he was dead.

There was a strong breath of life in the white light, and there was a consciousness struggling inside. The power of the world came quietly, erasing the consciousness, turning the white light into a stream of pure energy and sinking into Wang Xuan's body.

Powerful energy surged and quickly concentrated on the outside of his left arm.

Feeling the reaction on the outside of his left arm, Wang Xuan immediately understood that as long as he absorbed enough powerful energy, a ghost wing would grow on the outside of his left arm, and then his ghost car power would be even more powerful.

The death of Elder Justice was beyond everyone's expectation. Wang Xuan understood at this moment that not everyone who was possessed by the hatching beast was like Xuanzhu, who could not die even if his head was smashed. It seemed that Elder Justice The key is half a human face.

Just now, he originally thought of smashing Elder Justice's head with the giant arm of the monster. Then he followed up with the second giant arm of the monster, and with several consecutive punches, he completely defeated his body and beat him into a ball of rotten flesh. However, he didn't expect that Elder Justice One punch and he died.

The Lord of Justice City was the first to react and let out a low whistle, filled with anger.

Around everyone, a large number of snow-white talisman patterns appeared, and Bai Qianxue's talisman formation was activated with all his strength, beginning to suppress the speed and power of the Lord of Justice, the two elders, and the seven black-robed men in all directions.

When Mei Xiaosen, Wu Tian and others saw that Wang Xuanzhen had killed Elder Justice with one blow, they immediately cheered up and understood that what he said before was not a lie. As long as they could hold off the Lord of Justice, Wang Xuan would have the confidence to kill other black-robed elders. people.

Mei Xiaosen flipped his right hand, and the hatching beast appeared, turning into a dark cloud, covering the sky, and headed towards the Lord of Justice City.

However, the Lord of Justice locked onto Wang Xuan. Just as he was about to turn around, his feet tightened, but the water beast controlled by Li Tianjiao turned into countless liquefied tentacles and wrapped tightly around his feet.

"Get away!" He let out a low roar, and with full strength, there was a continuous snapping sound, and the liquefied tentacles that entangled him broke one by one.

But when he broke off these tentacles, the sun appeared above, like a cover.

With a stamp of his feet, the yellow sand on the ground rolled up, and he lifted it up with a loud bang, actively facing the sun and blocking it. Wherever he went, the yellow sand on the ground rolled over, even if there was a large formation of runes and an iron-cast dragon flag. Even with double oppression, these people couldn't stop him.

While everyone was attacking the Lord of Justice, Wang Xuan, who had killed Elder Justice, used the power of ghost wings to speed out and rush out. This time, his target was a black-robed man from Rakshasa City.

The remaining Rakshasa elders, Xuancheng elders and the black-robed men in the three cities were stimulated by the sudden death of the righteous elders. In shock, they all exploded with all their strength. The black robes on their bodies were lifted up, revealing their true faces. Almost every one of them exploded with all their strength. Everyone looks like half-man, half-monster, each one more weird and terrifying than the last.

Among them, the abilities mastered by Elder Rakshasa are somewhat similar to Bai Qianxue. They are both mainly auxiliary. He can release halos one by one. These halos spread around his body and can enhance the combat ability of his locked companions. Strength, including speed, strength, reaction ability and defense ability.

He stepped back, clasped his hands together, and released a halo of light. These haloes fell on the Lord of Justice, the elder of Xuancheng, and the other seven men in black robes, and immediately began to increase their combat power.

The man in black robe that Wang Xuan attacked had a large number of fish scales on his body, and he roared in his throat. Following the previous example of Elder Justice, he was unwilling to confront Wang Xuan before he understood the reason, and immediately took out the Crush the defense crystal.

In addition to him, the octopus tentacles controlled by Elder Xuancheng were lashing out like crazy. Several other men in black robes also took action, attacking Wang Xuan with all their strength.

One of them is a man in black robes with fangs and a horn on his forehead. He is one of the three men in black robes from Xuancheng. The horn on his forehead grows, and his whole body seems to be filled with light and electricity, focusing on the horn on his forehead. They gathered together and quickly locked onto Wang Xuan, releasing a strong black light from the horn.

Wherever this light strikes, whether it is rocks, trees or soil, it can be easily cut open, and its power is extremely terrifying.

There was another man in black robes, half of his body turned into stone. He took a long step forward, and with a bang, he swung his giant rock fist and opened it towards Wang Xuan from behind in the air.

A woman whose whole body is covered with sarcomas has the ability to control green venom. A large amount of green venom is sprayed out from the sarcomas on the surface of her body. These venoms are controlled by her and condense into branches of green poisonous arrows, as dense as a rain of arrows. Shoot towards Wang Xuan.

The reaction of these people is too fast, especially blessed by the aura of the Rakshasa elders. Their reaction ability and combat power are stronger, which can almost offset the suppression of the runic array and the iron dragon flag they are subjected to. Everyone fights The attacks are already infinitely close to those of the seventh form powerhouse.

Suddenly being attacked by everyone, Wang Xuan was not afraid. There was a faint blue light passing over the surface of the three ghost wings. With a roar, his body suddenly accelerated a rotation amidst the flapping of the two ghost wings. The eyes of fear once again Launch with full force.

I owe Yimeng Xingchen and my daughter Duoduo a reward of ten thousand yuan. I will make up for it in a few days. I am really busy these days! ! Sorry, please give me a monthly pass! !

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