The last building on earth

Chapter 373 Rewarded Treasures (please vote and subscribe)

As the eighth ghost wing grew out, an endless stream of ghost car power surged out of the ghost wing, flowing back into his body and resonating with his other seven ghost wings. The power of the ghost car he mastered immediately Boost again.

So much energy gained from hunting monsters before has now been turned into pure ghost power, and new abilities are being comprehended.

Wang Xuan understood that as Gui Che grew up this time, Gui Che's strength would be comparable to that of a newly awakened powerhouse above the end.

However, due to the growth of Gui Che, his body cannot be further strengthened, so if you simply compare Gui Che's power, it is weaker than the hatchling beast that has truly broken through to the tenth form and awakened.

Coupled with the magical beasts and blue crystal scales he also mastered, and the comprehensive combat power, Wang Xuan felt that he should be able to compete with Qian Laoyi who had entered the awakening.

The Mechanical God was still hunting the Hell Messenger. White light appeared in the body of the killed Hell Messenger and kept flying towards Wang Xuan's body.

This newly absorbed energy no longer converges to the left side of his head, but to the back of his head.

Wang Xuan immediately understood that the ninth wings of this ghost car would grow from the back of his head.

"It is said that the ghost car is the Nine Phoenix. The complete ghost car should have nine wings. It seems that the one growing out from behind the head should be the last wing."

Wang Xuan took a deep breath. He had already understood and mastered Gui Che's sixth ability.

"God of Machinery, let's go and meet with the managers of the eighth floor."

With this breakthrough, Wang Xuan finally had the confidence to challenge the administrator of the eighth floor of the Hell Tower, the Hell Priest.

The Hell Priest, with a ten-star danger rating, is comparable to the tenth form awakening powerhouse among hatchling beasts. This will be a powerful and dangerous opponent.

Ahead was a huge cave, which was densely packed with messengers from hell. The God of Machinery was about to take action, but was stopped by Wang Xuan. After that, the eight ghost wings on his body opened together, and his body floated upwards. The terrifying power enveloped the surroundings. The eight ghost wings began to decompose and turned into steel feathers and flew out. In the eight places where the ghost wings grew on his body, an endless stream of steel feathers appeared. This is the special ability he has mastered, one of the six ghost car abilities. One's "Dance of Demon Slayer".

Countless steel feathers roared away and soon flooded the cave in front.

The densely packed hell messengers in the cave were all killed in the "Dance of Demon Slayer".

After killing hundreds of hell messengers at once, hundreds of white scales gathered like a white rainbow light and poured into Wang Xuan's body. They all gathered behind his head, and the energy inside began to fluctuate.

After killing so many hell messengers at once and looking at the corpses on the ground, Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief. Before, he could not have imagined that one day he would become so powerful.

As hundreds of hell messengers were killed, there was a rustling sound at the end of the cave.

Following the sound of footsteps, a tall, hunched old man with wrinkles on his face walked out from the end of the cave.

This is a giant about three or four meters tall, holding a cane and looking very old.

Wang Xuan had seen it last time and knew that it was the hell priest. According to the information introduction, it could borrow the power of the hell gods and was the spokesperson of the gods.

"Compared to the powerful person who awakened in the tenth form, Hell Priest, let's see how powerful you are."

This was Wang Xuan's first real battle with a strong person at the awakening level, and he was inevitably a little nervous. The eight ghost wings spread out together, and his limbs fell to the ground, entering the semi-awakened state of Warcraft.

His limbs hit the ground, then he suddenly jumped into the air and hit the hell priest sideways.

The Mechanical God attached itself to Xiao Guai's body, causing the giant mechanical dog-man to stand up, with a pair of glowing mechanical giant arms growing out of his back, and circled around from the other side, hoping to take the opportunity to attack.

The hell priest let out an almost human-like husky smile, raised the crutch in his hand, and a white light emitted from the crutch, and a white light whipped towards him like a light whip.

There was a huge fuzzy shadow inside Wang Xuan's body that struggled and expanded. This shadow opened its pitch-black wings one by one, with eight wings spread out, and the passage of time and space around him slowed down.

As Gui Che grows his eighth wings and increases in strength, Gui Che's power in his semi-awakened state also increases further.

The light whip drawn by the Hell Priest slowed down in front of Wang Xuan's eyes, making him turn his body slightly to avoid it easily. He waved his right arm transformed into a monster. Just as he was about to strike it out in the air, white light whips suddenly burst out in front of him. .

From the hell priest's crutch, dozens of white light whips exploded in an instant, and they were drawn in all directions indiscriminately.

Knowing that something was wrong, Wang Xuan immediately activated the special ability of the ghost car, and opened countless dark wings to meet these white light whips.

The white light whip hit the jet-black wings, and the two sides faced the force head-on. The large number of jet-black wings could not resist, and they shattered and exploded. Wang Xuan was suspended in it, and he let out a slight growl from his mouth. New wings grew out of his body. This Black flames burned on the jet-black wings that grew out once.

This is the sixth ability of Ghost Car that he has just realized and mastered, Demon Slayer Fire.

According to legend, this is a terrifying flame that can burn space. Flames sprouted from each dark wing. Its power immediately blocked the rest of the white light whip that came towards it.

White light whips and these dark wings burning with black flames collided with each other, forming a stalemate in a short time.

Wang Xuan was protected by countless wings and kept attacking towards the other side. The power of the magic beast combined with the blue crystal scales concentrated on his right arm. As long as the hell priest showed a slight flaw, he would attack instantly.

The Hell Priest's mouth kept chanting, and with its body as the center, it continuously drew out white whips of light in all directions. The Mechanical God circled behind it, but could never find a chance to take action.

Wang Xuan and the Machine God connected with each other, and suddenly swooped forward, approaching the Hell Priest. With a wave of his hands, a five-meter-long Demon Slayer appeared, with black Demon Slayer fire burning on it, and slashed through the air.

With a "boom", this blow forced the Hell Priest to use a large number of white light whips to resist. There was a flaw in the defense behind him. The Machine God seized the flaw and attacked silently.

Wang Xuan took action with all his strength, and the Demon Slayer's Blade slashed out crazily with terrifying flames. In conjunction with the ghost car's semi-awakening bursts of countless jet-black wings, they all covered it, putting the hell priest under great pressure. All the white light The whips were all forced to gather in the front to fight against Wang Xuan.

The mechanical god succeeded with one blow. Although the white light whip controlled by the hell priest was extremely powerful, this power was borrowed. It itself was not strong. The mechanical god penetrated the body with one blow, and its power was suddenly weakened. Those who were hit by it were The controlled white light whip immediately showed signs of collapse.

Wang Xuan seized the opportunity, held the Demon Slayer Blade in both hands, and slashed it in the air. He used his strongest force for this blow.

The power of the demon beast, the ghost car and the blue crystal scales completely exploded, especially the original ability of the ghost beast, which was in a semi-awakened state and had been continuously devouring the power of the world. This power had been gathering in Wang Xuan's body and was suppressed by him. Among them, it is not used, just for this blow.

A blue light lit up from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba, causing the black flames burning on Demon Slayer to turn into blue flames at this moment, and all the power of the world that had just been condensed in the body surged out in an instant. , erupting from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba.

With a "boom", there was an earth-shattering sound in the cave. This blow broke through the white light whip that had collapsed, and passed along the body of the hell priest. It hit the ground and opened a deep crack in the ground.

The countless white whips of light disappeared, and the Hell Priest froze on the spot. The crutch in his hand suddenly fell, and his body split in half and fell to both sides.

The power contained in its body exploded, instantly blasting its body into pieces of flesh and blood.

A white scale appeared and sank into Wang Xuan's body, causing turbulent fluctuations in power within the body.

The Hell Priest is a majestic ten-star dangerous monster, and the energy of the white scales in its body is so powerful.

Taking a deep breath, Wang Xuan exited the semi-awakened state of the ghost car and the monster. Although his ghost car grew eight wings, it still could not fully awaken. Obviously, he had to let the ghost car grow a ninth wing. It is possible for Gui Che to fully awaken.

Looking at the broken corpse of the hell priest on the ground, a huge white light slowly emerged from it. The white light converged, and a golden treasure box appeared inside.

This was a gold treasure chest. As a surprise, Wang Xuan opened it to see what was inside.

The Mechanic God also came over and looked inside.

There are five identical crystals placed in the gold treasure chest. The surface of each crystal is shrouded in a shining light, which looks unusual.

Wang Xuan immediately opened the Eye of Zhoutian to observe the information on these five crystals.

"Name: Fourth-level flawless crystal. Purpose: Fusion into fourth-level and lower-level fine-quality equipment. It can upgrade the equipment from fine quality to flawless quality. How to use it, you can use it with a drop of blood."

These five are all fourth-order flawless crystals. Wang Xuan looked at the information and was slightly startled. He didn't expect there to be such crystals. His current ice dragon suit is of fourth-order fine quality.

Five flawless crystals can upgrade the five pieces of equipment on him to flawless quality.

Wang Xuan took off his ice dragon helmet, took out a fourth-order flawless crystal, cut his finger, and dripped his own blood on it.

Wang Xuan watched the blood dripping onto the fourth-order flawless crystal. The original gleaming light on the surface was immediately dyed into a faint red. When it came into contact with the ice dragon helmet, the fourth-order flawless crystal was like a melted candle. It turned into a gleaming light, penetrated into the ice dragon helmet, and quickly covered the surface of the ice dragon helmet, causing a layer of gleaming light to appear on its surface.

This layer of gleaming light penetrated inside, and Wang Xuan's Zhou Tian Eye could vaguely see that the ice dragon helmet was slowly changing. The surface was covered with this layer of gleaming light, and its defensive performance was improving.

Let’s look at the information about the Ice Dragon Helmet.

The fourth-level high-quality ice dragon helmet can improve hearing, vision and smell by 40%.

And now looking at the Ice Dragon Helmet, sure enough, its quality has become flawless, and it can improve hearing, vision and smell by 45%.

"It seems that flawless is more defensive than excellent, and it also has 5% additional attributes, which is good."

Wang Xuan secretly nodded, put the Ice Dragon Helmet back on, and then used the remaining four Level 4 Flawless Crystals to upgrade the Ice Dragon Armor, Ice Dragon Kneepads, Ice Dragon Gauntlets, and Ice Dragon Boots to Level 4. With flawless quality, the special additional attributes of these equipment, such as physical recovery speed, injury healing speed, improved attack, physical fitness, physical strength, improved attack on knee pads, strength, instantaneous explosive power, hand strength, etc., have all been increased to 45%.

And with the special bonus effect of the suit, the final increase can reach 49%.

This effect is quite amazing.

Not only the additional attribute effects have been improved, but the defense of the ice dragon suit has also been improved, and its suit skill ice dragon shield has also been improved. The ice dragon shield originally formed by one ice dragon is now transformed into two ice dragons, and the defense effect is greatly improved. promote.

"Not bad." Wang Xuan looked at the ice dragon suit he was wearing. There was a layer of gleaming light on the surface. His whole body was now shrouded in a layer of gleaming light, which highlighted his face and made him look indescribably dazzling and gorgeous, especially in the In this dark cave, it becomes more and more conspicuous.

"If you activate the effect of the Hell Copper Coin and sacrifice the flesh and blood of this Hell Priest, you can also get the Eye of Hell as a reward. Unfortunately, it can only be used once. I am even more looking forward to the Gate of Hell."

The manager of the ninth floor of the Hell Tower is the Lord of Hell. If you kill the Lord of Hell and sacrifice him, you can obtain the Gate of Hell.

However, the hell priest is already comparable to the awakened strong man in the tenth form. How powerful must this ninth level hell lord be? Wang Xuan does not have full confidence now, unless he can make Gui Che grow a ninth wing and enter a fully awakened state, he may be able to fight.

"Mechanical God, do you have the confidence to enter the ninth level of the Hell Tower?"

Wang Xuan looked at the Mechanical God. Although he was not sure, he still wanted to see what happened.

The mechanical god nodded slightly towards him.

"I can sense...a part of there."

"Oh?" Wang Xuan's heart moved, he looked at the God of Machinery, and said, "Okay, let's go to the ninth floor and have a look."

If the Machine God can really find a new body and increase his strength, then he may be able to fight the Lord of Hell.

The two walked along the cave to the end, and soon found the stairs going down. They went down the stairs and appeared in a palace.

"This ninth floor looks completely different from the previous eight floors. It turns out to be the interior of a palace. The surrounding walls are also carved with patterns. It looks quite tall."

As Wang Xuan spoke, he looked towards the depths of the palace and saw a big snake swimming slowly.

The big snake noticed them, and immediately raised its head high, making a slight sound, and saliva flowed from its open mouth.

Wang Xuan watched as the saliva fell to the ground, making a sizzling sound and emitting smoke. Obviously, it was poisonous saliva.

"It's actually the Snake of Hell?" Wang Xuan frowned.

Just entering the ninth floor of the Hell Tower, I met the manager of the seventh floor of the Hell Tower, the Hell Snake, whose strength was comparable to the final strongman.

"It seems that the last floor of the Hell Tower is not easy to break through." Wang Xuan saw that behind the hell snake, there were continuous sounds in the depths of the palace, and giant hell snakes were appearing one after another.

This is equivalent to them needing to face a group of final strong men.

Although the difficulty has increased, a group of hell snakes represents a stronger power contained in their bodies. If they are killed, they can obtain stronger energy, which will help his ghost car grow the ninth wings as soon as possible.

"Machine God, come on, but these snakes from hell are not easy to deal with."

Wang Xuan began to move, and the Machine God followed closely. Its current strength was only the limit of the End, and it had not yet broken through to awaken. Facing a group of hell snakes that were comparable to the End, the Machine God felt tremendous pressure.

Wang Xuan entered the World of Warcraft semi-awakening, the ghost car semi-awakened, a huge fuzzy black shadow appeared in his body, and the dark wings spread out one by one.

This group of hell snakes did not approach them, but suddenly opened their bloody mouths and sprayed venom.

Lines of venom shot out like arrows.

Wang Xuan controlled a large number of jet-black wings to resist them head-on, and at the same time activated the Ice Dragon Shield, wanting to test the defensive effect of the Ice Dragon Shield that had been upgraded to the flawless level.

Two huge ice dragons appeared and entangled each other, blocking the row of venom coming from the front.

The venom hit the two huge ice dragons, immediately dyeing them dark green, and then the ice dragons began to shatter.

Wang Xuan saw this and nodded secretly. After all, it is a defensive skill that comes with the suit. It can withstand so much venom sprayed by the snake of hell that is as powerful as the final warrior for a second or two. In terms of the defensive effect of the equipment, It's already amazing.

The two ice dragons shattered and disappeared. Wang Xuan's true body had already arrived above these hellish snakes, covered with countless dark wings, burning with dark flames, which was the fire of ghost destruction.

Followed closely by Demon Slayer, Wang Xuan went down, Demon Slayer came down, sprayed out a stream of blood arrows, and cut off the head of a hell snake.

A white scale appeared, sank into his body, and poured into the back of his head.

The mechanical god on the other side pounced on a hell snake, stepped on its head, and smashed down the snake's head with a pair of giant mechanical arms.

This snake from hell screamed continuously, raised its tail, and slapped it continuously.

With the mechanical god's strength reaching the ultimate limit, it is not easy to succeed among a group of hell snakes who are comparable to the powerful ones in the final world.

Wang Xuan used the instinct of Warcraft to continuously absorb the power of the world, and activated the space-time domain of the ghost car. Countless dark wings covered it from all directions, trapping this group of hell snakes. He and the Mechanical God seized the opportunity to attack again. .

Soon, he killed a hell snake again.

However, these hell snakes are very smart. They saw that the situation was not good, and immediately retreated together, opened their bloody mouths, and sprayed venom outward.

So much venom was sprayed out, and the dark wings that were approaching were stained with venom and were immediately corroded and festered.

Wang Xuan activated the "Demon Slayer Fire", and the venom sprayed out was contaminated with the Demon Slayer Fire and burned violently, swallowing these hell snakes in an instant along with the venom.

Wang Xuan also didn't expect that these venoms would have such an effect when encountering the Demon Slayer Fire. Watching these hell snakes ignited by the Demon Slayer Fire, they were all rolling around crazily. The black flames burned from inside and outside their bodies, burning these snakes. The palace turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Wang Xuan stopped. In this sea of ​​black fire, white scales kept appearing and submerged into his body, and energy surged into the back of his head.

Every white scale that appears represents the death of a hell snake.

The mechanical god also stopped.

In a short period of time, at least more than twenty hell snakes were burned to death, absorbing so many white scales comparable to the level of the final strongman in one breath. Wang Xuan felt the energy in his head surge. According to this progress, , as long as more hell snakes are hunted, there should be hope for Gui Che to grow ninth wings.

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