The last building on earth

Chapter 374 The Messenger of Heaven (please vote and subscribe)


The voice of the mechanical god came from the side.

Killing so many hell snakes at once, even the God of Machinery felt surprised.

Wang Xuan felt the energy fluctuations in his body, laughed, and accidentally discovered the weakness of these hell snakes. His confidence doubled, and he immediately flew towards the end of the palace.

Behind the palace was a long corridor. After the two people passed through the long corridor, they entered a palace that looked even more majestic.

Forty or fifty hell snakes appeared in this palace. When they saw their intrusion, they immediately screamed and swarmed towards them.

With the experience just now, Wang Xuan repeated his old tricks, relying on the original ability of Warcraft to continuously absorb the power of the world, and then activated the space-time domain of the ghost car. With the support of the power of the world, he could manifest a layer of dark wings. , suppressed from above.

These big snakes first kept pulling out their tails to attack, but unfortunately they found that after breaking open the upper wings, they saw more wings. These dark wings were pressed down heavily, seemingly endless.

In anger, the hell snake immediately opened its bloody mouth and began to spray venom.

The venom they spray together is so powerful that it can break the ghost car's space-time domain.

What Wang Xuan wants is for them to collectively spray venom and immediately activate the Demon Slayer Fire to ignite the venom.

When the demon slayer's fire touched the venom, it was like sparks splashing on gasoline. Suddenly, with a loud roar, the large amount of venom burned violently. The pitiful dozens of hell snakes were instantly buried in the sea of ​​​​fire.

They did not die immediately, but instead roared, their bodies were on fire inside and outside, rolling violently, and going through their final madness.

Wang Xuan and the Mechanical God continued to retreat, launching a series of heavy black wing defenses.

Soon, the hell snakes died one after another, white scales appeared in their bodies, and flew towards Wang Xuan.

When the black Demon Slayer Fire slowly extinguished, dozens of white scales containing powerful energy poured into Wang Xuan's body and concentrated behind his head. Wang Xuan sensed the violent fluctuations of energy inside and took a deep breath. There was a look of excitement on his face.

According to this speed, his ghost car will soon grow its ninth wings.

At that time, his strength will be improved again.

"Let's go." Wang Xuan was sure that all the hell snakes in the palace had been killed, and continued to move forward. The mechanical god following him suddenly sent a message.

"I body..."

"Huh?" Wang Xuan stopped and looked at it.

The mechanical god said as he overtook him, seemed a little excited, and rushed forward.

Wang Xuan followed closely. The Machine God had previously said that its body was in the Hell Tower. Now it seemed that it had sensed the body.

There is a huge door at the end of the palace, and beyond the huge door is a corridor. When you walk out of the corridor, you immediately see that the corridor in front of you has collapsed. In front of the collapsed corridor, a dilapidated palace appears.

The palace seemed to have been hit by some kind of terrifying force and collapsed completely. The mechanical god rushed in. Wang Xuan followed closely, but saw an unfathomable huge black hole in the center of the collapsed palace. Wang Xuan appeared again. Looking up, I also see a black hole at the dark top above.

Seeing that the black holes above and below were the same size and in exactly the same direction, Wang Xuan felt like something terrible fell from the sky, penetrated the ground above, penetrated the palace, and then sank into the ground. Therefore, a black hole appeared above, and the ground below also A black hole appeared, and the palace collapsed because it could not withstand the force.

"My inside..." The Machine God looked at the huge black hole in front of him and looked inside.

"So, the thing that penetrated the ground and caused the palace to collapse is your body?" Wang Xuan looked at the God of Machinery.

The God of Machinery responded: "I don't know... I'm missing some... memories... maybe I can remember it when I find the body... but I'm sure... there is my body down there..."

Having said this, the Machine God jumped into the huge black hole in front of him.

Wang Xuan could only follow.

The black hole went straight down, with a diameter of about three or four meters. Wang Xuan opened the Eye of Heaven and kept looking downwards. After going down about a hundred meters, the bottom turned into a huge spherical space, which looked like it was covered by some kind of The space formed by the explosion of energy.

In the center of this spherical space, Wang Xuan saw half of the broken wings.

It was too dark here. Wang Xuan took out the lighting crystal and with the help of the light from the lighting crystal, he immediately saw clearly what the half of the wings looked like.

Although I don't know how many years have passed, the feathers on the surface of this wing are as white as snow. The blood at the break seems to have not solidified yet, but is flowing slightly, and there is still a vague energy released inside.

One can imagine how powerful the former owner of this half wing was.

The wound on half of the wing didn't look smooth. It didn't look like it had been chopped off with a sharp blade, but a laceration. Obviously, the half of the wing with the snow-white feathers had been torn off by some force.

When the Mechanical God saw the half of the snow-white wings, its body suddenly shook and stepped back. Wang Xuan sensed its consciousness, and a kind of fear arose in it.

This half of the wings seemed to make it feel some kind of fear.

Wang Xuan looked at the reaction of the Mechanical God, and his heart moved slightly. His Zhoutian Eye could not capture what these half wings were, but he could vaguely feel the ray of energy emanating from the blood that had not completely solidified in this half of the wings. , somewhat familiar, but I can’t remember where I sensed it for the moment.

Stretching out his right hand, two metal tentacles extended over and wrapped around the snow-white wings, trying to lift them open.

Wang Xuan felt that there should be something covered under the snow-white wings.

Lifting it slightly, he suddenly realized that the half of the snow-white wing was as heavy as a mountain, and he was unable to take it away.

Immediately took a step forward, followed by two more metal tentacles, four metal tentacles wrapped around the wings, exhaled, and let out a hey, a blue light appeared on the surface of the four metal tentacles, and then finally wrapped the half as heavy as a mountain The snow-white wings opened.

When he opened the wings, he saw another hole under the wings. There was a large amount of broken mechanical metal accumulated in the hole.

The Mechanical God immediately took a step forward, and two giant glowing mechanical arms appeared on his back, grabbing the piled mechanical metal from the air.

Wang Xuan retracted his metal tentacles and saw that the accumulated mechanical metal began to vibrate, and a white light slowly appeared on the surface, resonating with the mechanical giant arms of the Mechanical God, and he understood what was going on.

"It seems that the mechanical god will be dismembered, which may be related to the owner of the half-feathered wings, so it instinctively feels fear. It seems that these half-feathered wings may have been torn off by the mechanical god back then."

In Wang Xuan's guess, he was full of curiosity about the owner of this half-feathered wing, but the half-wing was so heavy. It was hard to imagine how powerful the owner of this wing was back then, and he should have won the battle with the Mechanical God. .

After all, although half of its wings were torn off, the mechanical god was scattered and fragmented, and now it needs to regain its body bit by bit.

The stacked and scattered mechanical metals began to glow one by one, and the light became more and more intense. The mechanical god's body roared slightly, and it kept getting closer. Its pair of giant mechanical arms also released a steady stream of light. The two sides The light combined with each other, and the accumulated mechanical metal began to resonate with the Mechanical God. Suddenly, one of the metals jumped, and with a hiss, it turned into a white rainbow light, inserted into the body of the giant mechanical dog, and paired with the Mechanical God. The giant arms come together.

Followed by the second metal, the third metal...

Wang Xuan looked at the mechanical metal piled up in the hole on the ground. Each one glowed with white light and flew towards the Mechanical God. These mechanical metals followed the pair of mechanical giant arms and continued to combine, making a crunching sound. Soon, the neck, chest, and abdomen were combined along the mechanical giant arms.

Wang Xuan saw that there were fewer and fewer mechanical metals scattered in the cave, and he understood that these mechanical metals were not enough to form a complete body. It seemed that what was scattered here was only a part of the mechanical god's body.

When all the mechanical metal returned to the body of the Mechanical God, except for the head and legs, the upper body of the Mechanical God appeared. However, this upper body was more than two meters tall, which was even larger than the giant mechanical dog Xiaoguai. By this time, it was no longer attached to Xiaoguai's body, but Xiaoguai had become its vassal.

Wang Xuan watched the mechanical god open its giant arms and growl slightly as the giant mechanical dog combined with it was merging into its body.

A terrifying aura was released along the body of the mechanical god, and a strong white light enveloped it, and the giant mechanical dog was completely swallowed by it.

When the intense white light slowly subsided, the giant mechanical dog had disappeared. What was suspended in front of him was a mechanical giant with only an upper body and no head.

The mechanical giant suddenly grabbed the half-feathered wing with his right hand from the air.

"That's's you...I remember..."

The mechanical god's voice came from within his body. A pair of giant hands grabbed the half of the feather and kept twisting it. There was a crunching sound in the snow-white feather. Gradually, a few drops of blood that had not yet solidified seeped out of it, dripping on the machine. On the body of God.

The Mechanical God's body once again emitted a dazzling white light, greedily devouring these few drops of blood.

The Mechanical God is absorbing the energy contained in these drops of blood.

The half of the snow-white wings became dim, and the feathers on the surface began to fall off. They quickly lost their luster and were discarded aside by the God of Machinery.

Losing the energy maintenance inside, this half of the wings rotted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and eventually turned into a pool of black water, seeping into the bottom and disappearing.

After absorbing the energy of the blood, the Mechanic God let out a long sigh of relief. The white light shrouded on the surface of the body converged and floated in the air, appearing in front of Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan stared at it with a calm expression.

The current Mechanical God has changed a lot, giving him a feeling of being completely transformed. He can't see how much the Mechanical God has improved, but he knows that the Mechanical God will not attack him.

Although it swallowed the giant mechanical dog, the telepathy between the two parties still exists, which means that no matter how powerful the mechanical god in front of him becomes, to Wang Xuan's character, it is still just a mechanical beast.

Wang Xuan can put away the mechanical god at any time and turn it into the heart of a mechanical beast.

Perhaps only after the Mechanical God fully recovers can it be possible to completely get rid of Wang Xuan and become truly independent.

"Did you...feel that the wings...the breath just now was a bit familiar?"

Mechanical God's voice sounded, and Wang Xuan hummed and said, "Yes, it's somewhat familiar, but I can't remember where I sensed it for a moment... Mechanical God, you just said you remembered it, do you know the identity of the owner of this wing?" "

"Not bad...remember the stone pillars in Insect Town?"

Wang Xuan was startled and suddenly remembered, yes, when the stone pillar of Chong Town was destroyed, this kind of energy was vaguely released, and that stone pillar contained a ray of power from the owner of the Seven-Pointed Star.

"Could it be that these wings are the owner of the seven-pointed star? Did you tear off half of its wings?" Wang Xuan felt shocked. In his eyes, the three giant books should represent the three supreme gods. Although the Mechanical God is powerful and claims to have acquired divinity, it should be far from comparable to them.

Now that he thought that these half wings might have been torn off by the mechanical god from the body of the owner of the seven-pointed star, Wang Xuan was very surprised.

"No...their powers come from the same source...they all come from the sky, but these half wings do not belong to the owner of the seven-pointed star...but to a messenger of the sky...That is already a very distant past... "

The Mechanical God said slowly: "I remembered... my hometown... human... race... the real purpose of their creation of me was to fight against these... messengers of heaven..."

"As you can see, I was scattered, but I also tore off half of its wings..."

Wang Xuan was taken aback and said: "You mean the human race? Are you the one who created you?"

"Yes...but it's already a very distant past, it should be...prehistoric human civilization..."

"Prehistoric human civilization, did there really exist prehistoric human civilization on earth?" Wang Xuan whispered softly.

"Of course..." The Mechanical God held his hands slightly, and his giant arms slightly released light, and said: "I understand...why I woke up...maybe...the messenger of heaven...will come again soon... This is my mission... to finally put an end to it..."

After the Mechanic God said this, his body began to float upwards, rising along the huge black hole.

While listening to what the God of Machinery said, Wang Xuan followed closely and soon followed the huge black hole back to the collapsed palace above.

"I have recovered part of my... body... and now I can help you... get through the Hell Tower..."

The mechanical god said as he floated toward the end of the collapsed palace. It had no legs and could not walk, so it could only float in the air.

"Mechanical God, what is your strength now?"

Wang Xuan followed, curious as he saw the Machine God being so confident.

"It's hard to say...just try...and you'll know."

Passing through the collapsed palace, you can see the semi-destroyed corridor again at the rear. At the end of the corridor, there is another palace.

Wang Xuan and the Mechanical God entered the palace and saw another group of hell snakes.

This group of hell snakes numbered as many as thirty or forty. When they saw Wang Xuan and the Mechanical God breaking in, they immediately screamed, opened their bloody mouths, and rushed toward them.

Wang Xuan was about to use the ghost car's space-time domain again, and use the ghost-slayer fire to burn them to death. Unexpectedly, the mechanical god's body in front of him suddenly disappeared. When it reappeared, it turned into a human-shaped light and shadow, interspersed among these hell snakes. .

Wang Xuan opened his eyes wide and understood that the Mechanical God was testing its strength, but the speed it moved was too terrifying. The power of this attack shocked Wang Xuan.

All this happened at the snap of a finger. When the Mechanical God appeared again, it had already reached the end of the palace. Between it and Wang Xuan, there were thirty or forty corpses of hell snakes.

Thirty or forty white scales appeared together and submerged into Wang Xuan's body.

After obtaining so many white scales in one breath, the energy fluctuations behind Wang Xuan's head became more and more intense.

Some of Wang Xuan's targets were stunned as they stared at the scene in front of them. The Mechanical God actually killed all these hell snakes who were comparable to the powerful ones in the blink of an eye.

"What kind of strength do you have..."

Wang Xuan took a deep breath. With such strength, I am afraid that even the awakened powerhouse above the end, Mr. Qian cannot do it. At least Wang Xuan thinks that it is impossible to do it in one breath without using the Demon Slayer Fire. This kills these hell snakes.

"No need to be surprised, this is just the tip of the iceberg of the power I once had... Let's go, there should be the Lord of Hell..."

The God of Machinery not only regained his powerful strength, but also recovered some memories. He could sense the Lord of Hell through a wall.

The most powerful manager of the Nine-Level Hell Tower is the Lord of Hell on the ninth floor.

At the end of the palace, there is a huge stone door. Through the stone door, you enter another magnificent palace.

In this palace, there are no swarms of hell snakes, only a giant sitting on the throne of the Lord.

This giant was about five meters tall, wearing heavy armor all over his body. He was holding a giant sword with both hands. He was sitting on the throne at the top, looking as if he was petrified, staring at them motionless.

Wang Xuan opened the Eye of Zhou Tian and had captured the giant's information.

Name: Lord of Hell, Danger: Ten and a half stars, the owner of the Hell Tower, the manager of the ninth floor. Of course, all of this is the authority given to it by the gods of hell. In essence, it is just the gatekeeper of hell. Defeat it. , can open the door to hell.

The danger level of ten and a half stars means that the strength of the Lord of Hell is equivalent to the top level among the awakened strong ones.

Such fighting power made Wang Xuan breathe a sigh of relief. It should not be much stronger than the Hell Priest.

In essence, both parties still belong to the awakening level of the tenth form.

As long as you kill it, you can use the hell copper coins to exchange for the final reward, the Gate of Underworld.

Wang Xuan couldn't help but feel excited. Just as he was about to enter the dual awakening state of Warcraft and Ghost Car, the Mechanical God suddenly floated forward in the air, raised its giant mechanical arm, and a white light lit up on it.

The Lord of Hell, who was sitting motionless on the throne, finally reacted.

A pair of originally dull eyes suddenly glowed, and its huge body stood up. Holding a giant sword in both hands, it volleyed towards the approaching mechanical god.

As soon as the sword struck, a sizzling sound was heard in the palace, and huge sword aura suddenly appeared in the sword. In an instant, the entire palace was enveloped by the sword aura, and there was a terrifying roar inside.

The power of this blow is so powerful that it can destroy this magnificent palace in an instant along with Wang Xuan and the Mechanical God inside.

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