The last building on earth

Chapter 385 Disaster (please vote and subscribe)

In order to adapt to the strong gravity of this world, everyone's potential in the body is gradually stimulated while fighting against these irregularly formed lives, and they can all feel their strength improving.

Especially Zhao Lei and Zhang Haofei, they only broke through to the end with the help of the elders and the power of the devil. Although they were the end, they did not fully exert the power of the end.

You must know that their bodies have all experienced the strengthening of the devil's power, and they are both final. Their true combat power far exceeds that of ordinary final warriors.

"Everyone can try to mobilize a little bit of the devil's power and integrate it into the abilities we have now."

Zhao Lei suddenly spoke and reminded everyone that just now, he tried to borrow the demonic power of the system to exert the power of the Pillar of Holy Light, and found that in such a powerful gravitational field, the fusion of the demonic power and the power of his "ancestral saint" was actually Everything comes naturally without any hindrance.

This discovery surprised and delighted him, and he immediately reminded everyone to try it.

Gaining the Demon God's power bonus, the power of the same Holy Light Pillar was doubled, killing two irregular magma monsters in an instant.

Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan, Yao Tiande and Lin Baiyu also started to try.

They gradually integrated the power of the devil into their own hatchlings. The power of the devil that was difficult to integrate before was easily integrated here, making the power of their attacks continue to increase.

These irregular magma monsters were no longer a threat to them. In addition, Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu, who took the lead, had a crushing advantage in facing these monsters. As everyone went down, they suddenly found groups of irregular monsters in all directions. Back away.

The bodies of these monsters melted like candles, turned back into fiery red magma, seeped into the ground, and soon disappeared without a trace.

"It seems that these guys are also smart. They knew that they were no match for us, so they all scared away."

Zhang Haofei laughed, and the giant skeleton next to him made a crackling sound all over. As the power of the devil continued to merge and penetrate, the power of the skeleton became more and more powerful, which made him still unsatisfied. He had just fought and was still not satisfied.

Zhao Lei said: "These may just be low-level monsters on this planet, but don't get too happy too early. There may be more powerful monsters."

Zhang Haofei glared at him and was about to speak when Wang Xuan suddenly raised his head and said, "Something's wrong. They didn't run away because they were afraid of us. There's something going on above."

Hearing what he said, everyone raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

Although there is no sun in the sky of this planet, there is a halo surrounding the planet. This halo emits white light, making the planet look like a dazzling sun in space.

At this moment, in the white halo in the sky, there were densely packed fiery red light spots, but maybe they were too far away. These light spots were looming, and if Wang Xuan hadn't reminded them, no one would have noticed them.

"What is this?" Zhao Lei looked surprised, opened his holy eyes, and looked upward.

"Meteorite, there is a meteorite in the sky." Wang Xuan's face became a little solemn. Just now, the voice of the Mechanical God sounded in his mind, reminding him that a group of meteorites were approaching them.

The speed of these meteorites was very fast, and the looming light spots quickly turned into bright fiery red light spots. The light spots were getting bigger and bigger. When the meteorites broke through the light mask and appeared at an altitude of 10,000 meters, in the violent air During the friction, these meteorites began to burst into flames.


When the meteorite appeared at an altitude of 10,000 meters, Zhao Lei couldn't help but scream loudly.

The sky was densely packed with countless meteorites. The number of these meteorites could be estimated at least in the thousands, or even in the tens of thousands.

Wang Xuan finally understood why there were countless craters of varying sizes on the surface of this dark red continent.

Thousands of meteorites of varying sizes appeared in the sky, shrouding the void. The power and terror were simply unimaginable.

If it were a planet like the Earth, these meteorites would be nothing based on the strength of everyone and would not threaten their safety at all, but these meteorites are different at this moment.

Because of the terrifying gravitational field, the density of both the ground and the material on this planet is far higher than that of the earth. The density of meteorites is also extremely terrifying. The power of them falling from the sky and smashing down is unimaginable.

As Zhao Lei roared, everyone began to want to escape, but soon discovered that the impact of these meteorites was too wide. With everyone's current speed, they could not escape from the area where the meteorites fell.

Meteorites burned one after another in the friction of the air, turning into huge fireballs all over the sky, dragging their long tails, falling downwards like dazzling meteors all over the sky.

Loud rumbling noises were heard all the time. These meteorites hit the dark red earth and exploded instantly. Countless sparks scattered like fireworks in full bloom. The ground collapsed and a huge crater was immediately created.

The power erupted from every meteorite falling to the ground is appalling. Not to mention the ultimate strongman, even the awakened strongman cannot withstand it.

Wang Xuan immediately activated the demon god's semi-awakening and the ghost car's full awakening, and entered the "ghost car night walk". He wanted to delay the passage of time around everyone, and then rush to the gaps where the meteorites fell as much as possible to avoid them. Falling meteorite impact.

Tang Ruoyu released the power of the white tiger in his body. The hundred-meter-long white tiger expanded and let out a vague roar. It seemed to know the terror of these meteorites. A pair of realistic claws stretched out and actively faced a volley. Catch the falling meteorite.

The fireball turned into a meteorite was caught by the white tiger's claws, and it shook violently. The real front paws were intact, but the shadow-like body of the white tiger couldn't bear it. The meteorite penetrated the white tiger's shadow, but Tang Ruoyu was the fastest to dodge. The meteorite hit the ground and fell apart with an earth-shattering noise.

Even Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu had a hard time dealing with it, let alone Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan and others. Although they didn't want to activate the demons in their bodies, but now they encountered this devastating scene, the demons in everyone felt the danger of life and death, and they automatically exploded. come out.

The remnants of the Demon God's souls awakened and exploded in roars. The atomized Demon God's power surged out and gathered to form a huge Demon God with a height of 100 meters.

Their strength is higher than that of the almost completely phantom white tiger.

Facing the meteorite falling in the sky, with an earth-shattering noise, the smoky demon held it up. The meteor smashed into the smoke, causing violent fluctuations and endless rumbling noises.

Seven demon gods appeared one after another, covering the space above, protecting everyone below and fighting against the meteorites falling from the sky.

Wang Xuan, Tang Ruoyu, and Tie Jun let out a sigh of relief. Although the power of the meteorite was powerful, the seven demon gods joined forces and could barely resist it.

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan and other seven people were all roaring. The power erupted by the seven demon gods became more and more powerful, requiring their bodies to withstand it. They could still hold on at first, but as the falling meteorites became more and more powerful, More and more, the power became more and more powerful, and the sound of explosions was heard endlessly. Zhao Lei and the seven began to be unable to hold on.

"Wang Xuan, we can't hold it anymore, what should we do now?" Zhao Lei had cold sweat all over his face. He absolutely believed in Wang Xuan. The situation was critical now, and the area covered by the meteorite was too wide. They had no way to escape. He could think of nothing It’s Wang Xuan. I hope Wang Xuan can figure out a way.

Wang Xuan took out the Book of Titans, and now the only way is to try the Book of Titans again.

Suddenly, the voice of the Mechanical God rang in his mind: "The Gate of Underworld..."

"The Gate of Underworld?" Wang Xuan was startled.

"Yes, the Gate of Underworld..." The Machine God replied firmly.

"You mean you can get them all into the Gate of Underworld?" Although Wang Xuan has become the master of the Gate of Underworld, he still has little understanding of the use of the Gate of Underworld. Although he can enter, he has also put in the corpse of a god before. , but he was not sure whether Zhao Lei and other living people could be put in it.

And even if the Gate of Underworld is summoned and appears here, he doesn't know whether the Gate of Underworld can withstand the meteorites in the sky or whether it will be destroyed.

But seeing that the Machine God was so sure, Wang Xuan chose to believe in it.


Wang Xuan no longer hesitated, and immediately opened his right hand, and rune patterns began to appear in his palm. The space around him began to fluctuate, and a magnificent stone gate began to slowly appear from the void around him.

The mysterious Gate of Hell has arrived.

Unexpectedly, the arrival of the Gate of Underworld caused the uneasiness of the seven demon gods. They had tried their best to fight against the meteorites in the sky, but the Gate of Underworld suddenly appeared, and the demon gods formed by the smoke showed faint signs of collapse.

Wang Xuan was surprised, what is the origin of the Gate of Underworld, and it can actually frighten the remnant souls of these demon gods?

"Mechanical God, is this Gate of Hell really created by the gods of hell?" Wang Xuan was a little doubtful. You must know that the gods of hell were once humans, but these humans grew powerfully through various methods and finally became powerful to the level of gods.

Wang Xuan asked the Mechanical God while opening the Gate of Underworld. When these demon gods were about to collapse, the Gate of Underworld was like a giant beast that opened its bloody mouth and immediately swallowed Zhao Lei and others.

"Don't be afraid, this is the gate of hell, you all can go in."

Wang Xuan was afraid that everyone would flee because of fear, so he reminded everyone while controlling the Gate of Underworld. Everyone heard his words and rushed towards the two open stone doors.

They were also full of surprises. They did not expect that Wang Xuan had the ability to summon such a magnificent stone gate.

Everyone rushed in, and Wang Xuan was the last one to enter. Looking outside, the seven demon gods disappeared because Zhao Lei and others entered the stone door. The outside was full of meteorites shrouded in flames, and they were crazy towards the gate of the underworld.

Without thinking too much, Wang Xuan followed closely, and the stone door behind him began to close with a rumbling sound.

Inside the Gate of Underworld, there was thick yellow mist, and everyone entered it. Zhao Lei and others were originally worried that the remnant souls of the Demon God in their bodies would go berserk and backlash. However, after the Gate of Underworld appeared, these remnant souls of the Demon God would instinctively become afraid and they would all shrink back. Once inside their bodies, there was no reaction at all.

Wang Xuan put away the Book of Titans and sensed the situation outside the Gate of Underworld.

This majestic stone gate stood quietly, with craters in all directions. Various explosions were heard constantly, and meteorites continued to hit the Gate of Underworld, but the Gate of Underworld just stood silently without any reaction.

Obviously, although the power of the falling meteorite is so great that even these demons cannot resist it for a long time, it cannot damage the Gate of Underworld in the slightest.

The Mechanical God also entered the Gate of Underworld, and its message came to Wang Xuan's mind: "The Gate of Underworld was not created by the gods of comes from the world of Underworld...the specifics...I don't know very well."

"What on earth is this Gate of Underworld? It's so magical." Zhao Lei and others looked around. In the thick yellow mist, they could only see the blurry figures of the people around them, and even found the motionless body lying on the ground. Corpse, they didn't know this corpse was the corpse of a hell god, they thought it was a human corpse, and they couldn't figure out why Wang Xuan hid this human corpse here.

Wang Xuan felt the yellow mist winding around him and reacting with the underworld water in his body, so he sat down cross-legged and said, "Everyone hide here for a while. It will be safe when all the meteorites fall. "

Seeing Wang Xuan sit down, everyone also sat down one after another, but the yellow mist only reacted with Wang Xuan, and everyone sitting in the mist did not react at all.

While sensing the situation outside the Gate of Underworld, Wang Xuan began to use the water of Underworld to absorb the yellow mist and compress it to form more Underworld water.

Ten minutes later, thousands of meteorites finally fell down, and the ground below turned into a sea of ​​fire and purgatory. Terrifying craters were densely packed, and the Gate of Underworld stood among them, completely intact. Wang Xuan was mentally confused about the origin of the Gate of Underworld. , with more speculation.

The mist that originally shrouded the Gate of Underworld was swallowed up by Wang Xuan and entered his body again, forming more underworld water. Zhao Lei and others also saw this detail and looked at Wang Xuan with curious expressions.

They saw that Wang Xuan was swallowing the yellow mist here.

Everyone was curious and tried it, but unfortunately there was no response.

When all the yellow mist was swallowed by Wang Xuan, he let out a long and gentle breath, and the water of the underworld in his body increased a lot. When he opened his eyes, the two stone doors of the gate of the underworld slowly opened.

Through the opened stone door, everyone saw the horrific scene outside, which looked like a sea of ​​fire and purgatory.

Fortunately, there are no more meteorites in the sky to continue falling.

Zhao Lei swayed and rushed out first, followed by Zhang Haofei and Bai Yan.

Everyone walked out one after another. Wang Xuan sat cross-legged inside the Gate of Underworld, quietly watching the people walking out, but did not move.

Just now, he refined all the yellow mist here into the water of the underworld, but he felt that the magic beast in his body had unusual changes.

He swallowed the yellow mist and refined the water of the underworld, all relying on the devouring instinct of the monster.

As the instinct of the Warcraft continued to be stimulated, Wang Xuan had a feeling that the Warcraft was getting closer and closer to fully awakening.

"I understand. The essence of finally breaking through to awakening is to continuously stimulate the original ability of the hatching beast. As long as its original ability is fully stimulated, the hatching beast can fully awaken."

With this realization, Wang Xuan felt happy and immediately let everyone in. He told everyone his experience.

Whether it is the top ten first-generation beasts or ordinary hatching beasts, each one has different original abilities.

"I see, as long as the original ability of the hatching beast is continuously stimulated, can it be fully awakened?" Zhao Lei pondered. He now has a preliminary understanding of the original ability of the ancestors, but he did not know before that as long as he continued to stimulate it, he would be able to fully awaken. There is hope that the original ability of the ancestors will be fully awakened.

"Completely awakened..." Zhang Haofei showed an excited look on his face. His current skeleton is just one step away from being able to completely escape from his body. Once it can completely leave his body, the skeleton's power will be greatly increased.

After Wang Xuan finished speaking, he took a deep breath and stayed in the Gate of Underworld. He didn't want to go out for a moment. He just wanted to continue to stimulate the original ability of the Warcraft here and fully awaken the Warcraft as soon as possible.

At this moment, the space at the Gate of Underworld shook violently.

It happened suddenly and everyone was taken aback.

Wang Xuan immediately stood up from the ground. This was a sign that the Gate of Underworld was shaken by the attack.

If so many meteorites hit the Gate of Underworld just now, the space inside was not shaken at all. What kind of attack can make the Gate of Underworld violently shake now?

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan and others were even more confused. They just felt a sudden vibration here and looked around in surprise.

Wang Xuan sensed the situation outside the Gate of Underworld and suddenly found a huge white light pillar covering the Gate of Underworld. The violent shock just now was caused by the white light pillar covering the Gate of Underworld.

This white beam of light shot straight into the sky, and in the depths of the clouds, a huge ice-carved ship appeared. This white beam of light shone from the bottom of the ice-carved ship.

They had seen this ice sculpture-like giant ship before, and they speculated that it was created by a highly developed civilization on this planet. However, they never expected that this ice sculpture giant ship that appeared and left in the halo before would actually be created. Appeared again, and appeared in the depths of the void above the Gate of Underworld.

The existence on the giant ship actually noticed the Gate of Underworld below, and then opened a sky-reaching light beam, captured the Gate of Underworld, and wanted to pull it up in the air and put it into the giant ship.

Inside the Gate of Underworld, there was another violent vibration, and the power absorbed in the white light pillar increased again.

The first time, the Gate of Underworld failed to be pulled away, but this time the power became stronger, and the Gate of Underworld shook violently.

Wang Xuan sensed the situation outside and his face became ugly.

Hiding in the Gate of Underworld, there is a possibility of being caught on the giant ship together with the Gate of Underworld. And if they walk out of the Gate of Underworld at this moment, they can naturally put the Gate of Underworld away, but the beings on the giant ship will definitely discover them. Whether he would take action against them or be friendly to them, he couldn't guess.

"We were discovered..."

Wang Xuan looked up and closed the stone door. He said in a deep voice: "The ice sculpture-like giant ship we discovered before has appeared again, and we also discovered the Gate of Underworld. Now we want to get it to the giant ship." On the ship.”

Everyone's expressions also changed, realizing that the situation was serious.

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