The last building on earth

Chapter 386 Alien Life (please vote and subscribe)

"But... this seems to be a good opportunity. If we can seize the opportunity to seize the giant ship, can we use this giant ship to fly away from this world?" Zhao Lei touched his nose and thought of a possibility.

Zhang Haofei's eyes flashed and he said: "Zhao Lei, your brain is very fast. If we can capture the giant ship, it will be much easier to find Gu Manyao and leave this world."

When they said this, the Gate of Underworld shook violently again, and an even stronger white beam of light was released from below the giant ship in the void, completely covering the Gate of Underworld, and the power within it became increasingly powerful.

Wang Xuan has been sensing the situation outside the Gate of Underworld, observing the giant ship appearing in the sky from a distance.

After listening to the conversation between Zhao Lei and Zhang Haofei, his heart moved slightly. If they can really capture this giant ship, they can leave on this giant ship. The biggest question now is the existence on the giant ship and what level of strength it has. If the other party If the strength is far stronger than them, then they will be in trouble.

"You are thinking too simply. If you can create such a giant ship, the strength of the other party is unimaginable. Not to mention us, even the demons in our bodies are not sure if they are our opponents." Yu Shanshan said, her face showing tension.

Zhao Lei glanced at Yu Shanshan and said: "Then you are wrong. Being able to create such a giant ship means that the other party's technological level is very high, but it does not mean that their individual strength is very strong. Just like before, humans on the earth can You can create a nuclear bomb that destroys a city, you can send an aircraft out of the earth, but the individual strength of ordinary humans is very weak..."

As soon as Zhao Lei said this, he suddenly felt the Gate of Underworld shake violently, and everyone felt a strong pressure forcing them down.

Wang Xuan's face changed drastically. At this moment, the Gate of Underworld finally couldn't bear the power of the white beam of light, and was caught by an invisible force. It rose up from the ground and flew towards the sky.

Under the translucent giant ship like an ice sculpture in the void, a huge entrance was opened. The white light beam was released from this entrance. The Gate of Underworld was captured by the white light beam and flew towards the entrance.

Inside the Gate of Underworld, although Zhao Lei and others could not see what was going on outside, they could guess it from the vibrations at the Gate of Underworld, and everyone became nervous.

Wang Xuan whispered: "Everyone be prepared to take action at any time."

Tang Ruoyu, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Tie Jun and others all nodded, and the atmosphere suddenly seemed to solidify.

The magnificent Gate of the Underworld rose into the sky along the white light pillar, and instantly entered the entrance of the giant ship above.

Inside the entrance of this giant ship is a huge rectangular space. At this moment, the internal space of this giant ship is surrounded by some strange beings.

These beings are made of translucent frost and resemble an octopus. They have huge heads, flat faces, two narrow eyes, upturned noses, and no lips. Two rows of snow-white, jagged teeth are exposed, making them appear indifferent. What came out was ugly, with eight translucent frost tentacles growing under the huge head, each of which was three to four meters long.

Wang Xuan hid in the Gate of Underworld and observed their appearance through the two stone doors, with a strange look on his face. Could it be that the people who created and piloted this giant ship were such a group of alien monsters?

Looking at the huge brains they have, their brain capacity is probably ten times that of humans.

As the Gate of Underworld was taken in, the white light pillar disappeared, and the entrance to the belly of the giant ship was closed. Two rows of lights lit up on the belly of the giant ship, making the place brightly lit.

Wang Xuan silently watched these alien monsters, moving eight frost tentacles around the Gate of Underworld, slowly surrounding them.

Then he heard strange sounds coming from the mouths of these alien monsters. They should be communicating in their own language, but unfortunately Wang Xuan couldn't understand a word.

"It's a pity that the Eye of Zhou Tian cannot observe their information through the Gate of Underworld. I don't know what kind of strength they have."

When Wang Xuan saw that Zhao Lei wanted to ask about the situation outside, he quietly made a gesture to signal them to quiet down. He was silently observing, watching the changes, and trying to learn as much about the other party as possible.

There are as many as hundreds of alien-like monsters in the belly space of this giant ship, but not all of them are surrounded. About twenty or thirty are surrounded, and the remaining dozens are surrounding the surroundings, with six frost tentacles. Supporting the ground and maintaining the body, there are two other tentacles wrapped around a spherical object that emits white light, seeming to be wary of something.

Wang Xuan guessed that the spherical object emitting white light might be a weapon similar to human-made firearms. These alien monsters on the periphery should be warning them.

"These guys can build giant ships that can fly on this planet, and can also take in the Gate of Underworld. This technology is so advanced that it is unimaginable. If they really create weapons, they must be extremely powerful and cannot be underestimated. "

Wang Xuan became more cautious when he thought of this. If he was not forced to do so, he would not think about opening the stone door and rushing out with others to take the risk of seizing this giant ship.

A group of alien monsters gathered around, stretched out their frost tentacles, touched the Gate of Underworld, and tried to open the two closed stone doors.

They are also curious about what is inside this stone door.

Listening to the strange noises they made among themselves, and not knowing what they were communicating, several monsters gathered together and pushed the stone door with their frost tentacles. Unfortunately, the stone door did not move at all, and they could not push it open with brute force.

Soon, several more alien monsters came up from behind, their frost tentacles wrapped around the spherical object that released white light.

Wang Xuan observed that they pressed the spherical object against the stone door, and the white light emitted from it suddenly became dazzling, and in an instant it was as bright as a small sun.

The two closed stone doors suddenly shook violently, and the people hiding inside faintly heard a dull boom.

However, this time the attack still did not open the stone door. These monsters seemed very surprised. Soon several spherical objects were attached to the stone door, releasing strong white light together. Rounds of small suns lit up on the surface of the stone door. Two The shaking of the stone door became violent.

Although the spherical objects in their hands exploded with great power, Wang Xuan secretly let out a sigh of relief when he saw it.

Seeing that they needed to borrow weapons to open the stone gate, Wang Xuan understood that Zhao Lei's previous guess should be good.

The technological level of this civilization may be very high, but their individual combat power should not be that powerful. With the strength they possess, especially the power of the seven demon gods, they can easily crush them.

This discovery made Wang Xuan feel relieved. He saw these alien monsters surrounding them again. This time there were more spherical objects attached to the stone door, trying to blast open the two stone doors in one fell swoop.

They were constantly discussing and talking among themselves. They were surprised by the solidity of the two stone doors of the Gate of Underworld, so they wanted to open the stone doors more and more to see what was going on.

The stone door was filled with spherical objects. This time, a more powerful force was released, all of which acted on the two stone doors. Unfortunately, it was still like a mud cow entering the sea and failed to explode the two stone doors.

Wang Xuan once again had a new understanding of the strength of the Gate of Underworld.

The alien monsters outside waved their hands and quickly took away these spherical objects. Apparently they also understood that they could not open the two stone doors with spherical objects.

During their conversation, Wang Xuan even sensed that they were quarreling, but it was not clear what the quarrel was about.

"It sounds like a quarrel, and there seems to be disagreement. Since the stone gate cannot be opened, I don't know what they have decided to do with the Gate of Underworld." Wang Xuan was also a little curious, although he wanted to open the stone gate, subdue them, and seize the giant ship. But he was afraid that they might be hiding some terrible backhand, so Wang Xuan decided to wait and see before he was completely sure.

At this moment, another group of octopus-like alien monsters appeared in the distance. They relied on eight frost tentacles to move very fast. Among them, there was an alien monster that was held up by the stars, which looked different. , which seems to be their leader.

Wang Xuan noticed that there was a faint blue light flickering in the eight frost tentacles of this alien monster. This made his heart move. He immediately thought of the blue crystal scales in his body and the wounds of the corpse lying on the ground. The blue light appeared in it.

"They all have a similar blue light. Although it looks very dim, I don't know its true strength..."

Wang Xuan's brows furrowed as he watched the group of monsters swarm in front of the Gate of Underworld. The alien monsters on both sides gave way to both sides. The alien monster headed by opened his mouth and made a strange sound. He was giving orders. Suddenly, the Gate of Underworld Above the door, a stream of frost mist suddenly shot out.

The frost mist sprayed downwards and immediately enveloped the Gate of Underworld. A slight crackling sound was heard, and these alien monsters retreated one after another, as if they were afraid of being contaminated by the frost mist.

In this frosty mist, transparent frost appeared on the surface of the Underworld Gate, freezing at an alarming speed.

Not only that, there are thick ice sculpture chains hanging from the top, like ice dragons. These chains drooped and began to circle around the Gate of Underworld, trying to entangle and attack it.

"Not good!" Wang Xuan understood immediately. Seeing that these monsters could not open the Gate of Underworld, they wanted to freeze the Gate of Underworld with frost, and then use these ice sculpture chains to completely lock the Gate of Underworld.

Seeing that the other party can create a giant ship like an ice sculpture, you can imagine how terrifying their use of technology in this area is. If the Gate of Underworld is completely frozen and then locked, if the stone gate can no longer be opened, then they are equal to If you are trapped alive in the gate of hell, you really can't survive or die.

The situation was not good, Wang Xuan no longer hesitated, and while the Gate of Underworld was not completely frozen, he immediately sensed the Gate of Underworld and opened the stone gate.

Seeing the stone door suddenly opening inward, the alien monster headed by it immediately made a sound again. The frost mist sprayed from above stopped spraying. The alien monsters around them immediately held spherical objects and aimed at the opening stone door. Obviously, they did not Knowing what was inside the stone gate, he seemed very nervous and prepared for it.

The stone door opened, making a slight sound. Other than that, the surroundings seemed silent. Finally, the stone door was completely opened. Wang Xuan, Tang Ruoyu, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Tie Jun, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan and others standing inside looked through the opened stone door. , looking at the swarms of alien monsters outside.

Except for Wang Xuan, it was the first time for everyone else to see this weird and ugly monster. They were all startled and their hearts tightened instinctively.

And the alien monsters surrounding them were holding spherical weapons and aiming at the people inside the stone gate. They didn't seem to expect that a group of humans would appear inside.

The alien monster headed by it opened its mouth and made a sharp sound. It seemed to be shouting and asking something at Wang Xuan and others. Unfortunately, Wang Xuan and others could not understand a word.

Wang Xuan opened the Eye of Zhoutian, and Zhao Lei opened the Holy Eye. Unfortunately, they were unable to capture any information about these alien monsters, and they did not know their origins.

Suddenly, the alien monster headed by it slightly swung a frost tentacle. The alien monsters holding spherical weapons moved forward, and the spherical weapons in their hands suddenly released a strong white light.

"Do it!" Wang Xuan shouted. He knew the power of these spherical weapons. He had been prepared for it. He crushed a defensive crystal with both hands at the same time to form a defensive light curtain, blocking the opened stone door and protecting everyone behind him. The mechanical god who sensed his order had already swayed and disappeared, and was the first to rush out.

Although the power released by these spherical weapons is huge, the speed and reaction of these alien monsters cannot keep up with the mechanical gods.

The strength of the Mechanical God surpasses that of Awakening.

The terrifying white light drowned everything. Everyone inside the Gate of Underworld looked at the vast white outside and could not see anything at this moment.

A large amount of white light impacted the two defensive light curtains. The light curtains were fluctuating violently, blocking the attacks of these white lights. Although it could only last for one second, in one second, everyone had already taken action and launched attacks.

Cross cracks appeared on Zhao Lei's hands and forehead at the same time, and three pillars of holy light appeared and blasted outward.

There was a roar and scream outside. This was the sound of an injured alien monster, but everyone could not understand each other's language.

A huge white tiger appeared. Tang Ruoyu activated the white tiger in his body. The hundred-meter-long white tiger phantom rushed into the oncoming white light. Two realistic tiger claws grabbed out, and two alien monster bodies holding spherical weapons It shattered like paper.

There was a commotion among the surrounding alien monsters, and the white tiger phantom rushed over, causing them to lift the spherical weapons in their frost tentacles and fire huge white light at the white tiger phantom.

The defensive light curtain in front of Wang Xuan lasted for one second and was destroyed. He entered the semi-awakened state of the monster and the fully awakened state of the ghost car. He activated the "ghost car night ride", and the strange sound of the ghost car crushing the void was heard all around. Taking advantage of the white tiger's phantom to attract The firepower of these alien monsters rushed out.

Following closely behind were Tie Jun holding two giant diamond shields. While protecting everyone, they launched a brutal charge and shot out in the air.

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan and others rushed out one after another.

Yu Shanshan entered the "mirror reflex" state and took the initiative to rush towards a huge white shock wave.

This white shock wave hit Yu Shanshan's "mirror reflection" and immediately bounced back, swallowing and drowning an alien monster holding a spherical weapon.

Only then did Wang Xuan realize that the octopus-like monsters with huge heads around him were not very powerful. Judging from their movement speed, they were barely equal to the final strong ones. Of course, the spherical weapons they held in their hands were The power is huge, even if an awakened strong person is hit, he will be severely injured.

The speed of the Mechanical God is very terrifying. It moves sideways, swings out its two giant mechanical arms, and instantly knocks away several alien monsters. It breaks into these monsters, causing commotion, and making the spherical weapons in the hands of these monsters unable to be accurate. attack to it.

There was a sudden loud bang, and the mechanical god was intercepted and collided with an alien monster.

The one who suddenly appeared and intercepted it was the leader of these monsters. In its eight frost tentacles, blue light flashed uncertainly. It could intercept the high-speed moving God of Machinery. Obviously, its strength was probably beyond the limit. Awakening.

The Mechanical God showed no weakness and immediately counterattacked. Both sides had amazing movement speeds and were instantly entangled.

Although the frost mist can be sprayed from above and the chains of ice sculptures can be hung down, all of which can be regarded as powerful weapons, but everyone rushed out from the Gate of Underworld and immediately rushed into these alien monsters, intending to mix with them. Being together makes it difficult for their weapons to exert their power at close range, so that they can crush these alien monsters with their strong individual strength.

Even without the help of the demon god, apart from the leader of these alien monsters who are very powerful and can fight with the God of Machinery, most of the remaining alien monsters are only as strong as ordinary final warriors and are no match for Zhao Lei and others. There are three alien monsters whose strength is equivalent to ordinary awakened strong men.

They followed closely behind the alien monster headed by them and wanted to help. Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu had already locked onto them and attacked them with all their strength. The two realistic white tiger claws fell down and grabbed an alien monster.

The monster couldn't resist it, and its huge head exploded immediately after being caught.

Wang Xuan's five-meter-long Demon Slayer: Demon Slayer's Blade appeared, and combined with the Demon Slayer's Fire and Demon Slayer's night-walking state, he quickly killed another awakening-level alien monster.

The scene became very chaotic. Although there were nearly a hundred alien monsters here, when they were defeated, they were no match for everyone who would attack with all their strength.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the alien monster headed by it pulled out its frost tentacles one after another, blocking the God of Machinery. Then it twisted, rose into the air, and rushed towards the other side. It wanted to escape from here.

Suddenly, a figure appeared and blocked in front of it. A woman appeared, holding a giant white tiger sword in both hands, and slashed towards it.

This woman is none other than Tang Ruoyu. The hundred-meter-long white tiger shadow converged and merged with her, further improving her strength. The strength she can now explode is beyond imagination.

With a "boom", the alien leader's frost tentacles blocked the white tiger's giant sword, sparks appeared, and the frost on the surface crackled and cracked.

This sword turned out to be difficult for it to withstand. The mechanical god behind him seized the opportunity and struck with two giant mechanical arms, hitting the alien leader.

Wang Xuan successfully killed the last awakening-level alien monster. The remaining ones were all ordinary final-level strength. He immediately threw the Demon Slayer Blade and turned it into steel feathers. He began to activate the "Demon Slayer Blade". dance".

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