The last building on earth

Chapter 388 Humans and Ice Thieves (please vote and subscribe)

No one expected that there would be a group of humans standing on the deck inside the spaceship.

This group of humans were wearing fiery red armor. They were both men and women. They all looked to be between twenty and forty years old. They were watching the falling giant ship from a distance.

"It's actually a human being?" Zhang Haofei's face was full of surprise.

Zhao Lei also looked stunned. Everyone thought that the creatures in the spacecraft might be similar to those alien monsters. No one knew what kind of creatures they belonged to. No one expected to see a group of humans.

At least for now, this group of men and women look exactly like humans.

"Wang Xuan, what should we do now? The other party seems to be a human being. Should we try to make contact with him?" Zhao Lei asked in a low voice.

Wang Xuandao: "Wait until they come over, don't do anything casually first."

"Yes." Everyone nodded slightly after hearing Wang Xuan's words.

Finally, the ice sculpture-like giant ship completely crashed onto the dark red continent below. The bottom hit the ground and made a loud noise. Everyone stood in the cabin of the giant ship and felt the surroundings shaking violently. The cracks above were getting bigger and bigger, and there were constant cracks. The fiery red substance seeped inside.

Pillars of fiery red light shot in along the cracks. The weapons on the giant ship could no longer be used. Everyone in the cabin dodged in succession. The terrifying fiery red light pillars cut through it and split the giant ship from above.

Two red spaceships landed, one on the left and one on the right sandwiching the giant ship. Another spaceship landed on top of the giant ship and surrounded the giant ship in a Z-shaped shape.

A group of humans on the deck of the spaceship above noticed the situation inside the giant ship, and a look of surprise flashed across their faces.

They also saw Wang Xuan, Tang Ruoyu, Zhao Lei and others in the giant ship, and obviously did not expect to see humans in the giant ship.

"Why are there humans in the Ice Thief's battleship?" A voice came from afar, with a hint of surprise in it.

"Could they be humans caught by ice thieves? But looking at them, it doesn't look like they were caught."

Another woman's voice sounded, followed by a series of buzzing sounds, and these men and women wearing fiery red armor appeared next to the huge crack in the giant ship above. They all looked at the people inside with alert and curious expressions on their faces. observe.

Above them, below the fiery red spaceship, weapons that can emit fiery red light beams are locking on them from a distance. As long as they make the slightest move, these weapons will be launched immediately.

The words spoken by these people turned out to be the same language they used, which made Wang Xuan and others even more curious. Zhang Haofei couldn't help shouting: "Are you humans too?"

After hearing Zhang Haofei's words, these people looked at each other and suddenly laughed together.

Zhang Haofei was confused and didn't understand why these people were laughing, but he vaguely felt that their laughter and demeanor were very uncomfortable.

Wang Xuan also frowned slightly. Although these people looked exactly like humans and even used their own language, they always felt a little weird.

"I understand. They must be humans from the fourth world. Capturing them and offering them up is a great achievement." One of the men, about thirty years old, looked excited and looked at Wang Xuanhe below. Tang Ruoyu and others did not hide their excitement at seeing the prey on their faces.

"I originally thought that destroying an ice thief warship and capturing the ice thief would be considered a meritorious service, but I never expected that I would achieve such a great achievement."

There was another young woman wearing fiery red armor. While talking, she suddenly jumped down and jumped in along the huge crack. The armor of her body suddenly began to release fiery red blood. This blood concentrated behind her, forming a pair of fire. Red wings.

This blood energy made Wang Xuan very familiar, and he suddenly thought of the monsters with the power of blood that he had encountered before through the cracks from the Buddha City.

The blood power of these monsters is almost exactly the same as this blood energy, at least both sides are born from the same source.

"This woman also has the power of blood?" Wang Xuan's heart trembled slightly. Seeing her quick movements, she was at least a strong person at the awakening level.

Zhang Haofei was already annoyed by their laughter. When he saw the woman taking action, he immediately took the initiative to greet us: "You want to catch us and perform meritorious service? You don't even have to look at how much you weigh!"

As he spoke, the skeleton of the hatchling beast was revealed. With a crackling sound, the skeleton became gigantic. Although he was only the final one and was not as good as his opponent in terms of level, the final level combined with the power of the demon god integrated into it made Zhang Haofei not afraid at all. A pair of skull claws Spin around and grab it suddenly.

Immediately behind the woman in fiery red armor, a group of men and women standing above took action and jumped down.

They wanted to capture those alive, so they did not use the weapons on the spacecraft above to attack them, but took action themselves.

These people are very powerful, and almost all of them have reached the level of awakening. In terms of overall strength, they are above those ice thieves who look like alien monsters.

Zhao Lei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan, Yao Tiande, Lin Baiyu and others stepped forward to greet him.

Seeing everyone take action, these people squeaked slightly, realizing that they had underestimated everyone.

Wang Xuan saw that all of them contained powerful blood power, and were by no means weaker than the bloodthirsty spiders they encountered before.

Their fiery red armor, protected by the power of blood, has strong defense. Every time they punch, blood can burst out, which is extremely powerful.

Zhao Lei and others can barely fight them by integrating the power of the demon god.

Although the appearance and language of the other party are exactly the same as theirs, and they are all human beings, but now it seems that the two sides are enemies rather than friends. Wang Xuan no longer hesitates, and at the same time stimulates the full awakening of the ghost car and the semi-awakening of the monster, pushing the strength to nearly transcendence Levels of Awakening.

Like a ghost, he suddenly swayed, and a young woman who attacked him missed her attack. A five-meter-long demon slayer appeared, and he grabbed it in his hand and swung it out sideways.

With a "chi" sound, the demon slayer's sword slashed at the opponent's fiery red armor. The blood energy surged into the sky, but it could not resist the demon slayer's blade. The fiery red armor immediately collapsed, showing cracks. The young woman spurted blood from her mouth and fell forward.

Wang Xuan rushed forward faster than her, and smashed his fist towards her beautiful face that had no armor to protect her.

The woman's head immediately exploded inside her helmet, killing her instantly.

Tang Ruoyu and the Mechanical God also followed suit. These young men and women at the awakening level seemed vulnerable, and they screamed several times in succession.

The number of men and women in fiery red armor who jumped in was immediately reduced by half.

The rest were horrified, knowing that something was wrong, and rushed towards the huge crack on one side, trying to escape.

On the three spaceships, all the upper shields were opened at this moment, and they were all men and women wearing fiery red armor. Hearing these screams, they rushed down the deck and rushed here.

Among them, four men and women wearing fiery red armor looked different. Their fiery red armor chests were engraved with a blood-red ★-shaped pattern, while the armors worn by most people did not have it on the chests.

This seems to represent the different status of these four men and women in fire red armor.

They were very fast and immediately surpassed the others and quickly approached the giant ship.

At this moment, a man and a woman in flaming red armor escaped from the crack on the side of the giant ship. Zhang Haofei was the first to chase him out. Just as he rushed out of the crack, he suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes. A man in his thirties wearing armor with a ★ pattern, With a sudden punch, a flash of blood struck Zhang Haofei from the air and summoned him to look for the giant skeleton.

With a crunching sound, the giant skeleton exploded instantly. Zhang Haofei was unable to parry. The man with a ★-shaped pattern approached Zhang Haofei and smashed his other fist into his face.

Zhang Haofei had no time to dodge and was hit in the face by this fist with terrifying blood power.

If it weren't for the power of the demon to protect his body, Zhang Haofei's head would have exploded with just one punch and he would have died immediately.

Zhang Haofei's face was distorted, and between life and death, the remnant soul of the demon god Agares awakened in his body.

The phantom of the second demon god Agares, who had three heads: a human, an ox, and a sheep, appeared, and a large amount of smoke sprayed out from Zhang Haofei's body.

The man had a look of extreme surprise on his face. By the time he realized something was wrong, it was already too late. Agares, formed from smoke, expanded and swung his giant arm, hitting the man from top to bottom.

This man's strength surpassed the level of awakening, but he was still vulnerable to the smoky demon god's remnant soul. The power of blood in his body could not protect him. His body exploded together with the fiery red armor, killing him instantly.

"Kill -" Zhang Haofei roared, his face slightly distorted, and the demonic power in his body surged out. This demonic power is second only to the Lord of the Flies, with three heads opening a bloody mouth and a pair of giant arms. He raised his hand and swatted at the men and women in red armor who were rushing over.

These people were stunned. They never expected to encounter such a terrifying existence. The people on the spaceship above woke up and immediately fired the weapons on the spacecraft. Pillars of fiery red light appeared, heading towards the Ah that expanded to a height of 100 meters. Gareth shoots.

The power of this fiery red light beam was enough to tear apart an ice sculpture battleship. It was infinitely powerful. It penetrated into the smoke-like power Gareth and immediately punched huge holes in the smoke. The power of the demon showed signs of collapse.

"Quick, retreat!"

The men and women in fiery red armor who were still alive roared and rushed to the decks of the three spaceships. They understood that the terrifying power hidden in the human bodies in this giant ship was definitely not something they could fight against now.

The power of the fiery red light beam was too great for Agares to resist. Zhang Haofei retreated continuously and immediately retreated into the giant ship.

Although this fiery red light beam can damage the hull of the giant ship, it cannot completely destroy it in a short time.

The three spaceships fired fiery red light beams together, covering the giant ship from three directions, hoping to completely destroy the giant ship and kill everyone inside.

They originally wanted to capture everyone alive, but after losing so many companions, they were frightened and angry, and now they obviously changed their minds. They also understood that with their strength, it was impossible to capture everyone alive.

Everyone was forced to retreat into the giant ship again, relying on the broken hull of the giant ship to resist the fiery red light beams that were constantly being fired from all around.

"Wang Xuan, we must find a way to fight back, otherwise we will only die if we stay here." Zhao Lei watched Zhang Haofei retreat. The smoky Agares didn't last long, and was soon hit by streaks of fiery red. The beam of light was scattered.

Even if the seven demon gods join forces, they may not be able to resist the attack of these fiery red light pillars for a long time.

Tang Ruoyu also released the phantom of the white tiger, trying to take the opportunity to approach the spacecraft. The hundred-meter-long white tiger roared vaguely, and he stood up, trying to grab the spacecraft above. Unfortunately, the fiery red light pillars immediately Lock on the white tiger shadow and destroy it quickly.

Tang Ruoyu groaned and fell back, and could only retreat back.

Everyone was helpless for a moment and could only hide in the increasingly dilapidated giant ship. They gathered together and used the wreckage of the giant ship to resist the terrifying fiery red light pillars, looking at each other.

"I wonder if the Gate of Underworld can resist..."

Wang Xuan pondered, as long as they could get into the spacecraft, these people were no match for him and others, but now that the three spacecrafts had closed the upper decks, it was not easy to get close to the spacecraft in the fiery red light pillars that filled the sky.

While everyone was anxious, Wang Xuan decided to try with the power of the Gate of Underworld. He opened his right hand, and the runes on his palm appeared. The magnificent Gate of Underworld descended in the giant ship, and the stone door slowly opened.

"Everyone go in." Wang Xuan shouted deeply, and everyone rushed to the gate of Huangquan.

Wang Xuan did not enter, and the two stone doors of the Gate of Underworld slowly closed. The surrounding space fluctuated, and the magnificent Gate of Underworld disappeared again.

Wang Xuan put everyone away together with the Gate of Underworld, and then took out the Book of Titans, several defense crystals and the remaining three diamond crystals.

One diamond crystal can last for three seconds, and three can last for nine seconds. Wang Xuan calculated that the spacecraft closest to the giant ship, with its fastest speed and the "ghost car traveling at night", can get close to it within nine seconds. spaceship.

As long as they are close to the spaceship, those fiery red light pillars will not be able to threaten them. When the time comes to open the Gate of Hell, with the power of those demon gods, they can hope to attack and destroy the spacecraft at close range.

Wang Xuan was about to take action when he suddenly noticed that the fiery red light beams shooting at the giant ships around him disappeared, and the three fiery red spaceships suddenly rose up.

Wang Xuanyi stopped in surprise. His previous plan was because two of the spaceships were docked not far from the giant ship. How come all three spaceships rose into the sky? He couldn't fly in this world, so he couldn't get close to the spaceship.

"Trouble." Wang Xuan raised his head and looked through the crack. Could it be that the people on the spacecraft saw through his plan? This is too exaggerated.

"No, are they leaving?" Wang Xuan saw the three spaceships rising very quickly, and soon they were hundreds of meters above the sky. Then he suddenly noticed something in the halo in the distance. The giant is approaching.

Those were several giant warships that looked like ice sculptures, sailing among the halo of light ten thousand meters above, approaching here at extremely fast speeds.

Wang Xuan immediately understood the reason why these three red spaceships suddenly abandoned them and took off.

Those giant battleships arrived very quickly, and suddenly white light rainbows appeared in the void, approaching the three fiery red spaceships.

The fiery red spaceship also released fiery red light beams to meet those white light rainbows.

Spaceships and giant ships began to attack each other in the void.

Wang Xuan hurriedly summoned the Gate of Underworld again, opened the stone gate, and released everyone.

He closed the gate of hell again and shouted: "Let's leave quickly!"

Taking advantage of the three spaceships and the approaching giant ship in the distance to attack each other, it was a good opportunity for them to escape.

As Wang Xuan spoke, he jumped out of the crack in the ship's hull. Tang Ruoyu, Zhao Lei and others who had just walked out of the Underworld Gate hurriedly followed behind.

Everyone didn't know where they were going for the time being, so they could only run as fast as they could, following the dark red continent and getting as far away from here as possible.

The three fiery red spaceships rising into the sky no longer care about the fleeing Wang Xuan and others. They are facing huge pressure and go all out. A large number of fiery red light beams and white light rainbows appear in the distance interweave with each other. From time to time, the spacecraft is The white light rainbow hits, and the ice sculpture giant ship appearing in the distance will also occasionally be hit by the fiery red light beam.

"It seems that my previous guess was correct. There are two major civilizations on this continent. One is the Ice Thieves who represent ice. It is probably the Ice Thieves civilization. This name is weird. The other is of course those human-like guys who represent fire. ." Zhao Lei was talking while running wildly, talking about his speculations.

Tie Jun said: "Ice Thief is just a name for these people. Their real name may not be Ice Thief."

Zhao Lei said: "That makes sense."

"The strange thing is that they are obviously human beings and speak our language, so why do they regard us as enemies and want to capture us." Yu Shanshan couldn't understand.

Wang Xuan turned his head and glanced at the three spaceships that had risen to the halo layer from a distance, and said: "Although they look like humans, each of them has the power of blood. This power of blood is the same as what we had in the cracks in the Buddha City before. The monsters I encountered have the same power... This is also very strange, I have a guess."

"What's your guess?" Zhao Lei asked as he chased him.

"I told you before that I once saw a giant finger in the dark vortex in the center of the Buddha City. The giant finger was blood-red. It was so powerful that it could destroy the world. It was just a giant finger. My feeling is more powerful and terrifying than the evil god..."

Wang Xuan had said this before, and everyone had heard it. When Wang Xuan said it again, Zhang Haofei immediately responded: "Yes, I know this, what next?"

Zhao Lei was moved in his heart and said: "The blood-red giant finger, the power of blood...Wang Xuan, do you mean that these monsters and humans are related to the giant finger?"

"Yes, now that I think about it, the aura released by the blood-red giant finger is suspected to be the power of blood. Of course, that power is far more powerful than the power of blood of the people we meet now. If this is true, I doubt it. The monsters that appeared in the cracks above the Buddha City, including the humans we just encountered, are all related to the blood-red giant finger, and may even be controlled by the existence represented by the blood-red giant finger."

Zhao Lei said: "If this is the case, then Man Yao's sudden entry into the crack is probably related to the blood-red giant finger?"

"Yes... I have also searched for Man Yao's whereabouts before, but the answer I got was that Man Yao fell into the dark vortex in the center of the Buddha City. With the power in the dark vortex, it was impossible for her to survive, but Brother Tie chose But I saw her again.”

Wang Xuan, who was running at the front all the way, paused for a moment, slowed down, and said slowly: "If she is really alive, there is only one possibility. The existence represented by the blood-red giant finger... saved her. "

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