The last building on earth

Chapter 389 The true origin of the hatching beast (please vote and subscribe)

Others followed Wang Xuan and when they saw him slowing down, they also slowed down.

"In that case, Manyao may have been a blessing in disguise, and may have gained great power." Zhao Lei touched his nose.

Wang Xuan shook his head and said: "It's not a blessing in disguise. Now I can see that any powerful power may have some hidden dangers. If the blood-red giant finger really saved Manyao, it would never be a charity for no reason. There must be some purpose.”

When he said this, he thought of his Book of Titans and the demon gods in Zhao Lei and others. Although these existences temporarily gave them powerful help, they all had huge hidden dangers. A little carelessness might kill them. .

Zhao Lei also thought of the demon god in his body, and sighed and said: "Yes, it is the same when you think about it. Including the power of the demon gods we have obtained, each of them wants to devour us as soon as possible and occupy our bodies."

Zhang Haofei said: "What should we do now?"

Turning his head to look into the distance, he found that the three spaceships and those giant ships had completely entered the halo layer and were almost invisible.

Wang Xuan saw a slope on the ground in front of him. Below the slope was a crater. There were also a large number of giant rocks piled up in the crater. With the help of these giant rocks, it was a good place to hide.

"Go down there, rest for a while, and then we'll make a long-term plan."

As he spoke, he jumped up and slid down the slope.

After losing the giant ship, trying to find Gu Manyao on this vast planet was like looking for a needle in a haystack. Wang Xuan decided to improve his strength first. Before, in the Gate of Underworld, he had already felt the origin of his Warcraft shaking, and there was a faint hint of danger. Signs of full awakening.

Everyone followed Wang Xuan down to the pit. With the help of these giant rocks, they could perfectly avoid it. Even if a giant ship or spaceship flew over, as long as everyone hid carefully, it would be difficult for the other party to spot them as long as they were not too close.

Everyone was tired from running around for a while, so they came down below, hid by the giant rocks, and sat on the ground.

Wang Xuan opened the Sumeru Mustard Seed space, took out the high-grade nutrient solution, threw a bottle into each person's mouth, and then drank it.

Although they are already strong men at the final or awakening level, their bodies can directly absorb the power of the world and turn it into the nutrients they need. The need for external nutrient solutions to supplement nutrition is getting less and less, but it cannot be completely cut off. to complete self-sufficiency.

According to Wang Xuan's estimation, if they can break through the awakening, the body should be able to completely rely on absorbing the power of the outside world and turn it into the nutrients and water the body needs. At that time, they will no longer need to rely on consuming nutrient solutions to maintain life.

While resting and discussing the next itinerary, everyone was a little frustrated by the loss of the giant ship.

Seeing that everyone was not very interested, Zhao Lei coughed lightly and said, "Don't be downcast. We at least know a lot of information now. For example, there are two major civilizations on this planet. These two civilizations have advanced technology and strong personal force. Even the weakest can reach the ultimate level."

"A civilization is called an ice thief by the other party. This name is a bit unpleasant, so we will temporarily call it the ice civilization. It looks like an octopus made of ice. Looking at the huge head, it must be of high IQ. To facilitate understanding, we Just call him Iceman.”

"The other civilization will be temporarily called the Fire Civilization. Its appearance is exactly the same as ours. Let's call it the Fire Man."

Everyone was listening to Zhao Lei quietly.

Zhang Haofei smiled and said: "Zhao Lei, your boy is named Little Expert. This is just Fire Man. Can those monsters that look like aliens be called Ice Man?"

Zhao Lei said: "It's just a temporary title to make it easier for everyone to understand. They must also have their own titles, but these are not important."

Yu Shanshan said: "Zhang Haofei, don't say anything. Zhao Lei's analysis is very good."

"Huh?" Zhang Haofei immediately stared at Yu Shanshan. How dare this little girl tell him to stop talking?

In the past, Yu Shanshan was timid and did not dare to offend Zhang Haofei, but now that both parties are equally powerful and both have demon gods, and Bai Yan always stands silently by her side, she has the courage to talk back to Zhang Haofei.

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to Zhao Lei's analysis." Wang Xuan waved his hand.

Zhang Hao is not afraid of the sky or the earth, but he is a little worried about Wang Xuan. Originally he thought that after gaining the power of the demon god, Wang Xuan's strength would be far inferior to his own. However, after every contact, Wang Xuan always used endless methods, such as the giant god's power. Books, like the magical gate to hell, prevented him from completely seeing through Wang Xuan, and he didn't know how many incredible tricks he hid.

No matter how powerful other people are, he can vaguely see through them. Only Wang Xuan can't see through them.

As soon as Wang Xuan spoke at this moment, he immediately closed his mouth and stopped talking.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Zhao Lei continued to speak: "First, let's analyze this Burning Man civilization."

"In terms of technology, this civilization can create a spaceship that can sail on this planet. Even our demon god can't withstand that powerful fiery red light beam. There is no doubt that the technology of this civilization must be far beyond that of humans on the earth before us. Civilized."

"Not only the technology, but also the individual combat power of this fireman is also excellent. There will be no weaklings in any civilization that can survive on this planet."

"Not only do these fire people look exactly like us humans, they also speak our human language. There is no such coincidence in this world. I suspect that they were originally humans, but for some reason, they became the current fire people. civilization."

When Zhao Lei said this, he looked at Wang Xuan and said, "I think the reason is the power of blood you just mentioned, that is, the giant blood-red finger hidden in the dark vortex in the center of the Buddha City."

Wang Xuan nodded slightly. He also had a similar guess, but he couldn't confirm it at the moment.

Yao Tiande said: "If the Fire Man civilization is related to us humans, what about the Ice Man? Are they considered the original inhabitants of this planet?"

Zhao Lei said: "It's hard to say. All we know now is that these two civilizations are in a hostile state. The most important thing for us now is to improve our strength while finding ways to find Manyao and then leave this world."

Zhang Haofei frowned and said: "I want to find Gu Manyao... but there are no clues at all. How to find her? Zhao Lei, you think you have a smart mind, but you should think about how to find her."

Zhao Lei glanced at him and said: "If Manyao really came to this world, it is extremely likely that she is now in the Burning Man Civilization."

Zhang Haofei was shocked when he heard this, and immediately opened his eyes and said, "Are you sure?"

Wang Xuan also nodded slightly and said: "If Manyao really comes to this world, it may be related to the blood-red giant finger, and the Fire Man civilization is most likely related to the blood-red giant finger, so she is very likely to be on the fire." People are civilized.”

After hearing Wang Xuan's analysis, Zhang Haofei also understood and nodded: "In this case, let's immediately find a way to find the Huo Ren's lair to see if she is really there."

Zhao Lei said: "We don't know where the Burning Man civilization lives at all. Searching aimlessly is a waste of time and the risk is huge. No one knows what we will encounter on the way. Secondly, even if we really find her, we don't know My opinion on how to leave this planet is that we are not going anywhere for the time being, and we will just stay here. We can not only find ways to improve our breakthrough strength, but also wait for those spaceships or giant ships to appear again."

Wang Siqi, who had been silent, said: "But what if the spaceship or giant ship never appears again? We can't stay here forever."

Zhao Lei shook his head and said: "How long have we been in this world? We encountered several giant ships and spaceships in succession. These giant ships and spaceships frequently appear in this area. I guess it is not a coincidence, but this dark red continent. It may be the junction of two civilizations, or a place like a battlefield, so the probability of them appearing again is extremely high."

After hearing Zhao Lei's succinct analysis, everyone nodded one after another and finally agreed not to go anywhere for the time being, but to stay here and take advantage of this opportunity to seek a breakthrough.

Wang Xuan also had the same idea. After taking a short rest, he sat cross-legged and began to meditate, stimulating the original ability of the Warcraft and absorbing the world power of this world.

Although this planet has an extremely powerful gravitational force, the power of the world is everywhere, and the intensity and richness of the power of the world far exceed that of the fourth level world.

Others also began to meditate one after another to understand the original ability that inspired them to hatch beasts.

Perhaps because he was in a super strong gravitational field, Wang Xuan had already felt that the speed at which he could inspire the origin of Warcraft was much faster than before. He used the devouring ability of the Origin of Warcraft to continuously absorb the power of the world gathered around him, and soon he A large amount of world power is gathering here, and the speed is getting faster and faster.

Wang Xuan used the origin of the devouring monsters to continuously absorb the power of the world, and then used the power of the world to stimulate the power of the monsters and enter a violent state.

All this time, Warcraft can only enter a semi-awakened state. He can only transform his limbs into Warcraft, but his head and body cannot evolve into Warcraft.

The eight metal tentacles that split three times appeared together, wrapping around and vibrating continuously. The endless power of the monsters poured into the eight tentacles. Four of the metal tentacles wrapped around his arms and legs. The metal tentacles merged with the flesh and blood, and soon Transform into the arms and legs of a monster and enter the semi-awakened state of the monster.

Wang Xuan did not open his eyes, but continued to devour the power of the world crazily, and then transformed it into the power of the monster, which continued to flow into his body. The remaining four metal tentacles began to wrap around his head and body. Wang Xuan understood, There is only one last step left before the World of Warcraft fully awakens.

While everyone was meditating, it was not just Wang Xuan who made rapid progress. Zhao Lei, Tie Jun, Zhang Haofei and Bai Yan also felt that it was much easier than in the previous world when they sensed the origin of the hatching beast.

Obviously, in this special world, it is much easier for hatchlings to grow and break through than before.

Mechanical God and Tang Ruoyu stood aside silently, protecting everyone.

The Mechanical God cannot be cultivated, and Tang Ruoyu's white tiger needs to swallow a large amount of high-level energy in order to continue to transform from phantom to reality. Although the power of the world is everywhere here, what the white tiger needs to swallow is not the power of the world, but the power of the world here. The power did not help the white tiger's growth.

After an unknown amount of time, Wang Xuan's four metal tentacles wrapped around his head, face and body finally began to merge with the flesh and blood of his body, and his head and body began to transform into monsters.

A faint roar sounded from his body. It was the roar of an ancient monster. His body finally merged with the tentacles, turning into a half-flesh, half-metal monster body, perfectly integrated with the limbs of the monster, followed closely by him. The head also transformed into a ferocious monster shape, turning into half flesh and half metal.

Wang Xuan, who has completely transformed into a monster, is an astonishing five meters tall, with a faint metallic luster all over his body. He is half human and half beast, with a ferocious face, and some shadows of Wang Xuan can be vaguely seen.

New information appeared in my mind.

"Name: Warcraft, form: Awakening."

"New abilities are understood, and the body of the monster is formed."

Feeling the raging roar of the power of the magical beast in his body, Wang Xuan kept his eyes closed, feeling the surging power of the world around him.

Everyone around was affected and opened their eyes one after another. Suddenly they saw a five-meter-high metal giant standing among the crowd. They were all startled. Then they saw that the face vaguely resembled Wang Xuan. This Only then did he react.

Wang Xuan's hatched beast, the monster, has fully awakened.

Wang Xuan, who had kept his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes, opened his arms, and let out a roar. Outside his arms, two huge dark wings spread out, followed by two wings stretching out from the outside of his legs, and behind them. Two wings grow from its back, and three wings extend from its head.

With the fully awakened monster and the fully awakened ghost car, Wang Xuan is now in an extremely rare state of double awakening.

The abilities of Warcraft and Ghost Car complement each other, and the power they can unleash far exceeds the simple bonus of two awakened hatching beasts.

This time the monster awakened, the blue crystal scales in its body fluctuated very violently, continuously releasing streams of blue light, and seemed to be very excited.

But Wang Xuan didn't understand why this blue crystal scale was excited about the complete awakening of the monster.

"After fully awakening, the growth and evolution of both the monster and the ghost car have reached the end. What is the next path?"

Wang Xuan understands that awakening is not the final road. At least the God of Machinery said that the gods of hell were once prehistoric humans. In the end, they became powerful enough to be comparable to gods, and then they became the gods of hell. Within his Gate of Hell, there are still There is the corpse of one such hellish god.

"On the corpse of the hell god, a blue light was faintly visible at the wound. The leader of the ice thieves had a blue light faintly visible in his frost tentacles. There was also a star-shaped logo engraved on the chest armor of the Burning Man. There are also..."

"Their strength has surpassed awakening. There are various signs that whether they can surpass awakening seems to be related to the blue light..."

"Could it be that the desire to break through after awakening has something to do with the blue crystal scales?"

Wang Xuan's heart moved, thinking that the blue crystal scales in his body were excited because of the awakening of the monster. Could it be because he would need blue crystal scales if he wanted to be stronger in the future.

"I have never known the true origin of the blue crystal scales. I originally thought that we entered the body of a giant hatchling that day and obtained this blue crystal scale from its heart. After obtaining it, we can slowly grow and evolve again. It was a new hatching beast, similar to a ghost car, but later it was discovered that it was obviously different from a ghost car, and it was probably not a hatching beast, but seemed more like some kind of exotic treasure containing powerful energy."

While Wang Xuan was thinking, he felt the excitement of the blue crystal scales in his body, and tried to merge it with himself in the fully awakened state of the monster.

As soon as he grasped his right hand, the power of the blue crystal scales surged out continuously and concentrated on his right hand. A blue light began to appear on the surface of his right hand, which was originally half flesh and half metal.

This blue light continued to gather, merged with his magical beast power, and began to increase exponentially.

This improvement is astonishing. Now in the fully awakened Warcraft state, his body is a Warcraft. How powerful it has become, and the energy burst it can withstand is far greater than before. This allows him to unleash the energy of the blue crystal scales in his body.

At first, only a blue light appeared in his right hand. As the energy coming from the blue crystal scales became stronger and stronger, his demonic right hand began to flicker, constantly changing between black metal and luminous blue. Changing.

With a thought, Wang Xuan swept forward, rushed for more than ten meters, and landed in front of a dark red rock. The blue and dark giant hand made a fist and punched it fiercely.

The material in this world is much stronger than the steel in the earth world, but at this moment, when this punch is struck, a blue light explodes from it, and the dark red rock is suddenly penetrated like soft mud, followed by a large number of spider web-like cracks on the surface. , with a bang, it exploded from it.

The power of this punch shocked everyone, and they all looked this way, with a look of surprise on their faces.

Wang Xuan has fully awakened, but his performance is not like a strong person at the awakened level.

Especially the blue light that erupted from his right hand made everyone feel familiar. Thinking of the existences beyond awakening that they had encountered before, they all seemed to have blue light in their bodies.

"Congratulations... finally breaking through the hatching of the beast..."

Suddenly, the voice of the Mechanical God sounded from Wang Xuan's mind.

"The hatching of the breakthrough beast? What do you mean?"

Wang Xuan was startled and looked at the Mechanical God.

"The reason why the beast in your body is called the hatching beast is because for the real beast, from the embryonic form, the beginning, the sub-body, the adult form, the ultimate state, the super state, perfection, the ultimate, the final, and the awakening, this The ten growth forms can be collectively regarded as the incubation stage...Only after completing these ten growth forms and fully awakening, the incubation period of this beast is truly over."

Wang Xuan's heart was shaken, and he looked at the Machine God with unconcealable shock.

He could never have imagined that the so-called complete awakening of the ten growth forms of the hatching beast they thought was only a successful hatching for the real beast.

And this is also the real reason why the beasts in their bodies are called hatching beasts.

"So...were the beasts inside us always in the incubation stage?"

Wang Xuan was originally pleasantly surprised by the powerful power he had just gained, but now that he knew the news, the surprise turned into shock. He had only completed the incubation period of the beast, so how powerful would the real beast be when it fully grew?

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