The last building on earth

Chapter 395: Conquest (please vote and subscribe)

Watching these thousands of people disappear here one after another in the white light of the advanced teleportation crystal.

If he can conquer these two giant cities and integrate the power of the three worlds of the east, west and north, these thousands of people will become his subordinates, plus the thousands of palace guards in the nine-dian giant city, the number will be There are nearly ten thousand people, and these are considered the true elites among human beings.

In the future, there is hope to become an awakened strong person, or even transform into a beast.

Seeing thousands of elites from the west and north fleeing one after another in the light of the advanced teleportation crystal, thousands of other palace guards launched fierce attacks, but they were unable to interrupt the advanced teleportation crystal.

Of course, there were also a few who were slower and failed to be sent away by the teleportation crystal, and were instantly wiped out by the joint attack of thousands of palace guards.

After all these people had escaped, Mr. Qian, Mr. Li, Mr. Chen and other elders came over to welcome Wang Xuan and others, their faces full of excitement.

This time the giant steel city and the giant ice and snow city joined forces, and under the leadership of the man who held the Book of Giants, the attacks of the Nine Palace Giant City's national artifact, the "Arrow of Judgment" were all blocked by the Book of Giants. Three "Arrows of Judgment" "Arrows of Judgment" were destroyed.

The large formation attack of thousands of palace guards was also counteracted by the opponent's similar large formation, and it eventually turned into a battle between the powerful warriors at the awakening level of both sides.

Originally, the strongest level of the fourth-level world could only reach the end. With the opening of the Heavenly Road, the power of the fourth-level world has changed and is no longer limited to the end. Elders such as Mr. Qian and Mr. Li have successively broken through to the level of the end. Levels of Awakening.

Some veteran-level beings in the same giant steel city and ice and snow city also broke through and became awakened powerhouses after sensing changes in the world.

The two giant cities joined forces, but Qian Lao and others were defeated. At the critical moment, Wang Xuan and others returned and easily wiped out and killed the awakened strong men in the west and north.

Seeing that Wang Xuan and others had such strong strength, Mr. Qian, Mr. Li and others were both surprised and surprised. Although they all knew that Wang Xuan was selected by the Book of Giant Gods, and that Zhao Lei and others had demons in their bodies, they were not in the pool. Sooner or later, they would become stronger than them, but they still didn't expect that Wang Xuan and others' strength would improve so much, reaching a level far beyond the awakened strong ones.

"Mr. Qian, I have an idea. Since Wang Xuan and the others are so powerful, we might as well take advantage of this opportunity to integrate the entire fourth-level world."

When Mr. Li said this, he paused slightly and continued: "Over the years, the fourth level world has been divided into one or two hundred forces of varying sizes. There are constant disputes between the various forces, and many humans die every year. , the humans who can enter here are considered the elite among humans. It can be said that every death is a loss for us humans. As everyone knows, we are also facing the threat of invading races, but we humans ourselves are constantly experiencing internal friction. "

"If we can really integrate all human forces and unite as one, we can definitely fight against those invading alien races."

When Mr. Li said this, there was an excited look on his face. Wang Xuan knew that the alien races he was talking about were the advanced intelligent races such as Ala Troll, Winged Agatha and Green Aden.

They are similar to humans, and they also possess powers similar to hatchling beasts, and they will invade the world on all levels of this building from time to time.

After Mr. Li finished speaking, he looked at Wang Xuan, then at Mr. Qian and others.

Mr. Qian nodded and said: "If we can really integrate all human forces, this will indeed be a huge force, and we humans... will have hope."

When Mr. Qian said this, he looked at Wang Xuan, Zhao Lei and others, and said: "Of course, this is just our idea. The specifics depend on your intentions. It is not an easy task to integrate so many forces. , it is absolutely impossible to do it with the ability of our elders, unless you are willing to take action."

Each force has its own methods. Even if the Western and Northern Worlds join forces, they would not dare to invade the Eastern World if it were not for the possession of the Book of Titans.

But if Wang Xuan and others are willing to take action, with their current super-awakening level combat power, there is great hope.

Seeing them all looking at him, Wang Xuan nodded slightly and said: "Seniors, if you think it is feasible, then we are naturally willing to cooperate fully. Mr. Li is right. Now the human beings here are divided into one or two hundred large and small forces, fighting each other and causing internal friction. Seriously, it’s better to integrate all forces to defend against foreign enemies.”

Seeing that Wang Xuan agreed, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Tie Jun and others naturally had no objections. Especially Zhang Haofei, who was originally a militant, looked excited, rubbed his hands, and wanted to set off immediately so that he could fight.

Thousands of palace guards, led by nine deputy palace masters, returned to each palace to rest one after another. Wang Xuan's group and the nine palace masters followed the elders such as Qian Lao and Li Lao into the group of elders.

After making a preliminary decision, they will then discuss how to take action.

"We can start from some small forces in the surrounding area. It is not difficult to conquer them. Even as long as we are strong enough, they will take the initiative to move closer. In the past, because of the existence of the giant steel city and the giant ice and snow city, the three of us were afraid of each other. This is how we maintained our relationship. There is a balance that no one dares to act rashly, but now that the balance has been broken, we don’t need to worry about it anymore.”

In the hall, everyone sat down, and one of the elders, Mr. Chen, was the first to express his opinion.

Mr. Li shook his head and said: "My opinion is to ignore the other small forces first, and instead focus directly on solving the steel giant city and the ice and snow giant city. As long as these two giant cities are conquered, the other forces, although they are large in number, are simply not enough. Out of fear, especially those small forces who follow these two giant cities, they will inevitably come over one after another."

When Mr. Chen heard what Mr. Li said, he nodded slightly and said: "This is more radical, but we also need to be careful to see if these two giant cities have other back-ups. Although at present, it seems that the awakening of these two giant cities is strong. All of them have been killed, but it’s better to be cautious everywhere.”

Mr. Li smiled and said: "Now that Wang Xuan and the others are here, even if there are still some awakened strong men left on the other side, there is nothing to fear. Moreover, Wang Xuan also has the Book of Giant Gods, which can cope with possible changes. It can be said that this time The advantage is on our side, as long as we take action, these two giant cities will not be able to resist."

When Mr. Chen heard what Mr. Li said, he nodded slightly and said no more.

Mr. Qian also nodded slightly and agreed with Mr. Li's view.

"Wang Xuan, what do you think?" Mr. Li looked at Wang Xuan. When everyone was discussing, Wang Xuan, Zhao Lei and others were silent.

Wang Xuan smiled and said: "Let's take down the two giant cities first."

There must be nearly two hundred large and small forces on this fourth level. How long will it take for him to conquer them one by one? The best way is to capture the two giant cities first, and leave the remaining small forces to the elders. Tuan and Jiudian went to solve it.

After hearing what Wang Xuan said, everyone understood, and they agreed to take the two giant cities first.

Mr. Qian said: "Then this matter has been settled. The ice and snow city in the north is closer to us and is slightly weaker than the steel city. Then our first goal is the ice and snow city. Take the ice and snow city. After the giant city, go to the giant steel city."

Mr. Li nodded and said: "As long as we capture these two giant cities, it will be easy for the remaining forces, large and small."

Everyone then began to discuss the specific content of the action, and the nine palace masters came out one after another. With the existence of super-awakened beast-turned-powerhouses such as Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao, and Zhao Lei, as long as the opponent does not have special trump cards, it can be said that no matter it is the ice and snow giant city, Even the giant steel city will be crushed.

The nine palace masters once again summoned their ten palace guards and prepared to gather in the square in front of the elder group. At the instruction of Elder Li, an elder came up and handed over a high-level teleportation crystal.

This high-level teleportation crystal records several coordinates. These coordinates are the boundaries of the eastern world's ruling areas. They will not be used easily unless they are going to other areas of influence.

Mr. Li took over the advanced teleportation crystal and activated it to the border of the northern region, which was the closest point to the giant ice and snow city.

Afterwards, Elder Chen and Elder Xiao gathered around him and followed Elder Li. The first few teleported away from here. They would go deep into the ice and snow city and record the coordinates.

Mr. Qian accompanied Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei and others out of the hall and appeared in the square outside.

Thousands of palace guards from the Nine Palaces are regrouping.

When Mr. Li, Mr. Chen and other elders reappeared in the square, nearly 3,000 palace guards had already assembled. They strode up, took out nine high-level teleportation crystals, and handed them to the Lord of the Ninth Hall, one for each person. root.

Afterwards, they activated the advanced teleportation crystal again, and teleported away from here with Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao and others.

Mr. Qian stayed behind to guard the giant city of Nine Palaces.

Wang Xuan and his group followed Mr. Li and were enveloped by the white light of the teleportation crystal. When the surrounding light converged and disappeared, they were no longer in the square in front of the elders, but appeared at the foot of a mountain covered with ice and snow. Facing the front is the frozen ocean.

They teleported into a world of ice and snow.

Around them, white rays of light continued to appear. When the rays of light subsided, the masters of the Nine Halls appeared one after another with their own palace guards.

In the distance they could see a majestic city.

This giant city looks like it was built on the frozen ocean. It is like an ice sculpture. It is over a hundred meters high and more than five kilometers long and wide. From a distance, you can see people patrolling the majestic city walls made of ice sculptures.

This is the giant ice and snow city, one of the three giant cities of mankind in the fourth layer of the world.

All the Nine Palace Guards were teleported here through high-level teleportation crystals. When the number of people was completely assembled, under the instructions of Mr. Li, nearly 3,000 Nine Palace Guards, led by the nine Palace Masters, began to charge.

Dragon Hall Master Long Hao, Yaksha Hall Master Yue Yehua, Yan Hall Master Yingtian, Justice Hall Master Zhou He, Rakshasa Hall Master, Xuan Hall Master, etc. each led their own ten palace guards, trampling on The thick ice rushed towards the giant ice and snow city in the distance.

As soon as they appeared, the people patrolling the distant city wall noticed them. Immediately, someone blew the siren, which resounded throughout the entire ice and snow city.

Previously, the ice and snow giant city and the steel giant city jointly failed to attack the eastern giant city. Several awakened strong men led by the ice and snow giant city were killed. The remaining nearly two thousand ice and snow iron guards followed several iron guard leaders and used senior The teleportation crystal escaped.

After escaping back to the giant city, these Iron Guard leaders became frightened and immediately reported to their superiors.

Similar to the Council of Elders in the Nine Palaces City, there is also a similar organization in the Ice and Snow City, which is called the House. The retired Iron Guard leaders will enter the House to retire, which is where the real core power of the Ice and Snow City lies.

There are five people in the House who have reached the awakening level, four of them have been killed, and now there is still an awakened strong man guarding the ice and snow city.

He was shocked when he received the report from the leaders of the Iron Guard.

They were panic-stricken and immediately raised the alert level of the giant ice and snow city to the highest level, and all the strongest defense methods and weapons were displayed.

Afterwards, they all gathered in the chamber to discuss specific countermeasures and a way out. Suddenly, they heard a piercing siren.

This was a warning signal that would only sound if there was an enemy attack, and their expressions suddenly changed.

The Lord of the Nine Halls led nearly three thousand palace guards in a collective sprint. With their strength, they ran with all their strength and shot away like sharp arrows.

After that, Mr. Li took Wang Xuan and a group of people.

Although all the "Arrows of Judgment" of the Elder Council were destroyed, there are now a group of strong beast-turned-men like Wang Xuan, each one of which is comparable to a humanoid nuclear bomb.

They flew in the air, protecting the palace guards. As they approached the ice and snow giant city, the iron guards in this giant city responded equally quickly.

In a short time, a large number of iron guards appeared on the magnificent ice wall, and between them, giant bows and arrows appeared.

These giant bows and arrows are obviously specially made. They must be ten meters high and require a group of people to activate them. The bows and arrows are inlaid with energy crystals one by one. When these iron guards pull the bows and arrows apart, the center begins to release a strong white light and turns into a branch. The white arrows of light locked on the approaching people from a distance.

Wang Xuan understood that this should be a country-governing weapon similar to the "Arrow of Judgment" of the Elder Council. It would not be used easily and would only appear in a life-or-death crisis.

The masters of the Nine Halls were not stupid, and immediately shouted in unison: "Get in formation!"

If they want to resist such weapon attacks, they can only unite together.

Nearly three thousand palace guards echoed in unison, and their auras merged together to form a whole. With the combined strength of so many people, they were naturally fearless and began to rush forward.

Nearly three thousand palace guards shouted in unison, all their strength gathered, and the nine palace masters suddenly rose into the sky, each with terrifying power, rushing towards the giant ice and snow city.

Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei and others looked at the sky and did not take action immediately.

Now that their height and level are different, after going to the fifth level world and then returning, these so-called strong men or powerful forces in the fourth level world, even the three giant cities, are no longer in their eyes.

On the ice wall, the giant bows that were opened began to fire, and white light arrows shot through the air with a harsh sound.

The target of these white light arrows was not the rushing palace guards, nor the master of the Nine Halls, but Wang Xuan, Mr. Li and others floating above.

They know that these talents are the core. As long as they can kill these awakened strong men, no matter how many remaining palace guards there are, they will not be afraid once the group is leaderless.

"It's interesting." Zhang Haofei laughed, and there was a crunching sound in his body. A giant white skeleton stepped out. The five-meter-high skeleton stood in front of Zhang Haofei in a flash. He opened his arms and actively greeted him. Rushing up with white light arrows.

Tie Jun entered the fully awakened state of King Kong. The two-faced King Kong appeared and was thrown into the air by him.

Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao and others did not move. These white light arrows could not threaten them.

A giant light mirror appeared behind Yu Shanshan. She swayed and stood in front of everyone. She used the giant light mirror to protect everyone before launching the "Mirror Reflection".

A bunch of white light arrows hit the giant light mirror, and under the effect of "mirror reflection", they all turned upside down.

The iron guards on the ice city saw this and were shocked.

These light mirrors hit the ice wall, causing a huge explosion. Amidst the screams, several giant bows and arrows were blown up.

At the same moment, the nine palace masters, carrying the power of thousands of palace guards, hit the ice wall.

The ice wall couldn't bear it anymore and began to crack, collapsing and collapsing with a rumbling sound.

Zhang Haofei swayed while laughing, and together with the five-meter skeleton, he immediately rushed into the collapsed ice wall. Those who still wanted to struggle and resist while roaring were easily grasped by his skeleton, and with a casual grab, the iron guard's body was like The broken powder was shattered and appeared vulnerable.

This is truly crushing power. Although Mr. Li is also an awakened powerhouse and follows everyone, but now that he sees it, he understands more and more how powerful Wang Xuan and his group are now.

And this is without using the power of the devil in their bodies. If they use the devil, it would be even more unimaginable.

"The giant ice and snow city... will cease to exist after today..." Mr. Li whispered to himself. He understood that the foundation of the giant ice and snow city would not be deeper than that of their eastern giant city. Facing the power of Wang Xuan and the others, basically There is no solution.

In the giant city, two thousand Iron Guards had successfully assembled. Under the leadership of more than a dozen Iron Guard leaders, they united to launch an attack.

The masters of the Nine Halls shouted in unison and took the initiative to rush towards these iron guards.

Both sides had similar formations, but in a head-on confrontation, the number of Iron Guards was smaller than that of the Nine Palace Guards, and they were quickly suppressed. The two terrifying forces collided, and a large number of Ice City buildings collapsed.

The only awakened strong man in the giant ice and snow city had just appeared when he suddenly noticed several figures falling around him. Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei and others were blocking him.

Wang Xuan's Eye of Zhoutian has been capturing and sensing the surroundings. He captured the only awakened strong man in the ice and snow city just after he appeared. There is no doubt that he should be the highest leader in the ice and snow city now.

This man's face was as pale as paper, and his whole body was trembling slightly.

He was oppressed by the powerful momentum of Wang Xuan and others, and he had no idea of ​​resisting and taking action.

"Surrender, Dagunian." Suddenly, a voice came from afar, and it was Mr. Li who appeared.

The awakened strong man was shocked and looked at Mr. Li: "It's you, Li Xing."

Obviously, Mr. Li and the awakened strongman named Dagu Nian knew each other.

"Dagunian, surrender, otherwise, today's ice and snow city will be destroyed!" Mr. Li raised his voice like rolling thunder.

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