The last building on earth

Chapter 396 The Forbidden Land of the West (please vote and subscribe)

Mr. Li's voice spread far away, and the explosions that continued to sound in the ice city could not cover up his voice.

He said this not only for Dagu Nian to listen, but also for those iron guards.

He hoped to capture the ice and snow city with as few casualties as possible.

Dagunian's face became increasingly ugly. He saw that a large number of buildings around him were collapsing. The two thousand iron guards united together and were suppressed by the stronger power of the Nine Palace Guards. They were retreating steadily and the magnificent ice wall was collapsing. , the giant bow and arrow, which was regarded as a weapon to control the country, was easily destroyed without having any effect.

Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei and Bai Yan who surrounded him all released strong pressure, making him sweat. However, Zhang Haofei, Yao Tiande, Yu Shanshan and others began to take action, exerting their power at the level of animal transformation to cooperate. Those palace guards, attack those iron guards.

Their target is the dozen or so leaders of these Iron Guards. As long as these leaders are eliminated, the two thousand Iron Guards will collapse immediately.

Dagu Nian understood everything after seeing the combat power that Zhang Haofei and others displayed far beyond the awakening level.

The giant city of ice and snow is gone. It is no longer an opponent they can fight against.

"That's all, that's all, we lost..." Dagu Nianru looked ten years older, slowly lowering his hands, and the muscles all over his body relaxed. He lost the idea of ​​resisting, and understood that resisting again would only cause them heavy losses.

When Mr. Li heard what Dagunian said, he nodded and said: "Dagunian, order those iron guards to stop."

With a pale face, Dagunian faced the two thousand iron guards in the distance who were still resisting. He raised his voice and began to order the leaders of the iron guards to stop.

Hearing Dagunian's voice, the Iron Guard leaders had a look of surprise on their faces. They turned their heads and looked over. They saw Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao and others standing around Dagunian. They immediately understood that Dagunian had fallen into their trap. In their hands, they were coerced.

Several of the Iron Guard leaders suddenly let out violent roars, activated their whole body strength, and jumped forward suddenly, trying to rescue Dagunian.

"Seeking death!" Zhao Lei shouted softly, and in a sudden flash, the cross cracks on his chest, back, forehead and back of his hands all opened up, with a terrifying white substance expanding inside. A blue light appeared on the surface of his right hand, This is a sign of transcending awakening, gaining a large amount of blue scale energy, and transforming into a beast.

The Iron Guard leaders who rushed over with all their strength felt their eyes blurred and before they could understand what was happening, one of the Iron Guard leaders felt pain in the face and was hit by a palm. His head and helmet exploded together.

Another Iron Guard leader received a blow to the chest, and white light exploded, blasting the Iron Guard leader from his chest and causing his body to break into two pieces and fly upside down.

Zhao Lei would show no mercy to the leader of the Iron Guard who dared to resist. Only in this way could he severely frighten the rest of the people.

Also taking action with Zhao Lei was Bai Yan. He was taciturn by nature and said nothing. He took a step forward, and the witch blood on the surface of his body surged and formed blood-red crystals, forming a five-meter-high blood crystal giant.

With a finger of his right hand, a giant blood crystal sword appeared and chopped down head on.

The three Iron Guard leaders felt a flash of blood in front of their eyes, blood from their necks rose to the sky, and their heads flew out like rubber balls.

The five Iron Guard leaders who rushed to rescue Dagunian were killed instantly. The remaining Iron Guard leaders watched and gasped.

Dagunian raised his voice again and shouted: "All Iron Guards, put down their weapons and stop resisting!"

"Stop!" Finally, the leader of the Iron Guard raised his hand and ordered his Iron Guard to stop.

The masters of the Ninth Hall also ordered their palace guards to stop, and more than two thousand people spread out like a fan to form an encirclement.

Although the two thousand iron guards were full of unwillingness, they could only stop now. Looking at the strength of everyone, they also understood that the situation was over. If they continued to resist, they would all die here today.

The original fierce fighting was over, and Mr. Li let out a sigh of relief. This huge city in the north was finally won.

Of course, he knew that although these people surrendered on the surface, they were not truly convinced in their hearts. If they waited for the right time, they might resist.

So what needs to be done next is to further disintegrate and divide them, such as these two thousand iron guards, he will transfer them in batches and disrupt them. The real important thing about this huge northern city is not the two thousand iron guards or this ice sculpture-like The majestic giant city, but the countless peaks under its rule, these are the truly precious resources.

Two thousand iron guards gave up their resistance, and the guards commanded by the Lord of the Nine Halls quickly occupied the entire Ice City.

Mr. Li recorded the coordinates of Ice City, and then teleported away from here with Dagunian and all the remaining Iron Guard leaders.

Two thousand Iron Guards also began to be teleported away from here in batches. They will be teleported to the Nine Palaces Giant City in the east for reorganization.

Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei and others also used the teleportation crystal to leave here.

They did not take immediate action to go to the giant steel city in the west. Wang Xuan took them back to the main hall and rested for three days.

Wang Xuan has been paying attention to Gu Manyao's situation.

Fortunately, Gu Manyao behaved normally in the past three days and did not sense the ancestor's consciousness.

Three days later, they went to the square of the Elders again. The two thousand iron guards from Ice City had been reorganized into twenty regiments, each with a hundred men, and were directly under the control of the Elders.

The body of elders sent out twenty elders, each of whom commanded an army of one hundred men.

In addition to one leader, each hundred-man regiment has three deputies. In addition to the original Iron Guard leaders from Ice City becoming deputies, elites are drawn from each palace to complete complete control of these regiments.

As for Dagunian, the only surviving awakened strongman in Ice City, the Elders Council included him into the Council of Elders after deliberation and became one of the elders of the Council of Elders. Although he was a veteran in name only, for Dagunian, this was The treatment is also satisfactory.

In just three days, not only did they reorganize the original two thousand iron guards, but they also began to replace the mountain owners of each mountain under the original rule of Ice City, in order to actually fully control the forces that originally belonged to Ice City.

From now on, all the perfect and powerful people who rise from the third level of the world, and the outstanding ones among them, will be sent directly to the Nine Halls in the East for cultivation and management.

It can be said that in just three days, this northern ice city, even if it exists in name only, will soon cease to exist.

It is conceivable that as an endless stream of elites from various mountains are sent to this giant city in the east, their human strength will enter a period of unimaginable expansion.

At this moment, two thousand regiments who had completed their reorganization were standing in the square. Twenty elders, leading their three deputies, stood in front of these regiments.

In addition to these two thousand regimental troops, there are another thousand or so palace guards, commanded by the Lord of the Nine Palaces.

After taking the Ice City, the next target is the Western Steel Giant City, which is more powerful than the Ice City.

The teleportation coordinates approaching the area of ​​the giant steel city have been recorded, and high-level teleportation crystals are being distributed to the masters of the Nine Halls and the elders with their regiments.

In this operation against the giant steel city, two thousand regiment troops cooperated with one thousand palace guards.

In addition to Mr. Qian, those who stayed behind this time were also several elders such as Mr. Xiao and Mr. Chen.

They stayed because there was still Dagunian in the current elders. They stayed for another important reason, that is, they needed to monitor and observe Dagunian.

Mr. Li accompanied Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao and others, and started to leave here with the advanced teleportation crystal.

The two thousand regiments and one thousand palace guards in the square began to disappear under the leadership of their respective leaders, shrouded in huge white light.

When they reappeared, they fell into the heart of a deserted and silent mountain.

This is a deserted mountain peak, not far from the giant steel city. When everyone looks up, they can see the majestic giant city made of countless steels rising out of the sea from a distance.

Three thousand people teleported here and began to walk down the mountain, led by twenty elders and nine palace masters, and then set foot on the sea.

With their strength, they all have the ability to cross the sea to the giant steel city without the need for ships.

The more powerful Mr. Li, together with Wang Xuan and others, flew through the air and approached the giant steel city.

Three thousand people appeared on the sea together and stepped onto the sea. The huge momentum scared the sea god snake lurking in this sea area and fled downwards, not daring to approach the sea surface at all.

There was a harsh sound in the distant steel city.

The strong men from the entire steel giant city are gathering, but Mr. Li understands that all this is just a matter of trouble.

At this moment, the giant steel city was in chaos.

The situation was similar to the ice and snow giant three days ago. When the invasion of the giant city in the eastern world failed, the leading awakened strong men were killed, and even the man with a pair of sapphire eyes who was holding the Book of Giants was killed. Those who escaped alive were in constant fear.

They had already had a premonition that the other party would not let them go. In the past few days, the entire steel city was shrouded in a kind of doomsday fear.

The news that the giant ice and snow city had been captured has spread.

Although the giant steel city seemed very chaotic at the moment, as the core area of ​​the giant steel city, a group of people gathered inside a high tower.

This is the group of people at the core and center of power who are still alive in the giant steel city.

The giant city of nine palaces has the Council of Elders, the giant city of ice and snow has the Senate, and the giant city of steel has the Senate House.

This group of people are all strong men in the Senate House. The two leaders among them have reached the awakening level in strength and are also the ones who escaped alive before. They have seen the terrifying strength of Wang Xuan and others, and understand that with their giant steel city, Even if everyone is put together, they can't fight against it.

So after they escaped three days ago, they immediately summoned all the people from the Senate House to gather inside the core tower for discussion.

For three days, they gathered here, and each one of them looked pale and without any blood.

Their faces were solemn, as if they had encountered a difficult problem and had difficulty making a decision.

When the siren sounded outside, one of the men with blond hair and blue eyes finally spoke: "We have no way out."

"Open it."

Another man started.

Finally, these people all nodded one after another, agreeing with the decision.

After that, they started walking towards the depths of the tower.

In the deepest part of the tower, there are two closed iron doors. The iron doors look rusty and have not been opened for many years.

"This is a forbidden area in the giant steel city. Unless the giant city encounters a crisis of destruction, it cannot be opened. Today... we finally encountered such a crisis and had to open it."

The leading man muttered, and then pushed the iron door, trying to open it.

Perhaps it had not been opened for too many years. The two iron doors seemed to be rusty. When he pushed them, they did not move at all.

Soon, other people stepped forward and pushed their hands on the iron door together. With so many strong men pushing together, the force was so powerful that the two rusty iron doors were pushed open with a bang.

The iron door was pushed open, and a putrid smell came from inside. They hurriedly held their breaths and looked inside.

This iron gate has always been taboo in the giant steel city. Although they knew the legend, they had never opened it. Even they didn't know what was inside.

After pushing it open at this moment, I found that it was a dark and damp-looking stone chamber. There was some moss growing around the stone chamber, and there were some round stones piled on the ground. Other than that, there was nothing else.

These powerful men in the Senate looked at each other in confusion.

This so-called forbidden area, the last trump card that can only be opened when the giant steel city is in danger of destruction, is such a dark stone chamber. What are those piled round stones?

There was a killing cry outside, followed by a booming explosion.

Wang Xuan and others stood in the air without taking any action. With two thousand regiments and one thousand palace guards, they pushed forward and easily entered the giant steel city.

To their surprise, the defense of the giant steel city was very fragile. The Western Army, which was originally as famous as the Eastern Palace Guard and the Northern Iron Guard, turned out to be leaderless and disorganized, and began to retreat without much resistance at all.

Soon, thousands of people surrounded the steel tower at the core of the giant steel city.

"It's a bit strange..."

Mr. Li, accompanied by Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao, floated down from above and arrived at the giant city. Looking at the magnificent steel tower in front of them, they all felt a little confused.

The comprehensive strength of the giant steel city should be higher than that of the giant ice and snow city, but the resistance they encountered today was far less than that of the giant ice and snow city.

You must know that among the three giant cities, the Steel Giant City has always been the strongest.

But today's situation is very surprising. Even the imagined trump cards of the giant steel city have not appeared.

"Mr. Li, what do you say?" Wang Xuan saw the confusion on Mr. Li's face. He didn't know much about the giant steel city, but he didn't have any special feelings. Although he also felt that the resistance of the giant steel city was a bit weak, he didn't know much about the giant steel city. The strong beasts are simply a dimensionality-reducing blow to the fourth-level world, so no matter how weak the giant steel city is, they don't find it strange.

"This giant steel city is much weaker than expected. They say abnormality is a demon. I'm wondering if the other party has any conspiracy."

Mr. Li pondered and looked up at the magnificent tower in front of him.

Wang Xuan hummed, opened the Eye of Zhoutian, and began to capture and sense the surrounding area.

Zhao Lei also opened the "Holy Eye". Suddenly, he made a soft sound in his mouth and said: "It's a little strange. The power of the devil in my body seems to be restless, uneasy, and..."

Hearing Zhao Lei's words, Wang Xuan immediately became alert. He swayed and arrived at the entrance of the giant tower. However, he did not enter immediately, but carefully observed inside.

There was nothing in the giant tower. Thousands of people had surrounded the place. Many of the defeated government troops either began to escape or surrendered, or were killed. The sporadic resistance became weaker and weaker. The entire steel giant city was easily defeated. Captured by them.

At this moment, deep inside the steel tower, inside the open iron door, these people from the Senate House were observing the round stones piled inside.

The only special thing here is the dozens of round stones.

Upon closer inspection, I found that these round stones were engraved with special runes, and the runes on each stone were different.

They were not stupid, and they immediately understood something. There must be something special about these round stones engraved with runes. Perhaps this was the last resort to save the giant steel city.

"Everyone cut their palms and smeared these runes with blood."

The blond man in the lead let out a loud shout and cut his palm first. The blood was like a fountain, spilling onto the runes on the stone in front of him.

Others also took action, cutting their palms and pouring blood on the round stones and the runes on them.

Just as they had guessed, the blood spilled on the stone and was immediately sucked in by the stone, disappearing. The runes carved on the stone began to faintly glow with blood.

They looked at this change with excitement on their faces.

"Sure enough, I guessed it right... these round stones may be some kind of treasure. We can hope to rely on them to defeat the enemy and defend our giant steel city——"

Before the leader of the blond man could finish his words, the rune pattern on the stone he was the first to drizzle with blood suddenly lit up with a dazzling blood-red light. With the rune pattern as the center, the stone began to make a crunching sound. The ground cracked.

It wasn't until the surface of the round stone cracked that everyone realized what kind of stone these were, but a kind of huge egg. However, over time, the surface of these eggs had petrified, and they looked like round stones. At this moment, After absorbing the blood, the surface of these giant eggs cracked, and the long-lasting life sleeping inside was awakened.

The ecstasy on the blond man's face suddenly solidified, and a look of horror quickly appeared in his eyes.

The dome in front of him cracked open, and a viscous translucent liquid appeared inside, spurting out suddenly and rushing into his face.

The translucent liquid followed the gaps between his mouth, nose, eyes and ears and penetrated into his brain.

He finally let out a scream of fear and tried desperately to pull the translucent liquid away from his face with his hands, but the liquid seemed to be alive, constantly seeping inside, sticking to his hand, and following closely. The skin on his head and face was like melted candles, flowing down and peeling off, even the bones inside were exposed.

This terrifying scene appeared, and his screams of terror had not stopped. The other blood-stained round stones cracked one after another with a crunching sound. The sleeping lives inside were awakened by the interruption, and they broke out of their eggs one after another. came out and rushed towards these powerful men who were discussing the talismans.

Fearful screams and roars continued to sound, and Wang Xuan and others in the steel tower outside could hear them all.

Everyone had a look of surprise on their faces and looked at each other. They didn't know what was happening in the steel tower.

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