The last building on earth

Chapter 412 The God of the Underworld (please vote and subscribe)

By the time these troll leaders noticed, Wang Xuan had already broken through the troll squad, rushed into the space crack at a terrifying speed, and reached the top of the troll main ship.

Among the tens of thousands of humans below, Wang Xuan finally sensed a large number of familiar auras.

The elders of the group of elders, the guards of each palace, and the people he cared about most, Zhao Lei and Tie Jun.

Although the giant eastern city was breached and a large number of people died, fortunately, many people survived.

Wang Xuan felt relieved, and several troll leaders on the main ship rose into the air and surrounded him.

Facing several troll leaders at the four-step beast transformation level, Wang Xuan's own strength alone was not enough to fight against them, so he could only borrow the power of the golden armor.

He clenched his right hand into a fist, and covered his body with golden armor along his right hand and right arm. When his fist was swung out in the air, it had turned into a golden right arm, and there was a faint golden light flowing in the shadow.

Facing a troll leader, he felt a sudden force as heavy as a mountain coming from him. He opened his mouth and let out a loud roar. Suddenly, his chest completely collapsed, and the bones in his body broke one by one. A large mouthful spewed out from his open mouth. Blood, blood mixed with minced meat and internal organs.

Killed in one blow, the remaining troll leaders were horrified. What kind of strength is this? Even the existence of five-step beasts may not be able to kill their troll leaders instantly from a distance.

Wang Xuan felt the endless flow of energy in his body. After killing these powerful trolls, the energy gained surged and roared, constantly fused into his body, and was swallowed by his monsters.

Now he suppresses the ghost car, allowing the monster's origin to be fully activated, and uses all the harvested energy to feed the monster, so that the monster can evolve and grow first.

Different from the previous incubation period, now both World of Warcraft and Ghost Vehicles have absorbed enough energy to grow and evolve naturally. However, the energy required is too huge. Wang Xuan can evolve so quickly because he has the strength to transcend levels. Hunting opponents and gaining huge amounts of energy allowed them to evolve so quickly. It would be difficult for a strong beast-turner who could not cross levels to hunt his opponents to go further.

Wang Xuan had killed so many troll generals who had transformed into beasts in three steps before, but none of the monsters had any reaction. Now, the troll leader who had killed four steps into beasts immediately felt the excitement of the monsters, and a large amount of blue energy gathered on his back. It is constantly merging with the body on his back. As long as the fusion is completed, he can break through and enter the four-step beast transformation level of Warcraft.

Wang Xuan killed a troll leader with one strike from the air. The terrifying air wave roared in and caught him, but his figure suddenly disappeared from the spot. What was left was only an afterimage. The real him had teleported to the place where he was. Behind the other troll leader, he stretched out his right hand and grabbed the troll leader's head. He tightened his fingers and with a bang, the troll leader's head exploded and his body was destroyed, killing him instantly.

After killing two troll leaders in a row, the remaining troll leaders turned around and fled like crazy. Wang Xuan activated the tentacle phantom, and in conjunction with the ghost car's ghost phantom, a huge phantom like chaos enveloped the whole world. There was golden light flowing inside. This was the power of the golden armor that was integrated into the monsters and ghost cars, and then detonated. With a bang, all the fleeing troll leaders exploded into flesh and blood.

The Ara trolls on the troll main ship were all running away frantically, and Wang Xuan swept downwards.

Tens of thousands of humans stood up one after another. At first they couldn't believe that this was Wang Xuan. Only when Wang Xuan put away his golden armor and revealed his true appearance did they cheer.

The most excited among them are Zhao Da, Tie Jun, Bai Yan and others.

Originally, they were all desperate, thinking that they would become slaves. They didn't know where they would be sent and what was waiting for them. No one could have imagined that suddenly, the situation reversed. Wang Xuan suddenly fell like a magic weapon from the sky and killed him easily. Kill these troll leaders, drive away those troll warriors, and save them.

Wang Xuan landed on the deck below, and everyone automatically made way for an open space.

Wang Xuan looked over carefully. Fortunately, Zhao Lei, Tie Jun, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan, Yao Tiande, Lin Baiyu and others were all there, including Mr. Qian, Mr. Li and Mr. Xiao, but Mr. Chen was gone, including the elders. At least half of the elders he had seen in the regiment were missing.

Of the thousands of palace guards, only a small half are still alive, and most of the remaining ones are missing. Wang Xuan understands without asking that those who are missing are probably more likely to be in trouble than in danger.

As for the legions that originally belonged to the Iron Guard of the ice and snow city, there were originally a thousand people, but now less than two hundred people have died. Dagu Nian, who originally belonged to the leader of the ice and snow city's council, is still alive.

Among the nine palace masters, the masters of the Wang Palace and the Xuan Palace are missing and should be dead.

After chatting with everyone for a few words, he immediately asked everyone to leave here and return to the giant eastern city. As for the troll main ship, Wang Xuan could not control it, so he abandoned it here.

Tens of thousands of people left this space crack and went down one after another. There were trolls escorting a group of humans in the distance. They saw tens of thousands of humans surging down from a distance. They were a little confused. Wang Xuan saw it from a distance and rushed forward immediately. Shooting away, before anyone arrived, the terrifying pressure had already made these Ala trolls panic, and they turned around and fled.

Wang Xuan was merciless and launched his shadow from afar, covering the void. Those Ara trolls who wanted to escape were drawn into the shadow and killed in an instant.

Since they dare to invade here, destroy so many mountains, and kill countless humans, Wang Xuan will naturally not be merciful to them.

Dense white light surged towards Wang Xuan and was swallowed by his monsters. However, the energy gained from killing so many troll warriors was far less than those troll leaders who transformed into beasts in four steps.

Seeing this, the escorted humans hurriedly gathered together. They all approached the giant city together. They encountered two more groups on the way. The Ala trolls were all killed by Wang Xuan. The humans continued to gather, and the number of them was getting larger and larger. , finally arrived at the Nine Palaces Giant City.

The current giant city has become dilapidated, and most of the nine former palaces have collapsed. However, as long as there are people with their ability, it is not difficult to rebuild it.

The Ala tribe in this area were either killed by Wang Xuan or had fled. Wang Xuan saw that the giant ship originally parked in the Elder Group Square had disappeared. Apparently, the surviving Ala trolls activated the giant ship and escaped. .

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Yu Shanshan and several elders gathered around Wang Xuan, their faces were excited and curious. They were excited about Wang Xuan's strength and saved them, but at the same time they were curious about why Wang Xuan became like this. powerful.

Wang Xuan didn't say much about Gu Sheng and Gu Manyao. It was hard to say anything about Huangquan Civilization now. Instead, he looked at the people in front of him and prepared to select a hundred people he trusted and had potential to cultivate and use a hundred sets of people. The Underworld Divine Armor will build them into a new generation of Underworld Divine Generals.

Zhao Lei, Tie Jun, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan, Yao Tiande and Lin Baiyu have already been decided. As for the people in the elder group, although they are considered powerful among these humans, they are all quite old and have limited potential and qualifications. Old, but difficult to manage.

Therefore, Wang Xuan is not optimistic about them. He will at most choose a few people with whom he is familiar. For the remaining candidates, he is more inclined to choose the younger generation of the same period as himself and people with certain potential. Such people They will be more faithfully cultivated and better managed.

After pondering, Wang Xuan asked Mr. Qian and Mr. Li to give orders and start rebuilding the giant eastern city. Tens of thousands of people started rebuilding together. The speed was naturally astonishing. As tens of thousands of people dispersed, only a few core members were left in the square. .

Mr. Qian, Mr. Li and others looked worried. They all understood that although Wang Xuan was back and drove away the Ala tribe, those Ala trolls might come back at any time.

Wang Xuan summoned the Gate of Underworld to come, and the two stone doors opened. He stretched out his right hand, and the golden runes on his palm appeared. Suddenly, there was a continuous buzzing sound, and streaks of golden light appeared, shooting out from the opened Gate of Underworld.

These golden lights fell in front of Wang Xuan and turned into sets of armors. There were ten sets in total, with different colors and shapes, which meant that each set of armor had its own characteristics.

Putting away the golden talisman on the palm of his right hand, the Gate of Underworld quietly disappeared into the void. Wang Xuan could completely control these ten sets of Underworld Divine Armor. Even if he gave them to everyone, the real control of the Underworld Divine Armor still lies with himself. hands.

Scanning his eyes across the people standing in front of him, he decided to give these ten sets of armor to seven people first, Zhao Lei, and in addition, the other three sets were given to Mr. Qian, Mr. Li and Mr. Xiao.

Everyone looked at the ten sets of armor that fell to the ground with surprised expressions on their faces.

Wang Xuan called his hand towards Zhao Lei and said, "Come here first."

Zhao Lei walked up to him and said, "Are these armors for us?" He saw that Wang Xuan's strength should be related to the golden armor that just appeared on his body. Could it be that they would become like Wang Xuan if they put on these armors? As powerful?

Thinking of this, he felt a little excited.

"Yes, you can try this set of white armor." Wang Xuan waved his right hand, and one of the ten sets of white armor flew up and floated in front of Zhao Lei.

"Smear your own blood on the center of the armor's chest to activate the runes hidden in it, and then you can use it."

After Wang Xuan finished speaking, Zhao Lei cut his palm and smeared the blood on the center of the white armor suspended in front of him. In the blood, a faint rune emerged. This rune was similar to the golden rune in Wang Xuan's right hand. It's almost the same, just a lot darker and milky white.

As the talisman appeared, the white armor began to disintegrate immediately. With a crackling sound, pieces of it were covering Zhao Lei's body, following his right hand, and quickly covering his whole body.

Everyone else was watching quietly, watching Zhao Lei, who was covered in white armor, suddenly open his mouth and let out a low roar. A faint light appeared on the surface of the white armor covering his body. He suddenly rose into the sky, and the white armor exploded. A more intense white light was emitted, forming a white light pillar reaching the sky.

Zhao Lei raised his hands in the void and suddenly launched the "Pillar of Holy Light" across the sky.

He originally only had the strength to transform into a beast in one step, coupled with the power of the fused demon god, he was able to fight against a strong person in the three steps to transform into a beast. However, now that he has acquired the Underworld Divine Armor, the power of the "Pillar of Holy Light" shot out has skyrocketed. It flew out across the air like a horse and hit a thousand meters away. The terrifying energy almost punched a hole in the void and lasted for a long time.

Everyone was shocked by this power and gasped.

Just a set of armor could actually elevate Zhao Lei's strength to such a terrifying level?

Wang Xuanze nodded slightly with satisfaction.

"As expected of the Underworld Divine Armor once owned by the Underworld Divine General." Wang Xuan whispered to himself, waved his right hand, and the remaining nine Underworld Divine Armors immediately flew to the remaining nine people. These divine armors he picked were not Choose at will, but have a certain choice. Choose the divine armor with the most suitable attributes for them among hundreds of sets of divine armors.

For example, Bai Yan's beasts are of witch blood, so Wang Xuan chose a set of blood-red underworld armor. The characteristics of this set of underworld armor are similar to those of witch blood, so it is most suitable for Bai Yan.

Another example is that the Tiejun's beast is King Kong, which focuses on defense. Wang Xuan chose a set of heavy underworld armor for him, which focuses on defense.

The nine people who got the Underworld Divine Armor were all surprised and happy. Even Mr. Qian, Mr. Li and Mr. Xiao couldn't hide the excitement on their faces. They were busy imitating Zhao Lei before, cutting their palms and smearing the suspended underworld in front of them with blood. Divine armor.

"This is called the Underworld Divine Armor. You all need to get used to the power of this armor now. With you sitting here, even if the Ala tribe or the Aden tribe appear, I believe you can defend this place."

After Wang Xuan finished speaking, he continued the jingle, asking everyone to expand the size of the giant city as much as possible, and then send out humans to gather as many surviving humans as possible in the fourth layer of the world here so that they can concentrate on protection.

With the emergence of a large number of space cracks, the fourth-level world has become increasingly chaotic. Strong men from all races may appear. Human beings are scattered in all directions. Wang Xuan is unable to protect everyone. The best way now is to remove all human beings. All gathered together for protection.

"Fortunately, I have tens of thousands of underworld mechanical warriors, and a hundred sets of divine armors can create a hundred strong men. It should be no problem to protect the giant city." Wang Xuan ordered everyone while thinking deeply, and then he left alone to choose new ones. candidate.

Wang Xuan first came to the familiar third-level world. Now in the third-level world, he is familiar with the city lord Wan Qianying of Tianlong City, the lord of Yaksha City Gong Yangxuan, the lord of Yancheng Xu Jian, and the lord of Shencheng Huang Qingzhi. Both sides have fought side by side. However, Wang Xuan is very relieved about them, and they are all young and have certain talents, so they are suitable candidates.

Wang Xuan found them and after talking with them, they were naturally willing to accept the Underworld Divine Armor and become one of the Underworld Divine Generals under his command.

Although their current strength is not strong, they can only be regarded as perfect level strong men, but with the blessing of Huangquan Divine Armor, they only need to exert the power of the Divine Armor, their power will be immeasurable, and with powerful power, they can Hunting powerful beings and harvesting terrifying energy can easily increase your own strength level.

Therefore, their combat power will only become stronger and stronger in the future.

After Wang Xuan was determined, he selected four sets of armors that were relatively suitable for them from the remaining ninety sets of armors and taught them to them. Then they were asked to familiarize themselves with the power and operation of the Huangquan Divine Armor before heading to the Oriental Giant City in the fourth layer of the world to gather. , waiting for his next instructions.

After that, Wang Xuan found six people, Cheng Aiguo, Meng Lian, He Mingli, Shi Lei, Zhang Mingbo and Fang Linhan, whose strength had reached the perfect level. After explaining, he was awarded the Underworld Divine Armor.

The qualifications of Lu Weichao, Feng Yuan, Wei Zitao and Wang Jing who were on the same team as them were too poor, and they were still in super shape, which meant that their potential had basically reached its peak and they were not suitable for the Underworld Armor. Wang Xuan had no choice but to give up.

They were also asked to gather in the Oriental Giant City in the fourth layer of the world. Wang Xuan continued to select suitable candidates and found You Kai, Sun Yaofei, and Yi Wu from the ghost town who had worked together before. Although they once came from the ghost town , they were all super-state beings the last time they met, and now, they have reached the level of perfection and are qualified to enter the fourth level of the world.

In addition to them, there are Mou Xing, Chu Dong, and Xi Muxue from "Sha Town", Zhu Han from Beast Town, He Jiankui from Fire Town, Wang Yu from Ling Town, Jiang Mingtai from Feng Town, and Wei from Wang Town. Zixuan et al.

There are also Qiu Yuanfeng, You Ao, Xiang Jingnan, Gongsun Xiaoyan, Liu Weijie, Yan Shouzheng, Xu Xuesong, Tao Lin, Chu Boyu, Lei Zhan, Chen Daolin, Liu Ming, Shu Feixiong, Mei Xiaosen, Bai Qianxue, Bao Chong, Wu Tian and others were all awarded the Underworld Divine Armor by Wang Xuan, and became one of the new generation of Underworld Divine Generals.

These people obtained the Underworld Divine Armor, mastered the monstrous power, and gathered in the giant eastern city one after another.

In his constant search, Wang Xuan also found several newcomers he brought with him at Jiangmao Mall. The best among them, Fang Ning and Zuo Hui, have become perfect strong men and were awarded the Underworld Armor by him.

Soon, he gave away half of the hundred sets of Underworld Divine Armors he had mastered, and then returned to the fourth level of the world and began to select from the original nine halls.

Including the former deputy hall master Yansong, Dragon Hall master Long Hao, Yaksha Hall master Yue Yehua, Yan Hall master Yingtian, deputy hall master He Chengji, Ning Chuan and others, as the Oriental Giant City will become the fourth level After becoming the only human center in the world, the former Nine Palaces will no longer exist. From now on, only human gods will exist here.

One after another, some outstanding talents were selected and awarded the Underworld Divine Armor, and finally ninety divine generals were gathered. The remaining ten sets of Underworld Divine Armor were not awarded to Wang Xuan anymore, but were used as spares, and he decided to leave them to Tang Ruoyu, Gu Manyao and others. people.

The ninety selected divine generals gathered in the giant eastern city.

During the days when he was looking for suitable candidates for the generals, the giant city that was almost destroyed was quickly rebuilt with the joint efforts of everyone. According to Wang Xuan's plan, a hundred palaces were built. Each divine general will have a palace, and each divine general will have a large number of palace guards under his banner.

The size of the entire giant city has expanded a lot, and in the past few days, humans from all walks of life have been gathering here. In a short period of time, the number of people has exceeded 100,000, and the number of newly arrived humans is still increasing at an alarming rate.

These gods will begin to patrol around, constantly clearing away the remaining Ara trolls or strong men from the Aden tribe. Firstly, they can save more humans. Secondly, they can also obtain powerful energy by hunting them and improve their own strength. Combat strength.

After Wang Xuan found all ninety divine generals, he also began to concentrate on training and became completely familiar with this set of golden armor. At the same time, he needed to wait for news from Gu Sheng.

Finally, ten days after he found all ninety divine generals, he sensed Gu Sheng's aura.

Ancient life is here.

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