The last building on earth

Chapter 413 Blood Emperor (please vote and subscribe)

At this moment, Wang Xuan was cross-legged above the clouds in the void. A set of golden armor was in front of him. The golden runes on the surface continued to appear, resonating with the runes on the palm of his right hand.

These days, he has continued to skillfully use the power of the golden armor, and he feels more and more powerful that the armor from the Lord of Underworld Civilization is more powerful.

The energy devoured by his monster has reached the limit of the three-step beast transformation, and he may break through at any time and grow to the fourth-step level.

When he sensed Gu Sheng's aura during meditation, a figure flashed on the clouds, and Gu Sheng appeared silently.

Wang Xuan opened his eyes and stood up immediately.

He has been waiting for news from Gu Sheng these days.

"Can we go to Blood King City now?"

Gu Sheng nodded and said: "As I guessed, the news that the Blood King City has obtained the Origin has spread. All major civilizations have received the news, and I am afraid that they will all go to the Blood King City. This time, because of the emergence of the Origin, we still don’t know what will happen. What kind of bloody turmoil has been set off."

Wang Xuandao: "Then shall we set off immediately? Or should we wait a little longer?"

Gu Sheng said: "Don't wait, the situation is getting more and more complicated. If we wait any longer, I don't know how many civilizations will be involved. Then it will be even more difficult to take away your friends."

Wang Xuan grunted and said, "I understand, let's set off immediately."

With a thought, he followed the clouds down and appeared in the square where the elders once were.

Now three palaces have been built around the square, belonging to Mr. Qian, Mr. Li and Mr. Xiao.

Through the power of the golden runes he controlled, Wang Xuan sensed the ninety underworld armors and informed everyone to gather here.

Gu Sheng followed him and watched quietly. He saw silhouettes of people gathering here at an alarming speed. Soon ninety new Huangquan generals appeared here.

Wang Xuan had crossed paths with most of these people. This time when he went to Blood King City, he decided to take away eighty people and leave ten people here to sit in formation, including Elder Qian, Elder Li and Elder Xiao.

In addition to the ten Lao Qian and Lao Li, Wang Xuan also left behind a thousand Huangquan mechanical warriors, granting them temporary permission to use them to prevent the Ala Trolls or the Aden Clan from coming back.

The remaining eighty people, including Zhao Lei and Tie Jun, followed him and Gu Sheng to Blood King City.

Under the leadership of Gu Sheng, everyone showed their own underworld divine armor. The appearance of each person's divine armor was different, and they exploded together, shooting towards the distance.

Gu Sheng felt the powerful aura released from everyone's bodies and nodded secretly. This Huangquan Divine Armor was indeed powerful. Of course, in his opinion, the only thing that is powerful is its own strength. External forces are external forces after all. The external forces that they have always relied on are definitely not right way.

Of course, he didn't say much about these words. After all, whether he could break into the Blood King City and seize back Manyao and Origin still required the help of these external forces.

A group of strong men carried the torrential waves of weather and evacuated away, and soon entered the space crack under the leadership of Gu Sheng. When passing through the space crack, they could enter the fifth layer of the world.

Returning to the fifth level of the world, looking at the endless space in front of them and the planets appearing in the distance, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others felt emotions rising in their hearts.

In the past, they could not even escape the gravitational field of a planet, but now that they have the blessing of the Underworld Armor, they can travel across space, and those gravitational fields cannot control or affect them.

Wang Xuan stretched out his right hand, and the magnificent Gate of the Underworld appeared silently.

The golden runes on his palm appeared, and Wang Xuan sensed the underworld chariot hidden in the gate of the underworld through the golden runes.

A terrifying sound came from the Gate of Underworld, followed by a golden luster that vaguely emerged from it. The originally magnificent Gate of Underworld continued to expand, and soon became as huge as the sky.

Immediately afterwards, under the gaze of everyone, the huge underworld chariot rushed out of the void with a rumbling sound, crushing the void.

Zhao Lei and others looked at it with shocked expressions. They didn't know the existence of the Underworld Chariot. They didn't expect that Wang Xuan suddenly summoned the Gate of Underworld, and such a huge thing rushed out of it. They were both surprised and curious.

The Underworld Chariot appeared. Wang Xuan closed the Gate of Underworld. With a stretch of his right hand, the Underworld Chariot appeared in front of everyone. The shield above opened and Wang Xuan stepped in.

"Everyone is coming up."

Under his order, the new generation of eighty Huangquan generals entered one after another, and Gu Sheng also came to him and looked around.

"The Underworld Chariot is known as the eternal space fortress. Whether it can enter the Blood King City depends on its ability."

Under Wang Xuan's control, the upper shield slowly closed.

"Where is the direction of Blood King City?"

Gu Sheng said: "The blood civilization mainly exists in the Hetuo Galaxy. Let's go to the Hetuo Galaxy first. When we travel through time and space, we mainly rely on spatial coordinates to determine the orientation, and then open the door of time and space to enter."

Gu Sheng raised his hands as he spoke, and the energy in his body surged toward his hands.

"When the gathered energy reaches a certain limit, the door to time and space can be opened and a space jump can be made. Of course, the distance of the jump also varies from person to person. For some powerful beings, a single space jump can travel through countless galaxies. With my current Energy, if you want to enter the Hetuo Galaxy, you still need several space jumps, and it's just one person who wants to jump with such a Lei Huangquan chariot."

He shook his head slightly when he said this, obviously he couldn't do it with his current ability.

"This is easy to do. Just give me the spatial coordinates and I input them. The Underworld Chariot will naturally travel through time and space and jump to the determined spatial coordinates."

When Gu Sheng heard what Wang Xuan said, he nodded slightly and said: "Some of the top aircraft created by civilization have the ability to jump in space. The Underworld Chariot can definitely do it."

Wang Xuan stretched out his right hand, and the screen on the oncoming chariot emitted a light screen. Gu Sheng entered the spatial coordinates he had recorded, and soon the Huangquan chariot began to vibrate slightly.

"Let's go to the Hetuo Galaxy."

Wang Xuan issued the order, and the Huangquan chariot started to accelerate with everyone in it.

Everyone looked at the space outside through the huge screen in front of them. They could see that countless stars in the distance were retreating at extremely fast speeds, especially some floating giant rocks that disappeared in an instant.

Everyone standing in the chariot could not feel the acceleration and movement of the Underworld Chariot, but from the scene outside it was certain that the Underworld Chariot was flying at a terrifying speed, and it was getting faster and faster.

The speed of the chariot was getting faster and faster, and everyone gradually felt that the front turned into a white light spot, and the surrounding space scene disappeared. Suddenly, the Huangquan chariot shook slightly, and seemed to jump up slightly, followed by the surrounding changes. It turned into a colorful rainbow, and a dazzling light appeared in front of it. Everyone instinctively closed their eyes, not daring to look directly at it for a long time.

Wang Xuan understood that after the speed of the Huangquan chariot increased to the limit, it began to perform space jumps.

The universe is vast and boundless, and the distance between each other is beyond imagination. If you want to travel in this universe and rely on flight, if you want to go from one galaxy to another, no matter how fast you go, you don’t know how many years it will take. The only way is to jump through space. , traveling through time and space can actually travel between galaxies in a short period of time.

With Gu Sheng's strength, it would take several times to enter the Hetuo Galaxy by himself through the Gate of Time and Space. However, the speed of the Underworld Chariot was obviously much more terrifying. After only ten minutes of a space jump, everyone felt the speed. Slowing down, the originally dazzling light gradually disappeared.

This means that they begin to leave the space jump state and return to the normal universe.

Wang Xuan opened his eyes and saw countless giant rocks floating in space from a distance, including a large amount of fiery red material floating in space.

Gu Sheng saw it and was surprised: "This is Mars, and it was destroyed?"

Only then did Wang Xuan realize that the large number of giant rocks and the fiery red material seen in the distance were actually the remains of a broken planet.

"Is this the Hetuo Galaxy?"

"Yes." Gu Sheng nodded and said: "It's not far from the Blood King Planet where the Blood King City is located. It's in that direction."

Under Gu Sheng's guidance, Wang Xuan started the Underworld Chariot again, shuttled between these giant rocks, and headed towards the direction of the Blood King.

"It seems that the battle is far more intense than I imagined. Even Pluto and Mars were destroyed." Gu Sheng's face was solemn and he said: "We also need to be more cautious."

As soon as he said this, Wang Xuan saw through the giant screen in front of him a huge black ship floating on the other side of a huge rock that was broken from the middle.

There were scattered corpses as small as ants floating around the giant ship. Wang Xuan immediately recognized them. These corpses belonged to the Ala troll.

It can be seen that the right arms or even the chest and back of these corpses have turned blue, which means that these dead Ala trolls are very powerful, and they all exist in at least three or four steps.

Among them, Wang Xuan saw a corpse whose arms turned blue, which represented the five steps of animal transformation.

In the fourth layer of the world, although we saw the invading Ara trolls and the strong men of the Aden tribe, the strongest one was the troll leader who transformed into a beast in four steps. He didn't want to enter the Hetuo galaxy at this moment and discover a powerful person. A powerful troll who has reached the fifth step of transforming into a beast.

"This is the warship of the Ala tribe. It seems that a very tragic battle happened here."

Gu Sheng also noticed it and whispered softly. As the Huangquan chariot moved forward, he continued to find dilapidated giant ships and a large number of troll corpses, all of which were floating among these giant rocks.

"At least a quite large fleet was destroyed. Why didn't you see the enemy's corpse?" Zhao Lei was shocked.

Zhang Haofei said: "What's the point? The enemy must have suffered no losses."

Wang Xuan frowned and said: "This Ala tribe is really lingering. Not only did they invade the fourth world, but I didn't expect that they would also appear in the Blood King City this time. In ancient times, this Ala tribe is also one of the top 100 civilizations. ?”

"The Ala tribe belongs to the 'Cangtian Civilization'. The 'Cangtian Civilization' is a powerful civilization that can be ranked in the top ten. In addition, the Aden tribe and the Agasha tribe belong to the 'Cangtian Civilization'. They regard heaven as the supreme god. The demon clan is definitely not as good as the hundred major civilizations."

After hearing Gu Sheng's explanation, Wang Xuan realized that the "Cangtian Civilization" composed of the Ala, Aden and Agatha tribes was one of the top 100 civilizations.

"Take Heaven as the supreme god..." Wang Xuan thought of the Lord of the Seven-Pointed Star in the three books of giant gods, and took Heaven as his name. Does this heavenly civilization belong to the power of Heaven?

The speed of Huangquan's chariot is getting faster and faster. As it passes through the area full of planet debris, more floating corpses immediately appear in the distance.

Among these floating corpses, there were not only Ala trolls, but also some people with wings and covered with feathers. Wang Xuan could tell at a glance that these were the Featherers from the Featherers civilization.

It was the first time for Zhao Lei, Tie Jun and others to see them. Many people couldn't help but open their eyes curiously, guessing what race these feathered people were.

"These are called Yuzhi, and they belong to the Yuzhi civilization, which is also one of the hundred most powerful civilizations in the universe." Wang Xuan explained patiently when Zhao Lei and others were curious.

Meng Lian suddenly whispered: "They look curious about the legendary angels."

Wang Xuan heard what she said and looked towards her.

With the improvement of her strength, Meng Lian is now more and more attractive. Even though there are many beautiful women among the people, such as Wan Qianying, Xi Muxue, Gongsun Xiaoyan, Bai Qianxue, etc., they are all beauties, but she stands among them. , is still the most eye-catching one.

"It's not exactly the same. The legendary angels look like humans, but with a pair of wings. These guys are covered in feathers, like bird-men." Zhang Haofei immediately responded.

Wang Xuandao: "It seems that there was a big battle between these featherers and the Ala trolls here."

Gu Sheng shook his head and said: "It's hard to say. Normally, when the giant ships of the Feathered Civilization and the Ala Clan arrive here, their goals should be the Blood King City. How come the two sides are fighting here in advance? Attriting each other? This is unreasonable. "

Wang Xuan grunted and said, "That makes sense, but who attacked them at the same time?"

While everyone was talking, the Underworld chariot continued to move in the direction indicated by Gu Sheng. Gradually, everyone began to see the blood-red planet appearing in the distance.

Because the distance is too far, it now looks like a blood-red disk, and around the disk is a smaller satellite.

"That is the Blood King, the center of the Hetuo Galaxy, and the center of power of the Blood Civilization. The Blood King City is the most magnificent city on the Blood King, and it is also the place where the Blood Emperor lives. Therefore, the name of the Blood King City is more important than that of the Blood King. The civilization of this city is louder, and generally we are accustomed to calling it Blood King City without mentioning the civilization of blood."

"Blood Emperor?" Wang Xuan glanced at Gu Sheng.

Gu Sheng showed a solemn look on his face and said: "The Blood Emperor is the master of the blood civilization. It calls itself the Blood Emperor. Its strength is unfathomable. Some say it has reached the level of ten-step beast transformation, and some say it has even broken through the ten-step transformation level. The step-shaped beast has become an immortal god."

"Ten steps to transform into a beast, an immortal god..." Wang Xuan whispered to himself, and suddenly said: "What level have you reached now?"

Gu Sheng was startled, thought for a while and then said: "I am just an eight-step beast..."

"Eight steps to transform into a beast?" Wang Xuan did not expect that a being like Gu Sheng could only take eight steps. The legendary Blood Emperor could at least transform into a beast in ten steps. How powerful could he be?

"However, if you cooperate with the God-killing Formation, you can fight at nine steps, and I may break through to nine steps at any time." When Gu Sheng said this, there was a hint of arrogance in his tone.

Seeing Wang Xuan's disapproval, he explained: "For this universe, the limit for the growth of indigenous creatures on many planets is to transform into beasts in three steps. If they can break through to four steps to transform into beasts, they can basically escape the gravity of most planets. field, enter the space, and transform into a beast in five steps, you can travel in space for a long time. Transform into a beast in six steps, and escape from the galaxy. The beast in seven steps is already the king of many powerful races, even among the most powerful hundred in the universe. Among all civilizations, those who can transform into beasts in seven steps are the top leaders of a true civilization."

"What about an eight-step beast like you?"

"Eight-step beast transformation is rare even among major civilizations. As for nine-step beast transformation, some weaker masters of civilization are only at the same level."

"I see, you can break through the ninth step at any time. This means that once you break through, you can fight against the masters of civilization."

"The transformation into a beast is reached in ten steps. Only the legendary powerful civilization, the master of the civilization like the Blood Emperor, can achieve this."

"Then what is the immortal god you just mentioned?"

"Immortal gods... According to legend, if you transcend the shackles of beasts, you can become an immortal god. Of course, we have not yet encountered such a level. I guess the limit of this blood emperor is a ten-step beast transformation. "

As soon as Gu Sheng said this, there was a sudden rumble in the distance. He immediately closed his mouth and looked into the distance.

As it continues to approach, Blood King, which was originally only the size of a disk in the distance, is gradually getting larger. In the depths of space ahead, a huge space crack suddenly appears. The space around the crack is constantly distorting. From this crack, a huge black skull suddenly jumped out.

This black skull was as huge as a mountain, with a diameter of 10,000 meters. It suddenly jumped out of the crack in this space, not too far away from them. Everyone was shocked by the suddenness of the incident.

"Space jump?" Gu Sheng whispered immediately.

Wang Xuan heard what he said and immediately understood. This giant black skull was jumping through space and appeared here. So, this huge thing that looks like a skull is actually an aircraft?

"This is... the skeleton ship of Fear Island?" Gu Sheng frowned immediately, as if he thought of something, his face suddenly changed slightly.

"Where is the Island of Fear?" For some reason, Wang Xuan inexplicably thought of the Eye of Fear he possessed.

"The Island of Fear is the center of the civilization of fear. It is a giant island floating in space. The fear family on this Island of Fear are quite weird. The area where the Island of Fear is located is generally regarded as a forbidden space in space, and they rarely appear. Among the large civilizations, there is the least information about them. I didn’t expect that this time, they would also come.”

"No, they seem to be coming towards us." Zhao Lei suddenly shouted.

Wang Xuan saw that the skeleton ship, which was as big as a mountain, was getting bigger and bigger, which meant that it was rapidly approaching the underworld chariot.

If the Underworld chariot does not change direction, the skeleton ship will inevitably hit it.

Although Wang Xuan had some confidence in the Underworld Chariot, after all, this was the space fortress of the previous era that was said to never fall, but he still did not want to collide. With a thought, he controlled the Underworld Chariot and took the initiative to avoid it.

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