The last building on earth

Chapter 603 Law Enforcer (Arrived Today)

It is possible to make the other party get close to the sky above before discovering it. It is conceivable that the other party's strength must be unfathomable.

The black figure appeared and fell suddenly.

The giant bird, which was about to transform successfully, had been observing the surroundings. Although the black figure appeared suddenly, when the opponent landed, the giant bird still sensed it, but it was too late to dodge. It raised its two huge wings downward to block it.

With a "boom", the black figure stepped heavily on the giant bird's raised wings.

A harsh sound rang out, and Wang Xuan saw that the giant bird's wings were immediately covered with flesh and blood when they were stepped on, and a large number of black feathers were broken and scattered. The black figure actually stepped on the giant bird's wings to create a huge blood hole, and followed the blood hole downwards. , fell below the giant bird.

The soul of the giant bird, which was protected under its wings, appeared above the head of the black figure.

The black figure is about to raise his hand through the black robe and grab the inner elixir of the soul.

The giant bird obviously felt panic. Fortunately, when it felt that it was about to be attacked, it had already opened its blood basin and sucked the inner elixir of the soul.

The soul that was spit out like an inner elixir was sucked in by it with a hiss, as fast as lightning.

The black figure took a step slower and watched the inner soul elixir being sucked back into the body by the giant bird, failing to catch it.

The transformation was disturbed, and the giant black bird looked very angry.

The soul has returned to the body, and it is no longer afraid. The huge body turns along the same spot, flapping its wings, and flies the black figure away.

Wang Xuan has already felt that the energy level in this black figure is equivalent to the "Great Sky". If you purely look at the energy strength, the black figure is not as good as the current giant bird that is about to transform and break through the "Great Sky" level.

In the loud noise, the black figure was shot away, and the black robe covering his whole body was shattered by this terrifying force, resembling a black butterfly, flying all over the sky.

Wang Xuan was stunned when he looked at the human figure revealed inside the black robe after it shattered.

Originally, he was still guessing whether this was some kind of highly intelligent humanoid creature, but he didn't expect that what emerged from the black robe turned out to be a strange humanoid shape made up of countless black gears.

Countless tiny gears, each gear rotates and combines with each other to form a black gear man with hands, feet and even facial features.

Even if the opponent is a robot, Wang Xuan would not be surprised, but he has never thought that there would be such a gear man that is purely composed of countless gears of different sizes.

Seeing these countless gears, Wang Xuan thought of the outer wall of this building. The outer wall of this building was made of countless gears. Could the gear man who suddenly appeared now be related to this building?

In his surprise, the giant bird suddenly fluttered its wings into the sky. It seemed that after noticing the true appearance of the gear man, it became frightened and wanted to escape.

The gear man stretched out his arms, but he didn't see how it moved, but Wang Xuan suddenly felt that the time around him was slowing down.

"The power of time?" Wang Xuan's heart froze, and he immediately stretched out a nine-phoenix wing from his back, using the power of time to offset the sudden appearance of the power of time.

The gear man controlled the power of time and activated it suddenly, slowing down the passage of time in this space. The giant bird flying into the sky suddenly seemed to be in slow motion, but the gear man was not affected by the slow passage of time. The impact reached the top of the giant bird's head like a teleportation. A gear hand stretched out and slapped the giant bird's head.

This beat made a dull sound, but the giant bird's head did not shatter as Wang Xuan imagined.

"Awesome..." Wang Xuan immediately understood the reason. This giant bird has extremely high intelligence. At the moment of escape, it seemed to have sensed the consequences. It stirred up all the life energy in its body and formed energy shields in all its vital parts to defend itself. .

Sure enough, when the Gear Man attacked its head, the level of the energy shield formed by its head almost surpassed that of "Big Sky". Although the Gear Man's attack was powerful, it could not break through the energy shield and harm it.

If it were an inferior creature, even if it had powerful energy but didn't know how to use energy to protect its head, just one blow would crush its head.

The gear man failed to kill the giant bird with one blow, and immediately shook his hands. Wang Xuan saw the gears on its arms immediately extending, making a hissing sound. The gears meshed with each other to form a black giant sword.

This giant sword cut into the giant bird's head. As countless gears rotated at high speed, the energy shield used by the giant bird to protect its head suddenly became unable to withstand it and was cut open.

A large amount of blood mixed with white brains was splashing out. The giant bird was under the control of the power of time. It could only scream and desperately tried to flap its wings to fight back, but the wings moved slower and slower. When the wings hit, The Gear Man's head had long been cut open by the Gear Sword.

The head of the giant bird was cut open, and the Gear Man reached in and quickly took out the inner soul elixir. Under the control of the power of time, the giant bird had more powerful power, but it was equal to being beaten by the Gear Man. There is no resistance at all to the dimensionality reduction attack.

The soul inner alchemy struggled to escape, but was caught by the gear man and there was no possibility of escape.


A vague soul consciousness came, and the giant bird was begging the gear man for mercy.

However, the Gear Man seemed to have no mood swings and was obviously not going to let it go.

"……help me……"

Immediately after this soul consciousness came in the direction of Wang Xuan, the giant bird asked him for help.

Wang Xuan's heart moved, thinking that the giant bird knew that he was hiding aside, but still chose to transform here. Could it be that the giant bird had guessed that he might be in trouble, so he hoped that he could help?

If this is the case, then this giant bird psychic not only knows how to protect his soul, but can even see that he is powerful and qualified to fight against this gear man.

All this flashed through my mind in an instant. Wang Xuan had appeared quietly. Although this gear man always controlled the power of time, Wang Xuan also controlled the power of time. The six nine phoenix wings behind him all appeared. These While flapping his wings, using the power of time to fight against the power of time, Wang Xuan can also transcend this time. The opponent's delaying the passage of time has no effect on him.

With a "boom", the gear man was knocked away.

A huge crimson hand appeared, and the red ghost revealed half of his true appearance from behind Wang Xuan. The gear man's right arm was shattered, a large number of gears exploded, and the soul he was holding flew out.

The soul that flew out got rid of the restriction and immediately flew towards the giant bird.

Wang Xuan has sensed that this gear man has no emotional fluctuations and is not like a real living being. Compared to the real living giant bird, his heart is more inclined to help the giant bird.


Although the gear man was knocked away, a wave of consciousness followed him. Wang Xuan was slightly shocked when he heard this. What does this mean?

This other immortal obviously refers to himself. What is the origin of this gear man?

"Who are you?" Wang Xuan sent out a wave of consciousness. Unfortunately, the gear man did not respond this time. Instead, the sound of gear rotation was heard all over his body, and the gears on the surface of his body continued to rotate, forming a giant gear sword. These giant swords rose into the sky and headed towards Wang Xuan and the giant birds.

The soul of the giant bird returned, and its originally severed head was healing. A pair of wings flapped, beating the giant gear swords that were shot towards it.

These gear swords are very terrifying. The gears on the surface rotate at high speed and seem to be indestructible. The flapping wings of the giant bird are immediately pierced by the gear swords.

Wang Xuan knew that the giant bird had the energy to surpass the "big sky", but it could not use it perfectly, otherwise the gear man would not be its opponent at all.

Faced with the same gear sword that was shot towards him, Wang Xuan waved his right hand, and the power of underworld was activated. The absolute defense formed a barrier. Although the gear sword was indestructible, it could not penetrate underworld's absolute defense.

Using absolute defense to block these giant gear swords, Wang Xuan teleported to the other side of the gear man in the next moment. The red ghost's giant claws grabbed him from both sides, waiting for the gear man to activate the power of time, hoping to delay the passage of time. At that time, he discovered that Wang Xuan also controlled a more powerful power of time.

Although both sides have the power of the "Great Sky", Wang Xuan has reached the limit of the "Great Sky" and may break through at any time. His dealing with the Gear Man is just like the Gear Man dealt with the giant bird before, which is almost equivalent to a dimensionality reduction strike. .

The true strength of just one red ghost has already reached the realm of "Great Heaven", not to mention the power of his body, Warcraft, Huangquan and Jiufeng.

The Gear Man barely avoided the red ghost's attack, and Wang Xuan's giant hand of Warcraft stretched out and hit it firmly from behind.

A large number of gears on the surface of the gear body spread out, and a green light rose into the sky, forming a green halo and releasing it in all directions.

"The immortal... must die..."

A vague consciousness emerged from between the scattered gears. This was the last consciousness left by the gear man.

Looking at the Gear Man who was beaten away, Wang Xuan had a solemn look on his face.

Although this Gear Man possesses the power of the "Great Heaven", he naturally cannot compare with the strong men who have truly cultivated to the level of the "Great Heaven". Once the Gear's body is broken up, his consciousness will immediately collapse and disappear.

"Get out of here quickly...or new enforcers will appear."

Suddenly a wave of consciousness came, but it was the giant bird that had recovered. It looked very anxious, its wings spread out and kept beating, but it did not leave immediately.

"New Enforcer? Is this Cog Man an Enforcer?"

"Yes, they are law enforcers, also called killers. Their mission is to kill all immortal creatures. The signal it released just before death will attract other more powerful law enforcers to come on my back. Let's go quickly. .”

The giant bird looked very anxious.

Seeing this, Wang Xuan swayed and landed on its back, only to see the giant bird flap its wings, blowing up a strong wind and carrying him into the sky in an instant.

Although this giant bird was not as powerful as him in real combat, it was capable of extremely fast flight. The speed at which it flapped its wings surprised even Wang Xuan.

Just as the giant bird carried Wang Xuan away from here, two black figures suddenly appeared in the void.

They were all wrapped in black robes, without revealing their true appearance. They landed immediately after they appeared. One of them waved his black robe, and the scattered and broken gears on the ground suddenly floated, pieced together toward the center, and reluctantly pieced together again. A vague humanoid appearance.

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