The last building on earth

Chapter 604 Initiation

There was a faint fluctuating message coming from the pieced-together gear man, followed by a blurry picture, in which everything that had just happened was being played.

Through this scene, you can see the complete process of the giant bird spitting out the inner elixir of its soul and wanting to transform. The Gear Man appeared and was about to kill the giant bird. Wang Xuan took action, rescued the giant bird and defeated the Gear Man.

After the two men in black robes watched everything in silence, the barely cobbled gear man collapsed again and turned into a large number of scattered gears, and the fluctuations in the messages coming from inside also disappeared.

"I didn't expect that such a powerful immortal would appear and could easily kill a law enforcer..."

One of the men in black robes whispered.

Another man in black robe hummed slightly. He lifted up his black robe, and a green light shot out from it. The light turned into a halo and spread in all directions.

This is spreading information and calling more companions.

"Let's go." After spreading the news here, the two men in black robes rose into the sky and headed towards the direction where the giant bird carried Wang Xuan before.


Wang Xuan didn't know that two men in black robes appeared later. The giant bird was so fast that it carried him into the sky. It was as powerful as Wang Xuan. He was shocked by the speed of the giant bird and vaguely saw another person again. Similar green continent.

This green continent was connected to the green continent he had seen before by this gray land.

When the giant bird stopped with him, Wang Xuan found that there were a large number of trees all around. These trees formed a giant bird's nest. Wang Xuan realized that this should be the place where the giant bird inhabits.

"Who are you?" Wang Xuan immediately communicated with the giant bird through spiritual induction.

"I am Xuanniao." The giant bird responded to Wang Xuan.

"Xuanniao, you haven't told me what happened to the law enforcer, or the killer?"

Wang Xuan was very curious about the origin of the gear man.

Xuanniao responded: "As I just said, the main task of these law enforcers is to kill the creatures who want immortality. If anyone can obtain immortality, they will appear and try their best to kill the creatures who can live forever. "

"They regard themselves as law enforcers and think they are enforcing the laws of heaven and earth, so they are targeting me... Now, they are also targeting you, you, who is also an immortal, and they will try their best to kill you."

Listening to Xuanniao's response, Wang Xuan pondered slightly and then said: "Then do you know where these so-called law enforcers come from?"

"I don't know about this, but there have always been legends about law enforcers. I once saw them coming and killing one of my elders." Xuanniiao said this with a hint of sadness and anger in his tone.

"It was my elder who taught me a lot, letting me know that although these life energies are powerful, they can slowly corrode our souls. If we want to live long, we must find ways to protect our souls from erosion."

"It's a pity that this elder was killed by the law enforcer when his transformation was about to succeed. I was still very weak at that time. Although I witnessed it with my own eyes, I couldn't save this elder."

Hearing Xuanniao's words, Wang Xuan was a little curious and said, "We didn't know each other when you met me before. Why didn't you avoid me and instead chose to transform in front of me? Don't you know that this would be dangerous?"

Xuanniao said: "I can see that you are an immortal... If a law enforcer appears, you will not stand idly by, because all immortals are the mortal enemies of the law enforcers, and the enemy of the enemy is a friend."

Wang Xuan was speechless after hearing Xuanniao's words. It seemed that this bird was far smarter than he thought.

"I don't understand. I can sense that the energy in your body is not stronger than mine. Why... you can kill the law enforcer."

Wang Xuan heard Xuanniao's inquiry and said: "This is because your use of energy is far from enough. Although the energy you have is powerful, you cannot use all of it."

"Then can you teach me?" Xuanniao said as he spread his wings and lowered his head, making a gesture of asking for advice.

Wang Xuan didn't expect that this was a bird that loved to learn, and he mused slightly: "This is also simple. If you use your heart to sense it, how much you can comprehend depends on your ability."

As he spoke, he raised his right hand, pointed at Xuanniao's head, and selected some of the special abilities or skills he had mastered about the four beasts that were suitable for Xuanniao.

As for whether and how much he can comprehend, it all depends on Xuanniao's own understanding.

This method is like the legendary initiation. Some people have strong comprehension ability and can immediately achieve enlightenment and become a Buddha immediately. Of course, some people find it difficult to accept it and end up with the failure of the initiation.

Following Wang Xuan's finger, Xuanniao's whole body was shaken. In its mind, it was all about the special abilities that the four beasts had mastered and mastered, such as the ghost car traveling at night, such as the demon armor fist, such as the beast claw, or the ghost speed. Or the special abilities of some four beasts such as Guixu.

At Wang Xuan's level, some of the special abilities or methods that the four beasts have mastered are no longer useful, and he has never studied these abilities again.

These abilities are already somewhat useless to him now.

But for the black bird, these abilities are unheard of. At this moment, it is like lightning and thunder. It turns out that there are so many ways to fight. In its head, fighting was just picking it up with its beak and grabbing it with its claws. In addition, it relies on speed and strength. Only today did it know that there are so many more ways to go.

As long as you master these abilities, even low-ranking players can defeat high-ranking players.

The black bird realized some of the mastery abilities of these four beasts taught to it by Wang Xuan, and began to converge the wings on its back. In the bird's nest, it formed a posture of meditating in the center of the bird's nest.

"This guy is very smart. It may transform successfully at any time now... and become the Great One."

Wang Xuan looked at Xuanniao and felt a little envious. After all, this method of absorbing life energy was too simple. However, Xuanniao also had special means to refine the soul into inner elixir, which would not be easily swallowed by life energy.

Feeling the boiling fusion of life energy in Xuanniao's body, Wang Xuan looked up at the sky. Thinking of those mysterious law enforcers, he felt a little uneasy. He now knew that there was not only one law enforcer, but also a strong relationship with each other. Telepathy, the gear man was killed by himself, do his companions know? Will it really be like what Xuanniao said just now, that these gear people will hunt down the immortals until they die?

As he was thinking, the energy in Xuanniao's body boiled more and more intensely, and a layer of white light gradually appeared above its head. These white lights intertwined with each other, and gradually a large number of illusions appeared above Xuanniao's head.

Wang Xuan understood that Xuanniao was about to break through the sky and enter the level above the sky. At this moment, two black spots suddenly appeared in the void.

These two black dots came so quickly. They were just two black dots, and then they turned into two human figures wrapped in black robes. Then the men in black robes rose into the sky and launched an attack on Wang Xuan and Xuanniao. .

Wang Xuan saw that Xuanniao might break through at any time, and couldn't bear that it would fall short. With a thought, the power of the underworld extended infinitely, protecting himself and Xuanniao from the attacks of the two black-robed men.

The shield formed by the power of the underworld is fluctuating violently, constantly counteracting the opponent's attacks.

One of the men in black robes suddenly let out a low roar, pulled his right hand, and the black robe on his body was lifted up, revealing the true appearance inside.

The whole body was made of countless black gears of different sizes. It had a complete head, face, facial features, hands and feet, and looked like a human being. The gears in its eyes were shrinking and rotating, and it suddenly swooped down towards Wang Xuan.

When Wang Xuan saw the two men in black robes, he guessed that they were law enforcers similar to the gear men before. When the men in black robes took off the outer black robes and revealed their true appearance, it turned out to be the one formed by gears. of law enforcers.

Two law enforcers appeared and chased him here. They started moving together and concentrated on Wang Xuan.

Behind Wang Xuan, the huge red ghost rose up, and its huge red claws swept out in the air.

With a "boom", the two law enforcers who jumped down from the air were swept by the red ghost's giant claws, and immediately rolled and flew back.

Chi Gui is the real "Great Heaven" being, and these two Gear Men are also Datian beings, but in a head-to-head encounter, they are no match for Chi Gui.

The two law enforcers who were blown away may have realized Wang Xuan's strength. After they regained their footing, they both extended a hand to each other. Their hands were joined together, and the gears on their bodies were spinning and flying. They combined with each other and soon... Forming one gear sword after another.

These giant gear swords flew into the air, as if they had their own life and consciousness, and concentrated towards Wang Xuan.

They all saw that Wang Xuan was more powerful and wanted to join forces to kill Wang Xuan first.

The red ghost's giant claw behind Wang Xuan kept grabbing at him. Every time he grabbed it, a geared giant sword was caught by the red ghost's giant claw and shattered with a crunching sound, but there were still some fish that slipped through the net. , failed to be blocked by the red ghost's giant claws, appeared above Wang Xuan's head in the air and stabbed towards him.

In the eyes of these two law enforcers, it was obvious that only Chi Gui was powerful, and Wang Xuan himself was nothing.

"Childish." Wang Xuan whispered softly. It seems that this gear is similar to a robot. Although it has strong combat power, its way of thinking is still lacking compared with real advanced intelligent life.

He and Chi Gui were two in one body, sharing each other's power. When the giant gear sword appeared above his head, Wang Xuan swung his right hand upwards. The hit giant sword shook violently and exploded into countless gears.

These gears became shattered, and the power of this punch even surpassed the red ghost's giant claw.

Wang Xuan began to step in the void, with nine phoenix wings growing out from behind. He activated the power of time and brought everything around him into the time he controlled.

The movement of the two gear men slowed down. Wang Xuan was above time and walked straight towards the two gear men through the void.

The gears on the surface of the two gears were constantly rotating, and there was a faint creaking sound. Their movements had become slow and they suddenly resumed normal movement. They separated again, one to the left and the other to the right, towards Wang Xuan near.

Like Wang Xuan, they are also above the time at this moment. The speed of the passage of time has no effect on them.

"As expected of a killer, why do you want to kill the immortal? And who ordered you to do so?"

Wang Xuan's consciousness fluctuated, and he was a little shocked that they could override the time under his control. These two gear people were indeed not simple.

It seems that not only the gear man from before has the power of time, but the two gears in front of him also have such power.

They all control the power of time, and no one can use the power of time to deal with the other. Now they can only fight above time.

The two gear men were on the left and the right. The gear man on the left put his hands together to form a giant gear sword and slashed towards Wang Xuan in the air.

The gear man on the right parted his hands, and his body suddenly collapsed. A large number of gears scattered with a roar, forming a rainbow of gears that rushed towards Wang Xuan at high speed.

Although these gears are scattered, there is a certain connection between each gear, which contains terrifying energy. It can be said that the power of the rainbow of this gear is still reflected in the giant gear shown by the gear man on the left. On top of the sword.

Even as powerful as Wang Xuan, he did not dare to be careless at this moment. He first used the red ghost to block the more powerful gear rainbow flow, and then activated the giant arm of the monster to meet the slashing gear sword.

There was a loud "clang" sound, and the giant arm of the monster hit the giant gear sword that was chopped down first. The giant arm of the monster was vibrating, but the giant gear sword couldn't withstand Wang Xuan's power and broke into pieces.

The red ghost used his huge body to block the incoming gear rainbow.

The power of the rainbow flow formed by these countless gears is far more terrifying than Wang Xuan imagined.

With the power of the red ghost, countless cracks were cut out of the surface of his body by the rainbow current of the gear.

These gears entered the body of the red ghost along the cracks and began to rotate and destroy the body of the red ghost. These countless gears combined with each other again to destroy the red ghost from the inside.

The red ghost is a part of Wang Xuan's body. Once the red ghost is completely destroyed, Wang Xuan will also be seriously injured.

The terrifying rainbow flow of gears was beyond Wang Xuan's expectation. With a thought, the power of the underworld was activated to block all these gears. At the same time, Chi Gui's transcendent self-healing ability was also activated, quickly healing the wounds inside and outside the body. Injury.

The power of Chi Gui and Huang Quan was activated at the same time, and countless gears were blocked immediately. The absolute defense of Huang Quan's power was unparalleled. Unfortunately, the only flaw was that the maintenance time was too short.

This absolute defensive ability only lasts for a moment.

But it was enough for Wang Xuan. For a moment, he blocked all the gear rainbows, and he could teleport to the side of another gear man. The monster's giant arm fell down and hit the gear man hard.

This gear man, like the previous gear man, was suddenly hit by the monster's giant arm. He could hardly react, and his body shattered and exploded.

Countless gears were destroyed and scattered, and only a residual consciousness came out in shock.

" could..."

After that, this residual consciousness completely disappeared without a trace, and the gear man died.

One of the two gear men was suddenly killed by Wang Xuan, and the remaining gear men who turned into a rainbow of gears were naturally shocked.

The original gear rainbow quickly reorganized into a human form, and then retreated violently. The law enforcer chose to escape.

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