The last building on earth

Chapter 722 Return of the Ancients

The fluctuations in the surrounding space are becoming more and more violent. It is indescribable that its powerful true spirit power is impacting in all directions along the baby's body like a tide. Even Wang Xuan, who is as powerful as he is now, feels that he is under the impact of this true spirit power. The true spirit in the body was trembling, and it was difficult to control it. There were faint signs of its true spirit being dispersed, let alone the two women Gu Manyao and Tang Ruoyu.

The faces of the two women changed drastically. Wang Xuan let out a low roar, stretched out his hands, grabbed the two women, and rushed away at full speed.

With a "boom", at this moment, the five heavenly powers in his body exploded together, instantly blasting a black hole-like gap in the space and time. He rushed out of the gap and returned to the beginning of the infinite universe. .

At this moment in the land of Taichu, the universes are fluctuating violently, causing big explosions. The terrifying power of the true spirit has been released through the endless universe like an overwhelming force. This scene is seen in the eyes of the three people. , given their level of cultivation, they all felt shocked and horrified at this moment.

"Leave here first." Wang Xuan was still calm, holding the hands of the two women and heading away at high speed.

The energy of the Mother of Origin in Gu Manyao's body is constantly vibrating, and the body releases more and more powerful true spiritual power. On the surface of Gu Manyao's body, the white image of the Mother of Origin fluctuates, appearing extremely unstable.

"The eternal dusk is constantly eroding the true spirit of the Mother Goddess, making her weaker and weaker. But this time the power of the true spirit that she originally lost is returning, so the Mother Goddess is gradually becoming stronger."

Wang Xuan did not expect that the eternal twilight that even the Mother Goddess could not solve seemed to be solved because of his unintentional action.

The Mother Goddess is gradually getting stronger and regaining the power she once had, while Wang Xuan and the two women rushed towards the distance at full speed. The explosions in the surrounding universe became more and more violent, and the power of the true spirit traveled through the universes. Explosions continued, and the entire Taichu land became chaotic.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in the distance with a pair of black wings on its back. It was the man who had fought with Wang Xuan several times.

After these years of not seeing each other, this man has obviously become stronger, but at this moment he did not pay attention to Wang Xuan. Instead, he flapped his black wings and rushed into the distance.

He had no idea what was happening in the land of Taichu. Unexpectedly, all of a sudden, countless universes exploded, and the power of the true spirit continued to be released. It seemed that the end of the entire land of Taichu was coming.

With the situation unclear, he chose to leave Taichu Land first and then wait and see what would happen.

Wang Xuan didn't care to chase the man with black wings. He once again released the energy of the five heavenly ways. These energies intertwined and collided with each other, and soon the Taichu land in front of him was penetrated into a black hole of time and space. He took the two women along with him. The black hole entered and when it shuttled out, it had returned to the entrance of the Taibei Land where the Sea of ​​True Spirit was located.

The Sea of ​​True Spirit is relatively calm at the moment. It seems that the changes in the Taichu Land have not affected it yet, but Wang Xuan can still sense an unusual change in the entire Sea of ​​True Spirit through careful observation.

The sea of ​​true spirits that originally formed a whole seems to be dividing.

Wang Xuan didn't see the black-winged man after he came out. The man should have left the Taibei Land before him.

"Go back to the building quickly..."

The voice of the Mother Goddess rang in his mind, and Wang Xuan responded, no longer hesitating, and together with the two women, left the Sea of ​​True Spirit and left here along the Gate of Absolute Beginning.

After leaving the Gate of Taichu, the first thing you saw was the building that had turned into ruins. According to the mother goddess's guess, this building might be the Tower of Taichu, the first nine-story building in the world. Of course, it has now been Completely reduced to ruins.

"Mother Goddess, how are you doing now?" Wang Xuan asked secretly as he left the ruins and headed towards the Building of Origin.

"Very good...Since being infected with Eternal Dusk, there has never been a good as now..."

When the Mother Goddess said this, she paused slightly and continued: "My eternal dusk... is disappearing..."

Gu Manyao said in surprise: "So, Mother Goddess, are you okay?"

"It's possible...but there may be bigger troubles..."

"What's going on?" Gu Manyao didn't understand. If the Eternal Twilight of the Mother Goddess really disappears, the Mother Goddess will return to its peak. At that time, the Tower of Origin will be impregnable, and they will no longer have to fear provocations from others. Or destroyed.

"My eternal twilight will disappear...other people's will be the same...and...the most terrifying thing is that the sea of ​​true spirit may be out of control. I can feel that my true spirit is getting stronger, which means...the true spirit The sea has lost control, and those powerful beings whose true spirits entered the sea of ​​true spirits due to their deaths... may... come back to life."

The Mother Goddess' words shocked everyone's hearts.

From ancient times to the present, countless eras, countless universes, time and space, no one knows how many powerful existences have been born, but no matter how powerful the existence is, they cannot last forever. The true spirits of the fallen strong men will all enter the sea of ​​true spirits.

Now Wang Xuan has understood that the true destination of these true spirits is not the sea of ​​true spirits, but is used as nutrients and transported to the baby hidden in the core of Taichu.

This baby regards the true spirits of these powerful people as nourishment. Now that the baby is in trouble, will the true spirits of the powerful people it once devoured really return?

Wang Xuan felt faintly uneasy when he thought of the melting on the surface of the baby's body and the scene of the terrifying power of the true spirit being released.

If it is true as the Mother Goddess said, I am afraid that the next world will be in chaos.

"I just hope my guess... is wrong... otherwise it will be unimaginable..."

The voice of the Mother Goddess gradually became lower, as she was recovering her seriously injured true spirit.

Wang Xuan's eyes shot out two divine lights. Even if it was true as the Mother Goddess said, those strong men who had fallen would come back one after another, but as long as he was strong enough, there was no need to fear anyone.

Taking one step forward, the three of them penetrated time and space, and when they reappeared, they were already outside the Building of Origin.

This trip to the land of Taichu had been away for many years. Wang Xuan didn't know what the situation was like in the building. He didn't know where Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Tie Jun and other old friends had reached in their cultivation now.

The three of them returned directly to the ninth level, the highest sky. The form of the mother goddess emerging on the surface of Gu Manyao's body became more and more real. An endless stream of white light was released in all directions, then turned into white threads and dissipated in the air. .

Wang Xuan saw that the power of the Mother Goddess was constantly spreading around, and combined with this building, the Mother of Origin was slowly becoming stronger from her original weak state.

Tai Hao came with a group of people from the Supreme Heaven to pay homage. Wang Xuan had already sensed that Zhao Lei and others were basically practicing.

After all, compared to the time and space of the universe in this building, Zhao Lei and the others have achieved immortality and immortality. Now they are basically cultivating and want to become stronger. Apart from that, nothing else can attract them. interested.

Wang Xuan waved away Tai Hao and others, and he took the two girls back to his independent little world at the top of the Supreme Sky.

Gu Manyao was originally chosen as the successor by the Mother Goddess, but now that the Mother Goddess's eternal twilight is disappearing and her strength is growing, Gu Manyao's identity begins to become more subtle.

Tang Ruoyu suddenly held his heart, frowning slightly, with a look of pain on his face.

"Ruoyu, what's wrong?" Wang Xuan was slightly surprised.

"My heart hurts, and I have a feeling of palpitations..." Tang Ruoyu just said this, and Wang Xuan felt that the power of the Ancient Mother in her body seemed to be released uncontrollably, and soon enveloped her whole body and formed outside her body. A green phantom state of the Ancient Mother appeared.

"What's going on?" Wang Xuan was worried about Tang Ruoyu and was about to check in detail. Suddenly, the voice of the Mother of Origins sounded in his mind.

"Sure enough... the ancient mother... is also returning..."

Hearing the words of the Mother Goddess, Wang Xuan was shocked. The ancient mother who had been dead for countless years would actually return?

If the Ancient Mother really returns, what about the heart that belongs to the Ancient Mother in Tang Ruoyu?

And Tang Ruoyu has already merged with this heart.

Could it be that the Ancient Mother returned and took away Tang Ruoyu's heart again?

Although Gu Manyao's identity has become subtle, after all, it is only the Mother of Origin who has given her some power. Now that the Mother of Origin is gradually recovering, she will reintegrate into this building and become the supreme heaven-like existence of this building. What impact will this have on Gu Manyao? Not particularly big.

But Tang Ruoyu's situation is much more complicated. After all, the ancient mother has died long ago, leaving only her heart.

This heart was punched into Tang Ruoyu's body by the Mother of Origin. The original intention was for Tang Ruoyu to fuse it, master the power of the ancients, and become the new Mother of the Ancients.

But if the former Ancient Mother really returns, there will be big trouble.

"It will be very troublesome...but after all, there is still some time...before that, we need to think of some ways..."

When the Mother Goddess said this, her voice gradually became lower.

"Mother Goddess, what can you do?" Wang Xuan had a solemn look on his face. Even if the former ancient mother really returned, if it hurt Tang Ruoyu, it would definitely not work.

"The situation is getting worse... I'm not sure how it will evolve... Now I need to be as strong as possible..."

Wang Xuan understood that this kind of thing should be unprecedented. Even the Mother Goddess didn't know what would happen in the future. The only thing they could do now was to become as powerful as possible.

Fortunately, the Mother of Origin is also recovering her former power. With her protection, even if the Ancient Mother really returns, she may not be able to enter here, unless the Mother of Origin is not willing to protect them.

Thinking of this possibility, Wang Xuan felt slightly awe-struck. After all, the former Mother of Origin thought that she was going to die and needed a successor. But now that the situation has changed, what would the Mother God think? No one knows.

At this moment, countless thoughts passed through Wang Xuan's mind. In just a short time, a green woman formed outside Tang Ruoyu's body in front of him, completely covering Tang Ruoyu.

Upon seeing this, Wang Xuan raised his hands and activated the five avenues of energy he had mastered. Five lotus flowers appeared around him. A solemn look appeared on his face, and he grasped the green woman's body with both hands.

This green woman was condensed by the heart power of the Ancient Mother. Now it was not stable, but was constantly fluctuating. Wang Xuan grabbed it with both hands. Soon the green woman began to dissipate, and Tang Ruoyu's appearance reappeared inside.

Wang Xuan grabbed Tang Ruoyu's body with his right hand and touched the heart of the Ancient Mother. Waves of energy were released from his hand, weaving and forming a network along the heart of the Ancient Mother, and placing numerous seals on it. .

"For now, we can only seal the heart of the Ancient Mother, and we will see how the situation changes later."

After Wang Xuan sealed it, he withdrew his hand and saw that Tang Ruoyu's face was covered in cold sweat. In just a short time, she seemed to have collapsed.

"Will the Ancient Mother... come back to life?" Tang Ruoyu whispered softly.

"We don't know yet. We need to prepare early to deal with any changes."

After pondering, he left the two women in the highest heaven while he went out alone and left the building.

Now his five heavenly ways have condensed three souls and one soul, and he also has the power of Menghong's Mother and Yuanshi's Mother in his body. He was in Taichu before, and the power of these two mother goddesses could not come. Now he needs to summon These two mother goddesses received their help.

This is the rule between Father God and Mother God. If he defeated Meng Shi, who had been recognized by these two mother gods, and captured Meng Hong's Ring and Yuan Shi's Ring, then these two mother gods must recognize him.

After leaving the building and reaching the top of the building, Wang Xuan sat cross-legged and raised his hands upward. From his body, the Menghong Ring that had been fused before slowly emerged.

He first relied on the Menghong Ring to summon the Mother of Menghong.

Although the two sides were separated by a long distance, as the Menghong Ring emerged outside the body, Wang Xuan immediately sensed a huge will coming.

This will came with the Menghong Ring, and it came so quickly. The terror of its will immediately enveloped the entire space and time. Even Wang Xuan and the Origin Tower below were shrouded in this huge will.

Although Wang Xuan has cultivated to the fourth level of the complete Heavenly Dao and mastered the five major Heavenly Dao, he still felt a faint shock at this moment.

This is the will of Mother Menghong, and this will is not friendly.

After all, Meng Shi was the future father-god chosen by her and the Mother of the Origin. Now that Meng Shi was killed by the existence in front of her, taking away the recognition of her and the Mother of the Origin, this naturally filled her heart with displeasure.

Wang Xuan stood up, looked up, and saw that the huge will above had transformed into a huge face. This face looked ugly and ferocious. There were fangs in the open mouth. It was Meng Hongzhi. The angry aspect of mother manifestation.

"Meng Hong's mother——" Wang Xuan raised his head and spoke without any fear on his face.

"So... courageous..." Meng Hong's mother, who looked angry, spoke, her voice seemed very hollow, as if it came from far away in time and space.

Her true body did not come here, but a ray of consciousness manifested with the help of this Menghong power. Even so, it still had the power to shock everyone.

After all, this is a Mother Goddess at her peak. Apart from the legendary Father God, she is almost invincible.

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