The last building on earth

Chapter 723 The Four Ancient Evils

As Meng Hong's mother spoke, Wang Xuan felt a force of Meng Hong's power falling from the sky and suddenly falling on him, instantly penetrating his body and crushing him from body to soul.

According to the rules of the existence of the Mother Goddess, if you kill Meng Shi, who is recognized by the two Mother Goddess Meng Hong and Yuan Shi, Meng Hong and Yuan Shi's Mother must recognize you. Is it true that Meng Hong's Mother is going to violate this rule?

Although he was surprised, Wang Xuan didn't show any signs of it on his face. He just activated the five great ways in his body in an instant. Around him, five lotus flowers immediately rose up, representing the five heavenly ways. Behind him were the four representatives of the heavenly ways. The circle of heavenly soul.

The power of the five heavens exploded, and the five lotuses opened a curtain of light to confront the coming power of Meng Hong.

The power of Meng Hong who descended became more and more powerful, and Wang Xuan had to launch a more powerful force to resist.

The five heavenly ways are resonating, and the five lotus flowers are constantly vibrating upward. Wanting to break through, Wang Xuan slowly holds them up with both hands. In addition to the original power of the five heavenly ways he has mastered, there is also the power of origin and the power of the beginning. and ancient power. Under the suppression of Meng Hong's power, these powers continued to converge between his hands, and slowly condensed to form a universe-like scene.

The power of the five heavenly ways was continuously compressed, and the density of the energy gathering was getting higher and higher. Wang Xuan felt that his body was almost exploded by this force. This Meng Hong's mother was indeed terrifying. Even if he had mastered the five heavenly ways, he would even destroy the five heavenly ways. Heavenly Dao has been cultivated to the fourth level of complete Heavenly Dao, but it is still unable to compete with Meng Hong's mother, who has not even arrived in her true form.

When his endurance was about to reach its limit, Wang Xuan finally let out an explosive roar and violently punched upwards with the strongest power gathered in his hands.

With a "boom", a ray of divine light shot up into the sky like a bolt of lightning and shot into the endless darkness above. For a long time, the angry appearance of the Mother of Menghong that appeared above was pierced through a huge gap.

All the power of Menghong that originally came to oppress him suddenly disappeared. Wang Xuan gasped for breath and was covered in cold sweat.

As his strength became stronger and stronger, it was the first time in so many years that he felt that he was about to be exhausted, and it was also the first time that he felt that he was so close to death.


Suddenly, the angry appearance of Mother Menghong, who had a huge gap punched out above her, returned to normal. The original angry appearance turned into the face of a huge woman, but this face was a bit blurry and not realistic. The next moment, a He stretched out his hand and landed on the top of Wang Xuan's head, and a soft Menghong power poured down the top of his head.

Wang Xuan understood that he had finally gained the true recognition of Meng Hong's mother, and with her help, he could hope to refine Meng Hong's soul.

Immediately in his body, the four beasts came out and appeared around him. They sat down cross-legged with him. The power of Meng Hong extended along his body and into the bodies of the four beasts. The mother of Meng Hong wanted to In one fell swoop, he and the four beasts gathered all the five heavenly spirits of Meng Hong.

Although this is not easy for Meng Hong's mother at her peak, it is not too difficult.

A space gap appeared above, and Meng Hong's power fell continuously along this space gap, entering Wang Xuan and the four beasts' bodies, making the five heavenly ways he mastered more powerful and perfect.

Once Meng Hong's Soul takes shape, he will step into the fifth level of complete Heavenly Dao and possess the three souls and two souls of Heavenly Dao.

In the endless darkness, various undercurrents are surging, and the whole world is undergoing drastic changes. Wang Xuan and the four beasts are sitting cross-legged on the top of the building of origin, receiving the empowerment of Meng Hong's mother, and condensing the power of Meng Hong. Po, completely ignoring the changes in the outside world.

Suddenly, an earth-shattering roar came from the darkness in the distance, and in the next moment, a large number of black shadows appeared. These black shadows were flying all over the sky, approaching the Tower of Origin.

Although Wang Xuan was in meditation and receiving the initiation from Mother Menghong, he still had a ray of consciousness that could observe changes in the outside world.

He noticed a group of monsters appearing in the darkness in the distance. The monsters looked like tigers and were not big in size. The small ones were only about the size of a cow, and the big ones were about the size of an elephant. They had a pair of wings on their backs. , opened its mouth, exposed its fangs, and let out a tiger roar.

This group of monsters emerged from the darkness, and Wang Xuan sensed that their bodies were releasing ancient auras, and even had a faint connection with the ancient spirit of heaven that he controlled.

This made Wang Xuan immediately understand that these monsters must have been born in ancient times, but he didn't know where they came from.

At this moment, in the Origin Building, strong men from all sides on the ninth floor were gathering, and soon a passage appeared. The strong men on the ninth floor appeared along the passage and descended outside the building, preparing to defend themselves against the enemy.

Among these people are the Great Heavenly Demon, the Great Dragon Lord, the Divine, the Chaos Lord, the Wind Queen, the Ancient Sage and the Great Heavenly Buddha who are familiar to Wang Xuan. They are all beings that are infinitely close to the way of heaven.

They had accepted the will of the Mother Goddess and knew that there would be an enemy attack, so they walked out of the ninth level of the world.

As for existences such as the Heavenly Dao-level Chaos, the Human King or the Thunder Emperor, although they have also received the Mother Goddess's will, they have not shown their faces yet, but are observing the situation secretly.

Seeing the dark swarms of monsters in the distance, the Great Demon exclaimed: "Qiongqi?"

The Great Heavenly Demon and the Great Dragon Lord were survivors from the Ancient Tower. Later, they were rescued by the Mother of Origin, and then entered the Origin Building and became a member here. The Great Heavenly Demon recognized these tigers with wings at a glance. , turned out to be the strange beasts that once lived in ancient buildings and ancient times.

"Qiongqi from the ancient times?" The Demon Ancestor and the Great Heavenly Buddha were all shocked and looked at the Great Heavenly Demon.

They all know that the ancient era is over, and even the ancient buildings have collapsed. Except for the Great Heavenly Demon and the Great Dragon Lord, all the ancient beasts have fallen with the Ancient Mother. Why are so many monsters suddenly appearing now? ?

The Great Heavenly Demon said with a very ugly face: "Qiongqi is one of the four ancient evils, but he should have disappeared long ago. How come he suddenly appears here?"

"The Mother Goddess has just sent a message. It is said that the ancient beasts are being resurrected." Suddenly, a voice came from behind, and it was Tai Hao, the guardian of the Supreme Heaven.

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard this, and the Great Heavenly Demon and the Great Dragon Master even looked in disbelief.

A roar of beasts was heard, and the groups of strange beasts began to rush towards them.

The strength of these strange beasts is not weak, the weakest among them are above the heaven level, and the powerful ones have strength beyond the limit of heaven.

Behind Tai Hao, there followed a group of people, all of whom were powerful men from the Supreme Heaven. Under Tai Hao's order, these powerful men from the Supreme Heaven took action one after another to kill the surging Qiongqi beasts.

The Chaos Lord, the Great Heavenly Demon, and the Great Dragon Lord also began to open the passages and summon their own gods to come.

Although the Qiongqi in front of him is known as one of the four ancient evils, his strength is not enough for everyone to take action. After all, they are all existences that are infinitely close to the way of heaven, and they still don't bother to take action against these Qiongqi beasts.

What's more, they also understand that there may be more powerful existences behind these Qiongqi, and they also need to conserve their strength and wait for more powerful enemies to come.

While Wang Xuan was perfecting and condensing Meng Hong's soul, he separated out a ray of consciousness to observe all this happening. He understood that the resurrection and arrival of these ancient beasts should be due to changes in the sea of ​​true spirits. I'm afraid that throughout the ages, countless true spirits devoured by that baby will return, and it is simply unimaginable what kind of chaotic situation it will turn into.

"These ancient Qiongqi will appear here, are they here for Ruoyu?" Wang Xuan thought that Tang Ruoyu had the heart of the Ancient Mother in his body. These Qiongqi beasts came to attack the Tower of Origin, possibly for the sake of the Ancients. Mother's heart.

The situation gradually became more and more troublesome, which made him realize more and more that he must become stronger as much as possible in the shortest possible time.

The summoned gods such as the Chaos Lord, the Great Demon and the Great Dragon Lord arrived one after another and successfully blocked the attacks of groups of Qiongqi. In this boundless darkness, various lights flickered. During the fight, Qiongqi was severely injured from time to time. Falling down, of course there are some gods who were also hit hard by Qiongqi and fell down.

Wang Xuan noticed that the Origin Building took the initiative to open a passage, and suddenly a large number of law enforcers appeared. These law enforcers formed by countless gears represented the will of the Mother Goddess. The weakest among them had the energy of the sky. Among the law enforcers, The captain has the energy to transform the sky, and the more powerful leaders will be even more powerful if they are formed by gears into the form of the ten first-generation gods, including green dragon, red ghost, nine phoenix, snow demon, arhat, etc.

More and more law enforcers appeared, completely blocking these strange beasts. Wang Xuan noticed that the strength of these law enforcers was increasing, and his heart moved slightly. He understood that this meant that the strength of the Mother of Origin was slowly recovering. Once it was gone, At eternal dusk, her true spirit will return to its peak state, which means that the beings in the Origin Building who represent the will of the Mother Goddess will become further powerful.

Including beings like the Chaos Lord who can feel the way of heaven, they can clearly feel that the power of the way of heaven is getting stronger and stronger now.

There were roars of beasts, and after these Qiongqi were blocked, larger Qiongqi beasts appeared, and their strength was also stronger.

Soon, another group of snow-white alien beasts appeared, and the Great Demon murmured with an ugly face: "Baize."

Bai Ze, a mythical beast from ancient times, has a more powerful ability than Qiongqi. At this moment, a group of Bai Ze appeared and attacked the Building of Origin from the other side. A large number of law enforcers immediately stepped forward to block these Bai Ze, but Behind these more ordinary Baizes, huge Baizes descended. These Baizes had great strength and quickly rushed away from the law enforcers and approached the building.

The Chaos Lord personally took action to kill these approaching giant Bai Ze.

On the other side came a Qiongqi who was as big as a mountain. The Great Demon recognized him as King Qiongqi, who was so powerful in ancient times and had a strength that was infinitely close to the way of heaven.

Fenghou took action, controlling countless wind blades to block the Qiongqi King.

Immediately afterwards, the Chaos Lord also attacked King Qiongqi.

When King Bai Ze came, this King Bai Ze already had the strength of the Heavenly Dao, and no one could resist it. A bolt of lightning appeared, and the Thunder Emperor stepped out from it, and then blocked King Bai Ze.

Wang Xuan just separated out a ray of consciousness and silently watched the war outside the building. Except for King Qiongqi and King Baize who came, no more powerful ancient beasts appeared for the time being. Although King Baize and Thunder Emperor were equally victorious, However, King Qiongqi could not stop Feng Hou and Chaos Lord, and was retreating steadily.

In the end, King Qiongqi was defeated, and King Baize seemed to understand that he could not enter the building, so he chose to leave.

Soon, groups of Bai Ze and Qiong Qi left and disappeared into the darkness, and the battle ended like this.

Although this battle did not cause much harm to everyone, it was quite shocking. The ancient beast that had disappeared unexpectedly reappeared, which shocked everyone and did not understand what this meant.

They communicated with the Mother Goddess and the answer they got was that the ancient beasts would wake up one after another, allowing everyone to prepare.

On the top of the building, the fifth ring behind the meditating King Beast and the Four Beasts was taking shape. After an unknown period of time, the description of Meng Hong’s Mother that appeared above slowly faded away, and behind Wang Xuan and the Four Beasts The fifth ring, Meng Hong's Soul, finally took shape.

Now, he has reached the fifth form of perfect heaven.

Mother Menghong disappeared quietly, while Wang Xuan and the four beasts were still in meditation, digesting the power of the fifth soul they had just mastered.

Now his strength has risen to another level. It can be said that he has become more and more powerful. Now he has vaguely guessed that the mother goddess should be the heaven with three souls and seven souls. This kind of heaven is also called the supreme heaven. The way of heaven.

From a realm perspective, there are still five levels between him and the Mother Goddess, but even the Mother Goddess only controls one supreme heavenly way, but he has five heavenly ways, so although he is only the fifth level of the heavenly ways, he cannot fight But the power far exceeds the fifth level of Heavenly Dao.

"Perhaps, I only need to improve two or three more levels...and I can hope to reach the level of combat power of the Mother Goddess..."

Wang Xuan thought silently in his heart, full of expectations. In addition to Meng Hong's mother, he also received the approval of the mother of Yuanshi. At least with the help of the mother of Yuanshi, it would not be difficult for him to refine the soul of Yuanshi. This meant that he Soon we will reach the sixth level of heaven.

Although the resurrection of the ancient beasts was scary at first, the strength of King Baize and King Qiongqi who came before was not as terrifying as Wang Xuan imagined. In fact, unless the ancient mother comes herself, no matter which of the ancients After being resurrected, it is impossible for him to be the opponent of Wang Xuan now.

"The Ancient Mother has fallen long ago. Even if she is resurrected, it will take enough time. Moreover, the Mother Goddess is also constantly recovering, so there should be no need to worry about her..."

Wang Xuan thought silently, took a deep breath, and was about to sense the Mother of the Origin. Suddenly, the voice of the Mother Goddess rang in his mind.

"The ancient beasts may not be scary... but the trouble is that the true spirits that have disappeared continue to appear, and ancient existences that are older than the ancient times... may be resurrected one after another..."

"Mother Goddess, what do you mean..." Wang Xuan's face changed slightly after hearing this.

"Before the ancient times, there were even older ancient times, ancient times...even prehistoric times and ignorance..."

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