The last building on earth

Chapter 742 The Father of Time and Space

The power erupting from the five heavenly paths that were merging became more and more powerful, gradually pushing the giant rock hand away. Wang Xuan stretched out his right hand in the air, and a giant sword appeared. Divine light radiated from the five shields and concentrated on the giant sword. .

The giant sword burst out with dazzling light and swept across the air.

With a "chi" sound, this time the giant rock hand could no longer resist and was cut horizontally by the giant sword.

As the giant sword flew in the sky, one after another, the giant rock hands broke off and flew out. Wang Xuan stepped forward and finally approached the Broken Continent.

He shot out with his hands in the air, and the five shields around his body flew out together, spinning at high speed, and hit a gap in the broken continent. The power of the five supreme heavens was detonated inside.

In the earth-shattering explosion, this time a huge crater was finally blown out of the broken continent.

This means that the power of the five heavenly ways is increasing.

Amidst the faint roar, there seemed to be an earthquake on the surface of the broken continent. Countless rocks rolled and bulged upwards. First, two giant rock hands appeared together, then arms, shoulders, heads...

A huge rock giant grew out of the surface of the broken continent. The rock giant waved its giant palm and hit Wang Xuan from the air.

"So strong--" Wang Xuan once again gathered the power of the five heavenly ways to fight, but was actually shot away.

The strength of this rock giant is also increasing, and the life breath released from the broken continent is also increasing.

Kun, the ancient giant, is the most powerful of the giants he has encountered so far.

The rock giant continues to grow and become larger and larger, and the broken continent below is also actively fragmenting, with more and more rocks rising from the surface and piling up downwards.

Another giant rock palm was shot in the air, covering everything around him. Wang Xuan once again launched the power of the five heavens to fight. This time, in addition to the five shields that were half fused together, there was also a universe-like mass wrapped in the shield. energy exists.

This energy is the power of chaos.

The power of the five heavenly paths and the power of chaos was further enhanced. The rock giant's giant palm slapped on it, and with a loud noise, another giant palm followed closely.

Wang Xuan raised his hands, controlled the five shields and the power of chaos in them, and fought against the rock giant with all his strength.

The rock giant's attacks are getting more and more crazy. The broken continent below continues to send more powerful energy to it, and the five shields and the power of chaos controlled by Wang Xuan are becoming more and more powerful.

In particular, the power of chaos gradually took shape in the crazy attacks of the rock giants. Finally, the five shields erupted with dazzling light. In this divine light, the chaos of heaven was finally formed. At the beginning of its birth, it had three souls. The supreme heavenly way of the seven souls.

At this point, Wang Xuan has mastered the six supreme heavenly ways, and his strength has further improved astonishingly.

Following the successful transformation of the Chaos Heavenly Dao, Wang Xuan let out a long roar, and the five shields exploded together with the Chaos Heavenly Dao. In the divine light of the explosion, six giant swords appeared, representing the six supreme Heavenly Dao he controlled.

Wang Xuan stepped forward in the void and walked towards the rock giant. He controlled the six giant swords with both hands in the air and swung them out violently. The six giant swords formed a rotating force, dragging six dazzling rainbow lights and clashing with the rock giant. The collision caused a harsh sound, and debris scattered all over the sky.

The giant palms swung out by the rock giant were quickly crushed, followed by the arms, shoulders, head, and then the body.

Wang Xuan controlled these six giant swords, strangled him all the way down, and soon completely strangled and destroyed the rock giant. Then he stretched his hands downwards, and the six swords were inserted into the broken continent below, from the broken continent. The interior began to destroy.

In the loud noise like the earth was shaking, the Broken Continent finally began to disintegrate, and a large number of bones inside shattered and splashed out.

In the distance, Gu Manyao and the Mother of Origin in her body were watching silently, watching Wang Xuan transform and refine the sixth supreme way of heaven. His strength improved again, and he had already destroyed the ancient giant Kun like a torrent.

Gu Manyao's eyes showed admiration. She understood that Wang Xuan was now getting stronger and stronger, even surpassing most of the ancient giants.

Although Kun has not yet been fully resurrected, so the strength he can exert is not at his peak state, but Gu Manyao believes that even if the ancient giants are fully resurrected, Wang Xuan will definitely be able to deal with them.

Seeing the broken continent being completely destroyed by six giant swords, and countless rocks falling downwards, Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief, and with a move of his right hand, the six giant swords returned to his body, and the six heavenly ways resonated in his body. Intertwined.

This is not his limit. What he has to do now is not only to condense and fuse the five heavenly ways, but to fuse the six heavenly ways into one. This has become more difficult. Of course, once the fusion is completed, his strength will be improved. It will also become scarier.

"Three more to go."

Wang Xuan watched the Broken Continent being completely destroyed, and he mastered the six heavenly ways. Stronger fighting spirit surged in his heart, and he began to go deeper into the abyss of time and space to find the remaining three ancient giants and bring them together. destroy.

"It's just below." Wang Xuan's current speed was astonishing. With Gu Manyao, he moved down deeper into the abyss with almost just a thought, and soon sensed a trace of life.

His consciousness looked towards the direction that released a trace of life breath, but what he saw was an egg standing upright in the void. This egg was very huge, almost no smaller than Kun, known as the largest creature in the ancient times. It covered the entire space-time abyss below. All occupied.

Suddenly seeing such an egg, Wang Xuan frowned. Could it be that this egg is also an ancient giant? Or is there an ancient giant sleeping in this egg?

His spiritual consciousness peered into the egg, wanting to see what was going on, but what he didn't want to see was that the power of time and space was hidden inside the egg. His spiritual consciousness was almost dragged down by the power of time and space just after taking a peek. Got in.

Wang Xuan immediately put away his consciousness, and his face showed a trace of solemnity. He felt uncomfortable just now, and this egg made him feel a little afraid.

"Mother Goddess, do you know what this egg is about?" Wang Xuan is not familiar with the ancient giant gods, but as the mother of origin, she naturally knows more than he does.

"This contains the power of time and space... time and space... this may be an existence called the father of time and space..."

"Father of Time and Space? Is there such a thing among the ancient giants?" Wang Xuan showed a hint of curiosity.

The Mother Goddess said: " is said to be the father of time and space. It actually describes the power of time and space that appeared at the beginning of the ancient era. There is a saying that the time and space of the ancient era came from it, so it is called the father of time and space. father……"

"But I never imagined that the so-called father of time and space would actually be in the form of an egg. The material contained in this egg is the form that existed when time and space began to operate. It is very terrifying and cannot be touched."

Wang Xuan nodded slightly and said: "It's really scary here. I can't imagine what the consequences will be if you destroy this egg." Although he had just mastered the sixth heavenly way and even Kun was killed by him, facing this egg , but he hesitated, a little afraid to take action.

"Don't worry about's scary, but I think it won't threaten us..."

After the mother goddess finished speaking, Gu Manyao asked curiously: "Why doesn't it threaten us?"

Since this egg is so terrifying, we should take this opportunity to destroy it in advance.

Wang Xuan understood the meaning of the Mother Goddess and explained: "This so-called father of time and space is not actually a real life form. This is just the starting point of time and space in the ancient times. Although he is revered as the father of time and space, he is given It has assumed the position of one of the ancient giants, but this father of time and space... is not a living being in the sense we understand, and does not have self-awareness, so it will not get out of here, let alone harm or destroy anyone... …”

"Anyway, we just have to ignore it."

After Wang Xuan explained this, Gu Manyao also understood and said: "So that's it. If that's the case, then let's just ignore it and go find the remaining two ancient giants."

Wang Xuan nodded, and took Gu Manyao, carefully avoiding the giant egg that contained the beginning of time and space, and began to search for the last two ancient giants.

"This ancient giant is indeed terrifying... Even something like the Father of Time and Space exists, and I don't know what the remaining two ancient giants are..."

Wang Xuan thought that according to the current rules, it seemed that in the abyss of time and space, the weaker the ancient giants were, the higher they were, and the more powerful giants were hidden deeper. However, the father of time and space was already powerful enough to transcend the category of ordinary living beings. What else could there be? Can the existence of a giant god surpass the father of time and space?

"However, this Father of Time and Space can be said to be the most terrifying, but it can also be said to be the least terrifying. As long as you don't provoke it, there should be no serious consequences."

Wang Xuan pondered, becoming more and more curious about the remaining two ancient giants.

In his powerful spiritual induction, he finally reacted. A vague consciousness seemed to be shrouding the abyss of time and space. He had not sensed it before. It was not until this moment that the other party seemed to intend to contact him, and he reacted. .

"Are you one of the last two remaining ancient giants?"

Wang Xuan immediately stopped and looked around carefully, also in contact with the vague consciousness. While asking questions, he wanted to capture the specific location of the other party.

It's a pity that this vague consciousness did not respond to his question, but seemed to be absent. Wang Xuan was unable to accurately locate the other party for a while.

"Mother Goddess, are you sensing this? Do you know the identity of the other party?" Wang Xuan knew that the Mother of Origin in Gu Manyao's body was also sensing this vague consciousness, and immediately wanted to hear her opinion.

"The other party seems to be everywhere, but also doesn't seem to exist...Who could this be..."

This time even the Mother Goddess couldn't figure out the other party's identity.

Wang Xuandao: "There are ten ancient giants in total. Apart from the eight we have met so far, who are the remaining two ancient giants?"

"The remaining two, one is called the Lord of Consciousness, and the other is called the head of the ten ancient giants and is respected as the Ancient Lord, but what exactly are these Lords of Consciousness and the Ancient Lord like? Form, what kind of existence... but no one knows..."

"The Lord of Consciousness, the Ancient Lord?" Wang Xuan frowned and said, "Is this vague consciousness the so-called Lord of Consciousness?"

"It's very possible that this consciousness shows up on its own initiative but doesn't communicate with us... What exactly does the other party want to express?"

Wang Xuandao: "You will know after you try it." As he spoke, he released his powerful consciousness, trying to lock in this vague consciousness.

Unfortunately, as his powerful spiritual consciousness was released, this vague consciousness disappeared.

Wang Xuan was stunned, looking at the abyss of time and space below. After pondering, he decided to go deeper and see what happened.

Finally, he came to the end of the abyss of time and space. There was a white light hidden at the end that he could see. When he followed the white light and walked in, he found that he appeared among the mountains, and there was Lang Xu in the distance. The battle between the three giant gods of Heaven, Brahma and Ming.

The battle between the two sides has continued until now, and there is still no winner. Wang Xuan appeared among the mountains, frowning. Unexpectedly, the abyss of time and space was connected end to end. This also meant that he had indeed reached the end of the abyss of time and space just now, but So far, including the Langxu clan, he has met only eight ancient giants, and the last two remaining ones are invisible.

"Is the vague consciousness that I just sensed the master of consciousness?"

"If it is the master of consciousness, it releases the unconsciousness for us to perceive, but it does not communicate with us. What exactly does it want to express?"

Even the father of time and space at least has an existence like an egg, but this master of consciousness is formless and formless. Until now, Wang Xuan can't figure it out.

And the so-called leader of the giants, the ancient lord, Wang Xuan has not even discovered it.

"What should we do now?" Gu Manyao asked: "Should we enter the abyss of time and space again to see what happens?"

"That's what I had in mind, maybe I just overlooked something." Wang Xuan glanced at the battle between the three giant gods and the Langxu clan in the distance, knowing that the three giant gods would not lose to the Langxu clan, and there was no need to worry about them, but with Gu Manyao Then enter the abyss of time and space below.

What surprised Wang Xuan was that he had just entered the abyss of time and space when he saw the giant skeleton dragon coiled together.

The giant dragon came back to life, opened its teeth and claws, and attacked him and Gu Manyao.

"The ancient dragon?" Wang Xuan was stunned. Unexpectedly, the ancient dragon that he destroyed came back to life again. However, his current strength was much improved than before, and he quickly killed the ancient dragon. .

"Maybe this is just an illusion..." Wang Xuan thought that the other party was known as the master of consciousness and might have the ability to control consciousness. Could it be that he and Gu Manyao were controlled by the other party now?

In deep contemplation, they continued going down, and just as he had guessed, they soon encountered a humanoid skeleton with wings.

The humanoid skeleton climbed up while attacking them.

Wang Xuan summoned a giant sword and easily killed and destroyed the humanoid skeleton. The look on his face was already ugly, so he continued.

After that, he met the Chaos Giant God, activating the same Chaos power that he had now. The two Chaos forces fought against each other. Wang Xuan, coupled with the power of the five heavenly ways, quickly destroyed the Chaos Giant God, and then continued Encountered the original giant and the ancestor of fire.

"Does it seem like we have to do it all over again? Lord of Consciousness, it's really not that simple. You should be responsible for all this..."

Wang Xuan looked down at the end of the abyss below, with a solemn expression on his face.

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