The last building on earth

Chapter 743 Ignorance and prehistoric times

Next, Wang Xuan once again encountered the giant god Kun and the father of time and space, and once again reached the end of the abyss of time and space.

Here, he once again felt the vague fluctuation of consciousness, but he could not express the precise position of the other party, nor could he communicate with him.

"Does this belong to the Lord of Consciousness or the Ancient Lord..."

Wang Xuan frowned.

Gu Manyao said: "Since the other party didn't show up, we don't need to pay attention to it. If it wants to deal with us, it will definitely show up on its own initiative."

Wang Xuan nodded and said, "Let's go."

The two of them entered the end of the abyss of time and space with Gu Manyao, and appeared among the mountains again, only to see that the Langxu clan had staggered and fell down like a jade pillar pushing down a golden mountain.

The three giant gods joined forces and finally eliminated the weakest ancient giant named Langxu.

These mountains exist on the back of a giant turtle. The giant turtle crosses the void and seems to exist in its own world, ignoring everything that happens here.

Groups of angels, demons, and mummies rushed toward them. Then three rays of light emerged from the army of angels, demons, and mummies, combining to form three humanoid rays of light in the void, which released consciousness, representing the heavens. The three giant gods of Brahma and Hades.

Wang Xuan first talked about his experience of entering the abyss of time and space, and then asked the three giant gods about the Lord of Consciousness and the Ancient Lord.

After all, the three giant gods once obtained some information about the ancient giants from Father God, and may know about the Lord of Consciousness and the Ancient Lord.

"The Lord of Consciousness exists as an ideology. Similar to the Father of Time, it has transcended the form of living beings in the traditional sense. The Lord of Consciousness can be said to exist in the consciousness of each of our living beings..."

Wang Xuan was secretly shocked by Ming's explanation. This Lord of Consciousness actually exists in the consciousness of every living being?

"Of course, it will not appear in a specific form. It is a formless existence... We don't have to worry about this giant god..."

Wang Xuan nodded slightly and said, "What about the Ancient Lord? What kind of existence is he?"

"The Lord of the Ancient Times... himself is from this ancient era..."

Wang Xuan was startled.

Ming continued: "The ancient giant gods respect this ancient era as the head of the giant gods, and it is the lord of the ancient times."

"It can be said that everything here, including space, time, all matter... you can regard it as a part of the Ancient Lord..."

"I see." Wang Xuan nodded slightly, thinking that since the Lord of Consciousness is a being similar to the Father of Time and Space, he will not threaten the Mother Goddess and those buildings, so ignore them.

"Will the Ancient Lord threaten the Mother Goddess and the building?"

Every building represents the Mother Goddess and endless creatures, and he cannot tolerate the ancient giant destroying them all.

The three giant gods did not answer Wang Xuan immediately, but looked around. Among them, Tian and Brahma were silent. Only Ming said slowly: "Regarding the ancient lord and the lord of consciousness as one of the ancient giants is actually a kind of Wrong statement.”

Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao both looked at Ming, and even the Mother of Origin in Gu Manyao seemed to be curious.

Wang Xuandao: "So, don't the Ancient Lord and the Lord of Consciousness belong to the Ancient Titan?"

"It has always been believed that the Lord of the Ancient Times is the ancient era itself, and the so-called Lord of Consciousness is a kind of will. However, later on, these two were also personified and regarded as one of the giant gods."

"Actually...the Ancient Lord and the Lord of Consciousness are one body and two sides..."

Wang Xuan listened silently. He understood that Tianfan Ming had once challenged the mysterious Father God. Although he was sealed by the Father God, he was also told many secrets by the Father God. What Ming would say now would only lead to the origin mother. God doesn't even know.

"You can think of the Ancient Lord as the body, and the Lord of Consciousness is naturally the soul that controls this body..."

Wang Xuandao: "So, the Ancient Lord and the Lord of Consciousness are actually the same existence? Could it be that... this is God the Father?"

Wang Xuan suddenly thought of the mysterious Father God, and then shook his head, feeling that it didn't make sense.

After all, even the ancient giant god was resurrected because there was something wrong with the baby in the core of Taichu, but the mysterious father god has always existed. Although he has not shown his face until now, Wang Xuan has not seen him.

Sure enough, Ming shook her head and said no. She paused slightly and then continued: "This existence is the God of Obscurity. He is also called the Father of Obscurity. He can be regarded as the second generation Father God."

"The God of ignorance? The second-generation Father God? What is the relationship with the first-generation Father God, Taichu?" Wang Xuan immediately thought of Taichu, who claimed to be the source of everything.

In response to Wang Xuan's questioning, Ming continued: "The God of ignorance is the child of Taichu..."

When Wang Xuan heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief and said: "I understand, ignorance was born in the beginning, and the ignorance's body turned into the ancient lord, and the soul became the lord of consciousness. After that, there were eight ancient giants. , I just don’t understand why these giant gods want to destroy the Mother Goddess and the billions of creatures in those buildings.”

"Taichu is regarded as the father god of the first generation and the origin of everything. Taichu created two children, the God of ignorance and the god of prehistoric times. Of course, they are also called the father of ignorance and the mother of prehistoric times... …”

"These two gods gave birth to the remaining ancient giants... and the ancient giants created the ancient giants..."

Wang Xuan listened quietly, nodded and said: "What about the Mother Goddess and the building? Who created it? The ancient times when the ancient giants existed should be followed by the ancient times and the Ancient Mother Goddess... These ancient giants are not as powerful as the Ancient Mother Goddess. It is impossible for God to create a building and a mother goddess."

Ming Dao: "Yes, of course the mother gods were not created by the ancient giants, and certainly not by the ancient giants... Speaking of the appearance of the mother gods, we have to mention Taichu, who is regarded as all tangible and intangible things. the origin……"

"In the beginning, the two gods of ignorance and prehistoric were created, and ignorance and prehistoric gave birth to the ancient giants, and then to the ancient giants later... If some accidents hadn't happened, I think these ancient giants would have given birth to offspring and reproduced more. life and race... Maybe there will be no mother goddess and building in this world..."

"What kind of accident happened?" Wang Xuan became more and more curious. It could be said that even the Mother of Origin didn't know what he heard now.

"This accident came from the Father God of the First Age... As the ancient giants and ancient giants appeared one after another, there were more and more creatures in the world. The Father God of the First Time, who originally thought that he would exist forever, found that he was gradually weakening... "

When Wang Xuan heard this, he already vaguely understood what was going on, and said: "These gods, giant gods, or giants actually all come from the Father God in the beginning... Their existence has taken away the power and soul of the Father God, so ...Father God will gradually weaken..."

Ming glanced at Wang Xuan approvingly and said: "Yes, I didn't understand it at first, but later I understood that no matter how many universes, time and space there are, how many races or creatures there are, and no matter how many substances or forms there are in this world, all The essence of everything is energy, and the total amount of this energy remains unchanged, neither increasing nor decreasing..."

"The so-called Taichu, the origin of everything...actually, Taichu is the sum of this energy..."

In fact, Wang Xuan had vaguely understood this truth a long time ago. For example, as his strength increases and the energy in his body increases, it must also mean that the energy in certain places is decreasing.

Just like if he absorbs the energy of heaven and earth to strengthen himself, while he is strong, part of the energy of heaven and earth is absorbed, and he will naturally weaken.

Another example is that the Mother Goddess helps him refine his soul and soul to make his Heavenly Dao stronger. The Mother Goddess will also lose energy. Of course, the energy lost by the Mother Goddess can also be recovered through rest. This so-called recovery is actually just absorbing the heaven and earth. It is just natural energy, and new energy will not be born out of thin air.

"So, whether it is ignorance or prehistoric times, or the ancient giants and ancient giants, the energy they possess actually comes from the beginning..."

"When Taichu understood this truth, he began to endow each era with the final catastrophe, allowing life to have length and energy to reincarnate... This is also the real reason for the emergence of the Sea of ​​True Spirit..."

Now Wang Xuan finally understands how such powerful ancient giants and ancient giants fell. All this was because the Father God in the beginning needed to recover energy...

"Of course, the two gods of ignorance and prehistoric, as well as the ancient giants and ancient giants who knew the truth, were not willing to abandon themselves and return to the sea of ​​true spirits. Therefore, the most brutal battle in history broke out between the two sides..."

"This battle is when all living things unite to fight against their creator..."

"This battle lasted for many years. I can't describe the process of this battle..."

When Ming said this, her voice changed slightly. It seemed that she could hardly imagine what kind of battle this would be.

"Although everything originated from Taichu, after so many years, so many powerful beings were born, Taichu's energy was lost, and its strength was severely weakened... So Taichu did not achieve absolute victory..."

"The final result of this battle is what you later know, the destruction of the ancient era and the ancient era, the death of the giant gods and giants..."

"But Taichu has not achieved absolute victory. Both sides can be regarded as losers..."

"Although the giant gods have fallen, Taichu has also suffered heavy losses. Its self-consciousness will collapse and become extinct. Once its self-consciousness is gone, Taichu will be considered dead... Taichu created the Mother Goddess before it was about to perish. , in order to prevent situations like the two ignorant gods or the giant giants from happening again, the created mother goddesses were bound in the building. It is precisely because of the constraints of the building that the offspring created by the mother gods are becoming more and more numerous. The weaker it is, the more existence that can challenge Taichu like the Ancient Titan can no longer be born..."

Wang Xuan finally understood after hearing this. It turned out that the mother goddesses were also created by Taichu.

Suddenly thinking of something, Wang Xuan immediately said: "Back then, I found the baby in the core of the land of Taichu, devouring all the power of the true spirit. Could it be said that... Taichu was not completely destroyed? That baby was his queen. Hand? He wants to be resurrected again?"

"It's just that the baby was disturbed and destroyed because of our intrusion, and the absorbed true spirits also returned one after another, leading to the resurrection of the giant gods... I just don't understand. Although the mother goddess was created by Taichu, the giant gods Why do you want to destroy all the Mother Goddess and buildings?”

Ming looked at Wang Xuan and said slowly: "This is because it comes from a legend...the real reason why the Mother Goddess was created in the beginning..."

Wang Xuanyi was startled and said: "The reason why the Mother Goddess was created in the beginning?"

"Yes, haven't you ever thought about why Taichu spent so much effort to create a group of mother goddesses and buildings before it was about to perish?"

Wang Xuandao: "At that time, almost all living things were extinct. Maybe Taichu just didn't want living beings to become extinct, so it created a group of mother goddesses and gave them the mission and ability to create new living beings..."

Ming shook his head and said: "But there is a legend that the real purpose of creating the Mother Goddess in the beginning is because it needs the help of the Mother Goddess to come back to life..."

"It is said that the self-consciousness of Taichu has not been completely extinct... but there is hope that it will wake up again in the future and regain everything that originally belonged to it... Let everything return to the state of Taichu..."

"It is precisely because of this legend that the first thing the ancient giants did when they were resurrected was to completely destroy the mother goddess and the building, and eliminate all living creatures in the building..."

Suddenly, the voice of the Mother of Origin sounded from Gu Manyao's body: "Did the Father God tell you all this?"

"Not bad..." Ming glanced at Gu Manyao. With her ability, she could naturally see through all illusions. What she saw in her eyes was the essence of the Mother of Origin.

"Who is that Father God? Why does he know all this?" Wang Xuan had this doubt.

"This Father God..."

Ming paused slightly when he said this, and then continued: "This Father God... is the God of ignorance..."

Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao were shocked when they heard this. The God of Obscurity is the child of the beginning, and even the ancient giants were created by it and the God of Prehistoric Times. However, the real ignorance has been divided into the Ancient Lord and the Consciousness. The Lord, no longer a real living being, how could he become the mysterious Father God again?

As if aware of Wang Xuan's doubts, Ming continued: "The once ignorant god naturally no longer exists, but a little bit of its self-consciousness has remained. Later, the remaining little self-consciousness awakened and knew everything... Of course, at that time, he no longer had the power he once had as the ignorant god. After becoming the father god, he combined with a mother god and gave birth to the three of us..."

"But it's a pity that although the three of us are called giant gods, we don't have the power of a true giant. In terms of individual power, it is barely equivalent to a mother goddess. The three of us join forces and can barely compare to the most powerful one." The weak ancient giant..."

"The upper limit of all our creatures seems to be locked. No matter who we are, we can't surpass the level of the Mother Goddess..."

"Since even the God of ignorance can leave a trace of his own consciousness and then awaken, how much less the beginning? Therefore, the God of ignorance firmly believes that Taichu will definitely leave his own consciousness and will definitely awaken..."

"In order to find the self-consciousness left behind in the beginning, the God of ignorance has never revealed his true identity, but exists as the Father God. In endless years, he finally caught a trace..."

Ming said this and looked at Gu Manyao. On Gu Manyao's body, white light rose up and gradually transformed into a beautiful and noble female form, which was the incarnation of the Mother of Origin.

"These clues point all the information to the building you are in, the Building of Origin. The original self-consciousness will awaken in the Building of Origin... This is also the real reason why the three of us entered the Building of Origin..."

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