The last building on earth

Chapter 744 The Origin of Wang Xuan (Wish Everyone a Happy New Year)

Wang Xuan listened quietly, his heart was shaken beyond measure.

Will the original self-consciousness awaken in the Tower of Origin? This is also the real reason why the three giants want to gain a foothold in the Tower of Origin, simply because they are all looking for the original self-consciousness.

"That's wrong." Suddenly, Wang Xuan shook his head and said: "If that Father God is really the awakened self-consciousness of the ignorant God, he has been recognized by many Mother Gods and has become a Father God, and he must be able to destroy Building of Origin, if we can really confirm that Taichu’s self-consciousness will awaken in the Building of Origin, and directly destroy the Building of Origin, won’t everything be solved?”

"That's because the God of ignorance is looking for the original self-consciousness, not to destroy it..."

Ming's words made Wang Xuan even more confused. At the beginning of the year, Taichu fought against the ignorant, prehistoric, and many giant gods and ancient giants. Both sides could be said to have become mortal enemies. The remaining consciousness of the ignorant awakened and became the later Father God. Searching for the consciousness of the beginning is not to destroy the consciousness of the beginning?

"Isn't it to destroy Taichu's consciousness? What is that for?"

Ming continued: "Because the ignorant ray of consciousness awakens and becomes the Father God, its thoughts, personality and other aspects will change due to subtle influences. Therefore, the Father God believes that even if the wisp of consciousness from the beginning really awakens, it will not be the same. There will definitely be changes... If this ray of consciousness from the beginning is really born from the Tower of Origin, perhaps its position will also change, and it may not think about destroying the Tower of Origin and returning everything to the beginning..."

"Of course, none of this is critical. The most critical thing is that Father God discovered the most terrifying truth during his continuous investigation... In that battle, although both sides seemed to suffer losses and were basically destroyed, Taichu It’s the source of everything…”

Ming paused slightly before continuing: "In the past, Taichu, because of the birth of self-consciousness, this self-consciousness was like a double-sided blade. On the one hand, it was naturally because the birth of self-consciousness would make Taichu Unwilling to weaken, it triggered the catastrophic war, but it was also because of the existence of this self-consciousness that it could restrain the instinct of the beginning..."

"Without the restraint of self-awareness, Taichu's instinct...has gone out of control...According to Father God, in the very core of Taichu's land, Taichu's instinct is gradually awakening...This is the most terrifying thing. "

"The instinct of the beginning?" Wang Xuan thought of the baby he saw in the land of the beginning that swallowed the power of the true spirit. Could it be that the baby was the instinct of the beginning?

After thinking for a while, he asked: "Even if this primitive instinct has awakened, what does it want to do?"

Ming slowly said: "The beginning is actually the general term for energy. It can also be said to be a source point. There is no concept of time, space, and there is no consciousness. Everything comes to one point. This is the origin of the beginning."

"When self-awareness is born in the beginning, this energy will explode, space will begin to appear, and time will begin to run... Then there will be creation and reproduction... When all these evolve to the extreme, the self-awareness of the beginning will become weaker and weaker. In the end, the instinct cannot be restrained, and the original instinct will be out of control..."

"Because the original instinct will save itself, it will forcibly recycle energy...The final result is to destroy everything, all living things will die, including space and time, and everything will return to the starting point..."

Wang Xuan understood after hearing this. Once the primordial instinct goes out of control, it will mean the end of all universe time and space. This primordial instinct will recycle all energy. These beings, whether they are the Three Giant Gods, the Mother Goddess, or billions of creatures. , including time and space, material or non-material, are actually evolved from the energy of the beginning...

"Once Taichu's instinct is out of control, it will recycle all energy. No living thing can stop it. Everything will be extinct and return to one point... The only way to stop it... is Taichu's self-awareness..."

When Ming said this, Wang Xuansuan completely understood why Father God wanted to find Taichu's self-consciousness. His real purpose was to hope that Taichu's self-consciousness could fight against the out-of-control instinct, otherwise they would be destroyed. .

No matter it is the powerful God of Ignorance, the three giant gods of Heaven, Brahma and Pluto, or the Mother Goddess and the countless creatures in the building, they cannot escape this fate.

"We have no way of knowing how many similar reincarnations we have experienced before this, but in this life of ours, no matter what, no one wants to die... The only thing we can do is to fight..."

Wang Xuan nodded slightly and said: "So now, do you have any clues about the self-consciousness of Taichu?"

He also has relatives and loved ones he cares about, and naturally he doesn't want everything to return to the beginning. At this point, the goal of all of them is the same.

"Of course, Wang Xuan, don't you understand? You are Taichu."

Ming's words shocked Wang Xuan, his eyes widened, and he looked at the three giant gods in front of him.

"Me? Is Taichu?" Wang Xuan was a little hard to understand. Everything he could know came from what Ming just said. He had no feeling about the so-called Taichu self-consciousness.

"Yes, the trace of self-consciousness that remains from the beginning is in your body. Wang Xuan, this is also the main reason why you can reach this state today. Even we are locked in the state and cannot surpass the Mother Goddess. If it weren't for Because of the original self-awareness, how could you reach the state of being now?"

Following Ming's words, Wang Xuan's mind was a little confused. He thought that Tang Ruoyu was Tian's child. His memory had been sealed and he was sent to the novice area. Obviously, his real purpose was to recognize himself. He had never understood that Tian was like this before. What was the purpose of doing it, and now he finally understood that it was all because they believed that the ray of self-consciousness from the beginning was in his body.

"The Taichu instinct has been completely out of control, and the impact is getting more and more serious... We don't have time, we must awaken the Taichu consciousness in your body as soon as possible."

Wang Xuan still finds it difficult to accept that he will have the Taichu Consciousness in his body, but Ming is right. If it were not for the Taichu Consciousness, how could he possess the six supreme heavens, and his current achievements far surpass the Mother Goddess.

"Then how to awaken the original consciousness?"

"Go to the Tower of Origin and look for Father God. Father God will naturally tell you."

Wang Xuanyi was startled and said: "Father God is in the Tower of Origin?"

This time, even the Mother Goddess of Origin was stunned. She is the Mother Goddess of the Building of Origins. It can be said that everything in the entire building is under her control. This Father God is hidden in the Building of Origins, but she never knew?

"Let's go, get out of here." Following Ming's words, the glorious figures of the three giant gods began to disappear, and the army of angels, demons and mummies began to leave here.

Wang Xuan calmed down, took a deep breath, and activated the power of time. The river of time appeared and soon flooded the ancient world. They will follow the river of time and return to the original world.

Now Wang Xuan is getting stronger and stronger, and the six supreme heavenly paths are intertwined. Under his promotion, the long river of time is roaring, and soon they will return to the infinite dark world along the long river of time.

"In the Tower of Origin, is Father God, who has awakened the consciousness of the God of ignorance, hidden there?"

Wang Xuan also felt unbelievable, but he believed that the three giant gods would not lie, so he began to take Gu Manyao to the Tower of Origin. Ming's voice sounded in his mind again: "Actually, from the moment you enter the Tower of Origin, God Father will I noticed you, go back to the starting point where you entered the Building of Origin, and you will naturally see Father God..."

Hearing Ming's words, Wang Xuan nodded, indicating that he understood, took one step forward, traveled through infinite dark time and space, and soon returned to the Building of Origin.

"Ever entered the starting point of the Building of Origin?"

Wang Xuan whispered to himself, took another step, and walked out of the infinite darkness of time and space, appearing in front of a square, which was Longmao Square.

He thought that when he entered the Building of Origin, he entered the underground parking lot of Longmao Plaza with Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei and others, and then was trapped in the Building of Origin. It can be said that the underground parking lot of Longzang Square, That's where it all starts.

However, what does Ming mean when he says that Father God is at the starting point? Could it be that Father God is hidden in the underground parking lot?

(First of all, I wish you all a happy New Year. I didn’t expect anyone to be sick. I don’t know if it’s influenza A or the sun again. I feel sore all over, have a headache, sore throat, and feel groggy. Yesterday I felt a little sick, but today it’s serious. I can barely keep writing this much. , this book is coming to an end, and a new book is being conceived)

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