The eyes of the snake shadow finally revealed an ecstatic look.

A series of strange and bizarre lines began to flash with not so strong black light, and the altar began to emit a heavy and hoarse muffled sound.

Those exotic flowers and plants with extremely high energy density began to shrivel rapidly, and the pure and dense energy poured into Mu Qingzhi's body.

Let her body, which already had extraordinary potential, become even stronger and more able to accept the soul of the Demon Lord!

Mu Qingzhi closed her eyes, her face was neither sad nor happy, only a thin trace of tears remained in the corners of her eyes.

As the ceremony progressed, her skin gradually became snow-white and flawless, her facial contours remained unchanged, but her facial features became more and more exquisite and eye-catching.

Her figure became taller and thinner, and her temperament was better than the lotus in the summer night.

Her long hair was flowing, and each strand of black hair shone with a bright light.

Her originally beautiful face became more and more stunning.

The snake shadow shook its head and comforted Mu Qingzhi softly.

"Good sister, take a nap. As a gift to you, I will help you kill Huang Shao. And those awakeners who bullied you in your previous life, I will help you kill them all. Okay, okay, you won't ask me to help you catch Shen Chen, right..."

"Wonderful." A voice came from the darkness in the distance.

Then there was a clearer sound of footsteps.

The snake shadow paused and slowly turned his eyes.

Seeing the person coming, the snake shadow's eyes sparkled slightly, spit out the snake's tongue, and said coquettishly-

"Shen Chen, the man that Qingzhi likes, do you think I should...should I let you go?"

Shen Chen clapped his hands and said with a smile-

"I was thinking about it too. You said that I should detain a demon lord as a dog. What means should I use?"


As soon as this was said, both sides began to laugh.

Urgos, known as the snake of fate, can see the fate of all spirits in the world. Can see through the time track covered by the fog.

The most mysterious existence among the demon lords.

In the previous life, she and Xeras came to the planet through the gate of the abyss five years after the end of the world.

In this life, as the snake of fate, it is not surprising that she has seen some secrets of time reversal and made some "changes".

Yes, she is not Xeras, but the snake of fate-Urgos.

"I borrowed three demon seeds from Xeras, and two of them were destroyed by you."

The snake twisted its body and narrowed its eyes.

"Really naughty..."

Shen Chen laughed softly, and his eyes also showed... a look of excitement.


Qingdu Mansion.

In a room.

Cui Xiaoming suddenly opened his eyes, and what came into his eyes was Huang Shao's face.

"Oh? Your Excellency the Governor, you are awake."

Huang Shao raised the corner of his mouth, stood up and took two steps back.

" want..."

Before Cui Xiaoming finished speaking, he felt a sense of weakness and hoarseness in his voice.

He felt that his body did not belong to him, as if it was being controlled by something. The sound of scriptures chanting in his ears made his brain dizzy.

At this time, Cui Xiaoming had to open his eyes wide and madly accuse Huang Shao of his crimes.

However, no matter who was in the field, they either lowered their heads or looked at him indifferently...

It's over!

This was the only thought in Cui Xiaoming's mind.

Huang Shao raised a finger to his mouth, silencing him——


"Relax, Your Excellency the Governor, your body will not be physically damaged."

"In order to let you sit in this position, I have lost a lot of hair..."

Huang Shao smiled, but Cui Xiaoming couldn't stop shaking all over.

"Governor, let me count how long I have been waiting for this day."

Huang Shao counted on his fingers, with an excited smile on his face.

"Thirty-seven years, nine months, and thirteen days, if you don't count today!"

Cui Xiaoming couldn't listen anymore, he started shaking his head, his fat body shaking.

Huang Shao's excited smile slowly faded, and he looked at Cui Xiaoming.

"Do you know where I am from?"

Before Cui Xiaoming could react, he immediately turned around and asked the man with gold-rimmed glasses:

"Do you know? Where am I from?"

The man with gold-rimmed glasses lowered his head to avoid.

"What about you? Do you know?"

Huang Shao's eyes quickly turned to the monk next to him. His eyes were always cold and he was also silent.

"You won't say anything, right? You're afraid of angering me. Okay! Then I'll say it myself!"

Huang Shao cleared his throat nervously and said proudly:

"I'm Huang Shao, from Wangjiazhuang, Huangshan, Qingdu!"

Then Huang Shao came closerCui Xiaoming said softly--

"Do you know what this means? Your Excellency the Governor, do you know how long it took me to walk from Huangshan to the Governor's Mansion? I am 47 years old this year. Your Excellency the Governor, I have walked for 37 years since I made up my mind at the age of 10. You must not understand the meaning of it.

"After all, you are a member of the Cui family, so it is natural for you to sit in this position."

"Do you want to know how I spent these 37 years?"

Cui Xiaoming shook his head frantically until he saw Huang Shao's increasingly gloomy face and nodded frantically.

Huang Shao smiled with satisfaction and pulled a chair over, as if he wanted to talk to his old friend.

"Your Excellency the Governor, I was born in a poor peasant family, yes, that kind of humble rural land, a place you will never visit in your life.

"Since I started school, I have been experiencing a common and typical product of educational failure in the impoverished areas of the empire, bullying. Yes, they would tease my clothes and pants, and I would break my nose for fun.

"Guess what the reason is, they said I looked like someone who deserved a beating, hahahaha.

"I guess you must want to ask me why I didn't tell my parents and teachers, right? Haha, let me think about how I should express it, that is..."

"I will never forget the scene of my parents sending me to school with cold eyes every day. They kept cursing me in their hearts why I insisted on going to school instead of staying in the fields to help them plow the fields.

"I will also never forget the look of my teacher who laughed at me as if I was looking at a fool when I said in class that my ideal was to enter the Qingdu Governor's Mansion..."

"You don't understand how heavy a blow those things are to a half-grown child... When I was ten years old, I once tried to commit suicide.


Huang Shao's face twisted in anger.

"Someone told me that if I died like this, almost everyone would applaud! I changed my mind, I insisted on living on!

"Later, I wore glasses, even though I was not nearsighted. I just wanted to make myself more elegant. I thought, would this make me more likable to teachers and classmates?

"Guess what!"

Huang Shao slapped his thigh, as if he remembered the funniest thing-

"Later, I had one more game every day-looking for lost and broken glasses."


Everyone present, except Cui Xiaoming, lowered their heads and listened secretly.

"I spent my childhood, junior high school and high school in loneliness and gloom. Then, you would never guess which direction the story would develop...

"That was a crazy turn that could be written into the script-"

Huang Shao's eyes lost focus at this moment, as if he was recalling something that happened a long time ago.

Mumbled absentmindedly-

"I was admitted to the Imperial Capital University..."

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