On the altar, Mu Qingzhi was being washed by energy. Shen Chen and Sheying were waiting at the same time.

"Shen Chen, you really surprised me..."

Sheying's eyes flickered, and he continued to exhale.

"At least, you really shouldn't have appeared in Qingdu..."


Shen Chen showed a proper look of doubt on his face.

"As the Serpent of Destiny, is there anything that surprises you?"

"Of course... If I were really omniscient and omnipotent, how could I be just a demon lord?"

Shenying's voice was resentful, scolding Shen Chen for his ignorance.

"Let me think about it..." Shen Chen was thinking.

"You are the Serpent of Destiny. You suddenly noticed... time? Destiny? A series of anomalies, so you borrowed three demon seeds from another demon lord, Xerath...

"Then he was willing to take the risk to cross the unstable gate of the abyss, and his clone landed in Qingdu. And accidentally found an excellent 'container' Mu Qingzhi, and parasitized in her mind? "

The snake stared at Shen Chen with a smile on his face, but did not respond.

Shen Chen continued:

"Then you first planted the third demon seed in Mu Qingzhi's brother, and trained him to be an obedient toy, that is... that demon. Then you secretly approached Huang Shao, a senior official in the Governor's Office, and planted the second demon seed. "

After knowing that Mu Qingzhi was the eyeless green corpse, Shen Chen investigated her information and learned that she had a brother.

The snake laughed-

"Shen Chen, you are so smart, I like you so much. Then what?"

"Later, Mu Yan looked for energy plants for you under your order, and then he set his eyes on a frost crystal lotus excavated by an archaeological company. He tried to snatch it but failed, and was accidentally followed by Shangguan Yun. "

The snake sneered-

"That waste, it's really a waste of my demon seed."

Then the snake changed his tone again, and looked at Shen Chen with sparkling eyes.

"Speaking of that crow boy, do you know how he is now? "

Shen Chen paused-

"You infected him and turned him into a zombie."

"Hahahahahahaha!" Snake Shadow laughed wildly, like the surprise of a toy that was finally appreciated by others.

"Oh, I didn't do anything bad. After all, in another timeline, he finally became a low-level mutant... I just advanced his time a little..."


Shen Chen murmured in his heart. In his previous life, Shangguan Yun was infected with black fog for some reason and became a "Black Crow Corpse". After the battle of the Green Corpse, he seized the crystal source of the Green Corpse and became one of the most powerful corpse kings in the doomsday.


"Then we met!" Snake Shadow interrupted Shen Chen.

Shen Chen's expression remained unchanged and continued:

"In the 403 block, after I tracked down the store based on the compass's ability to "trace the crime", you discovered my existence.

"So you had to shrink your consciousness and return the control of your body to Mu Qingzhi. During this transformation, Mu Qingzhi fell into a short coma, fell to the ground, and bleed.

"Yes, yes! It was a close call!"

"Then, you secretly guided the demon named Mu Yan to pass by me, trying to lead me away, but I was indifferent..."

"Yes." Snake Shadow narrowed his eyes.

"But you still escaped the compass's "discrimination of evil", which interrupted my clues again."

Snake Shadow looked at Shen Chen quietly, silent.

"Later, you knew the failure of Mu Yan's action and the whereabouts of Frost Crystal Lotus, so you deliberately came to the auction house and created a zombie to cause chaos. Maybe you wanted to take the opportunity to take Frost Crystal Lotus, but after seeing me in the box, you immediately gave up the idea and didn't want to attract my attention. "

"Oh, that's about it!"

Snake Shadow exclaimed in surprise.

"But! At the auction, I did want to get the Frost Crystal Lotus, but I didn't want to steal it in the chaos. Instead, I threatened a young master of the Wei family and asked him to auction it off legally and reasonably. "

When she said "legally and reasonably", she emphasized her tone.

"But later, sister Qingzhi ran into you in the box, so I naturally didn't want to do that. I was really afraid of being followed by you. As for the zombies... I just made one for fun, hahahaha!"

"Okay." Shen Chen had a blank expression.

"You are so heartless, Shen Chen. When you were in the box, you didn't even look at our sister Qingzhi."

"Then Mu Yan led me to your lair, it doesn't look like you did it on purpose..."

"How could I deliberately let you go over and find out the truth..."

The snake shadow was sneering-

"That idiot! It really made me see the bottom line of human stupidity."

"That's because of my existence, you have to speed up"I have a plan. While I am still trapped in the old nest, you go to the hospital and kill Mu Qingzhi's mother first..."

"Then I found Shangguan Yun, snatched the Frost Crystal Lotus, and rushed to Qingdu University. I used some method to bring down the thick black fog and started the ceremony."

The snake shadow screamed loudly-

"Yes! Shen Chen, I admit that you are a little smart, but I want to know..."

The snake shadow's voice softened again, and he exhaled faintly-

"I am waiting for the ceremony to be completed and the real body to come. What are you waiting for?"


As soon as the voice fell, a dense and dazzling halo appeared on the altar.

Black lines began to appear on Mu Qingzhi's face, adding a few weirdness.

On the altar, there seemed to be a crack that did not exist in this space.

A strong and terrifying breath began to emanate, slowly approaching Mu Qingzhi's mind.


Shen Chen grinned.

"I'm also waiting for your true body to come."


"Maybe it was an accident, or maybe not, there's no way to verify it."

Huang Shao was still in a daze, murmuring as if in a dream.

"I only remember that a high official from the Governor's Office came to my old, low-rise house and smiled at me gently and kindly.

"My stupid and cowardly parents panicked and prepared two plates of broad beans and a plate of peanuts. The high official waved his hand and said that he had a poor appetite...

"Those days were the most glorious days of my life. My mean teacher, arrogant principal, vulgar classmates, and all kinds of people rushed to me and gave me the most sincere blessings... to send me on the train to the capital."

When Huang Shao said this, even the man with gold-rimmed glasses couldn't help but lean forward slightly, wanting to listen more carefully.

Only Cui Xiaoming's shoulders trembled, but he didn't dare to make any other movements.


"The Imperial University became the nightmare of my life."

Huang Shao's eyes widened, as if he was recalling something bad.

He came back to his senses and forced a smile.

"In that place, mediocrity is the most serious sin! I'm not even a transparent person. On the contrary, I became a celebrity in the school.

"Even on par with the proud children of Shen Fei, because I was too mediocre and completely incompatible with the Imperial University."

"In those years, I was like an ant looking at the blue sky. There were countless children of noble families, and there were entertainment methods that I couldn't imagine. They had privileges and wealth that made me stare at the sky..."

Huang Shao sighed.

"I'm sorry, Your Excellency the Governor, I can no longer describe the shock and horror of that rural child when he first entered the Imperial Capital."

"In this empire, the gap between people sometimes exceeds the species gap between humans and livestock..."

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